Which web browser should I use to connect to Colleague via ...


Which web browser should I use to connect to Colleague via UI 4.1?

Datatel supports the use Internet Explorer for Windows and Safari on a Mac. Be sure the software is up to date, that Silverlight and Java are up to date on your computer, and that your pop-up blocker has been set not to block pop-ups from colleague.antioch.edu.

What is the url/web address to access Colleague?

Production Account:

Test Account:

How do I connect to myAntioch?

Connect to myAntioch in the same way:


What kind of training is available for the new Datatel User Interface, UI 4.1

1. When you first log in you are prompted to watch a Quick Tour tutorial.

2. If you want to watch that Quick Tour tutorial again later it is available by clicking the down arrow in the menu circled on the far right in the screenshot below.


3. For more detailed training in the use of UI 4.1 New User Experience:

How do I log out?

Select Log Out from the Window Options drop down menu indicated in the screen shot below:


Where do I find Query Builder?

Click on the drop down menu on the Lock icon on the far left of the screen indicated below, select Options, select Query Builder.


How do I use the Saved queries that I had already created for Query Builder?

The default save location for the 'old' Desktop UI 2.3 is

C:\Documents and Settings\your seven digit network user id\My Documents\wIntegrate\Queries

You can browse to that location from the Query Builder in UI 4.1. If you have trouble finding your saved queries (.wis files) please submit a helpdesk ticket requesting assistance.

Where do I find help?

You can find Field Help, Function Help and Process Help and links to the forum and Datatel Documentation by clicking on the Lock icon on the far left of the screen indicated below, click on Help. Also, you can find help by clicking on any question mark icon [pic].


Everything seems to be running slow. Is there anything I can do about this?

1. Please be sure you are accessing UI 4.1 via Internet Explorer on a Windows computer or Safari on a Mac.

2. If you continue to have trouble with slowness, please send a request to the helpdesk to have Desktop UI 2.3 set up to access the Olympia environment on your computer.

Can I access Colleague from off-campus when we migrate to the new server (Olympia)?

With the migration to Olympia, all servers will be behind the firewall. You will not be able to connect to Datatel from home or off campus without VPN access. To request VPN access, it requires supervisor approval, please complete the form at:

When I switch from FORM to PERSON, the box won't accept an entry - I thought you could remain on one form and look up successive People.

You can do this. Be sure, first of all, that you are using Internet Explorer and not another browser. Next, you may be prompted to log out of the first person's record before you enter the next person's record on the screen itself, BUT you will see subsequent records accumulating in the PERSON CARD area and can scroll through the records using the left and right arrows around the '2 of 2' as shown here:


When I first log in, in the search box, try to enter a FORM that I haven't used before, it will not take any entry. I have to hit the search button, receive an error message that I don't have enough characters in the string and then it will take an entry.

This is an issue with Firefox. Please use Internet Explorer to access Collague via UI 4.1.

Where are the custom mnemonics? Will they be accessible through a menu?

If you have trouble finding a custom mnemonic please notify the helpdesk of exactly what mnemonic you are trying to find and what menu it's on and what application you are in (ST, HR, etc). Also, you should be able to access the mnemonic directly by typing the application first, then a dash, and then the mnemonic. For example, ST-XTUX. or HR-XTUX.

How to switch between FORMS with active students? I went from Arai to Cren and ARSP and when I opened ARAI it populated the student but then failed to do so upon opening the other forms.

This feature works only on certain forms. For example, CREN is a data entry screen and ARSP is a report writer. These won't work.

I was not able to access the mnemonic TRAN and mnemonic ADSU when I entered them in the Form Search in UI 4.1.

When you can't access a mnemonic that you think you should be able to please report it to the Helpdesk. As a workaround try entering the application that you are in plus a dash and the mnemonic, such as ST-TRAN.

Is it possible to expand the size of our screens?

It is possible to change the font used on the screens by clicking the Window Options drop down box, selecting Preferences and adjusting the font size in the Layout section. It is not possible to change the size of the screen itself.


Can I add certain students or person records that I work with frequently as Favorites?

Yes. There are several approaches to accomplish this. Here's one (see screenshot below):

1. Look up the person or persons that you want to save as Favorites.

2. Click on the star symbol listed as #2 below and select Add Current to Favorite or Add All to Favorites.The Add to Favorites window will open and you can either simply click Add or you can create a NEW FOLDER to save your favorite to so that you can give it the name of your choice.

3. To work with your Favorites click the FAVORITES tab and select the name or group of names (folder) to work with from the FAVORITES window. To learn more about how to work with FAVORITES click the ? icon in the FAVORITES window.


Can I save Forms/Screens as Favorites?

Yes, use the same general approach as you would for working with person records above.

When students/persons are selected in the Person Card area does this lock their records from other users?

No, others are only locked out of person records if the student/person record is active on the screen.

Sometimes the frame of the UI 4.1 window appears to be too small for the screen. What do I do when this happens?

Log out by typing ST-LO in the Form Search box. Try re-starting UI 4.1. If that doesn't work, try re-starting your computer and then re-starting UI 4.1. Report to helpdesk if neither approach works.

How do I change the settings in Secure Shell (SSH) FTP so that I can connect to Olympia? I am Windows pc user.

1. Please open Secure Shell

2. Select Edit menu

3. Select Settings

4. The Connection Window should be open on the right hand side

5. Change the Host Name to olympia.antioch.edu

6. Click OK

7. Go to the File menu

8. Select 'Save Settings'

Please note: Mac users use various secure ftp clients. Please contact the helpdesk to request assistance adjusting settings on Mac ftp clients.


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Colleague Migration to Olympia


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