The Journal of the Classics Students Association ΠΙΘΟΣ

The Journal of the Classics Students Association





Sarah Mabie Emily Hollocks


Alexandra Conrad Victoria Hodges Luke Loper Kathleen Narayan Stephanie Polos Brie Silva


Dr. Michael Anderson


Seth Chabay The Classics Students Association


Authors' Biographies


Two Translations from Horace


By Andrew Love

Dionysian Mimesis:


Cross-Dressing and the Symposium

By Stephanie Polos

Who is Hagesichora?:


Animal Imagery in the Interpretation of Alcman's Partheneion I

By Kathleen Narayan

The IMPetuous Sea:


Storm and Sea Imagery in Ovid's Tristia 1.2 and Pliny 2.17

By Victoria Hodges

Roman Urban Investments


By Sarah Mabie


Roman Imperial Funeral: The Emperor's Final Triumph By Karissa Hurzeler

The Papyrus Containing the Second Story of Khaemwaset Setne 109 (or Setne II) By Hamed Eghbal



PITHOS Volume 17


Andrew Love is a student of Greek and Latin poetry, writing his thesis on atomist poetics and dismembered bodies in the Satires of Horace. When not notating labors of meter or figments of metathesis, you may find him, hotheaded and more fit for the sun, wondering whether his atoms were once embodied in a head cleft by hybridity, Apulian or Lucanian.

Stephanie Polos is an M.A. student in the Department of Classics at San Francisco State University. In 2015 she graduated summa cum laude from Humboldt State University with a B.A. in History and a minor in Anthropology. Her focus in Classics is on Ancient Greek culture and history, particularly studying gender and sexuality in the ancient world. In the future, she hopes to combine her experience in Classics and History to be able to more fully understand and study the ancient world.

Kathleen Narayan is an M.A. student in Classics at San Francisco State University. She graduated with a B.A. in Classics from Loyola University Chicago in 2017. Her research interests include Latin elegiac poetry and ancient religion, with a secondary interest in Greek lyric poetry.

Victoria Hodges is a second-year graduate student in the Classics Department. She received her undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University in Anthropology with a focus in Archaeology. She hopes to pursue a doctorate degree in Classical Archaeology! Her interests lie in the study of Bronze Age frescoes, the archaeology of the Roman lower classes and Mediterranean nautical archaeology. She spends most of her time staring at Greek and Latin and hoping that her translation is not complete rubbish.

San Francisco State University


Sarah Mabie is a Master of Arts candidate in the Department of Classics at San Francisco State University, where she also graduated cum laude with her B.A. in Classics. Sarah is currently Editor-in-Chief of Pithos and has held that title for the past three years. Her interests include Latin elegiac poetry and Latin pedagogy. She begins her career in the fall as a resident teacher at Town School for Boys.

Karissa Hurzeler is a recent graduate of the San Francisco State University Museum Studies Master of Arts degree program with a concentration in collections management and curatorship. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology and Classical Civilization from Boston University. Her recently completed thesis is entitled "The Management of Ancient Coin Collections in American Museums." Her research interests include digital curation and applications of digital technology in regard to archaeological methods, museum collections, and cultural heritage.

Hamed Eghbal is a senior undergraduate student at San Francisco State University majoring in Anthropology and Cinema with a minor in Classics. His main interests include the archaeology of ancient Near East and documentary filmmaking.


PITHOS Volume 17

Two Translations from Horace

by Andrew Love

Horace, Epistles 1.13 The Poet to his Book-bearer

Just like I tell you every time, Vinnius: deliver these docs to Augustus sealed ? If he's fit, if he's chuffed, and if he wants the stuff. Don't fuck it up, don't over-post, don't hashtag Your tedious sissy-talk onto my little books. If by chance you chafe on my heavy sack Of papers, unhand it! before you show up looking messy, Thrusting your fannypack and father's name (Assman) into a laughing-stock ? and you become a meme. Save it for the slopes, stud, the streams, the mud. Once you reach the castle, the victor on his quest, Here's how you'll keep your job: don't tuck my little box Of books up under your armpit, like a farmboy His lamb, tipsy Pyrria her ball of pilfered yarn, The good ol' frat-boy his flip-flops and his ball cap. No subject for gossip your shoulders sweating Under the weight of my beats, if tight they are to keep



The eyes and ears of Caesar. Prodded by the prurient, keep moving. Good-bye, fare-well, take care lest you trip and break your promises.

Horace, Epistles 1.20 The Poet to his Book

Hey boy, looks like you got eyes for the bookstore's stalls Getting all tightened up, shaved smooth to go hustle, Only the coyest little jacket on Fussing I don't take you out, show you off enough. You weren't raised like that. Stop prancing down there like that. Once you come out, there ain't no coming back. "OMG! WTF?" You'll whine, pimp-slapped and knowing then What cage you're in ? when your flaccid lover's fallen out. But to show you there's no bad blood: Yeah, you'll be on top in Rome...until your boyhood sags. Then, manhandled by the mob, then you'll get grubby And bug-bit; bound-and-gagged You'll be trafficked to Utica or Illerda. Unheeded, Coach will mock you: Want my jock To get all worked-up and thrust you right on the ground You little jack-ass? Guess you can't rape the willing, right?


PITHOS Volume 17


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