Hostos Community College (CUNY)

Hostos Community College (CUNY)

Syllabus Checklist for Writing Intensive (WI) Courses 

Course Name _Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management__________

Course Number _______DEN 223_____________ Credit Value __1.5__

English/ESL Level Required___ENG 110__ (Identify Pre- and/or Co-Requisite)

Department _Allied Health_____  

Submitted by ___Prof. Diana Macri_________

Date _________________________  

1.     Indicate which of the following informal “writing-to-learn” activities you plan to utilize in your WI course. After each item you check, indicate the frequency with which you plan to utilize each activity. Please provide examples of some “writing-to-learn” assignments or activities.  

| |Once/Month |Twice/Month |Once/Week |

|Summary Writing | | | |

|Journal/log writing | | | |

|Double or triple-entry journal | | | |

|Letter Writing | | | |

|Online discussion/forum | | |Each week students will respond |

| | | |to a question on the Blackboard |

| | | |discussion board related to the |

| | | |week’s topic. Students are |

| | | |encouraged to respond to each |

| | | |other’s posts and to open new |

| | | |topics of discussion which |

| | | |interest them. |

|Responding to prepared questions | | | |

|Defining key terms or concepts | | | |

|Personal Response Writing | | | |

|Free Writing | | | |

|E-mail Exchanges | | | |

|Other (Please specify) | | | |

2. The WI guidelines require a minimum of 10-12 pages of formal writing in all WI courses. Indicate which of the following formal writing assignments you plan to use in your WI course. Indicate also the number of pages of writing you require for each type of assignment.

| |Number of Pages |

|Personal Response Essay |4-5 pages |

|Summary Essay | 2 pages |

|Expository Essay | |

|Compare/Contrast Essay | |

|Research Paper | |

|Book Report | |

|Lab Report | |

|Poster Presentation | |

|Other (Please Specify): Mission Statement |2 pages |

|Thank You Letters | 4 separate letters, 1 page each (4 total) |

|Total Number of Pages of Formal Writing |12-13 pages |

3.     Of the total number of formal writing assignments you plan to give in your WI course, indicate the percentage of assignments in which students will have the opportunity to revise and resubmit their work for evaluation.  

10-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% 

4.     Indicate the total number of exams you plan to give in your WI course. Then indicate what percentage of these exams requires writing by students. (Note: Exams do not need to contain writing.)   50 % (The students will take two exams; one will be an essay exam.)

5.     WI guidelines stipulate that grades in WI courses “should be based in substantial part on students’ written work.” In determining the final grade for your WI course, indicate what percentage of the grade involves written work by students. Circle one.

  10-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100%  

6.     Does the syllabus for your WI course clearly indicate the type of written work to be completed at particular times in the semester? Yes

7.     Please identify or explain any terms you use in your WI syllabus for types of writing assignments that correspond to other commonly used labels (e.g., writing exercise for composition or reaction paper for personal response essay). I have chosen to utilize the Blackboard discussion board as the venue for the students’ informal writing. However, I also encourage them to use this forum to discuss any subject matter which has piqued their interest. This is discussed with the students at the beginning of the semester and they are reminded by regular announcements posted on Blackboard. So, in addition to writing about the topics which we cover in class, they have the additional opportunity to write about matters which they may feel especially passionate about which is not officially part of the coursework. Ethics, or violations of ethical principles, are reported on regularly in the media and I have found that my students enjoy dissecting the incidents.

8. Along with your WI course syllabus, please provide examples of written assignments which comprise the formal writing assignments for this course. Please see attached assignments.

Please refer to the Reflective Essay below for inclusion with the WI Checklist:

In an essay of approximately 250-300 words, please consider the following questions:

• What is the most important thing (i.e. habit/skill/body of knowledge) for students to learn in this course?

• How will the writing assignments in this syllabus enable students to learn this?

• How does this WI section differ from a non-WI section of the same course?

• What do you hope students will learn about writing in this course?

• What are some challenges, related to the writing-intensive aspects of this course that might arise for you and your students?

• What have you learned from the experience of creating this WI syllabus?

Reflective Essay

I immediately knew this course, Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management, would fit perfectly into the objectives of the WAC Initiative. Understanding the importance of ethical conduct is the most important thing they will learn in this class. Ethics is heavily rooted in philosophy, a subject which is challenging and requires a great deal of introspection on the part of the student. The writing assignments offer students an opportunity to break down core components of the subject matter and explore their own views on morality and justice. In so doing, they come to understand there is great diversity in what people believe is ethical behavior. As a society they must respect others beliefs even if they do not agree with them. However, as dental hygienists they must adhere to the Code of Ethics promulgated by the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, the professional organization for dental hygienists. These are concepts they have never explored prior to my class so there is some trepidation and fear of the unknown. The writing allows them to communicate thoughts and feelings which most of them have never expressed before (or have even thought to express).

Aside from the language (English is a second language for 90% of my students), the greatest challenge my students face is overcoming their previous educational experiences. They are used to traditional teaching and assessment methods which rarely encouraged writing. It’s my opinion that their fear of writing is based mostly on their lack of experience with it and that once they practice it, they will enjoy it. This semester, 13 of my students participated in the 2015 Adrienne Weiss Women's History Month Essay Contest and one of them won First Prize. It is incredibly exciting for me to have had that experience and positive reinforcement so early in the development of this course.

I hope that students will learn that writing has many benefits; that it is therapeutic and a skill that requires continued practice and that it will open many doors for them in their professional career. My greatest hope in creating this WAC course, however, is that the writing experience will help my students understand that their voice, their dreams, visions and opinions, are just as important and powerful as anybody else’s.

|Eugenio María de Hostos Community College – Dental Hygiene Program |

|den 223-ethics, jurisprudence and practice management |

| | |

|Faculty |Instructor: Prof. Diana Macri |

|Information: |Office: B-340 |

| |Office Hours: Wednesday 11:00 am- 12:30 pm |

| |Thursday 9:15 am- 10:45 am |

| |Phone: (718) 319-7970 |

| |E-mail: |

|Course |This course is designed to provide an analysis and examination of significant contemporary ethical issues |

|Description: |and challenges which will confront dental hygienists. Students will learn and discuss issues pertaining to |

| |the practice of dental hygiene including policymaking, the law, modes of practice management and |

| |professional conduct. Student engagement in real-world applications are a critical portion of the course; |

| |ethical dilemmas and decision-making frameworks and approaches will be explored. At the end of this course, |

| |students should be able to : |

| |Apply ethical principles in dental hygiene practice |

| |Identify laws which govern dental hygiene practice and discuss their pertinence in dentistry and dental |

| |hygiene practice |

| |Utilize a decision-making model when confronted with ethical dilemmas |

|Course |Thursday 11pm-12:40pm “B” Group |

|Meetings: |Thursday 1pm- 2:40 pm “A” Group |

|Required |There is no required textbook. All reading materials will be provided to students via Blackboard. Materials |

|Textbooks/Publications |will be drawn from the following sources: |

| | |

| |American Dental Association |

| |American Dental Hygienists Association |

| |Darby, M., Walsh, M. (2015) Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice, 4th Ed. |

| |Beemsterboer, P. (2010) Ethics and Law in Dental Hygiene, 2nd Ed. |

| |McTeigue, J. (2015) Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professions, 3rd Ed. |

| |Kimbrough-Walls, V., Lautar, C. (2012) Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management, 3rd Ed. |

| |Additional essays and articles are available on the internet and I will provide you with the links |

|What is a Writing Intensive? |This course has been designated as a “Writing Intensive (WI)” course by Hostos Community College. The |

| |purpose of a WI is to maximize learning by utilizing writing as a tool in the process and not just a product|

| |of the process. Requirements include both informal (non-graded) and formal (graded) writing assignments. All|

| |assignments are intended to allow you the opportunity to voice your thoughts, opinions and ideas. The |

| |process of writing aids not just memory but comprehension. This is how material is best retained; the |

| |likelihood of you remembering the information which is presented in this course greatly increases when you |

| |write about it. Assignments will be reviewed by your peers or myself. Preliminary drafts will be returned to|

| |you with suggestions for improvement. You will only be graded on the second (corrected) drafts. |

|Grading |Informal Writing: |A = 93–100 |

|Criteria: |Weekly Discussion Board 10% |B+ = 89-92 |

| | |B = 85-88 |

| |Formal Writing: |B- = 81-84 |

| | |C+ = 78-80 |

| |Essay 1: How to Die in Oregon 20% |C = 75-77 |

| |Essay 2: Exam 1 20% |______________________ |

| |Personal Mission Statement 15% |D = 70-74 |

| |Thank You Letters 5% |F = 73-below |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Exam 2 | |

| |25% | |

| |Child Abuse Certification 5% | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Course |History of Health Professions |

|Outline and Objectives: |Introduction to Moral Philosophy and Moral Reasoning |

| |Define the terms ethics, deontology and teleology. |

| |Distinguish between the ethical theory and utilitarianism and Kant’s ethical theory. |

| |Compare rule utilitarianism with act utilitarianism. |

| |Contrast a right with a duty and a right with a privilege. |

| |Discuss the role of social justice in determining ethical behavior. |

| |Core Values and Ethical Principles |

| |Identify the core values found in the Code of Ethics of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and the |

| |American Dental Association |

| |Compare other codes of ethics found in the dental profession. |

| |Define the terms autonomy, confidentiality, societal trust, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, veracity, |

| |fidelity, paternalism, and utility. |

| |Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |

| |Identify the purpose of HIPAA |

| |Describe how HIPAA protects patient confidentiality |

| |Decision-making |

| |Define the term ethical dilemma. |

| |Solve ethical dilemmas using a decision-making process. |

| |List the steps involved in ethical decision making. |

| |Determine core values and principles used to sole an ethical dilemma. |

| |Informed Consent |

| |Discuss the criteria necessary for informed consent. |

| |Relate conditions for not obtaining informed consent. |

| |Compare the ethical principles found in codes of ethics, informed consent, patients’ bill of rights, and |

| |other documents related to patient care |

| |Jurisprudence |

| |Compare the concepts of civil law with criminal law, utilizing examples found in dental hygiene practice. |

| |List the types and circumstances of supervision which exist in New York state |

| |State the conditions necessary for a contract between a patient and a dental hygienist with regard to dental|

| |hygiene services. |

| |Define and distinguish the following terms: |

| |• Intentional tort and unintentional tort |

| |• Malpractice and negligence |

| |• Libel and slander |

| |• Assault and battery |

| |• Implied contract and expressed contract |

|Course Outline and |Aspects of Practice Management |

|Objectives: |Discuss the need for practice management in the dental office. |

| |Differentiate between oral health care and the business of oral health care. |

| |Identify patient needs as they relate to dental hygiene. |

| |Identify advantages and disadvantages of profit centers. |

| |Alternate Practice Models |

| |Identify alternate practice models which exist nationally and internationally |

| |List barriers to access to care and reasons for disparities in oral health care. |

| |Social Issues |

| |Identify legislation that protects and aids the patient and the dental hygienist against discrimination in |

| |dentistry. |

| |Recognize the signs of abuse (child, spouse, and elderly). |

| |Describe situations in which mandated reporter must report a suspected case. |

| |Define “reasonable cause to suspect”. |

| |List the proper procedure for making a report. |

| |List what action should be taken to protect a child in addition to filing an abuse report. |

| |Describe the legal protection for reporters and the consequences for failing to report child |

| |abuse/maltreatment or neglect. |

| |List barriers to access to care and reasons for disparities in oral health care. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Classroom |Electronic Media |

|Policies: |As research on learning shows, unexpected noises and movement automatically divert and capture people's |

| |attention. You are affecting everyone’s learning experience if your cell phone, pager, laptop, etc. makes |

| |noise or is visually distracting during class. For this reason, personal laptop computers, tablets, beepers,|

| |MP3 players and other electronics are prohibited in the classroom. Cell phones are permitted but must be |

| |shut off or placed on “vibrate”. |

| |Note taking |

| |I will use PowerPoint presentations to guide discussion of the course material in most of the classes. I |

| |will NOT make any of these presentations available to you. You must take notes in class. Note taking is a |

| |very effective way of learning information and critically thinking about the material and its applications. |

| |You will be taking notes using a pen or pencil and a notebook. I am not concerned with the size/shape/color |

| |of either the writing utensil or the notebook. What is very important is how well you take notes. Below are |

| |links to some sources which discuss note taking that I’ve found helpful. If you need additional help |

| |learning how to take good notes, see me personally and we will review it. |

| |Behavior |

| |Students who, through unruly and/or disruptive behavior, interrupt the educational process will be dismissed|

| |from the class immediately and referred to the Disciplinary Committee to determine if additional sanctions -|

| |including suspension or dismissal from the program - are warranted. |

| |Class Recording |

| |No student may record any classroom activity without express written consent from me. If you have (or think|

| |you may have) a disability such that you need to record or tape classroom activities, you should contact the|

| |Accessibility Resource Center to request an appropriate accommodation. |

| |You can expect me to: |

| |start and end class on time. |

| |reply to e-mails within 24 hours on weekdays and weekends. |

| |give exams that accurately reflect the material covered in class and assigned in homework |

| |I will expect you to: |

| |spend an adequate amount of time on the homework each week, making an effort to understand the material. |

| |seek help when you need it. |

| |treat me, the college and each other with the same respect and courtesy you wish to be treated. |

| |have daily access to a computer with internet access. Check your Hostos emails daily |

|Attendance |All classes are mandatory |

|Policies: |If a student is absent from more than 15% of the classes, the instructor may lower the grade or fail the |

| |student for excess absences. |

| |Absences and lateness in excess of three require documentation to be excused. Arriving for class 15 minutes |

| |after start time is considered late. |

| |Refrain from missing class to study for another class. Unannounced quizzes can take place any day. |

|Lateness: |Students are required to come to class on time. |

| |Three latenesses will be counted as one absence from class. If you are not present when I check attendance |

| |at the beginning of class, then you are late. |

|Academic |Students are responsible for upholding the academic integrity of the program by not participating either |

|Integrity: |directly or indirectly in acts of cheating and by discouraging others from doing so. |

| |Students' responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following. |

| |No student shall: |

| |Give or receive any assistance or communicate in any way with another student while an examination is in |

| |progress. |

| |Use unauthorized notes, books or other materials during an examination. |

| |Attempt to obtain or disseminate the content of any examination prior to its distribution by the proctor. |

| |Procure or distribute answers to examinations in advance. |

|Written Assignment |Written assignments must be the product of the student’s own research. |

|Policies: |No student shall submit work that has been written by someone else or copied from an outside source. |

| |No student shall submit work that has been previously submitted in either whole or part for academic credit.|

| |This is termed “self-plagiarism.” |

| |Late assignments, if accepted, will incur a point deduction of 10 points/day. |

| |Students who engage in academic dishonesty will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. |

| |All violations of the academic integrity policy shall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee to determine|

| |if additional sanctions - including suspension or dismissal from the program - are warranted. |

|Examination |No student may remove an exam from the classroom under any circumstances |

|Policies: |Exams are timed; they must be completed within the stated time frame |

| |Students who arrive late for an exam will not receive extra time to complete the exam. |

| |No credit will be given for questions left unanswered regardless of the reason. |

| |Students are responsible for correctly completing all test answer sheets |

| |When using a scantron answer sheet, a number “2” pencil must be used to fill in the bubbles |

| |Make-up exams will only be considered for major exams in extraordinary circumstances that justify special |

| |consideration. Verifiable documentation is required. |

| |No student will be granted permission for more than one make-up exam for a course; a grade of zero will be |

| |given for any additional missed exams. |

|Students with Disabilities: |As required by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, reasonable |

| |accommodations are provided to ensure equal opportunity for students with verified disabilities. |

| | |

| |If you have a disability that requires accommodations, contact: |

| |Services for Students with Disabilities (SSWD) |

| |Savoy (D) Building |

| |120 Walton Ave, Room D101P |

| |Bronx, NY 10451 |

| |Phone: (718) 518-4454 (Voice/TTY) |

| | |

| | |

| |If you are already registered with SSWD and have a letter from them verifying that you are a qualified |

| |student with a disability, please present the letter to the instructor as soon as possible. The instructor |

| |will work with you and SSWD to plan and implement appropriate accommodations. |

| |Please Note: |

| |Students who do not register with the Services for Students with Disabilities office and have their |

| |disability verified are not eligible to receive any special accommodations. |

|No |Title/Topic |Format |Readings |Assignment |

|1 |Introduction |Lecture |*ADEA-General History of the Practice of |Discussion Board |

| |Syllabus | |Dentistry | |

| |History of Health | |*ADHA Timeline link | |

| |Professions | |*infographic | |

| | | |*What is a profession? | |

|2 |Intro to Moral Philosophy |Lecture |*Introduction to moral philosophy and moral |Discussion Board |

| |and Moral Reasoning | |reasoning | |

| |Creating a Mission | |*Mission Statement | |

| |Statement | | | |

|3 |NO CLASS | |*Darby Ethics chapter |Discussion Board |

| | | |*Ethics Handbook for Dentists |Mission Statement-Peer Review |

| | | | |DUE |

|4 |Core Values and Ethical |Lecture |*HIPAA Complexities and Compliance Issues |Discussion Board |

| |Principles | |*ADHA Code of Ethics (p.29) |Mission Statement-Final Draft |

| |HIPAA | |*ADA HIPAA Fax and Email |DUE |

|5 |Decision Making | |*Standards for DH Practice |Discussion Board |

| |Informed Consent | |*Informed Consent | |

|6 | “How to Die in Oregon” |Documentary |*Atul Gawande interview and essay |Discussion Board |

|7 |EXAM 1 | | |Discussion Board |

| |Essay (in class) | | | |

|8 |Jurisprudence |Lecture |*US Legal System |Discussion Board |

| | | |*Jurisprudence | |

|9 |“Dollars and Dentists” |Documentary |*Business Aspects of Healthcare |Discussion Board |

|10 |Aspects of Practice |Lecture |*ADHA Supports Access to Care… |Discussion Board |

| |Management | |*Pew: Expanding the Dental Team |*First draft of “Oregon” |

| |Alternate Practice Models | |*Pew: Dental Care in America |assignment due |

| | | |*HHS: Improving Access to Oral Health Care for | |

| | | |Vulnerable and Underserved Populations | |

|11 |SPRING BREAK | | | |

|12 |Alternate Practice Models |Lecture |*Drafting a Thank You Letter |*Final draft of Oregon |

| |(continued) | | |assignment due |

| |Thank You Letter | | | |

|13 |Salim Rayman, Lisa Kao |Guest Speakers | |*Thank You letters due by 11pm |

|14 |Social Issues | |*Social Issues |Discussion Board |

|15 |Social Issues: Abuse- |Guest Speakers | |Discussion Board |

| |Prof. Manning (elder) | | |*Thank You Letters Due by 11pm |

| |Abuse- Hostos counselor | | | |

| |(spouse/partner) | | | |

|16 |EXAM 2 | | |*Child Abuse Certificate Due |

| |Multiple Choice | | | |

| |Jurisprudence, Aspects of | | | |

| |Practice Management, | | | |

| |Social Issues, Alternate | | | |

| |Practice Models | | | |

DEN 223 Informal Writing Assignments

Week 1: "Your ability to remember information, your ability to speak about the things you learn, your ability to express yourself in the real world all improve when you write about it."- Writing Across the Curriculum

Do you believe this is true?

Are you afraid of writing?

Do you have any experience writing? This can include journal writing, professional writing, writing you've done in school, music lyrics..... anything, really. You can even include the writing you do in social media-Facebook books, clever hashtags you create, posts from others that you repost with your own commentary; any time that you've written your feelings on any topic, anywhere.

Week 2: Doctors sometimes consider the profession of dentistry as inferior to the practice of medicine. Some dentists and specialists (endodontist, periodontists, orthodontists, etc.) regard the dental hygiene profession as inferior to the practice of dentistry. Personally, I believe this comes from a lack of understanding regarding dental hygiene.

Do you agree with this statement?

How do you feel about dentists/specialists (or other healthcare providers) regarding dental hygiene this way?

Have you ever had any experiences with this sentiment?

How would you respond to a dentist/specialist (or other healthcare provider) who made this statement?

Week 3: Do you think healthcare is a right or a privilege? If you think it is a right, then what is your duty?

Week 4: In an attempt to protect the privacy of health information, the US Congress passed the HIPAA of 1996 to aid in maintaining confidentiality of electronic records. Does this mean that written information and information offered orally is not protected? What does HIPAA stand for? What are some of the patient’s rights? If a patient consents to having his information sent through a non-secure transmission, can a covered entity transmit that information?

Week 5: Tuskegee Syphilis Research Study:

Consider the very famous case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Research Study. In 1929 the health departments of six different states, in conjunction with the US Health Service Department, conducted an experiment in order to attempt to control the venereal disease. Statistical reports had shown that between the years of 1930 and 1932 in Macon County, Alabama, 84% of the population was black males and 40% of all males were infected with syphilis. At that time the method of treatment for the disease was an injection of mercury and other toxic chemicals. Some patients were cured by this method, while others became more ill or died. Patients who were not treated with the injections were found to live for several decades. Some untreated patients suffered from organic brain syndromes and later developed dementia.

After funding for the research was exhausted during the Great Depression, the researchers conducting the Tuskegee study decided to further examine the disease to determine its long-term effects. They selected 600 men, 400 of whom had been infected with syphilis before the study and 200 who were not infected. The 200 uninfected men were labeled the control group. During the study, in order to promote patient cooperation, the infected men were told that some invasive procedures (e.g., lumbar punctures or spinal taps) were part of the treatment when actually these procedures were only diagnostic; in addition, the subjects were never informed of the study’s objectives. Any of the 200 subjects who contracted syphilis while in the study were simply transferred to the other group and subjected to the study’s procedures without treatment; in addition, some of the subjects were never informed that they had contracted the disease.

None of these subjects were ever given any informed consent.

The study continued well into the 1940s when the discovery of penicillin occurred, and yet the subjects were denied treatment with the antibiotic that would’ve cured them. The antibiotic was not only withheld but also the study was continued, even though there was no need to further study “untreated” patients with the disease because a cure had been found. It was not until a researcher who worked for the public health service alerted the media, after imploring the researchers to cease the research that the study finally ended in the 1960s. By this time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was supervising the project in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1973 the surviving patients received an “out-of-court” settlement of $37, 500 for the infected men and $16, 000 for the men in the non-infected group. The families of the men who had passed away received $15, 000 and the men who died in the non-infected group’s families’ received only $5000.

Answer at least one of the following questions on the discussion board.

Or all of them!

• What kind of a difference would it have made in these men’s lives if they had participated with informed consent?

• Why should the studies have been discontinued after the discovery of penicillin?

• Previously you learned that ethical medical/dental behavior should always be governed by the principles of autonomy, beneficence and non-maleficence. How did this study measure up to these three principles?

• How fair do you think these settlements were?

Week 6: In Dr. Atul Gawande’s essay we hear a hint of remorse, maybe even guilt, about his handling of the patient Lazaroff. “The chances that he could return to anything like the life he had even a few weeks earlier were zero. But admitting this and helping him cope with it seemed beyond us. We offered no acknowledgment or comfort or guidance. We just had another treatment he could undergo.”

Why do you think he feels this way, knowing that Mr. Lazaroff asked to be given “every chance I’ve got”? If we agree that Dr. Gawande’s main purpose was to do what the patient requested, why should Dr. Gawande feel this way?

Week 7: What are the ethical dilemmas that Dr. Morris faces in her care of Cody? There are groups, specifically the religious group that are against the passage of Death with Dignity laws. What are the arguments they pose against the law? Do you agree or disagree with them?

Week 8: Kimberly Ann Bergalis was one of six patients infected with HIV after visiting David J. Acer, the Florida dentist who had AIDS. This incident is the first known case of clinical transmission of HIV. The claim asserted that Dr. Acer infected others with HIV and that his patients were unaware of his status. As a result, one of those patients, Kimberly Ann Bergalis, died of AIDS at the age of 23. In addition to being the first known clinical transmission, it also bears the designation as being the first known case of a transmission of the disease that was "innocent exposure" during a dental procedure. Investigation into this case, in the 1980s, proved that Dr. Acer was not using universal precautions-he was working on patients without any gloves and reusing unsterilized instruments. As a result of this case, in 1985 OSHA began to require that all healthcare providers use universal precautions when treating any patients in any area of healthcare.

Should it be mandated that healthcare workers with a positive HIV status must inform their patients? What supports your opinion? What could be the repercussions of such a mandate to a healthcare provider?

Week 9 & 10: You have watched the documentary "Dollars and Dentists" and read "Business Aspects of Healthcare".

• What do you think of the business side of dentistry and dental hygiene and what challenges does it pose to the ethical principles in the profession's Code of Ethics (both dentists and dental hygienists)?

• How has the modern practice of dentistry evolved from when it was first practiced? You may want to review the readings from the first week of class regarding the history of the profession. Reference specific examples from the documentary and the reading when answering this question.

This discussion will continue into next week.

Week 11: college is closed for spring break

Week 12: What is meant by the term “access to care”? Choose one of the workforce models we discussed in class and discuss how that model can resolve issues related to oral health disparities.

Week 13: Today we were visited by Lisa Kao, the RDH who began her own company. What degree does Ms. Kao possess? Did this education prepare her for the role of being a businesswoman? If not, how was she able to accomplish all that she has?

Week 14: What is a mandated reporter? What are the penalties for a mandated reporter if they do not report signs of abuse? At what age is it ok (legal) to leave a child home alone?

Week 15: When we began the semester I asked you all to comment on this statement:

"Your ability to remember information, your ability to speak about the things you learn, your ability to express yourself in the real world all improve when you write about it."

In our last week together, and after completing all the writing that you have, I’d like to hear how you feel about this statement now.


We will be watching the documentary “How to Die in Oregon” in class. After viewing the documentary you will write an essay discussing the ethical dilemmas presented in the film.

Your essay MUST:

• be between 4-5 pages long

• be double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point serif font (Times New Roman, Bookman, Georgia, etc)

• be submitted to me, in person, as a hard copy (no email!) by April 3, 2015

Your essay MUST incorporate:

1. Introduction:

A summary of the documentary-what was the topic? Who was profiled in the film? Where did the events take place? When did the events occur? Who was the documentarian?

2. Body:

A discussion of the ethical dilemmas at the heart of the issue. Which ethical theory/theories which were discussed in class do/does the ethical dilemma (s) support?

Discussion of the legislation which permits physicians to aid patients in terminating their lives and the qualifications for its application. Include the name of the legislation and the process by which it became a law. Discuss the advocate in the documentary for the passage of this legislation in her state.

Your opinion, whether it supports or objects to the practice or if you are neutral. BE SPECIFIC; use specific incidents from the film to support your position and state why you feel the way you do.

Dental hygienists are oral health professionals and, as such, are not faced with making decisions regarding “death with dignity”. Why should a dental hygienist be cognizant of ethical issues which are presented outside of the dental profession? Refer to the American Dental Hygienists Association’s Code of Ethics and the American College of Dentists’ Ethics Handbook for Dentists.

3. Conclusion: Incorporate two or more of the following:

Did you have any particular views before watching the film and did they change after you saw it?

While this documentary takes place in Oregon what are the greater ramifications of the events? What is the overall significance for American society of the issues presented in the documentary?

In the film Dr. Morris talked about how “do no harm” is different for every patient. Do you think you will face the same dilemma as a dental hygienist? If so, how would you resolve it?

Do you have any personal experience with Death With Dignity?

You will submit your essay to me in hard copy by April 3, 2014. We will schedule a time to meet and discuss your essay (initial draft). I will offer recommendations for revisions which may include suggestions for improvement of grammar, spelling, content and structure. After you have reviewed the revisions, you will have one week to make the corrections/additions to your essay and resubmit it to me for grading (final draft). Your revised essay is due on April 17th, 2014. You will not be graded on your initial draft. The grade you receive for this essay will be on your revised draft. Late submissions will receive a deduction of 5 points off the final grade for each day past the due date. Final drafts will not be accepted if they are more than 5 days late and you will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.

In-Class Essay Exam (Exam 1)


• You must write two separate essays (Essay 1 and Essay 2)

• Each essay must be at least 500 words

• Font: serif (Times New Roman, Calibri, Georgia), size 12

• Double-spaced

Essay 1


You have been working in a practice for three years and have developed a close friendship with Alice Gunn. Alice moved from Georgia 3 years ago and is a single mother to two girls. Her clinical and communication skills, both with clients and co-workers, are excellent. One night you and Alice go out to dinner and she confides in you that she is not licensed to practice in New York State. She admits that your employer never asked for a copy of her license so she never supplied it. In fact, she wouldn’t be able to supply it because she does not have one. She asks you not to disclose her secret because she loves the office, the employer and employees. She promises that she will begin the process of obtaining a license as soon as she has enough money to pay for it.

Use the decision-making model to resolve the dilemma presented. Include in your essay:

• each of the steps of the decision-making model we discussed in class

• how the employer could have prevented this situation from occurring

• which of the core values of the ADHA Code of Ethics apply to this situation

Essay 2

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a very important piece of legislation which dental hygienists should be familiar with.

Include in your essay:

• the primary reason for enactment of HIPAA

• year which law took effect

• the two main titles (sections) of the law and their purpose

• the government agency which is charged with enforcement of the law

• the individuals/parties that must comply (covered entities)

• the Privacy Rule and the information which is protected under it

• what a patient should do if they want to file a complaint

Personal Mission Statement

As we discussed in class, you will be creating your own personal mission statements. Most companies have corporate mission statements designed to provide direction and inspiration to the organization. Its purpose is to provide guidance and to serve as a reminder of what the goals for the organization are. A mission statement explains the organization's reason for being, and answers the question, "What business are we in?"

A personal mission statement is a bit different from a company mission statement, but the fundamental principles are the same. Writing a personal mission statement offers the writer the opportunity to establish what's important and perhaps make a decision to stick to it before starting a career. Steven Covey (in First Things First) refers to developing a mission statement as "connecting with your own unique purpose and the profound satisfaction that comes from fulfilling it."

A personal mission statement helps a person identify their core values and beliefs. It’s a synopsis of what you’re all about and wish to be. It’s your definition of success. Every year we see a greater evolution of the dental hygiene profession-this includes independent practice and expanded functions. Dental hygienists will be providing the care that was once the exclusive domain of dentists. You will be called upon to make decisions in the provision of that care utilizing your own judgment and without the benefit of a “higher authority”. Our modern society (especially our healthcare system) is in constant flux. To provide the patient with the highest standard of care, the dental hygienist must consistently operate ethically in the face of paradigm shifts. It is my hope that this statement will serve as a powerful guide for you as you proceed in your career as a healthcare provider.

To create your personal mission statement:

1. FranklinCovey Link: Utilize the following link to create your mission statement. You can complete it in one sitting in about 20 minutes but it’s better if you do it in separate sittings so you allow yourself enough time to consider each section.

2. Save as Word document and edit: The FranklinCovey link directs you to answer a series of questions. Once you have answered all the questions it will automatically condense your answers and allow you to save them and/or copy and paste. Use this as a template for your personal mission statement. Add and remove sections as you wish. Elaborate on the sections which you feel most strongly about.

The statement will be:

• two pages long, double space, 12 point serif font

• will include whatever you identify as your core values and goals

• this assignment is worth 15% of your final grade

3. Peer review- You will post your mission statement in your group on the Blackboard discussion board. Your personal mission statement will be reviewed by the members of your group and you will, in turn, review theirs. After receiving their advice/feedback you may adopt all/some/none of their suggestions.

4. Submit final draft via Blackboard Discussion Board- Once your personal mission statement has been peer reviewed you may submit it for grading via the Blackboard Discussion Board.

Some sample mission statements:

“I Will Stay True to Myself”

I believe in the importance of treating everyone equally. To nourish my ongoing ability to interact with people of all walks of life. To never lose the sight that all of us are created equally under the eyes of God. I will maintain professionalism in and out of my patient care facility. Despite the temptation of a monetary gain, I will do what is in my patient’s best interest. I will outweigh the benefits of various treatments, and ultimately choose the most benefiting to my patient.

I will stay true to myself.

I will continue to increase my knowledge by attending continuing education. The need to keep learning and remain up to date shall never die. I will strive to maintain the highest standard of care and collaborate with colleges in order to share new information. I will give my patients the instruction they deserve, with the utmost patience and dedication. I will treat ever patient as an individual and shun away from a cookie cutter treatment plan. I will give them the necessary tools to improve their oral health and overall wellbeing. If patients have a question I shall not dismiss them.

I will stay true to myself.

I will search for answers and deliver an appropriate response. I will exercise my voice in the name of my patients, always seeking treatment with greater future benefit. I will always provide a clean chair, new disposables, sterile instruments and a clean facility to all patients. I will present myself as a well put together young woman and always place my best foot forward. I will not let my emotions get the best of me. Despite any hardship that may present itself I will set my worries to the side and focus on my tasks at hand, never forgetting to smile. I will give time to community outreach and look at the greater good for large populations. I will reach out to the Latino community and put to use the gift of being bilingual. I will travel to different places and educate probono. I will always be proud of where I came from and how I was raised. I will never forget I represent not only my family but a profession.

I will stay true to myself.

In my personal life, I commit to placing Mannix at the forefront of everything I do. I will teach my son the beauty of both his Colombian and Dominican background. I will focus on his core values, his manners, and his self-esteem. My career will be secondary to his education, growth and happiness. I will put my family and God before everything. I will value and nurture my interpersonal relationships, always putting respect at the forefront. I will try my best to remain grounded and humble despite my accomplishments. I will take criticism in the best way possible and learn from my mistakes as best I can. I will respect myself and respect those that surround me regardless of finances, education or religion. I will be grateful for the endless opportunities that have been given to me. I will finish all that I begin. I will be thankful for the life I have been given, understanding that every day I live is a complete blessing. I will not take for granted neither my position nor the people that help me on a daily basis.

I will stay true to myself.

-JG, Hostos Dental Hygiene Student

I will seek to balance career and family as best I can since both are important to me.

My home will be a place where I and my family, friends and guests find joy, comfort, peace and happiness. Still I will seek to create a clean and orderly environment, yet livable and comfortable. I will exercise wisdom in what we choose to eat, read, see, and do at home. I especially want to teach my children to love, to learn and to laugh-and to work and develop their unique talents.

I value the right, freedoms, and responsibilities of our democratic society. I will be a concerned and informed citizen, involved in the political process to ensure my voice is heard and my vote is counted

I will be a self-starting individual who exercises initiative in accomplishing my life’s goals. I will act on situations and opportunities, rather than to be acted upon.

I will always try to keep myself free from addictive and destructive habits. I will develop habits that free me from old labels and limits and expand my capabilities and choices.

My money will be my servant, not my master. I will seek financial independence over time. My wants will be subject to my needs and my means. Except for long-term home and car loans, I will seek to keep myself free form consumer debt. I will spend less than I earn and regularly save or invest part of my income.

Moreover, I will use what money and talent I have to make life more enjoyable for others through service and charitable giving.

-ML, a woman seeking to balance family and work values



I will establish a dental home for my pediatric patients. I will give them an opportunity to meet with me prior to their appointment to build a relationship. When they come for their dental visit, they will know what to expect and they will feel comfortable. I will never use words like “hurt” in the dental environment and offer encouraging words instead. I will educate parents in the importance of childhood oral hygiene care including nutrition, fluoride and sealants.

I will understand that all children are different and react and behave in their own unique ways. I will get to learn about each child, what their likes and dislikes are and remember this always. I will treat each child as though they were my own. I will have the patience and compassion to make sure each child leaves with a smile. I will make sure that they know that the care I give them is my main concern in that visit and for their future oral health for their life.

I will entertain their imaginations by making the visit interesting and fun so they want to come back. I will be their friend in which they could trust. I will use my talents in music to help with behavior management techniques by incorporating music and creativity to the dental office. I will change their behavior and mold a positive look on the importance of dental hygiene by reducing anxiety and fear. I will demonstrate by explaining to my patients the procedure beforehand so they have better understanding that will then provide them comfort. I will use my singing abilities as a distraction and at the same time introduce music as a therapeutic approach. I will challenge myself every day to be creative in making the office a fun learning environment. I will keep up on what children’s interests are in that moment in time and incorporate that into their visit. I will be sure to enforce the importance of consistency and for the child to take responsibility in proper home care.

I will listen to my patients and respond accordingly. I will go beyond what is expected of me by expanding outside the office and reaching out to other children organizations.

I will make sure to emphasize the importance of safety when it comes to children and injury to teeth and mouth during sports and play. By eliminating injuries and providing education and nutritional advice, I will be improving overall dental health and wellbeing. I will be aware that in improving children’s oral health can avoid self-esteem problems which could affect school performance and social behavior. I will promote healthy lifestyles by reducing risk factors to oral health that could be behavioral, economical, nutritional and or environmental. I will be as involved as possible in spreading the word about the importance of children’s oral hygiene. I will provide educational material for parents and patients to read and look at in the office and to take home.

I will be a role model for my patients.

I will make a good impression for my staff and patients. I will not bring my personal issues or problems into the dental environment. I will be a leader and help motivate my staff to make our dental environment the best it could possibly be. I will arrive and leave with a smile always. I will have faith and believe in myself with no thoughts of doubt. My goal will always be to change a child’s life in a positive way and make a difference.

I will never be negative and always look on the bright side of things even if times may be hard. “No matter how cloudy and dark the day may be, I will always see the sun”.

Drafting a Thank You Letter


“I will also grudgingly tell you the hidden secret of thank you notes: They improve the frequency and quality of the gifts you receive. People like being appreciated, and if they feel you actually notice the nice things they do for you, they’re more likely to give an encore performance.”- Leslie Harpold

I couldn’t agree with Leslie more. I can personally attest to the power of the Thank You Letter. Through the years I have written and received quite a few. Always, whether I was the giver or receiver, I was made gratified by the process.

Taking the time to write a letter to show your appreciation differentiates you from others. It signals to the receiver that you have good manners and elegance, which is something that is in short supply in our society. It also signals to the recipient that you are in possession of soft skills which will further promote your effectiveness as a healthcare provider. Soft skills are personal qualities, attitudes and habits that allow you to work positively and harmoniously with others. We used to call them “social graces”. They are things like empathy, authenticity, optimism public speaking and problem solving skills. People who possess soft skills are the people who employers want to hire and employees want to work alongside of.

Thank You Letters can be, should be, written to anyone who has done something kind for you. It’s appropriate to send a thank you note:

• After attending a job interview.

• After receiving a promotion or raise.

• After a business lunch, dinner, party or networking event.

• When a new acquaintance has given you advice.

• When a manager, professor or colleague has supplied you with a reference letter.

• To co-workers who’ve given you a gift.

It is generally agreed that a thank you letter should be sent out within 24 hours of the event which precipitated the letter. While I agree that the letter should be sent soon after, I don’t think it has to be within 24 hours. I’ve received letters weeks after interactions with colleagues and/or students and have appreciated it as much as letters I received immediately after an event. What’s most important is the content of the letter and how well you communicate your emotion. To make a Thank You Letter really special, find a way to personalize it. If you noticed the recipient favors the color red, for example, write your thank-you note on a notecard with a red picture on it. I once searched high and low for stationery which matched the Tiffany’s color. My friend loves Tiffany’s and I thought it’d make her happy to see the stationery in their iconic color.

There are many formats which can be followed but no one is better than the other. Here is a sample format you can utilize:


[First and Last Name of Recipient]


[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Name or Organization Name],

First paragraph: State the purpose of your letter.

Second paragraph: Discuss the event which precipitated you writing the letter; include aspects which were particularly interesting and/or helpful to you.

Third paragraph: Close by thanking the person again. You may also want to wish the recipient success in their endeavors or a friendly express your desire to meet with the recipient again in the future (“I look forward to seeing you again at the ADHA annual session in August”).


[Sign your name here]

[Type your name]

[Your address]

[City, State, Zip]

Some additional tips when writing a Thank You Letter:

• Write clearly and concisely.

• Double-check for typos and grammatical errors.

• Express yourself.

• Be sincere.

• Use quality paper (if you are sending a hand written letter).

• Do not be superfluous or overly wordy.

I’ve referred to thank you letters written by hand on paper but I think using Email to deliver the letter is fine. Some career experts disagree but, again, what’s most important is that you write a sincere letter.

There are a plethora of websites which can help you write a Thank You Letter, complete with templates and sample letters. I particularly like Emily Post.

The Assignment:

You will be writing thank you letters to each of the speakers who visit our class this semester (there will be four altogether). They are all taking the time from their schedules to come and share their knowledge with you, so it’s appropriate to send each one a thank you letter.

You will compose your thank you letters within 48 hours of the speaker’s presentation and submit it on the Blackboard discussion board. I will review your letter and, possibly, make edits. You will be then submit the final draft for grading.

I will select one letter and we will send that to the speaker on behalf of the entire class.



*A few tips on how to get the most out of this assignment:

Be honest- there are NO WRONG ANSWERS!

Be bold- define the things that matter to you the most

Be patient- take some time thinking about what characteristics (i.e. virtues, goals, ideas) are most valuable to you

Be open- share your personal mission statement with those who know you best and get their feedback. Our loved ones often see things in us which we do not see/appreciate as clearly as they do.


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