WritingReadingNumeracy and MathsL.I: To write sections of a structured recount.SC: I can write conclusions for recounts.L.I- To use a range of skills to show understanding of an unfamiliar text.Success Criteria: I can use strategies answer questions about an unfamiliar text effectively for the following types of question.I can classify types of question.For maths, we want to be able to give you work more suited to your needs, just like we do at school. Therefore, moving forward, you will find work set from your maths set teacher under a special new tab on the School Closures' tab on the school website called 'P6/7 Maths Sets'. Just click on the name of your maths set teacher under this link. If you have any queries about the work, their email address is also within the document.Keep up the mental maths practice. Remember strategies are on the P6 page of the website.If you can use Sumdog regularly it will adapt to your learning needs automatically.Try to practise your single digit x single digit facts and single digit + single digit facts for a short time each day so you can getter quicker and quicker.Have a look at The Daily Rigour. you’ve done this week’s edition, have a look at past editions.Activity and ResourcesActivity and ResourcesActivity and ResourcesSee the recount example about a holiday below the Learning Grid. Look carefully at the final paragraph (conclusion): In just 4 short sentences, you are given a summary of the rest of the recount, how the writer is feeling about the event and what might happen next. Now try to write conclusions for the other 3 recounts. You will need to read the rest of the recounts first to get ideas for your conclusions.Remember to keep it short.Remember to include a summary of the recount, feelings about it and what might happen next.Remember to think about VCOP as you construct your sentences.YOU ONLY HAVE TO WRITE THE CONCLUSIONS.Also keep practising your quality short paragraphs – try to do 1 per day.Check the first learning grid for instructions.Try to vary your Openers, Connectives etcFollow the link to the Loch Ness comprehension tasks. You can choose which version you do. You may want to start at Lower and then try the others if you want more challenge.Remember to identify what type of question each question is.Remember to use strategies you have been taught in class to answer the questions, such as:Underlining key words in the questions.Underlining key words in the text. and ListeningSocial StudiesL.I- To know and apply spelling rules for words with the f sound. Success Criteria: I can spell words where the f sound is made by the letter f.I can spell words where the f sound is made by the letters ff.I can spell words where the f sound is made by the letters ph.I can spell words where the f sound is made by the letters ugh.I can apply spelling rules accurately.L.I. I am learning to communicate clearly using relevant and appropriate vocabularySUCCESS CRITERIA*look at the picture carefully*describe what you see using good adjectives*you may wish to practise writing a couple of descriptions firstL.I. I can compare and contrast a society in the past with my own and contribute to a discussion of the similarities and differences I can use primary and secondary sources to research events from the pastSUCCESS CRITERIA*read carefully and follow the instructions on the fact sheet in the order givenActivity and ResourcesActivity and ResourcesActivity and ResourcesCan you work out some rules that apply to the list? The answers are below the Learning plete Spelling Steps to Success (the guide is on the P6 page of the School Closure Info page of the school website).For further practice, use the spelling activities on the P6 class page (in the About Us section of the school website).Remember to think about the spelling rules that apply when carrying out the activities.Can you think of more words that fit each pattern?Can you find any words that don’t obey the rules?Can you find any words that have two of the sounds in the same word?How many new words can you make by adding suffixes to the list words? Did you have to change the list word in order to add a suffix? Can you describe something?Find some good pictures from books, magazines, newspapers or the internet of things and places.Keeping the pictures hidden, describe what each picture looks like (without naming the thing or scene) so that the person listening to you can see a picture of it in their minds. If they guess correctly, they get a point. Then, if your partner can also find some pictures, you will listen to their description and earn a point if you guessed correctly. Take turns then count to see who collected the most points. This game will help you to describe something clearly. The National Mining Museum of Scotland have just put together a new resource pack called Victorian Miners. This week we’d like you to explore their resource. Start with Section 2 Victorian Miners Fact Sheets. Read through all this information and work through the reflective questions. Make sure you watch the videos available, about the Industrial Revolution (01:55) and Children in the Mine (04:25) To test your learning, you can record your answers to the quiz about children in the mine. There are extra activities to do; you can decide if you’d like to try any of these, for example: making a paper lamp, matching objects etc. and WellbeingExpressive Arts (Art/Music/Drama)RME, Science, TechnologyL.I. – I practise, consolidate and refine my skills to improve my performanceSuccess criteria*adopt a good standing position*practise with 1 ball first*work with 2 balls before you add the third*practice makes perfect ? MUSIC L.I- I am developing an understanding of appropriate terminology in music L.I- Success Criteria: See STEM activity below the grid.Activity and ResourcesActivity and ResourcesActivity and Resources This week we are going to focus on JUGGLING. Did you know that juggling provides an excellent cardio workout that burns up to 280 calories an hour? It also improves focus and concentration.Music Halls were popular entertainment in Victorian London and drew huge crowds, hungry for fun, music and spectacle. At this time, jugglers were in high demand, performing between musical acts. They were often known as ‘gentleman juggling’. Always in formal dress, gentleman jugglers performed astonishing acts, often using everyday household objects!This week, you are going to practise your juggling skills. If you have 3 small balls or beanbags, that’s great, but if not, then you can use socks, kitchen foil, old magazines or newspapers which can all be rolled/squeezed into a ball shape. Please do not juggle any breakable, household items ?Here is a good video to get you started. Happy juggling ? This week, we have a lesson from our music teacher? P6 VictoriansDuring the Victorian period, Gilbert and Sullivan wrote many operettas. 1. Can you find out about Gilbert and Sullivan?2. What is the difference between an opera and an operetta?3. One of their famous operettas is ‘The Pirates of Penzance’ listen to one of the songs from this operetta, “With Cat-Like Tread” . Can you list as many musical concepts (musical terms / words) that you hear during this performance? Try to think of: Instrumentation - instruments usedTempo – speedTonality – major / minor (happy / sad)Time signature – beats in a barVoices – male / female Solo / duet / trio / chorus ( group of voices )Harmony / Unison – singing different notes at the same time / all singing the same notes.See STEM activity below the grid.BBC?Dance Mat?Don’t forget?to keep working?on your typing skills when you can. Daily practice?will make a huge?difference,?and this is a perfect time to get practising.??? LanguagesSomething FunMessage from my teacherFrenchL.I – To ask where something is in French.To understand directions in French.To give directions in French.Success Criteria – I can ask where something is in French.I can understand and say ‘go straight ahead’, ‘turn left’, and ‘turn right’ in French.MandarinL.I- To ask and answer how many people are in somebody’s family in Mandarin.To say some family members in Mandarin, Success Criteria: I can say ‘Who many people are there in your family?’ in Mandarin.I can say 'There are ____ people in my family’ in Mandarin.I can say some family members in Mandarin.Why not make a Victorian Thaumatrope, a toy that was popular in Victorian times? It is a card with a picture on each side and is attached to two pieces of string. When the strings are twirled quickly, the two pictures will appear to combine into a single image due to persistence of vision. It is a simple optical toy.The bird in the cage is a very popular design but you can also choose a different combination that you think would work well. We look forward to seeing some? Dear primary 6,Hope you are all well and had a good, long weekend.We have enjoyed hearing from more of you and seeing some lovely photos and examples of your work. We can see that lots of you have been very busy.Well done to everyone who has now joined our TEAMS groups. If you haven’t managed to get in touch yet, can you please try to do it this week. (Check your 365-email account) Also, to let us know if there is a problem. Joining TEAMS means we can connect again in our classes.This week is a shorter week for you as you also have Friday off ? You will see that we have now changed the way we are doing maths which should make it easier for everyone. You will now look for and complete the tasks given by your usual maths teacher. They will be posted separately, by teachers, beside your learning grids. Take care everyone and have a good week? Ms Hart and Mr SweetDenise.Hart@craiglockhart.edin.sch.ukEuan.Sweet@craiglockhart.edin.sch.ukActivity and ResourcesFrenchPractise the personal information conversation (see below Learning Grid).Watch the following clip – stop at 2:00. the following clip and concentrate on ‘turn left, turn right, go straight’. the personal information conversation again (see below Learning Grid). With last week’s sentence added. (Check previous Learning Grids for help).Practise saying the new question and answer for this week (see below the grid).Practise the family vocabulary (see below the grid).Send photos of your work and successes to to be loaded onto our school website. Euan.Sweet@craiglockhart.edin.sch.ukDenise.Hart@craiglockhart.edin.sch.ukDaily tasks:Read for at least 15 minutesPractice your times tables – maybe use ‘Hit the Button’ online.Take some daily exercise- Check out Joe Wicks Body Coach for kids at WordsfrowncoffeefascinatingenoughcoughdifferentpharmacydifficulttoughfriendlyelephantlaughphysicalphotographgiraffeSpelling RulesNo words start with ff or ugh.Use ff at the end of a word if the f sound follows a short vowel sound - bluff - stuffIf the f sound is in the middle of a word, use ff if the sound is between two syllables – fluffy - waffleUse the single f if the sound follows a long vowel sound (including words with a silent e) of if the word ends with the ft sound – beef – life – lift.Learn to recognise/remember the words that are spelt with ph and ugh for the f soundThe Best Holiday…Ever!Last week, my family and I set off on our three-hour journey to Blackpool. We were visiting my Auntie Sue and Uncle Paul, who had just had a baby.Halfway into the journey, we stopped at the service station. Mum said we could choose whatever we wanted for lunch; I went for ham, egg and chips. The journey was long but I had fun in the back of the car, telling jokes to my brother.We arrived at the house just before 1pm. As Dad parked up, I felt like I could burst with excitement as I remembered that I was about to meet baby Eva for the first time. I jumped out of the car and rang the doorbell three times (just to make sure that they had heard me). I was the first to have a cuddle with Eva; she felt so tiny and warm. She didn’t do much but she was very cute. After meeting Eva, we had to unpack.Later on, Uncle Paul told us that he’d booked a table at a new seafood restaurant on the sea front. I had fish and chips and ate every last bit as they were the best I’d ever tasted. As we left, the waiter gave me a keyring for cleaning my plate.The next day, Mum and Dad took us to the beach. We paddled in the chilly sea, built a few sandcastles, ate chocolate ice cream and buried Mum’s legs in the sand so that she couldn’t move. Back at the house, I fell asleep watching a DVD.The day before we returned home, it was Eva’s christening. Before we left the house, Dad explained to me that a christening is a very important religious occasion for Christians. The church was very old and music played as we went inside. Eva wore a beautiful white dress as it was her special day. Everyone else dressed up for the occasion too; Dad even wore a tie! Baby Eva cried really loudly when the vicar poured water over her head but Uncle Paul managed to calm her down. I think I cheered her up by pulling funny faces. After church, we all went back to Auntie Sue and Uncle Paul’s house for a celebration barbecue. I ate a huge amountbefore finishing off with a piece of Eva’s christening cake. The cake was white, pink and yellow and I was really pleased when I put the first piece in my mouth and realised that it was lemon cake. It was an extremely warm afternoon so Auntie Sue filled up the paddling pool. My brother and I had loads of fun getting completely wet through, until one of the godparents tripped up and fell in. I laughed so much that I could hardly breathe!The next day, it felt hard to say goodbye. As we drove away in the car, I waved to Eva. The beach, the weather, the food, and most of all, being with my family, had made it the best holiday ever. I really hope we can go there again next year.My Best HolidayLast year my family and I went on the most amazing holiday to Spain. We had never been to Spain before and my Dad wanted to go there because he said that he was fed up with sitting around in the damp and gloom!When we arrived at the villa it was baking hot. The first thing that Dad did was to take a shower. He said that he needed to cool off after such a long journey. There was a swimming pool so we spent a lot of time mucking about in the water or splashing water over Dad!One afternoon we went to visit some caves in the hills. Inside the caves were the most amazing stalagmites and stalactites. They were knobbly and looked like massive, misshapen spears. Some were like bars in a zoo. The guide tapped some and it was rather like playing a glockenspiel. In the caves it was quite cold and by the end of the tour we were all ready for a bit of sun and an ice cream.On the third day we visited a beach. The waves were just right for surfing so we hired some bodyboards. Dad was worried that we would drown so he spent the afternoon standing in the sea watching us. It was a breeze! The waves were strong enough to float in on but not too powerful.One of the best things about the holidays was that Dad was so useless at cooking that we had to go into the town every night to eat. There was a stall where you could buy chips and calamari. The calamari was squid cooked in batter – it tasted like rubbery fish. Once we had eaten, we played on the pinball machines.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Class TripLast week our class went on the most amazing trip to the Dramcester Water Park. We went so that we could learn about canoeing, bird watching and lots of other activities whilst having fun!The first thing that we did was to gather in a group by one of the lakes. The instructor, who was called Jeremy, showed us the canoes. He taught us how to climb in and out. We all had to wear safety jackets in case somebody fell in. Jeremy demonstrated how to paddle. After that we climbed into our own canoes and set off. I got myself covered in water! It was great fun.After that we had our break. Miss Vole gave everyone a hot drink and a biscuit. She said that this would help to warm up anyone who had got wet. As I was soaked, I was allowed two drinks.Jeremy then showed a film of some of the creatures that live near and in a lake. I hadn’t realised that there were so many different sorts of fish and birds. He took us to a ‘hide’. A hide is like a hut that is close to the water. From the hide we could see all sorts of different birds without them seeing us. Skater kept making silly noises and Miss Vole said that if he continued behaving like a baby he would have to wait inside the coach. That silenced him!In the afternoon Jeremy set us a challenge. We were put into groups and had to build a raft and then sail it to a red buoy. Luckily, Skater was in our team because he was really good at making the raft. We were first in the water. More importantly, we did not sink! The prize for winning was a Mars Bar each!__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Floods in PakistanThe summer of 2010 produced Pakistan’s worst flooding in 80 years. The number of people affected, who need food, shelter and clothing to face a harsh Pakistani winter, is 20 million.Flooding began on July 22, 2010, in the area of Baluchistan. The swollen waters then poured across in the northwest before flowing south into Punjab and Sindh. Estimates of the death toll of the floods range from 1,300 to 1,600.Even as Pakistani and international relief officials scrambled to save people and property, they despaired that the nation’s worst natural calamity had ruined just about every physical strand that knit the country together — roads, bridges, schools, health clinics, electricity and communications.The flooding, which began with the arrival of the annual monsoons, eventually affected about one-fifth of the country — nearly 62,000 square miles — or an area larger than England.Six weeks after the floods began, as rivers continued to devour villages and farmland in the southern province of Sindh, aid workers warned of a triple threat: loss of crops, loss of seed for the next planting season and loss of a daily income. There was widespread worry that the disaster will destabilize the country and aggravate its problems.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________MandarinHow many people are there in your family??你家有几口人??Nǐ?jiā?yǒu?jǐ?kǒu?rén? (Knee jee-a yo jee k-O rin)There are ____ people in my family.我家有几口人??Wǒ?jiā?yǒu?___?kǒu?rén? (Woa jee-a yo ___ k-O rin)Dad Mum 爸爸 妈妈?Bàba Māmā Older brother Younger brother哥哥 ?弟弟 Gēgē (g-i - g-I (as in girl)) Dìdì (dee-dee)Older sister Younger sister姐姐 ?妹妹Jiějiě (j-ee-e - j-ee-e) Mèimei (may-may)Mandarin ConversationHelloHelloHow are you?I’m fine, thank you, and you?I’m fine, thank you.What is your name?My name is _______, and you?My name is _______.I have a (colour) (number). You have a (colour number).I have a (colour) (number). You have a (colour number).Where do you want to go?I want to go to _____.How are you going to get there?I am going to get there by ________. Where do you want to go?I want to go to _____.How are you going to get there?I am going to get there by ________.Goodbye.GoodbyeFrench ConversationHelloHelloHow are you?I’m fine, thank you, and you?I’m fine, thank you.What is your name?My name is _______, and you?My name is _______.How old are you?I am ____ years old, and you?I am _____years old.Where do you live?I live in _____, and you?I live in _____.GoodbyeGoodbye.P3 – P7 STEM challengeSTEMThis week’s challenge is to design and make a catapult that will throw an egg sized object. Use objects that you can easily find around the house. Think about a catapult and how it works. You can use an egg as the object that is thrown but you may want to hard boil it first (with the help of an adult)! You could also use rolled up kitchen foil, a pebble or a ball.Have fun!Email me your results if you My cardboard chair (from the challenge set last week)!!6858011430000680021525019000My design... …passed the Pippa test…174498021971000…but then… 1424305295910failed the human test! I think I need to make some improvements. I hope your chairs worked out better! ................

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