1 - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

Project Completion Report

Please submit through your APEC Secretariat Program Director within 2 months of project completion.

SECTION A: Project profile

|Project number & title : |SME 06/2010T APEC Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Risks Associated with Trade |

| |Liberalization |

|Time period covered |2011/08/16 ~ 2011/08/17 |Date submitted: |2011/10/17 |

|in report: | | | |

|Committee / WG / Fora: |Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG) |

|Project Overseer Name / Organization / |Maggie Hsiu-Ling Hsu / Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs / Chinese|

|Economy: |Taipei |

SECTION B: Project report and reflection

Briefly answer each of the questions below. Section B should be a maximum of 2-3 pages, inclusive of the questions and tables provided.

1. Project description: In 3-4 sentences, describe the project and its main objectives.

According to the survey of SME crisis management demand conducted after “APEC SME Crisis Management Training Workshop” in May 2010, it is found that most SMEs are not able to effectively respond to exchange rate fluctuation, nor are they well-prepared to deal with the international trade risks. Trade liberalization helps SMEs to expand markets for further opportunities; however, it has also exposed SMEs to greater risks. As a result, later in 2010, the APEC Small and Medium Enterprises Crisis Management Center (SCMC) has proposed to hold the APEC Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization with the purpose to assist the SMEs in responding to the risks concomitant of trade liberalization and to endow the SMEs with the capabilities of forward thinking and risk management. The main objectives are listed as below:

1. To familiarize participants with the risks SMEs might face when engaging in international trade and the knowledge to manage these risks with a focus on exchange rate risk.

2. To help APEC SME officials to draw the proper policy to address SME need in coping with fiercer foreign competition resulting from trade liberalization.

3. To pinpoint key principles of managing the risks to guide APEC SMEs to conduct risk management.

2. Meeting your objectives: Describe how the project went, with reference to the objectives laid out in your project proposal. Include any major changes to your project as proposed and any problems or obstacles that you encountered and how you overcame them.

The APEC Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization has been held at Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel Taipei on 16th to 17th August 2011. There were totally 19 speakers and coordinators contributing on this symposium with more than 400 participants attending. (For further details, please see the attached documents)

There were no major changes to the objectives and implementation of this project, but rather with minor changes including schedule adjustments and a few speaker changes. (For further details, please see the attached documents) With previous experience on holding such symposiums and workshops in 2010, there were fewer problems encountered.

3. Project evaluation: Describe how you evaluated the project and provide some details on the results of the evaluation (e.g. participant evaluation, peer review of publication, measurement of indicators, statistics demonstrating use of outputs etc.).

There are totally 472 participants from 15 economies attending this symposium, and participants are from various areas including industrial, governmental, academic fields, with around 65% from SMEs. In fact, there are two sets of surveys are constructed and conducted for this project.

One survey has been conducted to understand the opinions, suggestions and needs of APEC SMEs associated with trade liberalization and its relevant risks, with a section specifically focusing on APEC SME Crisis Management Center and the monthly released Crisis Monitor. Many think the topics covered in this symposium will be helpful and indicate that exchange rate risk, regulatory risk, credit risk, transportation risk, political risk, and competition risk are serious to SMEs. Besides, SCMC and its Crisis Monitor are believed helpful for APEC SMEs.

To understand how the symposium can be improved, a participant evaluation on this symposium has also been conducted after the symposium to understand participants’ feedback and suggestions for this symposium. From the survey, it is indicated that many participants are satisfied with the symposium and believe that it is helpful for their career.

4. Key findings: Describe one or two examples of important findings arising from the project (e.g. results from surveys or case studies, insights provided by participants or experts, policy recommendations, roadblocks to progress on an issue etc.).

With this project’s efforts, key major issues that are relevant to trade liberalization and the associated risks have been identified as listed below:

1. Foreign regulatory regimes

2. Policy consistency

3. Market competition

4. Access to finance

5. Exchange rate fluctuation

6. Transportation and related costs

As identifying these issues, this project helps to generate “APEC Principles on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Trade Liberalization” for both APEC policy makers and APEC SMEs to deal with opportunities under trade liberalization and to enhance relevant risk management capabilities.

5. Next steps: Describe any follow-up steps or projects that you recommend. Have you already planned or begun these? What role could APEC play in any follow-up?

As the survey indicates that further research is necessary to help APEC SMEs, this project plans to conduct further research on and review the latest research results about relevant risks associated with trade liberalization to help APEC SMEs face the current international trade environment, which can be supported by APEC future relevant projects.

6. Feedback for the Secretariat: Do you have any suggestions for more effective management of projects in the future? Any assessment of consultants, experts or participants that you would like to share? (The Secretariat collates and examines feedback to identify trends for ongoing evaluation of our project management and/or communications systems.)

7. Participant information: Please provide details, where applicable. Insert rows as needed.

|Economy |# male |# female |Details |

|USA |1 |2 |Including speakers: Franklin L. Lavin, Cathy Jabara, Ileana Martinez |

|Japan |1 |0 |Including speaker: Kazuhiko Yokota |

|Australia |2 |0 |Including speakers: Kenneth Waller, John R. Rush |

|Canada |0 |1 |Including speaker: Diana Smallridge |

|New Zealand |1 |0 |Including speaker: David Deakins |

|Malaysia |1 |1 |Including speaker: Karunajothi Kandaasamy and APEC delegate: Mohd Faiz |

| | | |Bin Mohamad Yunus |

|Indonesia |2 |0 |Including speaker: Tulus Tambunnan and APEC delegate: Achmad H Gopar|

|Philippines |1 |1 |Including speaker: Venus C. Genson and APEC delegate: Senen Perlada |

|Singapore |1 |0 |Including speaker: Jin-Chuan Duan |

|Thailand |1 |0 |Including APEC delegate: Kulwarang Chiravara |

|Chile |1 |0 |Including APEC delegate: Manuel Martínez |

|Mexico |1 |0 |Including APEC delegate: Ivan Ornelas |

|Papua New Guinea |1 |0 |Including APEC delegate: Moses Nyeta Nangu |

|Vietnam |0 |1 |Including APEC delegate: Nguyen Tung Anh |

|Chinese Taipei |464 |Including 7 speakers and 457 participants from industrial, |

| | |governmental, and academic fields (around 65% SMEs, 15% from |

| | |government, 20% from academic areas) |

8. Outputs: Please provide details, where applicable. Change headings or insert rows as needed.

| |# planned |# actual |Details |

|# of workshops / events |2 |2 |APEC Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Risks |

| | | |Associated with Trade Liberalization has been held on 16th and 17th |

| | | |August 2011 with covering 6 sessions; |

| | | |Workshop on Trade Liberalization and the Associated Risks Faced by |

| | | |SMEs has been held on 17th August 2011 for APEC member delegates |

| | | |sharing experiences on relevant issues. |

|# of publications distributed |1 |1 |APEC Principles on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the |

| | | |Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Trade Liberalization is |

| | | |proposed for APEC SMEs. |

|# of websites created |1 |1 |Official Website Created for APEC Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity|

| | | |of Managing the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization: |

| | | | |


Attach a detailed breakdown of the APEC- provided project budget, including:

Planned costs (using most recently approved budget figures)

Actual expenditures

Variance notes: An explanation of any budget line under- or over-spent by 20% or more.

|Budget |Planned Costs |Actual Expenditures |Variance Notes |

|Speaker’s Honorarium |6,000 (USD) |4,500.00 (USD) |There are three speakers not covered |

| | | |by the budget of this project. |

|Travel – Airfare and Per Diem |61,914 (USD) |43,297.34 (USD) |Two speakers’ airfare is not covered |

| | | |by this project. |

|Project Total |67,914 (USD) |47,797.34 (USD) |The reasons causing the variance |

| | | |(29%) under budget line came from the|

| | | |above two budget variances. |

SECTION D: Appendices or additions

Please attach any of the following. This information will help us better understand your project, support overseers of similar projects and plan for future projects.

← List of experts or consultants utilised, with job titles and contact details

← List of participants, with job titles and contact details

← Event agendas

← Links to any relevant websites or online material (e.g. reports, resources created)

← Results of participant feedback or other project evaluation (raw and/or analysed)

← Any other relevant information or resources that would help us learn more about your project

|FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLY APEC comments: Were APEC project guidelines followed? Could the project have been managed more effectively or |

|easily by the PO? |

|      |

Appendix I: List of Experts

|No. |Name |Title |Organization |Economy |

|1 |Kenneth Waller |Director |Australian APEC Study Centre at RMIT University|Australia |

|2 |John R. Rush |Principal |Oakbridge Limited Financial Consulting Group |Australia |

| | |Consultant | | |

|3 |Diana Smallridge |President & CEO |International Financial Consulting Ltd. |Canada |

|4 |Shih-Chao Cho |Director General |Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic |Chinese Taipei |

| | | |Affairs | |

|5 |Jane H. Liu |President |New Deantronics, Ltd. |Chinese Taipei |

|6 |Sheng-Yung Yang |Professor and |Department of Finance & EMBA Center at National|Chinese Taipei |

| | |Director |Chung Hsing University | |

|7 |William T. Lin |Professor and |Center for Greater China's Financial Markets at|Chinese Taipei |

| | |Director |Tamkang University | |

|8 |Mario Kan |Senior Industrial |European Bank for Reconstruction and |Chinese Taipei |

| | |Advisor |Development | |

|9 |Simon H. Yen |Professor |Department of Finance in National Chengchi |Chinese Taipei |

| | | |University | |

|10 |Hsuan-Chu Lin |Asistant Professor|Department of Accountancy and Graduate |Chinese Taipei |

| | | |Institute of Finance at National Cheng Kung | |

| | | |University | |

|11 |Tulus Tambunnan |Director |Center for Industry, SME and Business |Indonesia |

| | | |Competition Studies, USAKTI | |

|12 |Kazuhiko Yokota |Associate |School of Commerce, Waseda University |Japan |

| | |Professor | | |

|13 |Karunajothi |Senior Director |the Economics and Policy Planning Division, SME|Malaysia |

| |Kandaasamy | |Corporation | |

|14 |David Deakins |Director |the New Zealand Centre for SME Research, School|New Zealand |

| | | |of Management, Massey University | |

|15 |Venus C. Genson |President & CEO |Venus Group |Philippines |

|16 |Jin-Chuan Duan |Director |Risk Management Institute of National |Singapore |

| | | |University of Singapore | |

|17 |Franklin L. Lavin |Chairman |the Public Affairs Practice for Edelman Asia |USA |

| | | |Pacific | |

|18 |Cathy Jabara |Senior Economist |Office of Industries, U.S. International Trade |USA |

| | | |Commission | |

|19 |Ileana Martinez |International |Standards Coordination Office, National |USA |

| | |Affairs Advisor |Institute of Standards and Technology | |

Appendix II: List of APEC Delegates

|No. |Name |Title |Organization |Economy |

|1 |Senen Perlada |Director IV |Bureau of Export Trade Promotion, Department of |Philippines |

| | | |Trade and Industry | |

|2 |Kulwarang Chiravara |Deputy Director |International Affairs Bureau, Office of SMEs |Thailand |

| | | |Promotion | |

|3 |Mohd Faiz Bin Mohamad |State Director |SME Corp. Malaysia of Perak Office |Malaysia |

| |Yunus | | | |

|4 |Manuel Martínez |Head |Unit Studies and Design, Investment and Financing|Chile |

| | | |Managment | |

|5 |Ivan Ornelas |Director |International Relations, Ministry of Economy |Mexico |

|6 |Achmad H Gopar |Researcher |Ministry of Cooperatives and SME |Indonesia |

|7 |Moses Nyeta Nangu |Acting First Assistant|Department of Commerce and Industry |Papua New Guinea |

| | |Secretary | | |

|8 |Nguyen Tung Anh |Deputy Chief of Office|Enterprises Development Agency, Ministry of |Vietnam |

| | | |Planning and Investment | |

Appendix III: List of Participants

|No. |Name |Name |Organization |Department |Title |Contact Info |

| |(Chinese) |(English) | | | | |

|2 |Hsu Chen |Hsu Chen |Ever More Investment Co |R&D Deparment |Hsu Chen Chuan |v303030x@.tw |

| |Chuan |Chuan | | | | |

|3 |ramis chen |ramis chen |TAMI |advisor |advisor |ramis@.tw |

|4 |Roger Tsun |Roger Tsun |LEMANNS ENG. INC. |ET & S |SR. MGR. |theletsun@ |

| |H. Lee |H. Lee | | | | |

|5 |T.L. LEE |Robert Lee |LI MINS CO., LTD. |R/D |MGR. |robtll28@ |

|6 |方文秀 |Wen-Hsiu |  |  |  |y460104@.tw |

| | |Fang | | | | |

|7 |方建炘 |Jeremy Fang |  |  |  |csfang@.tw |

|8 |毛乃貞 |nancy mao |  |  |  |nancy.mao@msa. |

|9 |王以慧 |morning wang|  |  |  |qoboco@ |

|10 |王如賓 |Ju-Pin Wang |GOLDSUN GROUP |Investment |invester |wangjupin@.tw |

|11 |王志同 |王志同 |  |  |  |cute@.tw |

|12 |王志鏗 |chih--keng--|  |  |  |wangbilltw@.tw |

| | |wang | | | | |

|13 |王秀琴 |Wang |Small and Medium Enterprise |Administration |Senior Technical|stella@.tw |

| | |Hsiu-Chin |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Office |Specialist | |

| | | |Affairs | | | |

|14 |王怡雯 |Bella_wang |NASME |  |  |bella_wang@.tw |

|15 |王明聰 |Robert Wang |IBM Taiwan |Governmental |Governmental |rwang@tw. |

| | | | |Programs |Programs | |

| | | | | |execuitve | |



|17 |王建勝 |WANG |  |  |  |wsh999999kimo@.tw |

| | |CHIEN-SHENG | | | | |

|18 |王彥文 |Steven Wang |  |  |  |stevenwang@.tw |

|19 |王美瑜 |Grace Wang |Ryan Int'l Marketing Co., Ltd. |  |President |ryanmkt@ |

|20 |王茂剛 |Morgan Wang |  |  |  |morgan@mail..tw |

|21 |王桂秀 |WANG,KUEI-HS|  |  |  |wkh_tw@ |

| | |IU | | | | |

|22 |王純如 |Tammy Wang |Hang Seng Bank |Taipei |Chief |tammywang@ |

| | | | |Representative |Representative | |

| | | | |Office | | |

|23 |王淳民 |Terrence |Tereon International Corp. |  |President |terrencewang@.tw |

| | |Wang | | | | |

|24 |王新富 |王新富 |  |  |  |Frank_wang@.tw |

|25 |王裕祥 |Eric Wang |  |  |  |s8621132@.tw |

|26 |王鉑波 |Wang Po Por |Taiwan SMEG |Chairman |Chairman |PPWANG1kimo@.tw |



|28 |王翠華 |Tracy Wang |  |  |  |wang_tsui_hua@ |

|29 |王錫璋 |Wang |  |  |  |hc.wang39@msa. |

| | |shi-chang | | | | |

|30 |王鴻偉 |王鴻偉 |  |  |  |daniel_wang@.tw |

|31 |田雅馨 |Daphne Tien |  |  |  |daphne_tien@.tw |

|32 |白良進 |Balakirev |Moscow-Taipei Coordination |  |Chief expert |mtc_econ@ |

| | |Oleg |Commission | | | |

|33 |白熙禮 |ANTONIO I. |Manila Economic and Cultural Office |  |Resident |meco.tpe@msa. |

| | |BASILIO | | |Representative | |

|34 |任宜蓀 |yisenjen |  |  |  |yi3966@ |

|35 |任姵蓉 |Pei Jen |  |  |  |pei-jung-jen@ |

|36 |朱正川 |chu cheng |  |  |  |maca1314@.tw |

| | |chuan | | | | |

|37 |朱凌毅 |Lingi Chu |  |  |  |accomi@ |

|38 |朱從璋 |Chu Tsung |  |  |  |johnson.chutc@ |

| | |Chang | | | | |

|39 |江佩玲 |Peiling |Taiwan Textile Federation |Industry & |Specialist |plchiang@.tw |

| | |Chiang | |Information | | |

| | | | |Dept. | | |

|40 |江幸子 |Hsing- Tzu |Ministry of the Interior |Dep. of Social |Researcher |moi5700@.tw |

| | |Chiang | |Affairs | | |

|41 |何 振 生 |Chen-Sheng |Taiwan Institute of Economic |International |Associate |d9449@.tw |

| | |Ho |Research |Affairs |Research Fellow | |

|42 |何少梅 |Shao-Mei Ho |Chihlee Institute of Technology |Finance |Lecturer |jmsliu@ |

| | | | |Department | | |

|43 |何其盛 |何其盛 |  |  |  |Chisan_ho@.tw |

|44 |何孟駿 |何孟駿 |  |  |  |hunter@.tw |

|45 |何紀芳 |Ho,Chi-Fang |Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |section chief |cfho@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and | | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|46 |何晉滄 |Ho |Small and Medium Enterprise |Chief Secretary|Chief Secretary |miller@.tw |

| | |Chin-Tsang |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Office | | |

| | | |Affairs | | | |

|47 |何碧雲 |HO, Bee-yuan|Bureau of Foreign Trade |Planning & |Section Chief |dannaho@.tw |

| | | | |Development | | |

| | | | |Committee | | |

|48 |余明芳 |YU, |BOFT |  |  |graceyu@.tw |

| | |Ming-fang | | | | |

|49 |余瑞香 |Joyce Yu |Euflex Technology Corp. |  |  |joyce@.tw |

|50 |余慕薌 |Mu-Hsiang Yu|  |  |Assistant |d21139@.tw |

| | | | | |Research Fellow | |

|51 |吳正勢 |WU,CHENG-SHI|DiGiSOLO |  |  |uno0515@ |

| | |H | | | | |

|52 |吳匡時 |WU, |Ching Yun University |Incubation |CEO |drkeithwu@.tw |

| | |KUANG-SHYR | |Center | | |

|53 |吳秀真 |juan wu |  |  |  |afc88888@.tw |

|54 |吳佳燕 |吳佳燕 |  |  |  |yen0525@.tw |

|55 |吳佩蓁 |Alysia Wu |  |  |Specialist |alysia35@.tw |

|56 |吳於軒 |vivian |Taiwan Design Center |Strategic |Director |vivianwu@.tw |

| | | | |Planning | | |

| | | | |Section | | |

|57 |吳秉璋 |johnny_wu |NASME |  |  |johnny_wu@.tw |

|58 |吳俊德 |Junde Wu |  |  |PhD Studeent |riderwu@ |

|59 |吳俊賢 |chun-hsien |  |  |  |cwu@twu.edu.tw |

| | |wu | | | | |

|60 |吳秋容 |Ann Wu |K.M.L. |  |Director |kingmaker.tw@ |

|61 |吳哲宇 |Daniel Wu |  |  |  |aasdf@.tw |

|62 |吳哲斌 |Richard Wu |Chipworks Taiwan Limited |Sales Marketing|Sales Director |rwu@ |

|63 |吳振邦 |James Wu |  |  |  |jbwujbwu@ |

|64 |吳碧娟 |Wang Wu, |  |  |  |pcwuwang@ |

| | |pi-chuan | | | | |

|65 |吳繐芸 |Judy |  |  |  |wo3928@ |

|66 |呂中豎 |Tony Lue |  |  |  |opo1108@.tw |

|67 |呂杰學 |Jason Lu |Iwaki Pumps Taiwan Co., Ltd. |Technology |Leader |jasonlu@.tw |

| | | | |Support | | |

| | | | |Department | | |

|68 |呂俊德 |Jun-Der :Leu|National Central University |Business and |Associate |leujunder@mgt.ncu.edu.tw |

| | | | |Management |Professor | |

|69 |呂雪玉 |Ruby Lu |Formosa Shin Cheng Enterprise Corp. |Marketing |Manager |rubyluaa@.tw |

|70 |呂瑋婷 |LU-WEI TING |National Taiwan Normal University |Incubation |Admin Staff |koziki@ntnu.edu.tw |

| | | | |Center | | |

|71 |呂寶玉 |Joyce Lu |Central Taiwan SME Entrepreneurship |  |Assistant |pylu@fcu.edu.tw |

| | | |and Innovation Service Center | | | |

|72 |宋國樑 |Roberto Sung|Efficiency Ent. |MGMT. |MGR. |robertosung@.tw |

|73 |宋靜怡 |Alexa |  |  |  |1965@cpc.tw |

|74 |李 林 |Leelin |Lee's Lab-work Associated Ltd. |Sales |mgr |lilinlab@ms22. |

|75 |李士畦 |李士畦 |  |  |  |hylaman@.tw |

|76 |李元龍 |LI YUAN LONG|Beitou Community College Taipei City|  |  |gtai1@livemail.tw |

|77 |李玉山 |Joseph Lee |Precision Silicon Corp |President |President |joseph.lee@.tw |

|78 |李志祥 |Chih-Hsiang |  |  |  |aqd155@.tw |

| | |Lee | | | | |

|79 |李育誠 |Michael |  |  |  |6203@cpc.tw |

|80 |李孟家 |Martin Lee |  |  |  |martin@.tw |

|81 |李宜螢 |Lynn Li |  |  |  |lynnli@.tw |

|82 |李易璁 |Russ Lee |Australian Comerce and Industry |Economic and |Policy Research |russ.lee@.au |

| | | |Office |Policy Section |Officer | |

|83 |李明緞 |jasmin li |  |  |  |dadayu77@ |

|84 |李杰霖 |Jin Lin Lee |  |  |  |amosleelr@ |

|85 |李素環 |Lee SH |  |  |  |havefuntw@.tw |

|86 |李婉娟 |李婉娟 |  |  |  |cynthia_li@.tw |

|87 |李祥暉 |Sean Lee |  |  |  |unpos@ |

|88 |李凱富 |Kai Fue Lee |Institute for Information Industry |  |senior manager |kaifue@.tw |

|89 |李雅婷 |YA-TING,LEE |  |  |  |a18166@.tw |

|90 |李榮興 |Larry |National Taipei University of |Industrial |Lecturer |larrylee@ntut.edu.tw |

| | |Jung-Hsing |Technology |Engineering and| | |

| | |Lee | |Management | | |

|91 |李維森 |Li, Wei-Sen |  |  |  |li.weisen@ncdr..tw |

|92 |李鳳英 |lillian |  |  |  |chinese1992@ |

|93 |李蓮生 |Lien-sheng |Council of Agriculture, Executive |Department of |Assistant |dukelee@mail..tw |

| | |Lee |Yuan |International |Specialist | |

| | | | |Affairs | | |

|94 |李澤民 |James Lee |kinmencow Farm Co. |Head Office |President |lesco7197@.tw |

|95 |李燕玲 |Sophia Lee |National Science and Technology |International |Assisstance |yllee@ncdr..tw |

| | | |Center for Disaster Reduction |Affairs |Research Fellow | |

|96 |李麗珍 |Jane Lee |  |  |  |lee@p- |

|97 |李麗寬 |Lih Kuan Lee|  |  |  |cpc2017@ |

|98 |杜貝 先生 |Mr. Hezekiel|Embassy of the Kingdom of Swaziland |  |First Secretary |hezdube@ |

| | |Dube | | | | |

|99 |沈佳穎 |沈佳穎 |  |  |  |268@.tw |

|100 |阮如慧 |Ray Run |Being Champion Co., Ltd. |imp./exp. |manager |bcc@ms3. |

|101 |周子傑 |George T.C. |STL Co., Ltd. |Finance |Director |georgetcc@.tw |

| | |Chou | | | | |

|102 |周世益 |Simon |My-Power Enterprise Co.,Ltd |Marketing R&D |Super Advisor |simonsyjou@.tw |

| | |S.-Y.Jou | | | | |

|103 |周世豐 |周世豐 |  |  |  |313@.tw |

|104 |周吏經 |Wesley Chou |  |  |  |adonischou@ |

|105 |周俊融 |Wills Chou |EverRich Capital / Consulting, Inc. |Investment |Vice President |zestcorp@ |

| | | | |Research | | |



|107 |周鴻鈞 |Hung-Chung |Small & Medium Enterprise |  |Director |hcchou@.tw |

| | |Chou |Administration, MOEA | | | |

|108 |周攝民 |Cou |Taiwan Timber Industries Associstion|  |  |tbiasstw@ms72. |

| | |Sheh-Ming | | | | |

|109 |林士良 |LIN, |Small and Medium Enterprise |Financing |Director |sllin@.tw |

| | |Shih-Liang |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Division | | |

| | | |Affairs | | | |

|110 |林中君 |Dr. magic |Act Consulting Co.,Ltd. |GM office |CEO |linmagic25@ |

| | |lin | | | | |

|111 |林世昌 |Lin, |  |  |  |moon@trts..tw |

| | |Shih-Chang | | | | |

|112 |林正昌 |LING CHENG |GUX-SHONG DESIGN INC |Control |PRESIDENT |gs12346@.tw |

| | |CHANG | |division | | |

|113 |林正穩 |George Lin |Oriental Institute of Technology |Innovation |Central Director|FN011@mail.oit.edu.tw |

| | | | |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Center | | |

|114 |林玉雪 |maggie |liang cheng food co.,ltd |export |sales |ivia1981@.tw |

|115 |林兆應 |Lin Chaoying|TPC |HR |MA |pqvvr@.tw |

|116 |林宏駿 |Leo, Hung |Institute of Information Industry |NangGang |  |leolin.iii@ |

| | |Chun Lin | |Software | | |

| | | | |Incubator | | |

|117 |林宏駿 |Leo Lin |  |  |  |leolin@.tw |

|118 |林秀珍 |LIN |Chinese Taipei Asia-Pacific Economic|  |  |23937313@.tw |

| | |HSIU-CHENG |Cooperation | | | |

|119 |林佳慧 |Lin Chia |Kingdom Vehicle Inspection Co.,LTD |  |Chairman |king.dom65@msa. |

| | |Huei | | | | |

|120 |林佩璇 |Lin Pei |  |  |  |qa6203@mail.nou.edu.tw |

| | |Hsuan | | | | |

|121 |林宗尚 |Michael |Yuan Yu IntI Ltd |  |Manager |value.vision@msa. |

|122 |林怡君 |Anita Lin |GROMETAL Valve Co., Ltd. |Shipping Dept. |Shipping |anita.lin@.tw |

|123 |林玫君 |Irene Lin |Chung Yuan Christian University |  |Project Manager |Irene.lin@cycu.edu.tw |

|124 |林秉彬 |Roscher Lin |  |  |CHAIRMAN |nancy@.tw |

|125 |林信賢 |Hank Lin |Koufong |Adminstration |Manager |sslim@ |

|126 |林奕廷 |Ben Lin |  |  |  |bennett080@.tw |

|127 |林政誠 |zhen chen |  |  |  |luneiwei101@ |

| | |LIN | | | | |

|128 |林昱材 |Lin, Yu-Tsai|Central Bank of the Republic of |  |  |jameslin@mail..tw |

| | | |China (Taiwan) | | | |

|129 |林柏榕 |PJ Lin |SERVENO,INC |Management div.|Managing |pjlin@.tw |

| | | | | |Director , | |

|130 |林美雪 |LIN, |Small and Medium Enterprise |Deputy Director|Deputy Director |mslinc@.tw |

| | |Mei-Hsueh |Administration, Ministry of Economic|General Office |General | |

| | | |Affairs | | | |

|131 |林美觀 |Lin,Mei-Kuan|Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |officer |Mei@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and | | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|132 |林郁超 |LIN YU CHAO |  |  |  |falcon95074@ |

|133 |林展旭 |Chan-Hsu Lin|Ministry of Economic Affairs |Investment |  |chanhsu1124@ |

| | | | |Service | | |

|134 |林純雅 |林純雅 |  |  |  |emilylin923@.tw |

|135 |林偉莉 |Lin Weili |  |  |  |linwl@ |

|136 |林添福 |Lin ta fo |  |  |  |oillei@ms25. |

|137 |林淑真 |susan |  |  |manager |golamei-susan@ |

|138 |林淑惠 |Sophia Lin |  |  |  |g987@.tw |

|139 |林琪 |Linch Lin |Linch Trading Co., Ltd. |Sales Marketing|General Manager |linchaaa@ |

|140 |林鈞偉 |Jean Hsu |  |  |  |joy@.tw |

|141 |林瑞珠 |JUI-CHU,LIN |  |  |  |julielin90039@.tw |

|142 |林萬旭 |Marshall Lin|Wayyen Enterprise Ltd. |  |Managing |wayyen@ms35. |

| | | | | |Director | |

|143 |林曉青 |林曉青 |  |  |  |fxf.c-799@.tw |

|144 |林燕明 |  |  |  |  |yufa.hsiu@msa. |

|145 |林興中 |DAVID LIN |Chinese Culture University |  |  |tiger881732@.tw |

|146 |林靜儀 |wendy lin |  |  |  |llincan88888tw@.tw |

|147 |林龍海 |Lin Long Hai|Formosa Shin Cheng Enterprise Corp. |  |Manger |fsce@livemail.tw |

|148 |林麗珍 |Peggy Lin |  |  |  |cchiang@.tw |

|149 |林耀源 |Yaw-Yuan LIN|  |  |  |linyy.coa@ |

|150 |林綉姬 |Jill Lin |Chung Chang Co., Ltd. |Executive Board|COO |jill_taipei@.tw |

|151 |武威宏 |Wu, Wei Hung|  |  |  |richardwu@mail..tw |

|152 |邱志宏 |Jeff Chiu |Grand Pacific Petrochemical |Speciality |Vice President |jeff.chiu@.tw |

| | | |Corporation |Chemical | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|153 |邱事賢 |Stanley Chiu|  |  |  |stanley0933@ |

|154 |邱欣玲 |Elisa Chiu |GROMETAL Valve Co., Ltd. |Sales Dept. |Sales Manager |elisa.chiu@.tw |

|155 |邱俊明 |chou |  |  |  |betwgoev@ |

| | |chun-ming | | | | |

|156 |邱誌偉 |Chih-Wei |  |  |  |z35899@.tw |

| | |Chiu | | | | |

|157 |邱繼志 |Chiou Jih |  |  |  |diytaipei@.tw |

| | |Jyh | | | | |

|158 |金勝利 |Victor King |Prophet Masterpiece Technology |  |Chairman |brotherking@.tw |

| | | |Co.Ltd. | | | |

|159 |南君白 |Felicia Nan |  |  |  |glee314@ |

|160 |姜志憲 |Leo Chiang |Hang Seng Bank |Taipei |Vice President |leochiang@ |

| | | | |Representative | | |

| | | | |Office | | |

|161 |施品如 |Shih, Pin-Ju|Taiwan Institute of Economic |Research |Research |apec@.tw |

| | | |Research |Division II |Assistant | |

|162 |施麗麗 |Shih Li-ly |Small and Medium Enterprise |Financing |Center Diretor |shih@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Division | | |

| | | |Affairs | | | |

|163 |柯著奇 |jue-chi ko |  |  |  |jcko@tea.ntue.edu.tw |

|164 |柯懿容 |Elaine ko |  |  |  |elainekotw@ |

|165 |洪瑞君 |Ella Hung |  |  |  |ella_hung@ |

|166 |胡世銘 |Bruce Hu |  |  |  |huming1@.tw |

|167 |胡美娟 |J. M. Hu |------ |------ |------ |truman6789@ |

|168 |范家綾 |Linda Fan |  |  |  |clfan@fcu.edu.tw |

|169 |范國松 |Mr. Cesar |Mexico Trade Services |  |  |silvia.ho@promexico.gob.mx |

| | |Fragozo | | | | |

|170 |韋貞 |wei jen |yi shin |sales manager |manager |jan200352@ |

|171 |孫大偉 |Sung,Tai-Wei|Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |officer |twsung@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and | | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|172 |孫世婉 |Anita Sun |  |  |  |swsun.trade@ |

|173 |孫宗宜 |sandy sun |Taiwan Turnkey-project Association |market |chief of |sandy@.tw |

| | | | | |Marketing | |

|174 |孫梅瑞 |Meijui Sun |  |  |  |mjsun@.edu.tw |

|175 |徐煒婷 |HSU Weiting |  |  |  |zo1222oz@ |

|176 |徐睿彣 |Syu, |Zuoying Armed Forces General |Surgery |Assistant |rosthn0618@.tw |

| | |Ruei-Wen |Hospital |Department | | |

|177 |徐福珍 |fu-chen hsu |CIAN SHIH CO.,LTD. |information |Comr. |ucc6622@.tw |

|178 |徐誌謙 |Chih Chien |Yuan Ze University Innovation & |  |  |mulder.hsu@ |

| | |Hsu |Incubation Center | | | |

|179 |恩雷 |Victor S. |Embassy of Solomon Islands |  |Ambassador |esi.adm@.tw |

| | |NGELE | | | | |

|180 |桂布 大使 |H.E. |Embassy of the Kingdom of Swaziland |  |Ambassador |swazitpi@ms41. |

| | |Njabuliso | | | | |

| | |Gwebu | | | | |

|181 |殷文華 |Wendy Yin |ETERNAL CHEMICAL CO., LTD. |SALES |MANAGER |wendy_yin@email..tw |

| | | | |ADMINISTRATION | | |

| | | | |DEPARTMENT | | |

|182 |翁暢鴻 |Ricky Wong |CAMEO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. |BU1 |  |ricky_wong@.tw |

|183 |袁嗣洋 |S.Y. Yuan |ACES Electronic Co., Ltd. |Supervisor to |Supervisor to |syyuan@ |

| | | | |the Board |the Board | |

|184 |馬立德 |Richard |Australian Commerce and Industry |  |Acting |richard.mathews@.au |

| | |Mathews |Office | |Representative | |

|185 |高士元 |Ryan Gao |  |  |  |Albert.gao0924@ |

|186 |高永良 |  |  |  |  |  |

|187 |高守曜 |KAO, |  |  |  |cckao72@ |

| | |SHOU-YAO | | | | |

|188 |高尚美 |shang-mei |NING CHANG CO.,LTD. |Information |Special |he690306@.tw |

| | |kao | |department |commissioner | |

|189 |高明川 |Philip Kao |Tong-Ming Industry Company , ltd. |President |Technical |philip.kao.pk@ |

| | | | |Office |Marketing | |

|190 |高國亮 |Kao, |  |  |  |ckao@.tw |

| | |Kuo-Liang | | | | |

|191 |高源嶺 |Yuan-Ling |KUN SHAN UNIVERSITY |INCUBATION |Project Manager |johnan@mail.ksu.edu.tw |

| | |Kao | |CENTER | | |

|192 |高麗淨 |Kao, Li |Ministry of Finance |Department of |Secretary |lijing_kao@ |

| | |Ching | |Customs | | |

| | | | |Administration | | |

|193 |涂子昀 |PEGGY TU |Royal Mast Corporation |Merchandising |Manager |twupao@ms11. |

| | | | |Department | | |

|194 |崔順吾 |TSUI,SHUN-WU|National Taiwan University of Arts |Arts &.Culture |PROJECT CEO |0932038722@ |

| | | | |Center | | |

|195 |常佩瑤 |Porpot |  |  |Chief |porpotc@mfa.go.th |

| | |Changyawa | | | | |

|196 |張大富 |Winpower |LohasTechnology Group |Management |執行長 |rightorg@ |

| | |Chang | |Depart. | | |

|197 |張世華 |DENNY |TAIWAN FIRST LI-BON CO.,LTD. |  |BOSS |denny@.tw |

|198 |張世龍 |Shyh-Long |  |  |  |slchang@.tw |

| | |Chang | | | | |

|199 |張合右 |Sean |  |  |  |sean@ |


| | | | |Management | | |

| | | | |Dept. | | |

|201 |張克成 |Chang, Keh |Investment Commission |First Division |Division |kcchang53@ |

| | |Cheng | | |Director | |

|202 |張京雲 |mia chung |  |  |  |mia@ntnu.edu.tw |

|203 |張協源 |Alan |  |  |  |leo661101@.tw |

|204 |張怡文 |Chang Yi-Wen|  |Management |Management |annchang2011@ |

| | | | |Division |Officer | |

|205 |張承先 |CHANG CHEN |  |  |  |reond88@ |

| | |SHIEN | | | | |

|206 |張金源 |CHANG |  |  |  |a762108@mail.ntust.edu.tw |

| | |CHIN-YUAN | | | | |

|207 |張俊偉 |EVAN-CHANG |P |  |  |evan111406@ |

|208 |張奐雲 |Cathy Chang |Aita Int'l Inc. |  |President |cathy.chang.aita@ |

|209 |張美惠 |Chang, |  |  |Instructor |077006@mail.hwc.edu.tw |

| | |Meihuei | | | | |

|210 |張振華 |chang |  |  |  |shunyao.zhang@msa. |

| | |chen-hua | | | | |

|211 |張常昌 |JOHNSON |Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd |Project |Director |bearr21@ |

| | |CHANG | | | | |

|212 |張常桓 |Chunghuan |Fuel Cycle and Materials |  |Engineer |chchang302@ |

| | |Chang |Administration | | | |

|213 |張清森 |Johnson |  |  |  |0412johnson@.tw |

| | |Chang | | | | |

|214 |張華 |CHANG |  |  |  |granthill777kimo@.tw |

|215 |張詠怡 |Linda Chang |Chung Yuan Christian University |  |Specialist |linda@cycu.edu.tw |

|216 |張貴仁 |張貴仁 |  |  |  |kueijen@.tw |


| | |CHANG | | | | |

|218 |張雅惠 |Daphne Chang|Winbond Elec. |Corporate |Dept. Manager |yhchang7@ |

| | | | |Finance Dept. | | |

|219 |張雅萍 |Crystal |  |  |Dupty Researcher|crystal@.tw |

| | |Chang | | | | |

|220 |張漢明 |Gary HM |Advanced Capital financial Advisory |Investment |Senior |gary1788@.tw |

| | |Chang |Ltd., |Dept. |Consultant | |

|221 |張謙彥 |Joseph C.Y. |  |  |  |cychang04@.tw |

| | |CHANG | | | | |

|222 |張麗娟 |Susan |Chenlo Limited . |Control |Consultan |twsusan_2006@.tw |

| | | | |division | | |

|223 |張耀文 |YaoWen Chang|Chung Yuan Christian University |EOCIA |Executive |yaowen@cycu.edu.tw |

| | | | | |Manager | |

|224 |曹金財 |CAO,JIN-CAI |  |  |  |z22426@.tw |

|225 |曹景翔 |Tsao |  |  |  |gstsao@.tw |

| | |Chin-Hsiang | | | | |

|226 |曹耀鈞 |William Tsao|Cheng Shiu University |Dep. of Finance|Ph.D |william@csu.edu.tw |

|227 |梁信毅 |Hsini |  |  |  |hsini.liang@.tw |

|228 |梁啟德 |Liang Chi-Te|Small and Medium Enterprise |Management |Technical |ctliang@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Consulting |Specialist | |

| | | |Affairs |Division | | |

|229 |梁詠貴 |Liang, |Tatung University |Department of |Associate |wkliang@ttu.edu.tw |

| | |Yung-Kuei | |Business |Professor | |

| | | | |Management | | |

|230 |梁奮鵬 |Fen-Peng |Tatung University |  |  |fpliang@ttu.edu.tw |

| | |Liang | | | | |

|231 |梁麗芳 |  |  |  |  |fang@mail..tw |

|232 |莊佳瑀 |Chuang chia |  |  |  |joyce@.tw |

| | |yu | | | | |

|233 |莊宛蓉 |Elisa Chuang|Commercial Office of Brazil |Commercial |Commercial |elisa@.tw |

| | | | |Section |Officer | |

|234 |莊郁琳 |Charlene |  |  |  |charling0917@ |

|235 |莊淯傑 |Chuang, |  |  |  |ac9679@ms..tw |

| | |Yu-Jie | | | | |


|237 |許文川 |Aska Hsu |Chung Hua University |Incubation |Senior Manager |wchsu@chu.edu.tw |

| | | | |Center | | |

|238 |許文祈 |Hsu Wen Chi |  |  |section leader |a000466@oa..tw |

|239 |許亨琳 |Han lin Hsu |  |  |  |flyhighs2002@ |

|240 |許秀玲 |HSU, |Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |Senior |hlhsu@.tw |

| | |Hsiu-Ling |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and |Specialist | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|241 |許怡雯 |Yi-wen Hsu |  |  |  |2882028@.tw |

|242 |許倍甄 |Lana Hsu |  |  |  |inphoner@ |

|243 |許雅茹 |Alice Hsu |CYCDA |  |Secretary |start_ups@.tw |

|244 |許瓊文 |Hsu |  |  |  |pearl_6226@.tw |

| | |chiungwen | | | | |

|245 |連怡欣 |Lien, Yi |  |  |  |CINDYLIEN@tcb-.tw |

| | |Hsin | | | | |

|246 |連科雄 |Ke-Shaw LIAN|  |  |  |gclian@.tw |

|247 |郭宇 |Kuo, Yu |Small and Medium Enterprise |Policy Planning|Section Chief |yukuo@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Division | | |

| | | |Affairs | | | |

|248 |郭妍均 |YenChun,Kuo |  |  |  |karen.kuo@.tw |

|249 |郭昌傑 |CHANG CHIEH |  |  |  |k_kenshiro@ |

| | |KUO | | | | |

|250 |郭明杰 |Kuo |  |  |  |97307026@nccu.edu.tw |

| | |Ming-Chieh | | | | |

|251 |郭春明 |Guo, Chun |  |  |  |CHUNMING@tcb-.tw |

| | |Ming | | | | |

|252 |郭峰明 |Frank Kuo |CAMEO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. |BU1 |  |frank_kuo@.tw |

|253 |郭淑珍 |Kuo, Shu |  |  |  |kuo1127@livemail.tw |

| | |Jeng | | | | |

|254 |郭臻怡 |KUO Chen-Yi |  |  |Officer |jenny2218@.tw |

|255 |陳文賢 |CHEN,WEN-SHE|CSBC CORPORATION TAIWAN |President |Senior Vice |503525@.tw |

| | |N | |Office |President | |

|256 |陳正盱 |Kennex Chen |  |  |  |c5809241@.tw |

|257 |陳永祥 |Charlie Chen|Tang Chou Industrial Co., Ltd. |International |Executive |charlie.tonsco@ |

| | | | |Division |Manager | |

|258 |陳仲漁 |Eugene Chen |Grand Aspect International Ltd. |  |Managing |gaeugene@ms14. |

| | | | | |Director | |

|259 |陳年 |ChenNien |National Taipei University of |Business |Student, Junior |chennien@ |

| | | |Technology |Management | | |

|260 |陳伯彰 |Cheb |Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |Commercial |pcchen@.tw |

| | |Po-Chang |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and |Secretary | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|261 |陳希宜 |Angel Chen |  |  |Assistant |angelchen@mail.ncyu.edu.tw |

| | | | | |Professor and | |

| | | | | |Division Chief | |

| | | | | |of Academic | |

| | | | | |Development, R&D| |

| | | | | |Office, NCYU | |

|262 |陳芊羽 |CHEN CHIEN |  |  |  |cossettehugo@ |

| | |YU | | | | |

|263 |陳妹珠 |Dory Norris |  |  |  |doryca@ |

|264 |陳宗煜 |陳宗煜 |  |  |  |idipc660@ms14. |

|265 |陳明化 |M.H.Chen |Asia University |  |Assist. Prof. |winskyist@ |

|266 |陳明誌 |RoyChen |  |  |  |roychenlds@ |

|267 |陳冠霖 |Chen Kung |  |  |  |3e31tech@ |

| | |Lin | | | | |

|268 |陳建槐 |陳建槐 |CPC |  |  |cjhuai@ |

|269 |陳彥良 |Robert Chen |ANADIGICS |  |Director |rchen@ |

|270 |陳思樺 |Mandy |  |  |  |mandychen777@ |


|272 |陳哲仁 |CHEN-CHE-JEN|  |  |  |jamse3865@ |

|273 |陳益群 |tonychen |choicerite limited |  |  |tonychen0226@.tw |

|274 |陳健宏 |Paul Chen |Nan Juen International CO., LTD. |MKT |PD Manager |paulchen@.tw |

|275 |陳國樑 |Kwo-Liang |  |  |Director |glchen@.tw |

| | |Chen | | | | |

|276 |陳啟源 |Eric Chen |  |  |  |3e9@.tw |

|277 |陳添福 |Tian-Fwu |Livestock Research Institute, |Technical |Researcher |tianfwu@mail..tw |

| | |Chen |Council of Agriculture |Division | | |

|278 |陳勝欽 |Sam Chen |Chang Gung University |Innovation and |Project manager |samchen@mail.cgu.edu.tw |

| | | | |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Center | | |

|279 |陳雅琴 |Kate Chen |  |  |  |yachin@.tw |

|280 |陳瑞英 |AMY |  |  |  |HKL99AMY@NTU.EDU.TW |

|281 |陳澤榮 |Baka Chen |  |  |  |baka@.tw |

|282 |陳靜玉 |Dabby Chen |  |  |  |well1222@ms6. |

|283 |陳麗華 |Sunny CHEN |CYCDA |  |Deputy secretary|303@.tw |

| | | | | |general | |

|284 |麥克強 |Michael Mai |Pershing Systems Corp. |Products |Sales |mai@mail..tw |

|285 |傅玉如 |Grace Fu |Samuel Consulting |  |  |grace_fu@.tw |

|286 |彭奎源 |PHILIP-PENG |  |  |  |pky56@ms34. |

|287 |揚益成 |YANG |  |  |President |sbiac@ms14. |

| | |YIH-CHERNG | | | | |

|288 |曾季隆 |James Tseng |  |  |CEO |cowell.tw@.tw |

|289 |曾素慧 |TSENG SU-HUI|  |  |  |saraht@ms7. |

|290 |曾馨儀 |Tseng |Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |Business Startup|thy@.tw |

| | |Hsin-Yi |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and |and Incubation | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation |Division | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|291 |游瑞泰 |TAYLOR YU |RICAME ENTERPRISE |SALES |MANAGER |ricame.yu@msa. |

|292 |琳俍禎 |LIN |domolic trading.co.,ltd. |  |  |domolic@.tw |

| | |LIANG-CHEN | | | | |

|293 |程榮 |chung jung |  |  |  |6497@ |

|294 |童正霞 |Tung |Council For Economic Planning and |Department of |Senior |chtung@.tw |

| | |Cheng-Hsia |Development, Executive Yuan |Sectoral |Specialist | |

| | | | |Planning | | |

|295 |童明慧 |Ming-Huei, |Bureau of Foreign Trade |Multilateral |Section Chief |minghuei@.tw |

| | |Tung | |Trade Division | | |

|296 |賀國樑 |Hou,Koa-Lian|  |  |Programmer |HKL003759@.tw |

| | |g | | | | |

|297 |馮玉民 |Feng Yu-Min |  |  |  |ep@.tw |

|298 |馮志峰 |Matt C. F. |  |  |  |mattfeng@.tw |

| | |Feng | | | | |

|299 |馮強華 |bob.cf feng |  |  |Gen Manager |bob.cf@ |

|300 |黃 耀 德 |Huang Yao de|Makoto Internacional Law Firm |Customer |Customer Service|n8799n8799@.tw |

| | | | |Service |Director | |

| | | | |Department | | |

|301 |黃上生 |huang |Army Academy,R.O.C. |Teaching Branch|Lecturer |hss77777@ms38. |

| | |Shan-Shen | | | | |

|302 |黃白盛蓮 |Serina Huang|Australian Commerce and Industry |Economic and |Executive Deputy|serina.huang@.au |

| | | |Office |Policy Section |Director | |

|303 |黃吉仁 |Steven Huang|HON LIN HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO.,LTD |Sales |G.M. Special |cjh990210@.tw |

| | | | |Department |Assistant | |

|304 |黃志民 |Hang |  |  |  |kgw@ |

| | |Min-Ming | | | | |

|305 |黃秀玲 |hsiu-ling |national youth commission |  |section chief |wuma1013@.tw |

| | |huang | | | | |

|306 |黃良吉 |Joseph Huang|National Taipei University of |Graduate School|PhD Program |joseph933228912@.tw |

| | | |Technology |of Computer |Student | |

| | | | |Science and | | |

| | | | |Information | | |

| | | | |Engineering | | |

|307 |黃怡瑄 |黃怡瑄 |  |  |  |susan@mail..tw |

|308 |黃俐瑄 |黃俐瑄 |CPC |  |  |6017@cpc.tw |

|309 |黃則謙 |alex Huang |  |  |  |yubbi@.tw |

|310 |黃美英 |May |  |  |  |mena@.tw |

|311 |黃茂榮 |Huang,Mao-Ju|  |  |  |hmr@ut.edu.tw |

| | |ng | | | | |

|312 |黃英進 |chin Huang |  |  |  |q2judy4827@.tw |

|313 |黃素梣 |Hwang su |  |  |  |ingingmeeidaytzy@.tw |

| | |chen | | | | |

|314 |黃啟南 |Huang, |  |  |  |ag9860@ms..tw |

| | |Chi-Nan | | | | |

|315 |黃清雄 |Jimmy C S |Printec.International Corp. |  |President |jimmy.huang@.tw |

| | |Huang | | | | |

|316 |黃開莉 |Mavis |  |  |  |synsachu@.tw |

|317 |黃琬婷 |Amanda Huang|Industrial Technology Research |Commercializati|  |amanda.huang@.tw |

| | | |Institute |on and Industry| | |

| | | | |Service Center | | |

|318 |黃愷鈞 |Wong Kai |  |  |  |wong_kai_jiun@.tw |

| | |Jiun | | | | |

|319 |黃暖婷 |Faustina |Taiwan Institute of Economic |Department of |Assistant |d24602@.tw |

| | |Nuanting |Research |International |Research Fellow | |

| | |Huang | |Affairs | | |

|320 |黃瑟靖 |Pennie Huang|  |  |  |pearl@sever..tw |

|321 |黃瑞庭 |Ricky Huang |Taiwan Machine Tool and Accessory |  |  |ricky@.tw |

| | | |Builders' Association | | | |

|322 |黃慧玲 |Huang Huei |CEC Inc. |Marketing |Project Manager |hlhuangtp@ |

| | |Ling | | | | |



|324 |黃繹道 |Yi-Dau Huang|  |  |  |hed188@.tw |

|325 |黃櫻香 |Cherry Huang|  |  |  |a001171@oa..tw |

|326 |愛得華 |Brian Aiello|  |  |vice president |brian@oxy. |

|327 |楊正名 |Morris Yang |Small and Medium Enterprise |Management |Section Chief |morris@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Consulting | | |

| | | |Affairs |Division | | |

|328 |楊佳憲 |YANG, |Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |Section Chief |chyang@.tw |

| | |Chia-Hsien |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and | | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|329 |楊倉隆 |tsang-loung |  |  |TEACHER |yu42127595@.tw |

| | |yang | | | | |

|330 |楊家彥 |Yang, |  |  |  |d12119@.tw |

| | |Chia-Yen | | | | |


| | | | | |OFFICER | |

|332 |楊振華 |Alejandro |Embassy of Honduras |  |Charge d' |embajadahondurastw@ |

| | |Young | | |Affairs | |

|333 |楊崇正 |Tsung-Cheng,|National Penghu University |Dept. of |Associate |yangtsungcheng@.tw |

| | |Yang Ph.D. | |Marketing and |Professor / | |

| | | | |Logistics |Dept. Chairman | |

| | | | |Management | | |

|334 |楊淑華 |Shu-Hwa Yang|Big Strength Co. |  |President |peng41peng41@.tw |

| | | | | |Assistant | |

|335 |楊翔莉 |Yang |  |  |  |shiangli2006@ |

| | |Shiang-Li | | | | |

|336 |楊琬菱 |楊琬菱 |  |  |  |wanlin_yang@.tw |

|337 |楊達鑫 |Ta Hsin Yang|  |  |  |a909311@ms37. |

|338 |楊筱雲 |Hsiao-Yun |Ministry of the Interior |Dep. of Social |  |moi0849@.tw |

| | |Yang | |Affairs | | |

|339 |楊德勝 |Datuk Yong |Malaysian Friendship and Trade |  |President |yongts@.my |

| | |Teck Shing |Center | | | |


| | |CHI-HSIN | |BUINESE | | |

|341 |溫 淑 珍 |Shu-Chen Wen|Miaoli County Industry Development |  |section chief |wendywen037@.tw |

| | | |and Investment Committee | | | |

|342 |溫儒均 |Catherine J.|IDB, MOEA |  |  |rjuer@.tw |

| | |C. Wen | | | | |

|343 |萬文隆 |Wenlung Wan |  |  |  |wanwenlu@ms36. |

|344 |葉昊政 |葉昊政 |  |  |  |howww@.tw |

|345 |葉添信 |Henry Yeh |  |  |  |yehth@ms29. |

|346 |葉新興 |Shin-hsing, |Takming University of Science and |Department of |Associate |yeh2002@takming.edu.tw |

| | |Yeh |Technology |Accounting |Professor | |

| | | | |Information | | |

|347 |葉榮椿 |Yeh, Ron |Meiho University |Grad. Inst. of |Assocaite |x00002051@meiho.edu.tw |

| | |Chuen | |Business & |Professor | |

| | | | |Management | | |

|348 |詹哲茂 |jeh moh |  |  |  |jmchiam@.tw |

| | |Chiam | | | | |

|349 |詹凱傑 |Kai-Chieh |  |  |  |chankaichieh@ |

| | |Chan | | | | |

|350 |詹麗淑 |Cherry Chen |  |  |  |cherry@.tw |



|352 |雷政霖 |Rich Lei |  |  |  |lei@p- |

|353 |雷聲遠 |Henry Lei |  |  |  |plive16@ |

|354 |廖巧玲 |Liao |  |  |  |incubate@mail.nou.edu.tw |

| | |Chiao-Ling | | | | |

|355 |廖育秀 |廖育秀 |  |  |  |yushiuo0818@.tw |

|356 |廖佳玥 |Jessica Liao|University of Southern California |Politics and |PhD Candidate |jliao79@ |

| | | | |International | | |

| | | | |Relations PhD | | |

|357 |廖郁如 |Ru |  |  |  |heby6927@ |

|358 |廖姵茹 |Pei Ru Liao |  |  |  |itri529938@.tw |

|359 |廖國安 |Franklin |SUN LUCK ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT |Buz. |Manager |sunluckelectrical@ |

| | |Liao |CO.,LTD | | | |

|360 |廖清龍 |無 |  |  |  |y11201@.tw |

|361 |廖淑珍 |Shu Chen |  |  |Teacher |alice001104@.tw |

| | |Liao | | | | |

|362 |廖勝嘉 |Sheng Chia |Sun Ten Pharmaceutical |Admin Dep. |senior manager |st@.tw |

| | |Liao | | | | |

|363 |廖欽崇 |Allen Liao |SUN LUCK ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT |Int'l Dep |M. Director |sunluck@mail..tw |

| | | |CO.,LTD | | | |

|364 |廖韻奇 |廖韻奇 |  |  |  |302@.tw |

|365 |熊瀛松 |Jameson |DualPowerful Technical Corporation |R & D |V.P. |xiunysu@ |

|366 |褚哲彬 |Jebb Chu |JEBBS INDUSTRIES, INC. |  |President |jebbchu@ms13. |

|367 |趙志欣 |Chih-Shin |  |  |  |walk0409.mse96g@g2.nctu.edu.tw |

| | |Chao | | | | |

|368 |趙勁筑 |Chao Chin |  |  |  |0566@.tw |

| | |Chu | | | | |

|369 |趙建富 |chao chien |  |  |  |chao88820205@ |

| | |fu | | | | |

|370 |齊作毅 |Eric Chi |N.S. Inc. |  |assistant |erichia@ms45. |

|371 |齊忠明 |Arthur Chi |  |  |  |arthur@.tw |

|372 |劉一郎 |Liu Yi-Lang |  |  |  |elton@mail..tw |

|373 |劉人豪 |JEN HAO, LIU|  |  |  |f2222108g@.tw |

|374 |劉玉珍 |Liu Yu Chen |  |  |  |smileone@ms65. |

|375 |劉其昌 |Liu Chi |  |  |  |ly20161@.tw |

| | |Chang | | | | |

|376 |劉宜庭 |LIU YI TING |  |  |  |e123455782@ |

|377 |劉東光 |Liu Tong |  |  |  |tixdem2@ |

| | |Kuang | | | | |

|378 |劉虹麟 |Daphne |TAITRA |Planning and |Liu |daphneliu@.tw |

| | | | |Finance Dep. | | |

|379 |劉家興 |Justin Liou |  |  |  |jliou168@ |

|380 |劉振忠 |Chen-Cheng |  |  |specialist |ccliu@.tw |

| | |Liu | | | | |

|381 |劉偉中 |Liu |Metal Industries Research & |Regional R&D |Deputy Director |wayneliu@mail..tw |

| | |Wei-Chung |Development Centre |Service | | |

| | | | |Department | | |

|382 |劉詩馨 |Liu shi xin |san Ho computer |marketing |marketing |liushixin074@ |

| | | | | |manager | |

|383 |劉德旺 |Enoch Liu |Pet-Teh Industial and Home Econ. |Dean's Office |Teacher |surpyc2010@.tw |

| | | |Vocational High School | | | |

|384 |慕容彬 |Brendan |Canadian Trade Office in Taipei |Trade & |Deputy Director |brendan.murphy@international.gc.ca |

| | |Murphy | |Investment | | |

|385 |歐永炯 |Ou, |  |  |  |ouyj@ |

| | |Yeongjeong | | | | |

|386 |歐志 |F |Amardis Tech |RD |  |ntukhtsai@ntu.edu.tw |

|387 |潘文俊 |Wen-Chun,Pan|Samuel Consulting |  |CEO |julio_pan@.tw |

|388 |蔣心怡 |coco |  |  |  |mm91mm@ |

|389 |蔡妤蓁 |蔡妤蓁 |  |  |  |330@.tw |

|390 |蔡依倫 |Ellen Tsai |  |  |  |d27520@.tw |

|391 |蔡佳容 |Chloe Tsai |PCL Transasia Law Offices |  |  |ctsai@.tw |

|392 |蔡宜真 |Michelle |  |  |  |amtb.tsai@msa. |

| | |Tsai | | | | |

|393 |蔡長青 |Tsai |  |  |  |tcc5788@.tw |

| | |Chang-Ching | | | | |

|394 |蔡青盈 |tsai ching |  |  |  |nanakodaphne@.tw |

| | |ying | | | | |

|395 |蔡宥秀 |Yu Hsiu Tsai|NATIONAL KAOHSIUNG NORMAL UNIVERSITY|Innovation |administrative |s9135@nknucc.nknu.edu.tw |

| | | | |Incubation |assistant | |

| | | | |Center | | |

|396 |蔡崇禮 |TONY TSAI |  |  |  |kb823168@.tw |

|397 |蔡瑜仁 |Tsai yu jen |  |  |  |fd385@.tw |

|398 |蔡瑜仁 |Tsai yu jen |  |  |  |amanda9898@ |

|399 |蔡碧茹 |Christina |m-power |President |  |tsai46@ |

| | |Tsai | |office | | |



|401 |鄭振裁 |Mr. Carlos |Small and Medium Enterprise |Deputy Director|Deputy Director |ctcheng@.tw |

| | |Chen-Tsair |Administration, Ministry of Economic|General Office |General | |

| | |Cheng |Affairs | | | |

|402 |鄭國樑 |Justin Cheng|Fan Tac Int'l Co. Ltd. |Sales |Sales manager |fantac.int@msa. |

| | | | |department | | |

|403 |鄭智亮 |Jackcl Cheng|Shell Home System Engineering Co., |R&D |Manager |jackclcheng@.tw |

| | | |Ltd. | | | |

|404 |鄭智緯 |Chih-wei |  |  |  |cwcheng@tp.edu.tw |

| | |Cheng | | | | |

|405 |鄭琰芳 |Yean-Fang |Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA |Multilateral |Specialist |yeanfang@.tw |

| | |CHENG | |Trade Affairs | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|406 |鄭慶祥 |Jeng Ching |IDIPC |  |President |joanne@mail..tw |

| | |Shyang | | | | |

|407 |鄭鴻基 |warrantcheng|Welfare Information Screening |General Manager|General Manager |warrantcheng@.tw |

| | | |Technology Inc. |office | | |

|408 |鄧介民 |Max Deng |  |  |  |maxdeng@.tw |

|409 |鄧旨孟 |Wilson Teng |  |  |  |cmt1@alumni.sfu.ca |

|410 |鄧學修 |Jimmy |  |  |  |dengjimmy@ |

|411 |盧采霞 |Emily Lu |Euflex Technology Corp. |  |  |emily@.tw |

|412 |盧美雅 |Mei-Ya Lu |Department of International |  |Section Chief |  |

| | | |Cooperation, MOEA | | | |

|413 |蕭永健 |Shiau Yoeng |  |  |CPA |dig6969@sn..tw |

| | |Jainn | | | | |

|414 |蕭原戎 |Yuan-Rong |National Yang-Ming University |  |  |yjhsiao@ym.edu.tw |

| | |Shiau | | | | |

|415 |蕭博林 |ROBERT |  |  |  |robertbolin8422@ |

|416 |賴文隆 |Lai Thomas |CABM |  |Member |pehrgin@.tw |

|417 |賴名倫 |Lai |  |  |Ph.D Student |efleet0714@ |

| | |Ming-Luen | | | | |

|418 |賴作松 |Christophe |Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |Director |clai@.tw |

| | |LAI |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and | | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|419 |賴杉桂 |Dr. Robert |Small and Medium Enterprise |Director |Director General|sqlai@.tw |

| | |Sun-Quae LAI|Administration, Ministry of Economic|General Office | | |

| | | |Affairs | | | |

|420 |賴英崑 |Lai Ing-kuen|ITRI |Policy and |manager |peterlai@.tw |

| | | | |regional | | |

| | | | |research | | |

|421 |賴荃賢 |Stephen Lai |  |  |  |stephen.lai@.tw |

|422 |賴銘新 |Kevin Lai |AsiaPeak Technologies, inc. |Administration |Vice President |kevinmslai@ |

| | | | |Division | | |

|423 |駱錦明 |Kenneth C.M.|Industrial Bank of Taiwan |  |Chairman |anniehuang@.tw |

| | |Lo | | | | |

|424 |鮑世達 |PABLO |  |  |DIRECTOE |pbalmaceda@chile-.tw |

| | |BALMACEDA | | | | |

|425 |龍步雲 |Long,Pu-Yun |Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |Commercial |pylong@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and |Secretary | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|426 |龍步雲 |Long,Pu-Yun |Small and Medium Enterprise |Business |Commercial |pylong@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Startup and |Secretary | |

| | | |Affairs |Incubation | | |

| | | | |Division | | |

|427 |戴心梅 |Phebe Dai |  |  |  |maymay1123@ |

|428 |戴坤輝 |TAI KUN_HUI |Nan Kai University of Technology |incubator |project manager |kunhui@nkut.edu.tw |

| | | | |center | | |

|429 |戴浙 |Tai Cheh |cycu |Psychology |Prof. |b9143@cycu.edu.tw |

|430 |薛天翔 |Anthony |  |  |director |hsueh48@ |

| | |Hsueh | | | | |

|431 |薛任慈 |Miranda |  |  |  |punhoo@.tw |

| | |Hsueh | | | | |

|432 |薛竣文 |Chun-Wen |  |  |  |hsueh_1@.tw |

| | |Hsueh | | | | |

|433 |謝天生 |Thomas Hsieh|  |  |  |Thomas@mail..tw |

|434 |謝志乾 |Mayer Hsieh |Universal EC Inc. |LAD |Legal Manager |kolnkoln@yahoo.cm.tw |

|435 |謝明宗 |MT Shieh |  |  |Director |shieh.mt2007@ |

|436 |謝明修 |louis shieh |Polaris MF Global Futures Co.,Ltd |sales |Sales manager |louis.shieh@ |

| | | | |Department | | |

|437 |謝玲珠 |lcsei |  |  |  |lcsei@.tw |

|438 |謝素琴 |Suchin Hsieh|Fisheries Agency |Aquaculture |Associate |suchin@ms1..tw |

| | | | |Division |Researcher | |

|439 |謝富宮 |Alston Hsieh|Alston Dual Currency Investment |  |  |alston.dcp@ |

| | | |Consultant Co., Ltd. | | | |


| | | | |DEPT. |MANAGER | |

|441 |謝豐忠 |Loyal Hsieh |Chung Chang Co., Ltd. |Executive Board|CEO |loyal_taiwan@.tw |

|442 |鍾孟瑾 |Eurie Chung |  |  |  |aicpo@.tw |

|443 |鍾國揚 |Davd chung |  |  |  |u97531@.tw |



|445 |顏汶羽 |Yen Wen Yu |  |  |Manager |cmyrain@ |

|446 |顏錫銘 |Simon H Yen |  |  |  |syen@nccu.edu.tw |

|447 |羅淑貞 |LUO SHU |TOMBOLO DEVELOPMENT CO.LTD. |  |MANAGER |roselo7777@ |

| | |CHENG | | | | |

|448 |嚴秀桂 |TINA |TAIWAN FIRST LI-BON CO.,LTD. |  |  |quei@.tw |

|449 |嚴萬璋 |Wan-Chang |  |  |  |WCYen@.tw |

| | |Yen | | | | |

|450 |蘇文玲 |Su, Wen-Ling|Small and Medium Enterprise |Management |Director |wenling@.tw |

| | | |Administration, Ministry of Economic|Consulting | | |

| | | |Affairs |Division | | |

|451 |蘇秀玲、陳茵|Victoria Su,|Securities & Futures Institute |Research |Researcher |hvsu@.tw |

| |琦 |Ingrid Chen | |Department | | |

|452 |蘇美玲 |Meiling Su |  |  |  |meilingsu@.tw |

|453 |蘇美蓉 |su mei-jung |  |  |  |taylor58888@.tw |

|454 |蘇美蓉 |su mei-jung |  |  |vice-manager |taylor58888@ |

|455 |蘇惠卿 |Su Hui Ching|  |  |  |nskingman7@ |

|456 |饒達欽 |RAU, |  |  |vice president |dcrau@cc.hwh.edu.tw |

| | |DAR-DHIN | | | | |

|457 |龔靜洲 |Christopher |Fubon Life Co. |Insurance |VIP |cskung@.tw |

| | |Kung | | | | |

Appendix IV: Event Agenda

APEC Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of

Managing the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization

Tentative Agenda

16th ~ 17th August 2011, Chinese Taipei

Venue: 3rd Floor, Far Eastern Grand Ballroom, Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei

|16 August (TUESDAY) |

|09:00 - 09:10 |REGISTRATION & Group Photo |

|09:10 - 09:30 |Welcome Ceremony |


|09:30 - 09:40 |Robert Sun-Quae Lai, Executive Director, APEC SME Crisis Management Center, Chinese Taipei |

|09:40 - 10:00 |[KEYNOTE SPEECH: I] Enhancing SME Capacity for Trade |

| |Shih-Chao Cho, Director General, Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Chinese Taipei |

|10:00 - 10:20 |[KEYNOTE SPEECH: II] International Trade Engagement and its Associated Risks |

| |Franklin L. Lavin, Former Under Secretary, International Trade at the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States |

|10:20 - 10:40 |TEA BREAK |

|SESSION I |Strengthening SME Competitiveness to Benefit from Trade Liberalization |

|10:40 - 10:45 |Moderator: Carlos C. T. Cheng, Deputy Director General, Small and Medium Enterprises Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, |

| |Chinese Taipei |

|10:45 - 11:05 |Kazuhiko Yokota, Associate Professor, School of Commerce, Waseda University, Japan |

|11:05 - 11:25 |Jane Liu, President, New Deantronics Co., Chinese Taipei |

|11:25 - 11:45 |Kenneth Waller, Director, Australian APEC Study Centre at RMIT University, Australia |

|11:45 - 12:00 |Q&A |

|12:00 - 13:30 |LUNCHEON |

|SESSION II |The Factors Affecting the Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Impacts on SMEs |

|13:30 - 13:35 |Moderator: David S. Hong, Deputy Executive Director, APEC SME Crisis Management Center, Chinese Taipei |

|13:35 - 13:55 |Cathy Jabara, Senior Economist, Office of Industries, U.S. International Trade Commission, United States |

|13:55 - 14:15 |Sheng-Yung Yang, Professor of Finance & Director of EMBA Program, National Chung Hsing University, Chinese Taipei |

|14:15 - 14:35 |John R. Rush, Principal Consultant, Oakbridge Limited Financial Consulting Group, Australia |

|14:35 - 14:50 |Q & A |

|14:50 - 15:10 |TEA BREAK |

|SESSION III |How SMEs Use Forward Exchange Transactions and Forex Options as Hedging Tools |

|15:10 - 15:15 |Moderator: Kenneth Lo, Chairman, Industrial Bank of Taiwan, Chinese Taipei |

|15:15 - 15:35 |William T. Lin, Professor, Department of Banking and Finance, Tamkang University, Chinese Taipei |

|15:35 - 16:05 |Mario Kan, Senior Consultant, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, Chinese Taipei |

|16:05 - 16:25 |Simon H. Yen, Professor, Department of Finance, National Chengchi University, Chinese Taipei |

|16:25 - 16:35 |Q & A |

|16:35 - 16:55 |TEA BREAK |

|SESSION IV |How SMEs Deal with the Risks Created by Standards and Regulations of Foreign Economies |

|16:55 - 17:00 |Moderator: Cathy Jabara, Senior Economist, Office of Industries, U.S. International Trade Commission, United States |

|17:00 - 17:20 |Ileana Martinez, International Affairs Advisor, Standards Services Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, |

| |United States |

|17:20 - 17:45 |Venus C. Genson, CEO & President, Venus Group, Philippines |

|17:45 - 17:55 |Q&A |

|18:30 - 20:30 |WELCOME DINNER |

| |[INVITATION ONLY: B1 Floor, Metro Suite, Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei] |

|17 August (WEDNESDAY) |

|SESSION V |Government Policy to Enhance SME Capacity in Coping with Fiercer Foreign Competition Resulting from Trade Liberalization |

|09:00 - 09:05 |Moderator: Shu-Hsing Li, Dean, College of Management, National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei |

|09:05 - 09:25 |David Deakins, Director of the New Zealand Centre for SME Research, School of Management, Massey University, New Zealand |

|09:25 - 09:45 |Karunajothi Kandasamy, Senior Director of the Economics and Policy Planning Division, SME Corp., Malaysia |

|09:45 - 10:05 |Tulus Tambunnan, Director, Centre for Industry and Small and Medium Enterprise Studies, Universitas Trisatki, Indonesia |

|10:05 - 10:20 |Q & A |

|10:20 - 10:40 |TEA BREAK |

|SESSION VI |Managing Credit Risk and Political Risk in International Trade |

|10:40 - 10:45 |Moderator: David Deakins, Director of the New Zealand Centre for SME Research, School of Management, Massey University, New Zealand |

|10:45 - 11:05 |Jin-Chuan Duan, Director of Risk Management Institute and Cycle & Carriage Professor of Finance, National University of Singapore, |

| |Singapore |

|11:05 - 11:25 |Hsuan-Chu Lin, Assistant Professor, Department of Accountancy, National Cheng Kung University, Chinese Taipei |

|11:25 – 11:45 |Diana Smallridge, President & CEO, International Financial Consulting Ltd., Canada |

|11:45 - 12:00 |Q & A |

|12:00 - 13:30 |LUNCHEON |

|Workshop |Workshop on Trade Liberalization and the Associated Risks Faced by SMEs |

| |[B1 Floor, West Gate, Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei] |

|13:30 - 14:50 |Moderator: Venus C. Genson, CEO & President, Venus Group, Philippines |

| |John R. Rush, Principal Consultant, Oakbridge Limited Financial Consulting Group, Australia |

| |Ivan Ornelas, Director for International Relations, Ministry of Economy, Mexico |

| |Q & A |

Appendix V: Relevant Links

Official Website Created for APEC Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization:

Website Layout:


Appendix VI: Project Evaluation

Two sets of suveys have been constructed and conducted. One is conducted before the symposium to understand the opinions, suggestions and needs of APEC SMEs associated with trade liberalization and its relevant risks, with a section specifically focusing on APEC SME Crisis Management Center and the monthly released Crisis Monitor. Another has been conducted to understand participants’ feedback and suggestions for the symposium.

➢ APEC Survey on the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization Facing SMEs:

|Part I – SME and the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization |

|Please indicate how helpful the enhancement of capabilities in coping with trade-related risks is to the increase of SMEs’ |

|trade volume. |

|[pic] |

|Please indicate how seriously the Exchange Rate Risk obstructs SMEs from engaging in the international trade |

|[pic] |

|Please indicate how seriously the Regulatory Risk obstructs SMEs from engaging in the international trade. |

|[pic] |

|Please indicate how seriously the Credit Risk obstructs SMEs from engaging in the international trade. |

|[pic] |

|Please indicate how seriously the Transportation Risk obstructs SMEs from engaging in the international trade. |

|[pic] |

|Please indicate how seriously the Political Risk obstructs SMEs from engaging in the international trade. |

|[pic] |

|Please indicate how seriously the Competition Risk obstructs SMEs from engaging in the international trade. |

|[pic] |

|Part II – APEC SME Crisis Management Center (SCMC) |

|Please rate your level of overall satisfaction to visit SCMC official website? |

|[pic] |

|Please rate your level of overall satisfaction whether or not "APEC SME Economic Crisis Monitor" meets your expectation. |

|[pic] |

|Please rate your level of satisfaction with the layout of the Monitor. |

|[pic] |

|Please rate your level of satisfaction with the practicality and helpfulness of the information presented in the Monitor. |

|[pic] |

➢ Evaluation for APEC Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization:

|Symposium Evaluation |

|1 |Please indicate your gender. |

| |[pic] |

|2 |Does this Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization helpful for your |

| |career development? |

| |[pic] |

|3 |In general, are you satisfied with this Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Risks Associated with Trade |

| |Liberalization? |

| |[pic] |

|4 |Are you satisfied with the content of the speakers? |

| |[pic] |

|5 |Are you satisfied with the organization of the agenda? |

| |[pic] |

|6 |Are you satisfied with the meals and refreshment? |

| |[pic] |

|7 |How helpful do you think the Symposium is for you to understand the issues related to SME risk management associated with trade|

| |liberalization? |

| |[pic] |

Appendix VII: Key Findings of the Project

APEC Principles on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Trade Liberalization

This document is the output of APEC Symposium on Enhancing SME Capacity of Managing the Risks Associated with Trade Liberalization, held in 2011 in Taipei, currently proposed for discussion and consideration among SMEWG member economies.


While trade liberalization leading to bilateral or multilateral market opening brings about tremendous new opportunities for market expansion and business profitability, it is also inevitable to result in more intensive competition, market fluctuation, and/or the related challenges against many businesses and enterprises. Therefore, policymakers have to pay much attention to and make continual efforts on how to accommodate domestic business environment accordingly and help enhance entrepreneurial capacity of grasping the opportunities and managing the challenges associated with trade liberalization.

The APEC SME Crisis Management Center investigated the related needs of SMEs and learnt that, compared with large enterprises, SMEs would especially benefit from the availability of relevant public resources and cooperative networks dealing with the major issues due to trade liberalization. APEC region as a whole should also seek opportunities to work together among member economies to facilitate its SMEs uplifting their capacity of such management. Only when those issues for SMEs are adequately addressed, will the benefits associated with trade liberalization be realized to the upmost, directly contributing to the APEC Bogor goals of “free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific” and further promotes trade flows in the APEC region.

Major Issues Identified

Based on APEC studies, among others, there are certain major issues identified as associated with trade liberalization as follows:

1. Foreign regulatory regimes: due to lack of transparency in regulations, or lack of the access to foreign regulatory information, entrepreneurs might encounter a lot of unexpected difficulties in doing business from regulations on such operation activities as starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, and closing a business. These regulatory risks could be even more impedimental to SMEs.

2. Policy consistency: while trade liberalization policy may bring about significant economic and industrial benefits for the economy, it can also cause considerable impacts on certain businesses or sectors, leading to firms shutdown and jobs loss. Such problems might raise the voice of protectionism and result in political campaign for imposing market regulations or trade barriers, which might lead to unexpected shift of trade policy framework.

3. Market competition: market competition may result in the possible loss due to a firm’s competitive disadvantages. Such potential loss will intensify when doing business in a foreign market, due to less advantageous over local competitors in such areas as market intelligence, supplier relation or networking, business reputation or customer familiarity, legal resources for dispute resolution, and the like. These issues may be even more common or difficult for SMEs to overcome.

4. Access to finance: financial stress is frequently heightened for SMEs trading with foreign counterparties due to higher risk of business or less access to physical collateral leading to lack of access to finance in general. It is one type of frequently mentioned hindrances to realizing the potential economic benefits resulting from trade liberalization.

5. Exchange rate fluctuation: fluctuation in the exchange rate is regarded as one of the common uncertainties associated with international trade, and can change unfavorably and adversely affect the terms of trade for either exporters or importers. Many SMEs may not possess the appropriate resources for the necessary expertise or managerial capability of risk mitigation or hedging.

6. Transportation and related costs: according to APEC studies among others, a number of factors contribute to high transportation risks and costs, including inadequate infrastructure, limited availability of transportation options, and higher insurance costs for overseas shipments. These difficulties generally impact SMEs to a greater degree since they cannot take advantage of economies of scale and have difficulty identifying other, more cost-effective shipping alternatives.

Guiding Principles for Strengthening SME Competitiveness to Benefit from Trade Liberalization

1. Greater trade facilitation for SMEs should be enhanced by improving transparency via APEC WebTR portal for easier access to free trade agreements, ease in locating FTA texts, and information at no cost.

2. Public-private partnership should be reinforced to uplift SMEs managerial and innovative capacity through information exchange networking, consultant and technical service networks, academic and industrial cooperation, public R&D facilities, innovation tax incentives, and the like.

3. Innovative and internationalized human resource development for SMEs may be promoted by ways of employee education and training, new talent recruitment, knowledge management, employee career planning system buildup, and the like, through Inter-Sectoral Cooperation.

4. Financial or credit support programs should be implemented and revalued on a continuous basis, including SME loans, loan guarantees, tax incentives, specialized banks, special funds, and so on, while long-term efforts should also be made in improving SME financial managerial capability, and credit rating system.

5. SMEs export may be facilitated by various sorts of promotion and marketing measures such as co-marketing, trade shows, and so on, through industrial cooperation and public-private partnership.

6. Transportation costs can be mitigated through improving transportation infrastructure, introducing more competition in the logistics service market, facilitating innovations in technology and business model of logistics service providers, streamlining customs procedures, making information more accessible about logistics market dynamics, and the like.

Guiding Principles for Enhancing SME Capacity to Cope with Foreign Regulatory and Competition Environment

1. Based on the needs of SMEs, public and/or private resources (e.g., industrial associations and professional service providers) should be directed into providing for foreign regulatory information and improving regulatory transparency or information accessibility through the buildup of consultant service networks.

2. All policy planning of trade liberalization should include the careful impact assessment so that the major adversely affected groups could be identified and remedial measures may hence be incorporated into the integral policy action plan.

Guiding Principles for Improving the Accessibility of Knowledge for SMEs to Adopt Adequate Hedging Methods

1. Information or counseling service for exchange rate fluctuation and related macroeconomic outlook should be made more accessible to SMEs, and educational and training programs may be planed and launched for improving knowledge and capability of SMEs in exchange rate risk management.


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