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SCHOOL CALENDAR FORM COMPLETION INSTRUCTIONS School Calendar Form submissions must be directed to the web based submission portal. All forms for the 2022/23 school year must be received no later than March 31, 2022. If you require assistance, please contact the Legislation, Policy and Governance Branch at 250-387-8037. Please save your file(s) with the following file naming convention:School Calendar Form – General:For a group of schools: e.g., “SD05MultipleSchools1”For an individual school: e.g., “SD10ForestSchool”School Calendar Form – Online Learning:For a group of schools: e.g., “SD92OLMultipleSchools1”For an individual school: e.g., “SD35OLOnlineSchool”PART 1: SCHOOL CALENDAR FORM – GENERALThe ‘School Calendar Form – General’ should be used for all school types except online learning schools.Terminology used in the “School Calendar Form – General”:“Days in Session” means, in respect of any school, the days in a school calendar year on which the principal, vice principals, directors of instruction and teachers of the school are scheduled to be available for instructional, non-instructional or administrative activities. “Day of Instruction” means, in respect of any school, a day in a school calendar year in which students receive instruction in an educational program. “Non-Instructional Day” means, in respect to any school, a day in session in a school calendar year that is not a day of instruction (e.g., professional development day or administrative day).“Hour of Instruction” means, in respect to any school, an hour in which students of the school receive instruction in an educational program, and does not include recesses, lunch periods and other scheduled breaks between classes.“Instruction” (or “instruction in an educational program”) means the board approved provision of educational programs to students and includes the provision of (a) work study and work experience programs, (b) examinations, and (c) other learning activities provided by the board.“non-instructional period” means, in respect of any school, a period of time in a day in session in a school calendar year during which students do not receive instruction.How to use the “School Calendar Form – General”:Sheet 1: Calendar Information (REQUIRED)Provide the following information:A contact person for the submission.A count of the number of Days in Session and Days of Instruction.The number of hours of instruction offered to students in each grade. In the 2022/23 school year and subsequent school years, a board must offer at least 853 hours for Kindergarten, 878 for Grades 1 to 7; and 952 hours for Grades 8 to 12.Sheet 2: District and School Information (REQUIRED)Select your School District from the drop down menu. This menu will automatically populate a list with the names of schools in the district. If the calendar you are submitting does not apply to all of the schools, erase the names of the schools as necessary and complete a separate School Calendar Form for those schools.Sheet 3: 2022-23 (REQUIRED)The calendar is pre-populated with Instructional Days and Statutory Holidays. Using the Fill Colour function, highlight the dates of Non-Instructional Days and Vacation Periods. The Fill Colour function can be found on the Home tab, in the Font group, at the top of your screen. Please use only the colours set out in the legend.If there are schools that determine the dates of one or more Non-Instructional Days, please select one or more placeholder dates (in August) until the time when the schools are ready to set their own dates. Please ensure to account for the professional development activities that are normally scheduled in October each year by the BC Teachers’ Federation when planning your non-instructional days. If a school is closed regularly one or more days in any week (for example, every Friday or Monday), please highlight those days in white. Sheets 4 and 5 (OPTIONAL)Use these sheets to submit calendars for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years. Refer to instructions for Sheet 3.Sheet 6: 2022-23 SAMPLE - This sheet is for demonstration purposes only.PART 2: SCHOOL CALENDAR FORM – ONLINE LEARNING The ‘School Calendar Form – Online Learning’ should be used for all online learning schools.Terminology used in the “School Calendar Form – Online Learning”:“Days in Session” means, in respect of any school, the days in a school calendar year on which the principal, vice principals, directors of instruction and teachers of the school are scheduled to be available for instructional, non-instructional or administrative activities.“Days Available for Instruction” means days on which the principal, vice principals, directors of instruction and teachers are available for instruction.“Other Days In Session” means a “Day In Session” that is not a “Day Available for Instruction.” For example, days where the school is open but staff are not available for instruction.How to use the “School Calendar Form – Online Learning”:Sheet 1: Calendar Information (REQUIRED)Provide the following information:A contact person for the submission.A count of the number of Days in Session. Sheet 2: District and School Information (REQUIRED)Select your School District from the drop down menu. This menu will automatically populate a list with the names of online learning schools in the district. If the calendar you are submitting does not apply to all of the schools, erase the names of the schools as necessary and complete a separate School Calendar Form for those schools.Sheet 3: 2021-22 (REQUIRED)Use this tab to submit your calendar for the 2021-22 school year. The calendar is pre-populated with Days Available for Instruction and Statutory Holidays. Using the Fill Colour function, highlight the dates of Other Days in Session and Vacation Periods. The Fill Colour function can be found on the Home tab, in the Font group, at the top of your screen. Please use only the colours set out in the legend.Sheets 4 and 5 (OPTIONAL)Use these sheets to submit calendars for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years. Refer to instructions for Sheet 3.Sheet 6: 2022-23 SAMPLE - This sheet is for demonstration purposes only.PART 3: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Should a School Calendar Form be submitted for each school?No. Boards are strongly encouraged to submit a single School Calendar Form in situations where a group of schools share a common school calendar. The dates of our non-instructional days (NIDs) will not be set prior to the March 31, 2022 deadline. How do we record this in the Form?If you know some of the NIDs dates, enter these first. For the remaining NIDs, enter placeholder dates in the last week(s) of August. Once the Ministry has approved the calendar, the Board can reschedule the NIDs without having to re-consult with parents and employees. How many months should I include in my school calendar?School calendars should cover a period of at least 12 months. Most calendars run from July 1 to June 30; in these cases the new calendar should begin on July 1, 2021. Do I need to include summer school information in my calendar?No. Summer school information is not required on the School Calendar Form.Can I submit a calendar for more than one year? Yes. Boards may submit school calendars to cover up to three consecutive school years.Our school is not open five days a week. How do I record days when the school is closed?If a school is regularly closed on a weekday, highlight those days in white. Saturday and Sunday are also highlighted in white. ................

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