
Snake-god“A man's greed is like a snake that wants to swallow an elephant.”A Conan tributeIllustrations modelled by Fabricio TernesContents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u OneSacrilege PAGEREF _Toc376676093 \h 5Accursed thief PAGEREF _Toc376676094 \h 5Needy PAGEREF _Toc376676095 \h 6Judgment PAGEREF _Toc376676096 \h 9Suspended sentence PAGEREF _Toc376676097 \h 11Unexpected PAGEREF _Toc376676098 \h 13Out of this world PAGEREF _Toc376676099 \h 14Named PAGEREF _Toc376676100 \h 16Conan PAGEREF _Toc376676101 \h 18TwoThe whereabouts PAGEREF _Toc376676102 \h 19Hard-case, eh PAGEREF _Toc376676103 \h 19Dungeon fevers PAGEREF _Toc376676104 \h 20Livened-up PAGEREF _Toc376676105 \h 21Warming up PAGEREF _Toc376676106 \h 23Question and answer PAGEREF _Toc376676107 \h 24Respect for your betters PAGEREF _Toc376676108 \h 26Rope trick PAGEREF _Toc376676109 \h 28Exception PAGEREF _Toc376676110 \h 30 PAGEREF _Toc376676111 \h 30Take a ride PAGEREF _Toc376676112 \h 31Putting on the squeeze PAGEREF _Toc376676113 \h 34Broken over a beam PAGEREF _Toc376676114 \h 34At a stretch PAGEREF _Toc376676115 \h 35Racked with pain PAGEREF _Toc376676116 \h 37Squeeze PAGEREF _Toc376676117 \h 38The bribe PAGEREF _Toc376676118 \h 40Racked, crushed, drained PAGEREF _Toc376676119 \h 42Worth something PAGEREF _Toc376676120 \h 43end PAGEREF _Toc376676121 \h 44OneSacrilegeAccursed thief1.2Needy“So this is the filthy perpetrator?”He heard a silence. As the High Priest looked down on him with disgust. No one needed to answer that question.“Something this despicable would commit the atrocious act.”Suddenly a hand had gripped at his hair. Yanked his head up. Nearly pulling his hair out at the roots. Looking into the firing line of hatred bursting off the priest’s face.He’d been brought here in chains. Bustled along with his leg irons clanking .. a couple of times he’d tripped up .. when chains could not match the rough jostling from the guards. When he fell, they simply kicked him back to his feet. Their boots had lashed out .. hard leather had stomped on his back .. till he was forced to drag himself smarting to his feet. Held again firmly by the iron collar around his neck, shoved ungainly forward. Chains scraping at sun-baked earth. Hauled roughly across the compound and thrown at the High Priest’s feet.The accursed criminal looked up at the question. Towering above him a grim-faced man .. a burly build, his bare arms revealed a man who had been a formidable warrior in his youth. And looked up at from down in the dirt, his enormous bulk seemed to dominate those around him. He saw the priest looked around .. at the temple guards who had given their prisoner a hard time.The High Priest knew them to be devoted men .. to their god, to the priesthood, to doing the right thing. He didn’t protest when one stomped a boot into the perpetrator’s back .. lashing a grimace of pain across his face, Many of them had been recruited from the king’s guard .. hard men .. they did not take being mucked around. Their actions were motivated by their duties. And they had been told this thief had committed the greatest crime. Sacrilege. Against their god.He had resisted .. he’d been told .. when they’d caught him red-handed. The guards’ savagery had showed him his well-being was not their concern .. he could resist as much as he wanted. They’d give as hard as they took .. and double it. Beating him down, kicking the hell out of him. A greater crime could not be committed .. robbing the god itself.He had heard this dog had kept on fighting to escape after being captured. When they had got him into the cellars .. going to forced him into an animal cage for the night .. he had wriggled himself free. Threw punches that sent guards reeling to the ground. The cursed thief could fight. But these guards were no soft jailors .. no timid virgins .. seasoned guards from the king’s army. They had come up the hard way .. in the king’s army there was place only for the toughest of men. Fists, clubs .. a few lashes with the switch .. with effort they forced him into the cage. It had taken so fighting, he had been told. But they’d got the snivelling dog in his cage .. beaten near unconscious.When he had recovered, the accursed thief had found himself in a small animal cage, swinging a man’s height off the floor. Wild dogs had been set free in the cellar. Jumping up at him, snarling, wild with hunger and frustration. The guards meant to make sure he’d not slip away. Kept in his cage by snarling jailors .. secured to face this sentence the next day. These temple guards did not mess around. He had committed the greatest sacrilege. Robbed a god.The High Priest nodded. The grip on the thief’s collar started to yank him up to his feet. He managed not to wince as pain was pulled out of his throat. But when he made to move and looked like he might give them trouble, an elbow crashed into the top of his head. Hard. Pain exploded in his head, he nearly toppled forward out of surprise. The temple guards did not take to being messed around.“Fuck you,” he roared. In pain. Out of surprise.The iron collar around his neck held him upright .. digging in deep. Cutting off his wind till he righted himself. Pulled from behind, the iron band digging into his throat. Throttling him. Not a chance to help himself, his hands were caught in manacles clamped to the back of the collar. He couldn’t breathe, his face going red, the pulse pounding in his ear.“Both jewels have been retrieved?”He wasn’t paying attention to the High Priest questioning the temple guard. He didn’t need to, he knew what he had done. Entered the temple in the middle of the night and prised the giant jewels from the head of their god. Leaving he ran into a troop of guards. Stupidly went and got himself caught red-handed. Guilty of sacrilege, they called it. The two priests’ dead bodies also laid at his guilty feet.But what pillocks were going to leave that temptation lying around? That was the crime .. two enormous jewels in the head of some effigy of a snake .. it was inviting trouble. Who called it sacrilege? He didn’t worship this bastard god of theirs. And besides .. who went around worshipping some snake? And who went and left a fucking effigy with a pair of jewels the size of his fist .. protected only by a pair of dozy priests ..? Times had been hard recently .. he needed a slice of good luck. And there it was .. beckoning him .. the eyes of a snake .. just asking to be taken. He’d lost a sizeable amount of his stash .. found by other fucking thieves coming stealing when his back was turned. And did it come any better? Up-for-grabs. There were these two unmatchable gems .. stuck in some snake effigy .. barely guarded .. giving his fingers the itchy come-on. It was just asking for it, wasn’t it?His throat still hurt from the throttling. But he was getting his breath back. But his strength of will had never been in question. As often before, he’d have to use whatever chance came his way .. to worm his way out of this mess.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1.3.JudgmentThey’d wrestled him struggling towards a giant hole in the ground. He didn’t know what it might threaten .. but the look of it said he didn’t fancy finding out. Again forced battling to his knees .. taking knocks and blows .. kicks to the legs to force him kneeling near the edge. Still that pressure on the iron collar .. yanking his head around .. digging pain into his neck .. trying to throttle the fight out of him.The priests he noticed were gathered the other side of this circular pit, he was surrounded by the muscle-men, the guards who had given him a good working-over in their dungeons. And still the bastard who had cracked him over the head stood close by, his hand on the iron collar. Ready to strangle any fight-back.“He has committed sacrilege. This scum had besmirched the image of the god. Only one sentence can be meted out ..”Already he’d noticed a chain lowering .. hanging over the centre of the pit. Some kind of framework over the top of the hole, the thick chain clunking, passing over a revolving bar, lowering down a thick rusty, a huge hook at the end.They were doing this for his purpose .. he had no doubts .. going to lower him into this pit. To leave him there? .. To starve him to death? Still struggling he glanced down into the hole. Bottomless, he could see nothing. Quickly shadow took over, he could not see how deep it was. A well? Was he being lowered into a well and left to drown?As if to answer his suspicions, a priest drew to the edge of the pit. Dropping a lump of meat into the depths. In a second, the sound came rushing up from the darkness. Wild hissing. Angry sounds of animals fighting for food. Snakes. Hundreds of them by the sound of it. A pit-ful of snakes. That fitted. They worshipped this fucking snake-god. He’d stolen the effigy’s eyes. And now he was going to be cast into the depths? An encounter with the god’s friends> It made sense. But not a promising prospect.Guards had hauled him to his feet. He struggled against their grip .. the idea of being lowered down there doubling his fight. The chain had lowered to ground level, a guard was fishing for the hook still dangling over the pit He saw the picture. They were going to suspend him off that hook and lower him down. Into a mass of seething hungry snakes. A fitting sentence. Not one a man of his kind could possibly take lying down.He wriggled, he jerked with his shoulders. He squirmed to get his handlers to let go their grip. His ankles were trapped in leg-irons. His hands caught behind his head, manacled out of the way, attached to the back of the iron collar. But the idea of that pit … His upper body struggled .. pitching and twisting .. battling against the hold on his neck. Lower him into this pit? FUCK THAT. Not without a fight.He took them by surprise. His head smacked backwards, sending the guard behind tottering. The grip on the collar gone … His shoulder barged one way .. the guard holding one arm surprised into letting go. Without thinking he shoved the other way. Fighting to get-the-fuck away from that pit. Colliding with another temple thug. Shoving him against the guard fishing for the end of the chain .. the two guards bumped into each other. One lost his footing. He started careening backwards .. shock hit his face .. terror lit his eyes. He was pitched over the edge. Dropping into the blackness. Screaming. In full horror of what awaited him at the bottom of the pit.A blow powered into the top of his skull. And another. Another crippling elbow punch felled him to the dirt. The guards fell on top of him. Beating, punching .. knocking his fight-back out of him.And from below they all heard the screech of terror. The guard pitched into a seething quagmire of poisonous snakes.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1.4.Suspended sentenceThe shrieks from below went on and on. Concerned the other guard peered over the edge. But he got the feeling they knew what was happening .. and their bodies showed the situation was helpless. They couldn’t help, already too late. But the guard with his grip on the iron collar around his neck knew no let-up. Forcefully, crushing all the life out of his windpipe the guard had yanked and hauled the prisoner to his knees. The air as resonant with terrified screams. The others all stood at the edge of the pit, the shrieks of horror striking up at them .. hitting them like sharp blades in the gut. But the bastard gripping his iron collar .. he was not to be put off. Still that powerful warrior had hold of the collar that held his wrists manacled.Someone had had the bright idea .. attach of flaming torch to the chain .. lower it down .. see if there was anything they could do. Maybe twenty paces below he saw the guard. Writhing, squirming, fighting them off. But a sea of hissing snakes were all over him. He screamed out loud again as another sank its fangs into him.His fate, the violator’s sentence. Dropped into this pit. He was seeing for himself what fate awaited him.As if in response to the sight, the guards turned on him. A boot smashed into his belly. He crumpled together with the shock. But the grip on the neck collar was relentless. A knee slammed into his face. Throwing him back against the guard gripping him tight. Lights flashed before his eyes. Hands and angry fists were everywhere. Angry mates whose friend had been thrown into a pit full of snakes.Gripped by the neck collar, hands trapped behind his head, suddenly he was down in the dirt. Hands lifting him up. Dragging him towards the pit. Desperation had him twisting in their grip. Jolting and jerking .. trying to break their grip. Knowing he was about to be tossed into that pit. “STOP!”The tone of the voice came from one who did not brook being ignored. “Drop him.”The guards did as told. But the stomp of a boot into his side betrayed their unwillingness. They wanted pay-back.Unconcerned for the agonies happening below .. ignoring the screams of a terrified guard being attacked by snakes .. the High Priest arrested the guards’ attention.“No point ..”The priest loomed into sight. Big and burly .. not someone to be taken lightly .. his eyes gazed sternly at the prisoner in the dirt. Dust clinging to his sweaty frame. “They will be no longer hungry. They will be well-fed.”You see, he thought to himself .. things always turned up. He’d won himself some time, it seemed. At least he’d done something good this day .. fed the sacred snakes. But the tightening grip on his collar from his pet-guard warned him not to get too cocky. He was still sentenced to death.“Suspend him over the pit.”The High Priest’s words were hardly spoken when his guards started grabbing for the hook. Attaching it to his leg-irons. Panicking he squirming, wriggled. Before he could save himself, that hook was hooked over his legs irons. He was kicked into the pit. Hanging upside-down. The hook holding his leg-irons. Hanging over the pit. Below him the wild hissing of snakes fighting for a bite of food. The shrieks of terror of the guard he had tipped into the pit.“At dawn …”The High Priest’s voice toned over the pit.“At dawn .. the punishment shall commence. Lower his evil body into the pit. Till then .. Let this evil perpetrator hear his destiny. His ears full of the terrors to greet him with the dawn ..”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Unexpected1.6.Out of this worldDespite himself, panic had started to set in. He’d been in plenty of perilous situations before .. many life-threatening tight corners .. but the thought of what was coming for him .. it got his heart pounding. There was a sense of dread at the pit of his stomach .. like he’d rarely known.The cries beneath him had stopped. But for a seeming eternity he had been hanging in the dark above agonised sobbing. He had no regrets. That sucker poisoned by hundreds of snakes below his head .. supper for hungry motherfuckers .. he’d been happy enough to condemn him to the same fate. More fool him to get in the way of his kick. But he had provided a taste of things to come. His screams of terror .. the unseen image of hundreds of snakes biting at him .. the poisons burning through his torso .. the agonies as snakes’ fangs ripped into his flesh. With the dawn - his fate.While the torch still burned .. he had seen the mind-blowing sight. The guard he had sacrificed .. he had disappeared up to his knees inside a snake. He had no particular fear of snakes. As long as he had a sword in his hand. And a bloody-mindedness to cut off their motherfucking heads. But the size of this motherfucker was out-of-this world. Suspended above a pit of hundreds of poisonous snakes .. hanging head-down. He craned his head back .. in obscene curiosity. Beneath him .. perhaps only a man’s height below .. this monster from primeval times had the dead guard well down its throat. Mind-blowing that its jaws could stretch that far … He could clearly see the feet and the legs outlined inside the brute. An enormous brute .. swallowing a full-grown man whole.He’d travelled the seas .. he’d thought he’d seen enough troubles .. experienced incredible scenes. But a man being swallowed whole .. by a massive snake .. of such stupefying size ..And then his eyes caught more movement .. at the other end. The guard’s head had disappeared. Another behemoth .. jaws achingly wide .. trying its accursed best .. the head inside .. jaws retching to take the shoulders down too.His fate. Despite himself .. a shiver passed down his spine .. such a death .. swallowed by gigantic snakes. Punishment for robbing their god of his eyes.With the light of the day .. to be lowered downwards .. defenceless .. head-first .. into a pit of snakes. To pay for violating the effigy of a god.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1.7.Named “Before I joined the temple guard ..”The young man hesitated talking before the High Priest. He had been in his presence before .. but he had never ventured to address him before ..“.. I served on the king’s ships. As guard. Soldier to the king ..”The High Priest noted as if for the first time this young soldier who had joined the temple. Comely, good-looking. “That is where I met him .. this brigand. Thief.”His head nodded in the direction of the pit. Where the god-violator was suspended .. awaiting the dawn. And the sentence to which he was condemned.“His ships overpowered us. We were taking captive. Sold us into slavery.”The fire of anger in the young man was discernible. But the High Priest was more interested in the appearance of this muscular young man who had timidly come forward to address him. How come he had not noticed some an attractive new presence around?“They call him Conan,” the young man said.The High Priest noted the bitterness in his voice. Probably he’d been badly used in slavery.“Pirate. Thief. Murderer ….”The young man was recounting the crimes of this thief. But the High Priest had only eyes for his handsome face. For the muscular power of his bare shoulders. Meaning to have further words with this young acolyte. And much else.“Should the king not be told?”Maybe, the High Priest thought. In good time. Perhaps. But his heart beat had other issues first in mind.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? “A temple guard was talking. In the tavern. He recognised him ..”The king’s chancellor could see his news already had his master’s attention,“The same one who robbed my ships ..?” The king’s appetite was whetted.“How many exactly? What did that bastard cost me?”“Six, three of them treasure ships, fully laden. Never seen again. Nor the crew - sold off ..”The king had little interest in the well-being of his men. That scumbag had cost him gold.“So that priest is holding him .. secretly ?”The chancellor had no reason to deny the king his bitterness against that clan of self-serving priests.“Condemned to die .. at first light,” he added.The king shook his head emphatically.“He has no right. That bastard belongs to me”. His head snapped round at the chancellor.“Go get him. He owes ME.”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?ConanTwoThe whereaboutsHard-case, ehDungeon fevers2.3Livened-upThe sergeant had accompanied the chancellor to the king’s chamber.“You’ve got him?”His soldier nodded.“The High Priest objected. Some mumbo-jumbo about the god’s wrath …”The king interrupted. Not concerned. He could deal with any self-serving priest.“In the dungeons, you say? I want answers from the piece of shit. The sergeant got a knowing glance.“He has things to tell,” his liege lord announced.The king’s glare told the soldier what he expected.“Make sure he is talkative when I arrive.”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? An icy blast crashed into Conan’s awareness. As cutting as the northern winds .. taking his breath away like the polar seas. He bawled out loud .. his breathing stopped .. brought back to life .. shivering in icy wastes. Like plunged into the icy oceans. Numbed. Frozen. Icy-cold. Like the volcano’s magna plunging into the icy wastes . steam erupted in his head. Raging heat battled with the arctic cold. In his body. In the depths of his spirit. Fire and Ice. The infernos of hell hitting the frozen wastes. Battling it out. In his body. In his flesh.Another bucket of icy water slopped into his hated face.“FUCK YOU!”The dog’s fiery curse burst on the chilly air. Another thwack of a mailed fist into the prisoner’s guts shut down his curse. His body contorting .. with shock .. with the cold .. with the re-awakening of his pains. His legs collapsed. The strung-out body jerked and jolted. Pain .. shock .. tortured muscle .. it collapsed under the force of its restraints.The king signalled for his men to wait. Let time do its best. His eyes had taken in the work of his men .. he’d seen the bruising .. noted the nasty reddening on muscled flesh .. he saw how this dog had had little to resist with .. strung-up like this. He’d had to take a hard beating, beaten him shitless, knocked him out. Pain had closed down his mind. Patience a while, the king told himself .. wait .. hold back .. a short while .. let the ravages of old pains crunch down on this recalcitrant’s will. Let his conscious mind see how hopeless this was. Give the dumb sucker time to come to his senses.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Strong, muscled, struggling as they had strung him up. But they’d got him trussed up .. useless .. he’d had nothing to fight back with then. Gonna beat the fight outta him .. spread under the frame. Warm him up before the king came to ask his questions. Again the sergeant had thudded his fist into the vulnerable gut. Manly-strong. Muscle-defined. But a fist cloaked in a mailed glove had made a sizeable impression nevertheless. Not something his innards were gonna be able to ignore for long .. the sergeant reckoned. The king would want answers .. quick. The sergeant’s fist tested his theory out on the fucker’s belly again. A blast of metal right on his heaving belly button. When the brute’s gasping made him capable of listening again, the sergeant repeated his creed.“Gone and robbed the king ..”The mailed fist dug in deep again. With all he had. Thumped into the dog’s belly. Looking for backbone.“Five ships in all.”The upward jab .. iron-clad, in under the ribs .. wind exploded from the sweaty chest in a loud cry ..“Three treasure galleons ..”The force of the accompanying blow .. smashed-in well below the belt .. finding there was still pain in the muscle above his groin.“Cough up, motherfucker …”A punch tore into his stubborn gut .. hit him like nothing else .. taking the motherfucker’s breath away .. coughed his gut up .. his head shooting backwards .. his pain billowing hot in the chilled air.“Where you hiding it? Where’s your stash?”The brute struggled for breath. Head down, long hair draped over his face. Impatiently the sergeant waited. Time was not on his side .. the king could arrive any minute. But there were only so many metalled fists a belly was going to take before it started coughing up tales. And it was obvious this asshole was hurting.Eventually, the head raised. Matted hair, sweat-laden hit the face.“Don’t know what you’re talking about. Got the wrong man ..”Same stupid story. The mailed glove silenced the effrontery fast enough. Smashed pitilessly into his guts. Legs almost collapsed under him. Struggling the dog pulled on the overhead bonds to haul himself up on his wobbly legs.The sergeant snorted. “Pity that. Having trouble believing this crap.”Grunts of effort. His fist repeatedly smashed bloody-mindedness out of the obstinate belly. The prick who refused to face the facts grunted out with pain. His cheeks exploded as every bit of his wind was expelled from his chest. Rasping raw and hurt.The sergeant growled between blows.“But .. if you want to insist …”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Warming upHe’d2.5Question and answer“Who the fuck you think you are?”Conan was mad. With pain. With frustration. With the burning need to crack heads. How the hell had he got himself into this mess? Greed. But those two snake’s eyes had been just irresistible. And easy pickings .. or so he’d thought. Escaped that snake-pit, though. But he’d got himself dragged into these icy dungeons. Got strung up. And taken a beating he’d not forget. The king leant relaxed back against a rack.“I’m the one you robbed.”Conan snorted back.“I ain’t never robbed anyone.”Dozens of times his guts had taken it. Metalled gloves smashing into his belly. He hurt, stabbing pains deep inside. Then his back .. a barrage of staves smashed across the muscled breadth of his back. Thwacked across his shoulders, he hurt like hell. Walloped in his lower back. Sometime he’d passed out. The pain .. the relentless beatings .. taken their toll.“I say you have ..”Fucking freezing .. icy water thrown over him to bring him back round. Conan was shivering with the cold.“Prove it,” he roared back.The skin on his bare torso was wet and cold. His breeches sodden with icy water. He saw a smirk cross the face of this king. Wrapped in his furs against the cold in his dungeons. The eyes roamed over him, bare to the waist, soaked to the skin and shivering.“I have every intention of doing so.”All Conan could hope was that those braziers they’d lit were to warm the place up. That they didn’t intend stoking the embers with branding irons.Another bucket-load of icy water shut off whatever smart-ass answer Conan might have come up with. Taking his breath away, making him cry out with the shock.“I have some questions …”The king’s voice the other side of the curtain of chilled water dripping off his hair. Cold dripping onto his bare chest .. hot with his pains. Conan shook his head. Water sprayed out over the space. He located the man again .. idly resting his backside against his instrument of torture.“Ask away,” Conan retorted when he’d got his breath back. This king dressed in furs against the cold. Warming his hands over the red-hot coals. This wasn’t the welcome Conan had promised himself when he’d been snatched from the pit.“You are Conan, right?He snorted back.“Never heard the name. Got the wrong man.”He snorted through the curtain dripping off his hair.“Wrong identity. Now let me get the fuck outta here.”A blast of pain smacked Conan in the backbone. A hand grabbed at his wet hair from behind. “Respect!”A mailed first jabbed into his back again. Through the water dripping off his hair and the red hurt of pain in his eyes Conan saw the king smirk.“Been identified. By someone who has every reason to know ..”Conan snapped back. Irritated.“Fucker’s off his head. Never heard the name ..”Lifting his head, Conan saw the man shrug his shoulders. Like saying, What the fuck he care?“But you would say that, wouldn’t you. CONAN?”The man swathed in his warming furs sauntered over towards his prisoner.“Five ships you stole. From me.”Conan had worked out now what he was up against. He boarded plenty of ships. How was he supposed to know how many of this prick’s he’d made disappear?“Three of them treasure ships,” the king helped his memory “Laden with precious jewels.” I want them back ..”Conan suppressed a shiver .. brought on by the cold .. but someone might think he was scared. And Conan was not going to look weak. “Don’t blame you ..,” Conan tried .. in his best understanding voice. He nodded, he agreed with the poor king. Poor sod had been robbed blind.“Sounds like this .. ,” Conan feigned to struggle remembering ..” Conan, was that the name? .. sounds like he is asking for it ..”Royal hands clapped applauding in the chilly air.“Precisely.”The king laughed into the echoing coldness.“When you get your hands on him ...,” offered Conan, “.. I’d give the fucker hell”.The air chilled even further. The king paused before offering his response.“My thoughts entirely .., “ he offered back. “We are of one mind ….”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2.6Respect for your betters“Sergeant. No messing about. Stretch him. Get down to it.”The impatient order snapped across the chilly space. As Conan was still working out how to get this king he’d robbed on his side, hands were grabbing at his ankles. He resisted .. while still trying to get one over on the king.“Really ...,” he insisted, “ you don’t want to be doing this … mistaken identity .. let me talk to the man ..”But he knew this king didn’t give a shit. He’d done this a thousand times .. tortured the wrong people a few times in his life. Who gave a fuck if his victims had nothing to say? And the soldiers were practised too. These guards were going at him fast .. with surprising efficiency they got him in position. When he could see this was getting serious he tried even harder to resist. But too late .. he had been taken surprised by the speed of their response. Too late trying to kick out. Trying to stop whatever they had in mind. And that mailed glove had something going for his kidneys. A metalled fist thudded away into his backbone. Took his breath away .. weakened his knees. Kept letting him have it. An iron glove that smashed repeatedly into his lower back.Grunting through the pain, Conan knew hands were holding down his legs, spreading them. He could feel something being pressed against the back of his ankles. Hands fumbling to secure them against his struggling and spreading his feet out-wide. He gasped out loud. A fist punched the wind out of him. This time painfully digging deep into his belly. He couldn’t breathe, his head reeled.“Call me when we are making progress ..”With that the man in his furs and kingly dignity swept out of his dungeons. Getting his act together, before he lost his chance, Conan shouted out,“You find that motherfucker .. that Conan .. you give him my love.”The king stopped in his tracks. Slowly he turned. A smile crept slowly over his face.“And sergeant .. teach this fucker some respect. Respect for his betters.”As ordered by his king, the sergeant had got the lying motherfucker secured. He’d worked him over. His men had worked him over. The fucker had been done-over .. well-and-truly .. his guts .. his back. So hard he’d passed out. This was one obstinate motherfucker .. wasn’t going to be any push-over .. whatever his liege-master wished to think. But no way was this pig-headed brute going to get out of this. Hands tied above his head, his legs spread outwards, secured by a bar behind his ankles. Let the fucker try mouthing off again. He’d get it right where it belonged. “Where are the ships?”Conan snorted back.“What ships?A slight pause. Letting the message reverberate.“And the king’s treasure? Where d’you hide it away?”Conan paused too before replying. Knowing how much hung on his answer. What a wrong answer might mean.“What the fuck you talking about? SIR?”The sergeant remained unconvinced. Time to move the battle into its second phase.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2.7Rope trick“Don’t like to do this to a man …”The whirring sound grated through the icy air.“Goes against the grain …”Conan shivered. And this time it was not with the cold. Another bucket of icy water had brought him round. When he had finished spluttering and shuddering .. as some semblance of realisation had him thinking again, he realised he was naked. Hands tied above his head, legs wide-splayed by a bar behind his ankles .. they must have cut away his breeches while he was out.“No man wants this .. Eh?”The rope ended in a knot. A motherfucker of all heavy-duty knots. On the end of the rope being swung underhand. The sergeant’s gaze left Conan in no doubt what the target was.“Tried asking nicely .. given you more than enough chances .. but you .. motherfucking nut-head .. some pig-headed fuck-ass you are …”The whirring had a rhythm to it. Swung ominously in wide vertical circles. And as it rose from its low point .. Conan could have sworn the knot growled. An ominous menacing snarl. As if the beast was ravenous .. it had to eat.“Don’t suppose there’s any point? Giving you another chance? To tell us where you’ve stashed away the stuff?”Conan’s heart was beating fast. He tried not to fix his eyes on the blur as the hefty knot whirred its foreboding path. But he could not blank out the sounds. The evil roar as that bulky knot rose up and craved its meal.“Wouldn’t normally do this to a man ..,” the sergeant repeated,He’d taken a step forward Another. Conan could feel the swish of air as it passed by his lower belly.“But in your case .. motherfucking pig-headed dick that you are ..”It took only one more step for impact.“I’ll make an exception.”Conan yelled out. Smashed in the gonads. By a knot bigger than a fist. His body exploded, his whole muscled weight lifted under the force.Talking was over. The sergeant kept up the blows. Smashing his knotted rope into defenceless balls. Legs wide-spread. TWO. The pained cut lit up the darkened dungeons. THREE -- the agonised bawl came from the depths of the soul. FOUR - tortured pain bounced off the walls. FIVE .. muscle squirmed, contorted, the muscular torso was thrown into spams of pain.“FUCK YOU!”Conan managed to get two words out. Pain was ripping through his whole body. Agony raged like a furnace in his guts. Tortured in every fibre .. agonised in every muscle. Two words bellowed out from the depths of his tormented soul. Two words before .. SIX.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Exception2.9Take a rideOut of the blue the king had re-appeared. They had just finished off carrying out the sergeant’s evil-minded order - seating their prisoner astride the beam - when the sergeant was surprised by the arrival of his king.“I had expected to hear by now,” the king had sneered. “What are you messing about at?”The sergeant knew there was no point in making excuses. This man understood only one thing. He got what he wanted. Himself, he was getting frustrated, the sergeant could not believe a male could endure such punishment without begging for it to stop. Taking that .. most men would have saved their balls .. at any price. Fucking pig-headed mule! He himself would have told tell anything to have this stopped. Thwacked repeatedly in the knackers! This barbarian brute was immensely powerful, muscled. But he was as stubborn as a mule too. To let that happen to him ..? He had to be out of his head.Nervously the sergeant explained. How they’d worked over his balls. Thwacks smashing up his gonads .. passed out with the pain. He’d been in agony when they brought him round again. The sergeant had started to feel a sense of panic. There’s be no understanding from his king if this Conan did not give up where he’d hidden that treasure. It would not only be this Conan feeling the king’s wrath.Before the dickhead had been bawling out in agony with every thwack in the nuts. Seeing the struggling on his face, the sergeant had slowed down the rate. Letting the full agony of each attack on his gonads explode in the asshole’s brain. His knees had given in under him, he was hanging just off his arms. Etched power in every muscle as he hung. Defined muscle that spasmed into infernal agony as another fist-load of knotted evil smashed up between his legs.In frustration he’d kneed the sucker in the balls .. as the sergeant’s nervousness grew. Somehow that had seemed more personal .. holding this sucker by the greasy hair on his scalp and hammering his knee into flattened nuts. Up close, feeling the heat of torture raging off his skin .. the burst of pain from his mouth .. the sergeant had felt that power growing in his breeches .. A rush of power from the heat of a bellowed cry .. inviting another knee thudded into broken balls .. pain lifting the sucker up into the air.But pig-headed as hell. This sucker would let himself be emasculated .. rather than save his skin. Maybe they were rushing things .. the sergeant wondered .. under pressure from the king. Sustained agony had its power too. The constant presence of pain .. enduring prolonged agonies .. grinding down the toughest of wills .. wearing the sucker down as each tortured moment passed like an hour in unending torment. The sergeant had ordered the trestle built, front and back, supporting a pole between the bastard’s legs. They’d got just his smashed-up balls seated astride this beam when unexpectedly the king had turned up. What chance now of letting the sustained agony of sitting down on his crushed knackers work torture into his stubborn flesh. Annoyed the king had stormed in .. angered that the prisoner had not been broken yet. The sergeant had explained his strategy. A night seated like this .. hefty muscled weight pressing down on his tortured crown jewels. By morning he’d be whimpering .. begging to let him tell them his story. Hours of grinding agony. A night sitting on tortured balls. How much was any man gonna take of that? SIRE?He was no patient man, as king he took that as his right. His eyes slitted in annoyance at his soldiers’ failure. Waiting to get what he wanted .. that was not his thing. The king looked over his prisoner. Eager .. busting to get his wealth back. All he wanted .. information .. where his treasure was .. all that wealth this asshole had stolen. And he wanted it fast.Everything else had failed, this sergeant had said. Smashed up his gonads .. now have this hated dog seated and writhing in tortured agony .. all that he could understand. The sergeant was probably going about things the right way. Worth trying .. if all else had failed … A good technique .. seating his agonised family jewels pressed down onto a pole .. crushing down .. grinding agony into his knackered nuts with every breath he took .. To emphasise his point the sergeant ordered the prisoner raised .. jerkily pulling on the rope around his chest .. hauled up until the spreader behind his ankles would permit no more. With a nod the rope was released. The sucker slammed down. Gravity and his weight smashed him up between the legs. Pain nearly shot the sucker back up in the air. A bull roared. Agony bounced off the rock-walls. Pain set light to the chilled air in the dungeon. The tortured torso would have slipped off the pole if the chest rope had not kept his knackered nuts pinned to the beam.OK. He could see the point, the king conceded. He wanted his jewels back. If that worked …“Tonight .. you’ve got just this one night ..”His words ended in an unspoken threat.“And mark my words .. not for one second ..”The king watched as a bucket of icy water was thrown into this Conan’s front. Shaking the water off his hair .. shivering as the chill dripped down his bare chest. Seated on a wooden beam .. digging into his smashed-up gonads .. his manhood broken .. his manliness being broken by pain. It was worth a try. All he wanted .. his treasure back. At whatever it cost.“.. he doesn’t sleep. Not one second of rest.”He glared at the sergeant.”Make sure these fuckers do not slack ..”Indicating the other guards .. a warning that his patience was running out.“He drifts off …”The impatience of a king nodded to the contraption .. his look remembering seeing his balls slammed down onto the pole.“Give him that again ..”The brute’s bawling had been silenced .. another bucket of chilled water stopped his snivelling cries .. thrown into his face .. had him coughing up his guts. The fucker drenched .. chilled to the bone .. the fuck-head drowning in his pains. Fiery agonies in his balls .. a tortured inferno in his guts .. the relentless application of ball-torture on his stubborn will. Surely it was only a matter of time?“This motherfucker ..wear him down .. ”The king’s words menaced .. but his eyes were only for the one pig-headed thing that stood between him and getting his treasure back.“ Mark my words .. not one second of rest. UNDERSTOOD?”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Putting on the squeezeBroken over a beam3.2At a stretchAs the chancellor has warned, “that meddlesome priest” was stood by the prisoner when the king approached. He was annoyed at being called away from important issues .. he had been up at dawn to oversee the racking of this thief. Times, heat and exhaustion would do the rest, last thing he needed .. some interfering whining priest.He had approached from behind, unseen .. the king could not stop himself wondering what that holy pervert was seeing .. as he stood over the powerfully-built prisoner .. tortured .. at the end of his tether .. his torso stretched like a bow-string .. every muscle in sharp relief. His reputation for going with young acolytes was no secret. The sight of the muscled prisoner, naked, suffering mindless tortures. The king had no problem in reckoning that High Priest was stood there hard in his loins.He’d had the sergeant appear before him at first light. “Sire .. he is incredible .. never have I known a prisoner so pig-headed,” he’d said anxiously.The man ought to be nervous .. he had failed. He was doing his best to convince .. sounded like he meant it.. Maybe it was true .. that pig-headed dog was taking some breaking ... But as king .. he expected results. People paid for failure.He was going to make sure the sergeant understood the seriousness of his misdemeanour. Despite the punishments .. the beatings .. a night crushing his tortured balls .. this Conan still sneered back in their face. No way was he giving up the location where all that treasure was stashed. Kept insisting he did not know what they were talking about. That could only mean these slackers were bot squeezing hard enough.Well, HE had made it quite clear to the sergeant .. progress .. or it’d be himself getting much the same.He’d struggled .. to be expected .. this scumbag Conan was well-built .. a fighter .. wasn’t going to let himself be taken easily. As the king watched .. by being there knowingly adding pressure to the soldiers’ tasks .. he saw them finally getting him as they’d been ordered. Forced down on his back in the dirt .. guards punching and beating him to enforce some control. A pole across the back of his ankles, splaying wide-apart his legs. Above his head his wrists similarly bound to a bar.And then the men had pulled .. stretching the dog .. racking him .. pulling him racked up into the air.Suspended between a pair of whipping poles, horizontally. With more grunting with effort .. the guards forced to control their annoyance with their Master standing there. Five soldiers on each post hauling on the strong wet cords .. lifting the scumbag off the ground. Stretching him up in the air. And to prove their worth, the sergeant ordered them to haul on the cords again .. tugging away at the slightest slack. Tying him off .. the dog’s body stretched like a quivering bowstring. His body stretched impossibly taut line with the earth .. unsupported. Muscle pulled tight, strain grinding into joints. Suspended, unsupported, mid-air. Time and heat would drag it out of the brute. The powerful muscles of his upper chest dragged into his neck. The etched force of manly power in his belly like a carved statue, sharp-edged, looking unnatural .. carved like the figment of the sculptor’s imagination. Mighty thighs quivering as this unnatural position burned pain into his every tortured muscle.With a sharp look at the sergeant .. no let-up .. drag it out of the brute – or else .. he had withdrawn. The sergeant had assured his king .. those bindings between the pole and the whipping posts .. sodden rawhide .. been soaking in water overnight .. they’d do the trick. Slowly .. excruciatingly slowly .. as the power of the sun dried them out .. his torso would be stretched even more. Painstakingly slowly. Inch-by-inch. Pulling at muscle .. straining at joints .. an agonisingly slow grind that would wear down the sucker’s will. It would .. it had to ….Or so the sergeant had promised.His plans assembling the men and ships to go get his treasure back .. when the dog gave it up. Annoyingly interrupted by his chancellor .. worse, that damned priest was back. Whining on about his god wanted his due .. the violator had to be given back. Unheard the king had come up on the priest from behind. This pervert probably could not get enough of the sight. A hugely muscular male .. after hours under the blistering sun .. impossible stretched. Hopelessly vulnerable.To all appearances the brute looked unconscious, out-of-it, unaware. Maybe even dead .. though the king knew the sergeant dared not risk anything so rash. He HAD warned the sergeant .. he wanted results. As if to prove otherwise .. or rather in response to their lord king’s arrival .. he saw the sergeant order a guard to lower his breeches and piss over the brute’s face. Almost instantly the body sprang to life. The mouth opened wide, searching like a half-crazed man lost in the desert .. mad for the slightest drop of rain. Rancid salty piss dribbling over his face, the mouth searching it out. It took down too much. It swallowed down the wrong hole. The body retched and contorted as bodily instincts coughed it out. Interesting, the king noted, the body could barely move. Gagging and spluttering .. but the stretch had the bastard trapped. Strung-out painfully tight, glaring up at the blistering sun, no give in the horizontal body. Racked .. impossibly tight .. pain hauled out of every joint. And the sun had yet to reach its height.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Racked with pain3.4Squeeze“He has angered the god,” the High Priest insisted. “His sentence belongs to the lord god.”Tell me something I don’t already know, thought the king impatiently.“This act .. snatching him away .. saving him from the god’s retribution .. it can only anger him more ..”BLAH-BLAH-BLAH, mused the king irritated. He had better things to do.They were stood watching as the guards finished off their task. A soft blanket of thin animal skin was being wrapped around the brute’s torso. Hearing grunted tugging as guards were pulling tight the strings that would bind it tight in place around his chest. The king noted how the tightness of leather bit into the muscle of the brute’s upper chest. Forming a red gouge where the edge of the leather gripped his chest tight. Water was dripping off the skin, it had been soaking overnight the sergeant had promised. Underneath the ribs the dripping-wet leather gripped itself into the flesh like a second skin, digging in under the bones. Like a rat biting into flesh and clinging on for life.When the sun dried it out, his new leather coat would squeeze the bastard crushingly tight. Squeezed in its inescapable grip. Unable to breathe .. cracking bones.“I have no intention of robbing a god of his just desserts ...” The king stopped, suddenly distracted .. with a rush of satisfaction prickling at his loins. A moan of despair had escaped from the prisoner. Like his head had put together this torture meant for him.“All I ask is patience ..,” .. he resumed when the dog fell silent, his head drooping back between his arms as if in ultimate despair. “I will see that the temple is richly rewarded.”A bribe always clammed up a priest’s mouth. The king had had no such plans but if it would keep this idiot with his mumbo-jumbo off this back …“How?”The priest’s snapped back a response -- betraying sudden interest in conciliation, the king cynically thought. How about a dozen comely young soldiers sent to warm your cocksucking bed, the king wondered to himself?“Look ..,” the king stilled his irritation. “This Conan has robbed, he has spirited away three cargos of my treasure ships. All I ask of the god ..” .. as if I have to ask any-fucking-thing at all, he thought bitterly .. “ .. a few hours’ respite. Look at him .. how long is he going to last out?”The priest looked down. Pulled like a bowstring about to snap .. muscular .. mightily strong .. but not a damn-thing all that muscle-power was going to do to help him out of this. He could break his body .. tear it limb-from-limb. What this was about was breaking his will.The king sensed the priest drooling excited over this muscled flesh in torment. Vulnerable .. defenceless against some groping priest. If he himself had felt a rush of excitement, in no time at all this pervert of a priest was going to be showing under his robes.“He’ll be blabbing soon enough,” the king spoken assuringly. “Stands-to-reason .. soon reveal where my treasure is .. some time .. that is all I ask.”Their attention was distracted further down the body where men had started working at the thief’s crutch. The king smirked to himself when the prick let go a moan of protest. As if any fucker was listening .. but the sound betrayed that the stubborn muscle-head was alert enough to know the extent of the assault on every part of his body. A feeble moan of protest .. weak because he had not the strength .. futile because he was stretched like a coiled spring .. and there was not going to be a thing he could do to help himself. The spreader on his ankles made it easy for a guard grab hold of his nuts, pull upwards his ballsack so another guard could twist cord tightly around the hairy bag.The king caught the drooling priest’s eye .. intent on the workings around the prick’s balls .. thinking he saw arousal burning behind his eyes.“Once he has spoken .. he is yours ..”He smiled .. knowingly.“To do with as you wish …”Beneath him as he spoke the king again heard a moan of dismay .. relishing the sounds. Understandable in a man who knows his manhood is being messed with .. and for not good means .. it will be turned against him. The king couldn’t resist a look .. the total helplessness .. muscled-to-hell-and-back .. but the dog could not stop a single thing of what was happening to him. Hopeless. That moan .. an indication that the scumbag realised his fate was slithering down a greasy slope .. into insufferable torment. Unless he did something about it .. confessed where he’d stashed the gold.He noted twitches as the thighs fought to protect himself. A desperate attempt to stop the fumbling in his crutch. Go for it, motherfucker, thought the king, .. see what you can do. Nothing .. Muscles twitched but his wide-splayed legs were still open for their punishment.You useless piece-of-shit. Met your match, eh? Nothing to defend yourself with .. Not going to give it a try, fuckhead! Not gonna lie your head off? Not gonna tell me I’ve got the wrong man?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3.5The bribeThe thief’s agonised spirit protested again. Nervous the priest objected too.“A dead body is no use to the god. He has his own punishment planned. This thief must be alive to suffer a god’s terrors ..”Thrown down a pit and be poisoned by a hundred snakes … Yeah, Yeah, smirked the king to himself. But the time I’ve finished with this motherfucker .. that’s gonna seem a holiday to him.“Priest ..” it hurt the king to defer to this prick in any way.“Let me assure you .. you can guarantee this to your blessed Snake-god .. “His guards had started tying a large earthenware jug to the strings hanging off the prisoner’s ballsack. “This bastard here .. he has a stash of my treasure hidden away. I want it back”He laughed into the priest’s naivety. As if he’d let this god-damned thief die!“ALIVE? The god wants him alive? Let me tell you .. this dog here will be kept alive until I know where my jewels are. If that is what it takes .. Till that moment comes, I’m gonna make sure this scumbag stays alive alright .. suffering a living hell. Die? Don’t make me laugh!”He turned on the priest. His frustration with this stubborn piece-of-thief-shit showing .. to be racked .. to be stretched.. crushed till he could hardly breathe. To be kept alive and suffering until he gave up the truth.“Die? Hell no! The scumbag will wish for death, .. stretched to breaking point .. chest crushed, barely breathe .. having the truth dragged out of his nuts .. if this shit-house persists like this .. he’ll crave death like he’d never known. BUT no way will he find death at my hands. I want my treasure back.”His hand directed to priest’s attention to his guards fumbling around Conan’s crutch.“You can tell that to your god .. he can rest assured. This prick will not die at my hands.”Both watched. From water bottles his guards were pouring weight into the jug. Dangling off the thief’s balls .. filling up. As the weight pulling down on him increased, another tortured whine of realisation dawned. The stubborn mule let go a moan.“Think about it .. too much weight here .. his nuts could be pulled off. He’d bleed to death. Unless the guards jumped to it and immediately cauterised his wound.”If the fools were dumb enough to let that happen .. he swore it .. he’d have the pricks castrated ...The hated thief gave another moan as the weight dragging on him increased. Stretched horizontal .. wet cord still drying out .. in place to stretch him even more. His upper torso encased in a second skin that would get tighter as the heat of the day increased. A weight dragging agonisingly of his balls .. The brute was to be kept at maximum strain .. all day .. every agonised second .. drying our under the stinging viciousness of an unforgiving sun. Driving him mad .. wearing him down with the grinding aches hauling the truth out of his nuts.“Bleed to death? THAT will not happen.”The king’s voice was firm, authoritative. He had to indulge these priests .. but there was only ONE power in this land.“Can’t you see?”Suddenly he realised how pejorative his voice sounded .. a true reflection of his attitude. BUT … the priesthood had the cretinous peasants eating out of their hand. They could make trouble.“With your wisdom ..,” he modified his tone …” .. you will see .. I want my treasure back .. nothing else can stand in that way. Till then this bastard stays alive ..”And HOW, he thought. Though it might not feel like living to the fuck-ass prick. Barely living .. wishing he were not ….“I need this dog alive .. you understand? For my purpose I need his brain active.. Fully alert and aware.”It was hard not to snort in derision at this inconvenience-of-a-priest. Like some kid .. a big boy stolen his ball away …“Dead? Deny the god his rights? Priest .. would I do that? You see .. surely? It is against my interests to see this scumbag dead.”Though he suspected this asshole of a thief would have wished that on himself a thousand times .. if he persisted in his obstinacy …“And once this thieving dickhead has been made to break .. “The king put on a smile.. “ .. once I have my possessions back …”He was trying like crazy to convey a message .. one he did not believe in for a moment .. that this interrogation was in their mutual interests .. priest and king working together. Frankly he did not give a damn what the priesthood thought.“THEN …”His thoughts were briefly interrupted. His attention flicked back to the suffering. Allowing himself the thrill from the moan that broke .. escaping unwanted from the depths of this scumbag’s will. Exhaustion .. pain .. endless agonies were wearing him down .. they had to be … Soon this pig-headed brute had to break.“ .. then he is yours,” the king offered. “My gift to the snake-god. Condemned to end it all in the snake-pit .. Whatever .. ”He smirked at the priest .. suspecting what was happening under this pervert’s robes. “Or .. to do with as you wish …”He left the thought hanging.In bitterness he made an offer. It was an unpleasant thought .. having to share his new-found treasure with this pervert. But .. “And how say .. I build you a new temple? In praise of the god. In honour of this scumbag giving up the truth?”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Racked, crushed, drainedWorth somethingend ................

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