My favorite sport is Track and Field

My favorite sport is Track and Field. I love this sport because anybody, nomatter what shape, size, or color you are can participate in it. Whether you 290 pounds or 145 pounds, there is an event or activity you can compete in. Other sports cant make that same claim. We all know that you must be a certain height to make it at the upper levels of basketball. We also know that you must have a certain physique to play football at the upper levels. Track, however allows anyone with determination and hard work to compete and be successful at the upper levels.

Pros of Track and Field:

Minimal Equipment- All you need to run track is a pair of running shoes, a shirt, and some shorts. You don’t need any bulky, expensive pads. You don’t need multiple bats, or clubs. You don’t even need a ball for that matter. Track, and running in general is a relatively inexpensive sport.

No field or specific environment needed- Running is unique in that you don’t necessarily need a track or a field to participate. Anyone can literally run anywhere at anytime. You can run on a field, a beach, a road, highway, trail, or forest. Some of the major sports require such as basketball, football, golf, and hockey, require courts or playing fields that may only be accessible during certain times of the day. This allows the sport to have an ease of accessibility that other sports don’t have. If you have an urge to get up at 4 in the mourning or 12 at night to run you can simply do so.

Can participate in it by yourself-Track is also unique in that you can enjoy and participate in it by yourself. Company is preferred and in many instances better, however you can still enjoy that sport yourself. No coaches are needed either. You can run with an MP3 player to motivate yourself instead.

Great sense of accomplishment- Running can provide instant gratification that many sports can’t provide. Completing a marathon is something that everyone can’t do. It requires great mental and physical capacities as well as great preparation. Obviously once you complete one you realize you have accomplished something very special that many haven’t done. It can also be applied to running in general. You feel a sense of accomplished simply by running farther than you ever have before. If you are accustomed to running 2 miles and on one occasion you run 5, you feel that you accomplished something personal

Cons of Track and Field

Little Variety- Often when you run, all you can do is simply run. There is no offense to remember or defense to practice. You can’t work on specific skills or attributes required for the sport. All you can do with track is run at varying degrees of intensity. You can either work on speed or work on endurance. Even the courses you run on the road can get old if you don’t switch them on occasion.

Not as fun at times as the major sports- The popular sports are popular because they provide variety but also because they are fun. When you get with people with similar skills and interest as yours the game becomes fun and enjoyable. The difficult part is finding enough people to play however. Track can provide that sense of fun too, but it is usually at track meets where you can compete and showcase your talent.

Not enough emphasis on the team- Track in field is any individual sport masked by the team concept. A team can win a track meet depending on the points that individuals score. However, more emphasis is given to individuals than to the team. Other individuals have no bearing on how another individual performs. Many people run separate events and can’t really relate to one another in terms of running. Again, basketball and football truly embody the team concept. Want one individual does can directly affect another individual. If people don’t do their jobs or roles the team as a whole suffers. Track isn’t like that. If a person finishes badly, the team moves on a isn’t affected.


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