Year One News Topics Term 3 - Wheeler Heights

5762625-24955500WHEELER HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL 2018Year One News Topics Term 3WeeksTopic1-2My Holidays/ Free choice3-4Free choice5-6Public Speaking Competition (Class presentation) – see additional handout for details. Choose 1 topic;- The best time I’ve ever had with my family…- If I had a super power, it would be… -My favourite book character is…7-8Science – Look Listen Unit.Prepare a talk about the different sounds or lights at home.For example: a smoke detector makes a loud ringing sound and has a red flashing light.You may decide to talk about a variety of sounds or lights inside or outside your home. Or you can select a specific object that makes light or sound to talk about. 9-10Share your opinion.Tell us about something you really like and then something you dislike. Remember you need to tell us why you like and dislike these things. The things you tell us about can be anything: food, activities, books, games, weather, places… the list is endless!752475571500 My day is odd weeks/even weeks:102870074930Tuesday00Tuesday11430074930Monday00Monday194310074930Wednesday00Wednesday320040074930Thursday00Thursday422910074930Friday00FridayDelivery of news should take no longer than 1-2 minutes per student. Photographs, illustrations and/or topic-related artefacts to accompany news are most welcome. A memory stick is a great tool to use if you have special photos to show us. Please remember not to bring anything to school that is precious to you. Anything you do bring may be lost, stolen or broken. Skill Development: this term we will be concentrating on voice projection, eye contact with the audience and using palm cards. ................

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