To be observed by all the members and guests.



1) All Members and Guests are to note that shooting and conduct is to be in accordance with the NRA (National Rifle Association [of Great Britain]) rules and regulations. For reference a copy of the Bisley Bible is available upon request.

2) These Range Safety Regulations govern the safe conduct of shooting on the Huddersfield Rifle Club ranges at Wood Farm, Brockholes Lane, Brockholes and are to be strictly complied with by all users of the ranges. In the interests of safety, any breech of these Regulations is to be reported to a Committee member of the Club.

3) Huddersfield Rifle Club, its Officers, Committee and Members disclaim all responsibility for any accident, injury, loss or damage arising from the non-compliance with these Regulations.

4) Responsibility for the safe custody of firearms or ammunition lies with the individual owner.

5) All shooters must wear hearing protection whilst on the firing point. (see also spectators)

6) The Range Officer for the day is authorised by the Club’s committee to require that all members shall confirm with the above rules. It must be understood that if a member is involved in an accident on the club premises and is not able to give a satisfactory and acceptable explanation, then the member will be held personally responsible.

7) In the event of a member introducing a visitor to shoot as a guest, it is important that the visitor’s attention is drawn to these rules as exhibited on the Club premises.

8) Members introducing a guest are to ensure that they sign the Guest Book.


1. At no time is anybody to proceed forward of the firing point unless the following actions have taken place:-

a. Permission has been sought from the Range Officer.

b. No person/s is/are to go forward of the firing point without a silver disk token.

c. A radio is to be taken forward of the firing point if there is to be more than one group then there is to be a radio with each group.

d. All radios are to be checked:-

i. To ensure that they work.

ii. That they are set on the same frequency.

iii. The Range Officer and those going forward know which frequency the radios are set at.

e. On return to the Firing Point all personnel that have been down range are to advise the range officer of their return and to replace the silver disk token

2. Should it be necessary for an individual or individuals to be down range when shooting is taking place e.g. a working party in the 500 yards Butts and shooting at 200 yards the Range Officers permission is required and the instructions in item 1 above are to be adhered too.

3. If there is any movement of individuals downrange in accordance with item 2 then shooting is to cease, firearms are to be unloaded, bolts out or flags in and the firing point vacated until the Range Officer gives permission to dress forward and for shooting to recommence.


1) All shooters are responsible for ensuring that their firearms and ammunition are safe to use. All firearms and ammunition must be made available for inspection and testing whenever required.

2) At all times firearms must have either a Safety Flag in place or a Safety Flag and the Bolt removed. The Safety Flag must be of a type with a shaft only capable of being inserted into the breech when the breech is empty.

3) Rifles must not be loaded, except when competitors are detailed in the proper firing position on the firing point, the muzzle pointing towards the butts, and the Range Officer has given permission to load and commence firing.

4) At no time may any part of the body be placed in front of the muzzle of a loaded firearm.

5) Upon completion of shooting it is the Registered Keeper responsibility to ensure that the Shooters firearm is safe with a breech flag in place.

6) Aiming or “snapping” an unloaded firearm is NOT allowed except as part of a properly organised Course of Instruction, or when in the firing position on a firing point, and then only if it would, in all respects, be safe to fire a shot.

7) Never allow a rifle to point in the direction of another person, not even when it is thought to be unloaded.

8) When handling or taking a firearm over, always ‘prove’ it by pointing the muzzle upwards in the air and open the breech to see that it is not loaded, and that the magazine is empty and then ensure that there is a Safety Flag inserted into the breech.

9) Do not jest with any firearm or ammunition as this is the cause of many accidents. No person is allowed to make a noise or disturbance likely to disturb a competitor on the firing point.

10) Single round/cartridge only, magazine loading is not permitted at any time on the range at Brockholes.

11) Rifle breeches must be left open with a Safety Flag in the breech except when in use for actual shooting as in Rule 2.

12) No tracer, incendiary, armour piercing, armour piercing incendiary or any other rounds containing and igniferous or explosive substance may be used.

13) Blanks, ballastite and similar types of cartridge can be lethal and should be treated in the same manner as ball ammunition.

14) No Monolithic or machined bullets are to be discharged on any of the ranges.

15) Only Rifles and ammunition of the approved pattern may be used.

The range limits are:-

Maximum calibre .577 inch / 14.65mm

Maximum muzzle velocity 3275 ft/sec / 1000 m/sec

Maximum muzzle energy 5160 ft/lbs / 7000 Joules.

If in doubt, advice should be sought from the Range Officer, or a member of the Committee.

16) Ammunitions sold by the Club to members strictly for use on the firing point and must not be taken away from the premises. Unused ammunition and empty cases must be returned to the ammunition officer, range officer, or other officer of the club. Ammunition can be purchased from the club but cannot be removed from the range unless it is entered into the Members Fire Arms Certificate – subject to any conditions imposed by the issuing authority.

17) Shooting must not proceed whenever the red flag is hoisted at the firing point, in the butts, or whenever the target has been half masted. Rifle breeches must be cleared in these circumstances and Safety Flag inserted into the breech.

18) Only Target Rifles, F Class Rifles, and Match Rifles may use the electronic targets. Military rifles and Sporting rifles MAY NOT use the electronic target until the accuracy of the rifle and or rifle and shooter has been confirmed as being of a standard whereby the risk of damage to the targets electrical components is minimised.

19) Shooters will be required to prove their competency at 200 yards before proceeding to 500 yards.


In the event of failure by the electronic targets.

1) Markers are to enter and leave the butts by the recognised routes. Markers and all others in the butts must remain within the protection of their gallery and under the mantlet while shooting is in progress. Ear protection must be worm by all who are in the butts during shooting.

2) No person is to leave the butts at any time after shooting has commenced. Personnel in the butts may only leave the butts when told to do so by the Butts Officer and that ALL the targets are at half mast and the red flag or paddle is raised.

3) At all times communication is to be maintained between the Range Officer on the firing point and the Butts Officer by either telephone or two way radio or both. Until communication has been established between the firing point and the butts ALL targets are to remain at half mast and the red flag or paddle raised.

4) Should communication be lost at any time during the shoot the targets are to be set at half mast and the red flag or paddle raised and wait for the either communication to be re-established or for the range officer to establish contact.

5) On no account is any object to be thrown or placed upon the face of the butt or mantlet.

6) Butts must be tidied before the marker leaves their position.

7) Butt parties are to comply with all and any instructions given by the Butts Officer.


1) Spectators are to remain behind the firing point – preferably in the paved seated area at the high level behind the benchrest.

2) Spectators are to comply with any instructions given by the Range Officer.

3) Spectators must take precautions to protect their hearing.

4) Spectators seated immediately behind the firing points are requested to remain as quiet as possible and remain seated whilst shooting is in progress.


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