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left-1905Future Leader FellowshipHow to ApplyThe purpose of this document is to guide applicants through the portal application process for a Future Leader Fellowship.Application RequirementsApplications will only be accepted for eligibility review once the Research Office of an NHMRC Administering Institution has endorsed the application.Applicants must adhere to character and word limits where it is specified in the application (This is an eligibility criterion).It is the responsibility of the applicant and the Research Administration Officer (RAO) to ensure that the application is complete and accurate.Applications must be endorsed by the Research Office of the Administering Institution and submitted online by 5pm (AEST) on the closing date. Applications that are late, or do not adhere to the instructions/eligibility requirements will not be considered further.Submitting an ApplicationApplications must be submitted via the Heart Foundation’s Researcher Portal: the Researcher Portal you will be able to login or register an account:If you have previously logged in, sign in as normal. If you are a first-time user, click on register.If you have previously applied for HF funding or regularly contact our Research Program with a specific email address, please try and use that email address. If you are not in our system, you will be able to select a password and create an account. If you are in our system, it will recognise your email address and ask you to reset your passwordOnce logged on to the Researcher Portal, on the top right-hand side, click on Research > Apply Here, this will take you to a list of current programs. Select the program you are applying to and you will be able to commence your application. TipsOn each page, remember to click ‘Save & Next’ as just navigating to a new page may mean you lose data. Once you submit, your RAO will be able to review and make comment on your application. You can resubmit for review multiple times once the RAO has reviewed the application.* Denotes mandatory questions Answering Specific QuestionsApplicant InformationThis information creates your contact record in our database and will pre-populate for all future applications. You can update this information at any time in your profile section of the portal.Applicant is used throughout this document. The term ‘applicant’ is used to define the primary applicant in the application. Otherwise known as the ‘Chief Investigator A’.Salutation*: FORMTEXT ?????First Name*: FORMTEXT ?????Last Name*: FORMTEXT ?????Business Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Mobile Phone*: FORMTEXT ?????Employer*: FORMTEXT ?????Job Title*: FORMTEXT ?????Position Start Date*: FORMTEXT 01/01/2020FTE*: Choose an item.Gender*: Choose an item.Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent*: Choose an item.Australian/NZ Citizen*: Choose an item.Permanent Resident*: Choose an item.LinkedIn: FORMTEXT ?????Twitter URL: FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 1Simplified Project Title* A simplified title is required for promotion of your research. Your simplified title should be suitable for release to media and general publications. It will also be used as a straightforward way to identify the area in which you are researching. Please avoid the use of technical terms, abbreviations, and acronyms.100 character maximum FORMTEXT ?????Scientific Project Title* The Scientific Title should accurately describe the nature of the project being undertaken.300 character maximum FORMTEXT ?????Research Category*Choose an item.Nominated FTE Rating*This is your full time equivalent (FTE)This rating is used as a base for stipend payments Choose an item.Project Start Date*Choose an item.Project Synopsis*Your project synopsis will be used internally to promote your research, as well as for use in media releases. As these audiences may not have technical backgrounds, we urge you to use lay terms when describing the overall aims of the research and expected cardiovascular health outcomes. Try to avoid technical terms and acronyms.This project synopsis will be used on the Heart Foundation website if you are successful. 300 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 2Research Categories These categories are used by Heart Foundation staff to search for specific research – not included in review process. Therefore, it should reflect the specifics of your research as opposed to areas that you hope your research may reach.You will be able to choose 8 from a variety of categories.BiologyBlood & VesselsBlood ClottingBrain and Nervous SystemCell Biology and Cell SignallingFoetal DevelopmentGenesHeart Function and StructureHormonesImmune SystemInflammationKidneysLung VasculatureMetabolic ProcessesMoleculesMusculoskeletal SystemOxidative StressPreventionEducationFood and NutritionFood LabellingHealth PromotionIncentive ProgramsMedication AdherenceOmega-3 Fatty Acids & Fish OilsPhysical Activity/ExercisePreventative Device/TechnologyPublic PolicySecondary PreventionSmoking Cessation InterventionVaccineLifestyle/Behaviour ChangeInformation & TechnologyComputer Tools & SoftwareSmartphone AppSMS MessagingSocial MediaTelemedicineWeb based toolsConditionDepression +/- AnxietyDiabetesFamilial Hypercholesterolemia (FH)Fibrosis/ScarGroup A Streptococcal (GAS) DiseasesHeart Attack - Acute Coronary SyndromeHeart FailureHypertensionHypertrophyObesityPeripheral Arterial DiseasePulmonary HypertensionRheumatic Heart DiseaseStatin Induced MyalgiaStroke/Cerebrovascular DiseaseSudden Cardiac DeathThrombosisValvular Heart DiseaseLiver DiseaseViral InfectionTreatmentAblationCare and Treatment PlanningClot BustingCognitive/Behavioural TherapyFontan ProcedureGene TherapiesMedicationPersonalised TreatmentRehabilitationRemote Ischaemic Preconditioning (RIPC)Stem Cell TherapiesStent TechnologySurgeryTransplantGuidelines and Decision-Making ToolsService and/or Quality ImprovementDevicesTranscatheter ProcedureCPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)DemographicsAboriginal/Torres Strait Islander PeoplesAgeingBabies and InfantsChildren and AdolescentsIndigenous PopulationsMenRural/RemoteUrbanWomenYoung AdultsDiagnostic & AssessmentBlood Flow MonitoringBlood TestsECG (Electrocardiogram)Genetic ScreeningImagingPredictionRisk StratificationStress TestRisk FactorsAccess to and Delay in TreatmentAlcoholBlood PressureCholesterol and PlaquesDietEnergy DrinksEnvironmental FactorsInherited Risk Factors/GeneticsMenopauseMental HealthPregnancySedentarySleep and Sleep DisordersSmokingSocio-economic FactorsWeightSaltOther treatment/medicationCPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)Application – Page 3Administering Institution Details*Select your Administering Institution from the menu.Please note your Administering Institute must be an NHMRC Administering Institution, an up to date list of NHMRC Administering Institutions can be downloaded from the bottom of the NHMRC website. Before your application is submitted to the Heart Foundation, it is required to be endorsed by your administering institute research office.If you have not already done so, it is important for you to contact their office to discuss your application, once you select the institute, their contact email address will appear.Application – Page 4Executive SummaryIn stage 1 of peer review, our committee only assess and have access to the Leadership Summary, Relevance to the purpose of the Cardiovascular Health, Project Plans, Research Environment, Career Disruption and Relative to Opportunity of your application. Leadership SummarySummarise your performance and leadership qualities in reference to the ‘indicative criteria’ for this award (at the selected level).500 word maximum Table A – Indicative CriteriaLevel 1Level 2A FLF Level 1 is expected to:Supervise or co-supervise students or demonstrate a commitment to trainingHave a significant number of publications, including some medium to high impact publicationsHave presented work at national or international conferencesCI on successful applications to national competitive funding schemesDemonstrate commitment to peer review/panel workDemonstrate commitment to cardiovascular research.A FLF Level 2 is expected to:Lead their own researchSupervise a number of PhD students or demonstrate a commitment to trainingHave a significant number of publications, including some high impact publicationsHave presented their work at national or international conferencesCIA on successful applications to national competitive funding schemesDemonstrate commitment to peer review / panel workDemonstrate commitment to cardiovascular researchBe recognised as a leader in their field via invited presentations and representation on various bodies. FORMTEXT ?????Relevance to the purpose of the Cardiovascular Health*Indicate the relevance and impact of your project to Cardiovascular health.120 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 5Project Plans*Please provide an abridged version of your Research Plan and Figures700 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Research Environment*Briefly summarise the research environment including quality/experience of supervision, international standing of Lab, facilities, Infrastructure and funding that is available to support your proposed research.150 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 6PhD DetailsPhD Title* FORMTEXT ?????Degree Institution* FORMTEXT ?????Research Category Choose an item.PhD Start Date Click or tap to enter a date.PhD Thesis Passed Date Click or tap to enter a date.Applicants will need to enter the date of the letter advising when their PhD thesis was passed (this is not the date of a conferral ceremony)PhD Supervisor DetailsSalutation*: FORMTEXT ?????First Name*: FORMTEXT ?????Last Name*: FORMTEXT ?????Future Leader LevelFuture Leader Fellowship Level: Choose an item.If you have selected a level higher than that for which you are eligible based on the number of years since the date your thesis was passed, please explain and justify your choice.100 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 7Other FundingThe Heart Foundation actively seeks co-funding opportunities with other nationally competitive institutions and funding bodies in an effort to fund as many top-quality researchers as possible. Applicants who have applied for similar awards, within the same year, to other agencies and been successful with both applications, may be offered the opportunity to receive a co-funded award.Have you applied, or do you plan to apply for funding from another body? If yes, please complete the details below. If not, proceed to the next question by selecting ‘Save & Next’.Funding Body: FORMTEXT ?????Funding Details (include Award type, Name, category and reference/application number if known)40 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 8Ethics ApprovalAll ethics approvals and clearances necessary to complete the project outlined in the application must be in place prior to funding being released to your Administering Institute. Whilst you are no longer required to submit documentation, the Heart Foundation will conduct random audits with Institutes during the lifetime of an award. Should it be found that ethics are not in place, all remaining funds will be withheld, and both the Researcher and the Institute may receive multi-year bans on applying for Heart Foundation funding.Is Ethics Required?Choose an item.Please select the ethic requirements associated with your research: ? Animal ? Biosafety ? Human ? Other (Please Specify)Other Ethics Type* FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 9Career DisruptionsPlease provide any career disruption information, starting with most recent.Applicants may apply in a category lower than that for which they are eligible, if they can demonstrate that their 'effective' number of years since the date that their PhD thesis was passed falls within the eligibility range once Career Disruption is taken into account.Add NewCareer Disruption Type* Choose an item.Career Disruption Start Date* Click or tap to enter a date.Career Disruption End Date* Click or tap to enter a date.Full Time Equivalent of Disruption (Months)* Choose an item.Application – Page 10Relative to OpportunityAll applications will be considered relative to opportunity. Please provide brief details of other factors relevant to opportunity that you feel should be considered when reviewing your application.100 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 11QualificationsPlease list your 3 most relevant qualifications (excluding your PhD). For each qualification, please include the following information;Qualification Type (e.g. certificate, diploma etc.)Qualification NameYear of CompletionEducation Institute 500 word maximumQualification List FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 12AwardsPlease list your top five Awards or Achievements. With each Award or Achievement, please include the following details;Description of Award/AchievementProvider of Award/AchievementAward/Achievement Year1200 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 13Track RecordTraining Contribution*Please provide details of teaching activities and/or students supervised. 150 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Scientific Community Contribution* Please provide details of your engagement with Peer Review, Advisory Committees and Scientific Societies.150 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 14Applicant Work HistoryPlease list previous appointments in order of most recent. With each appointment, please include the following details;Job TitleEmployerPosition Start DatePosition End Date1200 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 15Grant RecordProvide details of successful grants for which you are/were a named Investigator during the last 5 years. You can provide a maximum of 50 grants. For each grant you must detail the following;Applicant Role in Grant [Chief Investigation, Other Chief Investigation, Associate Investigator, Other (Please specify)]Grant titleGrant InstitutionGrant Start YearGrant End YearGrant Amount ($)2000 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 16PublicationsPlease list below details of any publications that have been published, or accepted for publication, in refereed journals in the past five years (maximum 50). Do not include submitted publications that have yet to be accepted for publication. Each reference should include:Applicant Author Status 9e.g. First Author, Middle Author, Last Author)Publication TitleAuthorsJournal TitlePublication YearVolume Page NumberPlease add impact factors and citations for each publication as well as the relative ranking or importance of each journal within its field (if available).Publication List2000 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????From the list above, please list your top five publications and discuss its impact on cardiovascular research.250 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 17PresentationsPlease list below details of any presentations at national and international conferences that were given in the past 5 years (maximum 50). Ensure you provide the following information for each presentation;Presentation type (e.g. Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation, or Other Presentation)Invited? (Yes/No)TitleConference NameLocation (International/National/State/Local)Date2000 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 18Research Plan and Figures*This is your complete and detailed Research Plan. The section is limited to 4,000 words with a maximum of 20 references and 2 images.Please see instructions in the portal for attaching graphics. Please note all image uploads must be clearly labelled when corresponding to references in the proposed plan, for example: ‘Reference 1_Biomarkers’.It is best practice to use the headings of Background, Methods and References, in your research plan. The background section should summarise previous work from the host department in this field and work by other investigators, which led to the proposed research. Also include a step-by -step research strategy and study design, with a clear description of the methods to be employed.Where the project involves an intervention, describe the rationale for the intervention and how it will be evaluated. Where applicable, include sample size and statistical power, sampling methods, main variables to be measured/examined, methods of data collection, analysis and evaluation. Please specify timelines and major time allocations. FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 19Budget AllocationBudgets must be categorised by Personnel, Equipment, Maintenance, and Other. You may only select a category once and all details relating to that category should be included in that entry.Select Add New and add amounts for each of the four years. When no funding is required, please include a funding amount of “0”.Budget Type* Choose an item.Year 1 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 2 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 3 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 4 $ FORMTEXT ?????Budget Description* FORMTEXT ?????Select Add New and add amounts for each of the four years. When no funding is required, please include a funding amount of “0”.Budget Type* Choose an item.Year 1 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 2 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 3 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 4 $ FORMTEXT ?????Budget Description* FORMTEXT ?????Select Add New and add amounts for each of the four years. When no funding is required, please include a funding amount of “0”.Budget Type* Choose an item.Year 1 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 2 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 3 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 4 $ FORMTEXT ?????Budget Description* FORMTEXT ?????Select Add New and add amounts for each of the four years. When no funding is required, please include a funding amount of “0”.Budget Type* Choose an item.Year 1 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 2 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 3 $ FORMTEXT ?????Year 4 $ FORMTEXT ?????Budget Description* FORMTEXT ?????Project Support Funding*Briefly describe which aspects of the research plan will be funded using the project support funding provided by the Heart Foundation (Do not include FLF Stipend).150 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 20EquityThe Heart Foundation is committed to addressing health inequity and to focusing on people who are disproportionately affected by heart disease. How, and to what degrees has, or will, your research consider these populations? ?People who are socioeconomically disadvantaged200 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Residents of regional, rural and remote areas?200 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds?200 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?200 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Gender200 word maximum FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 21RefereesPlease provide details for two referees.Applicants must arrange for only two referees to endorse their application and provide evidence to their Administering Institution research office. Referees who endorse an application are acknowledging the candidate has the potential to become a leader in cardiovascular health research and is capable of conducting the research outlined in the fellowship application. It is desirable that one of the referees be the applicant’s current or proposed supervisor. In providing the referees’ details within the online application form, the applicant is verifying that they have obtained the endorsement of the referees, permission to provide their details, and that all parties have acknowledged the privacy statement. Add NewSalutation*: FORMTEXT ?????First Name*: FORMTEXT ?????Last Name*: FORMTEXT ?????Job Title*: FORMTEXT ?????Institution*: FORMTEXT ?????Business Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Email*: FORMTEXT ?????Mobile Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Relationship with Referee* FORMTEXT ?????Add NewSalutation*: FORMTEXT ?????First Name*: FORMTEXT ?????Last Name*: FORMTEXT ?????Job Title*: FORMTEXT ?????Institution*: FORMTEXT ?????Business Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Email*: FORMTEXT ?????Mobile Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Relationship with Referee* FORMTEXT ?????Application – Page 22Submit for EndorsementOnce submitted, an email notification will be sent to the Research Office at your Administering Institution. Your Research Office will review the application and either endorse it or return it for amendments. You will receive an email notification advising of the status of this application only when your Research Office has endorsed or returned your application.If you or the Administering Institution do not receive email notifications, please check your spam folders and email settings.CertificationI certify that all details provided in this application are correct and that I have read, understood, and have abided by the instructions associated with this application I confirm that all applicable parties (including Head of Department, Supervisors, Referees and Other Investigators) have reviewed and approved my application, and I have provided evidence of these approvals and agreements to my Administering Institution's Research Office. I also confirm that all applicable parties have read and understood the privacy statement.I agree to carry out the project in accordance with the principles of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007). I acknowledge that all ethics approvals and clearances necessary to complete my project as outlined in this application will be in place before commencement of the work.I acknowledge that all supporting documentation (ethic, citizenship, PhD documentation) has been provided to my Administering Institution. I understand that the Heart Foundation may request this documentation at any time throughout the duration of my funding.I confirm that I have complied with all instructions and understand that failure to do so may result in the withdrawal of the application from the review process.By submitting this form, I understand my application will be reviewed by my Administering Institution’s Research Officer for endorsement and final submission to the Heart Foundation. ................

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