Moore Public Schools

Referencing TextKirk's New Car?????I dragged my feet even though I heard my dad call my name. I had fallen behind on purpose. I wanted to see how long it would take my dad to notice that I was not there. We were at the used car lot trying to find a car for my brother, Kirk. Dad was excited about getting his boy his first car. I didn’t want to be there. I just had to go because my dad wouldn’t let me stay home alone. I tried to point out that Kirk had stayed home alone when he was in sixth grade, but my dad wouldn’t listen. Sometimes Dad and I don’t see eye-to-eye.?????When I caught up to my family, my dad snapped at me for being slow. “This is an important day, Tiff,” my dad said. “You could at least put a smile on your face to show you are happy for your brother.”?????I yawned instead, so my dad huffed at me and put his arm around Kirk. I tried to act like I didn’t care.?????“Don’t be so sad, Tiffany,” Kirk said, turning to look at me with a smile. “When I have a car, I can take you to school. Then, you won’t have to ride the school bus anymore. You’ll get dropped off at the front door.”?????That did sound nice. A smile may have slipped out my lips.?????As Dad continued walking with Kirk, I looked at the cars, too. I tried to decide which car I would want if I got to choose. After all, it was just 4 more years until I could drive.?????When I looked up, Dad and Kirk were standing in front of a red sports car. Kirk was shaking his head in disbelief.?????“You would really get this car for me?” Kirk asked.?????“Of course,” Dad replied. “You deserve it. You make good grades and are the star of the basketball team. I think you’ve earned it.”?????My first reaction was jealousy. My dad wouldn’t even get me an iPod, but Kirk was getting an awesome car. The only thing that kept my jealousy back was the thought of riding around with my brother. I could almost see myself stepping out of that car in front of my middle school. 1. What does the first paragraph mostly suggest about Tiffany? She likes being in the sixth grade.She gets jealous of her older brother.She wants to help her brother pick a car.She gets lonely when she's home alone.Write your response here: (show your work) 2. Which sentence from the story shows the reader Tiffany's attitude toward her father? "I yawned instead, so my dad huffed at me and put his arm around Kirk.""When I looked up, Dad and Kirk were standing in front of a red sports car.""I could almost see myself stepping out of that car in front of my middle school."" 'Don't be so sad, Tiffany,' Kirk said, turning to look at me with a smile."Write your response here: (show your work) 3. Which sentence from the story implies that Kirk cares about his sister? "I tried to decide which car I would want if I got to choose.""Kirk was shaking his head in disbelief.""Dad was excited about getting his boy his first car.""?'When I have a car, I can take you to school.'?"Write your response here: (show your work) 4. Which detail in the story shows that the father is proud of Kirk? He wants to buy Kirk a sports car.He watches Kirk's basketball games.He lets Kirk stay home alone.He tells Kirk to take Tiffany to school.Write your response here: (show your work) ?????A house sat empty on a very quiet street in a very quiet town. Finally, a SOLD sign was posted outside the house. A new family was moving in to the neighborhood. The neighbors were buzzing with excitement, especially the next door neighbors. Mrs. Kinfield lived to the right of the house. She was talking with Mrs. Underhill, who lived to the left of the house.?????“I heard that the neighbors are a big family,” Mrs. Kinfield said. “I heard they have eight children.”?????“I heard the father owns a computer company,” Mrs. Underhill said. “I think the mother is in politics.”?????The next week, a moving truck parked in front of the house. Mrs. Kinfield and Mrs. Underhill peered out their windows. They both saw a van pull up behind the truck. The neighbors expected to see a crowd of children climb out of the van, but there were only two children—a boy and a girl.?????“Oh, well,” Mrs. Underhill said. “I thought they would have more kids.”?????As the new family began unpacking, Mrs. Kinfield showed up with a pecan pie. She smiled as she greeted her neighbors with the welcome gift.?????She turned to the father. “So how is the computer business?” she asked.?????He stared at her for a second. “What do you mean?”?????“Everyone’s saying that you own a computer company, and your wife is in politics,” Mrs. Kinfield explained.?????“I don’t know who would have said that,” the father replied. “I’m an accountant, and my wife is a dentist.” He quickly thanked her for the pie and excused himself to go back to unpacking.?????Mrs. Kinfield turned to leave but took one more glance behind her when she reached her yard. She saw the father whispering to his wife. The wife rolled her eyes and said one word. “Nosy.” With that, the family quickly disappeared inside the house.?????Over the next weeks, the family did not talk much with the neighbors. They would say hello but never get involved in conversations. They mostly stayed inside their house, but they were very loud. Mrs. Kinfield and Mrs. Underhill talked about the family’s unpleasant habits.?????"That new family must have a rock band. They play their music so loud that I cannot even hear my own family at the dinner table," Mrs. Kinfield said. Mrs. Underhill could not hear, but she nodded along to be polite. 5. Which detail in the selection shows that the new family does not like Mrs. Kinfield? The family only has two children.Mrs. Kinfield gives the family a pie.The father says he is an accountant.The wife says Mrs. Kinfield is nosy.Write your response here: (show your work) 6. Which sentence from the story supports the idea that Mrs. Kinfield wants to be friends with the new family? "She smiled as she greeted her neighbors with the welcome gift.""She was talking with Mrs. Underhill, who lived to the left of the house."" 'I heard that the neighbors are a big family,' Mrs. Kinfield said.""Mrs. Underhill could not hear, but just nodded along to be polite."Write your response here: (show your work) 7. What does the conversation between Mrs. Kinfield and Mrs. Underhill at the beginning of the story best suggest about them? They like to spread gossip.They make good pecan pies.They want to start a rock band.They just bought a house.Write your response here: (show your work) 8. Which sentence from the story best shows that the neighbors are not happy with the new family? "Mrs. Kinfield and Mrs. Underhill talked about the family's unpleasant habits.""As the new family began unpacking, Mrs. Kinfield showed up with a pecan pie.""The neighbors were buzzing with excitement, especially the next door neighbors.""Mrs. Kinfield turned to leave but took one more glance behind her when she reached her yard."Write your response here: (show your work) Mannix the Monkeyby c.safos?????Mannix the monkey kept his eyes on the banana. Dr. Fraust, the scientist, kept her eyes on Mannix. She would place the banana under a box, and Mannix would tip the box over to get it. She would take the banana away each time and run a new test. She planned on giving it to him at the end of the testing, but she still had many tests to give.?????Mannix would howl each time the banana was taken away. Dr. Fraust placed the banana at the top of a rope, and Mannix raced to the top to get it. When he reached the top, again, Dr. Fraust took away the banana. When Dr. Fraust looked through her notes, she put down her clipboard and her pencil. She held tightly to the banana. Mannix watched her closely as she talked into her recorder, making notes. He slowly shuffled along the floor to her clipboard. As Dr. Fraust talked into the recorder, her gaze wandered to the next room. She watched a group of orangutans complete different tests. When Mannix saw the doctor was not watching her things, he seized the opportunity. Mannix quickly took the doctor’s clipboard and pencil.?????Dr. Fraust panicked. "Mannix," she said, trying to remain calm. "Put down those notes. Come on, boy. Give the notes back to me." Mannix howled with glee and began to tear out the pages one by one. Dr. Fraust gasped and her heart raced. She put the banana on a nearby desk and raced toward Mannix. He threw the clipboard and pencil to the floor. Then, he threw his arms in the air and screeched. As Dr. Fraust went to the floor to recover her papers, Mannix walked to the desk. He grinned, opened the banana, and began to eat. Dr. Fraust desperately looked for her pencil as Mannix continued to laugh. Sitting in the pile of papers, she couldn't help but laugh as well. Mannix had made a monkey out of Dr. Fraust. 9. "Dr. Fraust panicked. 'Mannix,' she said, trying to remain calm. 'Put down those notes. Come on, boy. Give the notes back to me.' Mannix howled with glee and began to tear out the pages one by one. Dr. Fraust gasped and her heart raced. She put the banana on a nearby desk and raced toward Mannix."What do the sentences above suggest? Mannix likes the clipboard more than the banana.Dr. Fraust likes to play games with Mannix.Mannix passes all the tests that he is given.Dr. Fraust's experiment notes are important.Write your response here: (show your work) 10. Which sentence from the article shows that Dr. Fraust gets distracted? "As Dr. Fraust talked into the recorder, her gaze wandered to the next room.""She would place the banana under a box, and Mannix would tip the box over to get it.""When he reached the top, again, Dr. Fraust took away the banana.""As Dr. Fraust went to the floor to recover her papers, Mannix walked to the desk."Write your response here: (show your work) Answers1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. A 1. She gets jealous of her older brother. 2. "I yawned instead, so my dad huffed at me and put his arm around Kirk." 3. "?'When I have a car, I can take you to school.'?" 4. He wants to buy Kirk a sports car. 5. The wife says Mrs. Kinfield is nosy. 6. "She smiled as she greeted her neighbors with the welcome gift." 7. They like to spread gossip. 8. "Mrs. Kinfield and Mrs. Underhill talked about the family's unpleasant habits." 9. Dr. Fraust's experiment notes are important. 10. "As Dr. Fraust talked into the recorder, her gaze wandered to the next room." Explanations1. The first paragraph shows that Tiffany can get jealous of her older brother. She's a little jealous because her dad is excited about buying Kirk his first car. Also, she is upset that she could not stay home alone even though Kirk was able to stay home alone when he was in sixth grade.2. Tiffany does not get along with her father. When he tells her to smile, she yawns instead. Her action shows that she does not have a good attitude when it comes to getting along with her father.3. Kirk cares about his sister and does not want her to be sad or upset. He tries to make her feel like she is part of the family by promising to drive her to school. He smiles at her when he talks to her.4. The father wants to buy Kirk a red sports car. He says that Kirk deserves it because he is a good student and a basketball star. The reader can tell that the father is proud of his son and wants to give him a nice car to show it.5. The new family does not act friendly toward the neighbors, especially Mrs. Kinfield. Even though Mrs. Kinfield goes to their house with a gift, the family does not want to talk to her. The wife even rolls her eyes and says that Mrs. Kinfield is nosy. Those actions show that the wife does not like Mrs. Kinfield. The rest of the family probably shares her feelings.6. Mrs. Kinfield tries to be friends with the new family. She shows that she wants to be friends by greeting the family and giving them a pecan pie. Giving someone a pie is a nice thing to do. It shows that you care about the person.7. The two neighbors are talking about the new family at the beginning of the story. They are talking about what the family will be like. It turns out that they are wrong about the family and are just spreading gossip.8. The neighbors are not happy about the new family. The family is very loud and does not have conversations with the neighbors. The neighbors meet to talk about the bad things the new family does. If the two ladies were happy about the family, they would not be criticizing them.9. The sentences show Dr. Fraust's reaction when Mannix steals her clipboard. She panics and tries to get Mannix to give it back. When Mannix begins ripping out the pages, the doctor gasps. Her heart beats fast. She is very worried about her clipboard because her experiment notes must be important to her.10. Dr. Fraust gets distracted when she starts watching the orangutans in the next room. When the doctor gets distracted, Mannix is able to steal her clipboard. She is not watching her things because she is too busy watching the orangutans' tests.Copyright ? 2012 Study Island - All rights reserved. ................

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