Record date and ex-dividend date for mutual funds


Record date and ex-dividend date for mutual funds

Dividend mutual funds are mutual funds that invest in stocks that pay dividends. Investors in these funds can reinvest the dividends into more shares of the funds or use the dividends as an income stream. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of mutual fund and some alternative investment options. Dividend mutual funds hold stocks of publicly traded companies that pay regular cash dividends, often every fiscal quarter. Companies pay dividends to reward shareholders for their investment in the company. If you own stocks of dividend-paying companies through a mutual fund, the dividends will be paid to the fund, which will then pass them along to its investors. Dividend mutual funds tend to own shares of established companies that have a long history of paying dividends. These stocks are often referred to as blue chip stocks, after what used to be a high-value color of poker chip. Some dividend mutual funds focus on stocks that pay high dividends that represent a large percentage of their stock price. That percentage--known as dividend yield--is calculated by dividing the annual dividend payout by the share price and multiplying by 100. For example, let's say a stock pays a quarterly dividend of 60 cents a share and trades at $42 a share. Its annual dividend payout would be $2.40. When you divide that figure by $42 and multiply it by 100, you arrive at a dividend yield of 5.71%. The names of these funds might include phrases like "Dividend Yield" or "High Dividend." In August 2020, the dividend yield of the Standard & Poor's 500 was 1.71%, compared with a long-term average of 1.87%. Other dividend mutual funds focus on stocks that are regularly increasing the amounts of their dividends. These funds might include phrases like "Dividend Growth" or "Dividend Appreciation" in their names. A dividend mutual fund may invest according to an index that tracks companies that have high dividend yields or that have a history of increasing their dividends. For example, the Vanguard High Dividend Yield Index Fund (Admiral Shares) seeks to mimic the return of the FTSE High Dividend Yield Index. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are like mutual funds that are traded like stocks, with constantly changing prices throughout the trading day. (Mutual funds' prices are calculated after trading has ended for the day.) ETFs are frequently designed to reproduce the performance of an index of stocks. And like dividend mutual funds, some of them aim to mimic an index of stocks known for paying high or increasing dividends. For example, the iShares Core Dividend Growth ETF seeks to match the performance of the Morningstar US Dividend Growth Index. Mutual funds and ETFs that seek to mimic an index's performance tend to have lower fees than funds that are actively managed, meaning the funds' managers choose their investments using some sort of screening process rather than passively buy them simply because they're in the benchmark index. Dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) enable investors to buy additional shares or fractions of shares of a single company using their dividend payments. Some publicly traded companies enable you to invest in their stock directly, without using a broker. Alternatively, many online brokers will set up a DRIP for you free of charge. Dividend mutual funds offer a steady stream of income and typically perform better in a bear (down) market than mutual funds that look for stocks with quickly rising share prices, known as growth stocks. In a bull (up) market, dividend funds will likely be outpaced by growth-focused mutual funds. Ordinary dividends, the type you would receive by owning shares of a mutual fund, are taxed as ordinary income, rather than at the lower long-term capital gains tax rate. For that reason, you might consider investing in dividend mutual funds through an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 401(k), or other retirement savings plan, where investments grow tax-deferred until withdrawals begin. You must still report dividend income from mutual funds to the IRS and pay tax on it, even if you have elected to reinvest those dividends into the stock and don't take them in cash. When researching dividend funds, consider looking at their dividend yields based on two different methods. The 30-day SEC yield reflects the dividends paid during the 30 days ended on the last day of the previous month, after deducting the fund's expenses. A mutual fund's trailing-12-month (TTM) yield refers to the percentage of income the fund returned to investors during the past 12 months. In the case of a stock mutual fund, income consists of dividend payments. The Balance does not provide tax, investment, or financial services and advice. The information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of principal. Dividend mutual funds are mutual funds that invest in stocks that pay dividends. Investors in these funds can reinvest the dividends into more shares of the funds or use the dividends as an income stream. Investors must generally pay taxes on dividends from mutual funds as ordinary income, even if the dividends are reinvested. Equity mutual funds can make money throughout the year, either in the form of capital appreciation when stocks within the fund are sold at a profit, or when stocks within the fund pay dividends. Under federal law, mutual funds must distribute capital gains and dividend income at least once during a calendar year, according to the Investor Guide. Three key dates, including the ex-dividend date, determine when and how distributions are made. The process of distributing dividends and capital gains begins with the record date, which usually is set by the fund managers. Investors holding shares on the record date are called shareholders of record, and they're entitled to distributions as fund owners. The next key date, the ex-dividend date, is determined by the record date. The ex-dividend date typically is the day after the record date, and on the ex-dividend date the distribution income to be paid out to shareholders is deducted from a fund's total assets. The payable date, which can be one to several days after the ex-dividend date, is the day when distributions are sent to shareholders who don't want to reinvest this money. Those who want to reinvest have shares automatically purchased for them on the payable date. In 2009, a T. Rowe Price fund called the International Equity Index set a record date of Dec. 15. As a result, the following day, Dec. 16, became the ex-dividend date, and Dec. 17 became the payable date. Mutual fund managers sometimes declare their record dates at the beginning of each year, so you can determine early what the ex-dividend date will be; other companies set their record dates as dividend periods draw to a close. Also, while mutual fund distributions are required at least once a year, many funds provide them multiple times during the year, either semiannually or quarterly. Therefore, your mutual fund may have more than one set of record, ex-dividend and payable dates each year. If you're a shareholder on your mutual fund's record date, you see the share price of your fund drop on the ex-dividend date as the managers set aside money to pay the distribution. So on the record date you might own 100 shares at $24 per share, for a total of $2,400. With a distribution of $1.50 per share, on the ex-dividend date your investment is worth $22.50 per share, not counting any market fluctuations. With reinvestment you retain the same overall value, since you now have 100 shares at $22.50 and 100 shares at $1.50, which equals the same $2,400. But you now owe taxes on that $150 in distribution shares, unless they're held in a tax-deferred account. If an investor owns a stock on the ex-dividend date, the investor is entitled to receive the dividend and it will be deposited in her investment account on the payment date. The day before the ex-dividend date is the last day to buy the stock and still receive the dividend. Corporations are under no obligation to stick to a specific schedule for dividend date so an investor must do a little research and watch the news. Determine the approximate dividend declaration dates of the stocks for which you want the ex-dividend dates. The best resource for this information is the news release listing on the investor page of the company's website. Most companies pay dividends four times a year and there will be a news or earnings release that announces the pertinent dividend dates. Read the dividend news announcements and make note of the date of the announcement, dividend record date and dividend payment date. The announcements are at approximately the same time each year. An important piece of information is the time between the dividend announcement and the record date. Watch the company's news releases for the next dividend announcement. It will be a date close to previous years. Read the dividend announcement and note the dividend record date. Calculate the ex-dividend date. The ex-dividend date is two business days before the record date. Do not count weekends and holidays. Tips Most companies offer email notification of press releases. Sign up on the investor page of the website to get the news as soon as it is released. There are websites that give ex-dividend information for a fee. The provide some information for free, but a paid subscription is required for most of the information. The value of the stock drops on the ex-dividend date by the amount of the dividend. Warnings No dividend is guaranteed or paid on a specific date until it is declared by a company's board of directors. Do not assume a stock will go ex-dividend on a specific date without reading the specific dividend declaration.

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