Date: March 20, 2007

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30

Location: 4040 Esplanade Way, Room 225F

Members in attendance:

|Cathy Christensen |Attorney General |Ralph Kiessig |DOC |

|Elaine Cooper |DOACS |Rene Knight |HSMV |

|David DiSalvo |DMS |Sharon Larson |DMS |

|David Faulkenberry |DMS |Paul Nichols |LEG |

|Mark Helms |DCA |Donna Pottle |AWI |

Non-Members in attendance:

|Cathy Jones |Auditor General |Cindy Meeker |Convergys |

| | | | |

Members not in attendance:

|John Bennett |DFS |Lane Fenner |Convergys |

|Diane Gomez |DCF |Linda Lieblong |FSU |

|Bob Naves |Convergys |Karen Samuel |SCS |

|David Tepper |DOS | | |


Welcome and Introductions: David Faulkenberry

David opened the meeting and made the following staffing announcements:

• LeeAnn Korst will be the Chief of Staff at Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (HSMV).

• Sharon Larson is the new Human Resource Management (HRM) Director.

• Phil Spooner is now working in HRM.

• Donna Pottle is the acting PO for the Agency for Workforce Innovation (AWI).

• David (Faulkenberry) is the Deputy Secretary over the Division of State Group Insurance, the Division of Retirement, and the Division of HRM.

• JoAnn Leznoff is no longer at the Office of Policy and Budget (OPB). David will discuss with OPB for a replacement.

• Karen Samuel is the acting replacement Dave Pepper at State Courts.

Other announcements:

• The Change Review Board (CRB) elected representatives from AWI, HSMV and Department of State (DOS) 1.5 years ago. These representatives will continue in their capacity until the next vote.

• When the CRB began, monthly meetings were appropriate to support the team and provide direction; however, since the project has matured, the Board does not need to meet as often. David recommended that the CRB convene once per quarter, but any member may call for a meeting as needed. All members present were in favor. The next meeting will be held June 19. Suzetta will send out a notice.

Follow-up from Previous Meeting: David Faulkenberry

David reviewed the takeaway items from the November meeting (handout). There were no questions.

Amendment 10: David Faulkenberry

DMS and Convergys have been involved in contract negotiations to clarify unclear terms of the contract, to identify issues related to system security, subcontractors, etc., and to determine what else needs to be implemented to complete the system. Once the amendment is completed, these items will be inserted into a work plan with a schedule for deployment.

This has taken a great deal of time and has slowed down progress with the system; however, upon completion, we will have a much better system.

David DiSalvo added that, via the PAR and Data Warehouse focus groups, the State of Florida will have well-designed and well-thought out business requirements. We will need to finalize BRDs that are necessary to develop the system.

Ralph Kiessig asked if, during the negotiation process, any thought had been given to revisiting the philosophy of the system, i.e., the issue of manager self-service. David Faulkenberry responded that the technology, staffing in agencies and at Convergys, as well as the business mode are all built on this philosophy. In addition, the following agencies are currently using the manager self-service functionality: DJJ, DCF (somewhat), DOH, DEP, and DMS. Ralph requested that DMS remember that some functions need to stay in HR, such as workers’ comp.

Benefits Issues: David DiSalvo

The Benefits screen redesign, the User Role Code Matrix BRD, and the upcoming PAR redesign will all help resolve some of the current benefit issues. The next focus group will be for Benefits enrollment and eligibility files.

Mention of this raised the concern about cancelled insurance. Mark Helms requested that the HR offices be contacted prior to sending a cancellation notice to an employee to see if the HR staff can work with the employee. Cindy Meeker said that the new Benefits screen will utilize the alert system to notify an employee if he needs documentation or has an over/under payment. Additionally, she stated that the State may need to consider some rule changes to be sure that employees don’t lose their benefits. For example, an employee who is $10 under in payment will have his benefits cancelled. Convergys does not control this. David Faulkenberry replied that we may need to review the trust funds and meet with key people from OPB and the Legislature.

The Benefits screen redesign has completed the first three phases:

1. Content

2. Navigation

3. Messaging (Rene Knight requested that average employees with no HR background be involved in reviewing these messages so that they are in layman’s terms. This has been done.)

UAT is the final phase. Average employees from agencies will be welcome to attend.

Another request: the over/under report should be more user friendly and able to be sorted. It should be sent to agencies on a biweekly schedule and HR offices could then reach out to employees.

Aspire Update: David Faulkenberry

Bearing Point is no longer the contractor with DFS for Aspire. The project director is going to complete cycle 2 testing in June or July. The results of this testing will drive DFS’ decision to continue with Aspire or change directions. Answers should be available in August or September. This impacts People First regarding the File 0001 and terminology changes in the front-end. The DMS People First team has already produced several interface files to be sure our system will work with Aspire. File 0001 has been the greatest difficulty because everyone is paid through this file (except for on-demand and PC payments).

Data Warehouse Focus Group: David DiSalvo

The Focus Group met in December. David briefly highlighted the following items from the meeting notes (handout).

• Page 3, Recommendations

o The DMS PF Data Team will be trained in Impromptu. We will also have the Intro and Advanced curriculum customized so that it utilizes our Data Warehouse. Goal for completion is six months.

o Hold monthly Data Warehouse user group meetings. We held the first meeting in February. This is a forum to ask questions and communicate the status of the action plan (see section below). These meetings may move to a quarterly basis. Please encourage your Data Warehouse staff to attend.

• Page 4, Security

o Previously, approximately 1000 people had access to the Data Warehouse. Through our clean-up efforts, we have purged 200-300 people who the POs said no longer belonged on the access list. Currently, users who transfer or terminate must be manually removed from access; we are working toward automating this process through the PAR.

• Page 4, COPES View, TimeDirect.

o The goal is to turn off these legacy systems. To do that, the data must be in the Data Warehouse; it must be accurate; and the average HR person who is not a report writer must be able to access it.

• Page 5, External & Management Reports

o The Focus Group prioritized 20 reports and will need to write BRDs to establish or correct the reports. The DMS PF Data Team has submitted 5 of the 20 to Convergys. We will reprioritize remaining reports as needed.

Data Warehouse Action Plan: David DiSalvo

The DMS PF Data Team meets every Friday for 1.5 hours to review and update the Action Plan. Additionally, the team has weekly conference calls with the Convergys Data Warehouse Team. The Action Plan (handout) was developed through Focus Group discussions and is a working document. It will grow because we will need to add the other external reports once the top 10 have been completed.

Karen Austin from HSMV maintains a helpful hints document, which is posted online at the DMS website for Data Warehouse users: . Other important documents are listed here. The Catalog can now be accessed through a secure link. Toni Estes sent the login instructions to Data Warehouse Security Coordinators on March 21, 2007.

David thanked the agencies for all of their assistance with the Data Warehouse initiatives.

PAR Focus Group: David DiSalvo

The PAR Focus Group met from February 28 through March 2. The meeting went well and was productive. The group covered the two most critical PAR items: Key Service Dates and the Inter/Intra Agency Transfer. A third item that will be visited at a later date is the PAR redesign, which will make the process easier to execute.

People First Work Plan: David DiSalvo

DMS is the owner of this Work Plan and uses it as an internal tracking tool. Currently, it is in draft format and is 14 pages long (handout of first 2 pages). It is a mechanism to track all system changes and enhancements, release dates, and items that are submitted to Convergys. The Work Plan could drastically change due to Amendment 10. There are 10 high level categories on the Plan:

1. Mandatory System Functionality

2. Security

3. PAR/Org Management

4. Data Warehouse

5. Benefits

6. Leave and Attendance

7. Payroll

8. Staffing

9. Other

10. General Enhancements—items that will make the system more user friendly, improve the look and feel, PAR redesign, etc.

Office of Efficient Government: David DiSalvo

The Office of Efficient Government is reviewing People First, Aspire, and My Florida Market Place. The Office has requested documents and responses to questions, which we provided last Friday.

ADA/Section 508 Compliance Assessment: David DiSalvo

DMS should be entering into a contract this week to have a vendor assess the 180+ screens in People First. The vendor will identify ADA/Section 508 deficiencies and make recommendations to bring them into compliance.

Hiring Manager Interface Update: David DiSalvo

Jan Russo is the lead on this initiative. April 14 is the projected release date (handout), with March 26 beginning UAT. Training will be held via WebEx the week of April 9-13. If agencies feel that more training time is needed, we can set that up. It is critical to the success and acceptance of the redesigned screens that hiring managers receive communication and training about the upcoming changes. Recommendations for communication: send an email to A, H, B, R, and M roles; have the staffing service center remind hiring managers at the end of a call; send an announcement through the Personnel Officers. Note: the system will be fully IE 7 compatible when the Hiring Manager Interface goes into production.

Supported Browsers: David DiSalvo

Convergys has fully tested and currently supports Internet Explorer, versions 6 and 7. These were tested on Windows 2000 and XP. Testing has not begun on Vista. To determine any other browsers that need to be supported, DMS looked at data from February 2007. Over 1.5 million hits were recorded at . Over 93% of those accessing this site used Internet Explorer. Of those, 99% used IE 6 or IE 7. Approximately 5% used Firefox. With this in mind, it seems that Convergys should pursue testing and supporting Firefox. Ralph Kiessig made a motion that the State of Florida write a business requirements document to Convergys that Firefox be fully developed, tested, and supported. Cathy Christensen seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

SAP Upgrade: David DiSalvo

People First currently uses the 4.6C version of SAP. Convergys will upgrade to either SAP version 2005 or SAP version 2007. However, Convergys wants to begin conversion after Open Enrollment. Since we have already missed that window of time, we may move forward after the next Open Enrollment cycle.

Internet Explorer 7 Update: Cindy Meeker

On the 02-24-07 Release, the People First system became accessible for IE 7 users, except for the Hiring Center. The Hiring Manager Interface (HMI) will be released on April 14. At that time, the entire system will be compatible with IE 7. With the 02-24-07 release, the browser toolbar disappeared. This is positive, because the BACK button caused navigational issues. Users who need to print may use the right click or print screen options. DMS will send a communication.

DMS will contact agency IT staff regarding IE 7 compatibility with People First once the HMI has been fully tested and the implementation date is firm.

POSE Survey: Cindy Meeker

Originally, customer service agents offered callers the POSE Survey. As of January 10, 2007, the survey is offered through the IVR to callers, who can elect to take the survey at the end of their session with an agent. Since the change to this automated system, the number of surveys has dropped. There were over 3000 in the 4th quarter of 2006. From January 10 to March 16, there have been 1011 surveys; this is about .004% of the user group, which is too small to be an accurate sampling. The number may have dropped because employees forget to take the survey at the end of their session. Convergys proposed that they could have agents remind employees at the end of a call to take the survey if they had elected to do so. Additionally, if callers are transferred, they must take the survey before the transfer begins, which means they have nothing to survey. Cindy believes this issue has been resolved. She will follow-up.

Overall ratings have remained strong, with ratings of 4. There has been a slight decrease in each area. For example, in one of the categories the prior rating was 4.6 and went to 4.3. At the next CRB meeting, we will look at the full quarter results.

DMS has approved the functional design document for A, H, and S roles to select the IVR prompt they wish, rather than being automatically routed to HR/Org Management.

Open: All

• Can the H role be limited by org range or budget area? This item is in the User Role Code Security Matrix BRD, which as been submitted to Convergys.

• What is the status of the use of A role codes? DMS runs audit reports that Tommy Wagner and our IG review. The Governor’s Office has data security as a high priority.

• DMS used to send communication to agencies regarding the important bills or changes during Session. Sharon Larson will coordinate this process with agencies at the next HRM PO meeting.

• Rene Knight shared that for HSMV’s top-down customer service review, she is using the Disney Customer Service Matrix. Anyone interested in seeing this matrix is welcome to attend an informational session on March 28 at 10:00. Contact Rene for more information.


• David Faulkenberry: Check with OPB for JoAnn Leznoff’s replacement on the CRB.

• Suzetta Furlong: Send a notice of the next CRB meeting.

• Cindy Meeker: Check with Tom Lockridge about making the over/under report to be generated more frequently than monthly.

• Cindy Meeker: Determine if there is a method to research any other benefits participants that don’t fall in line with the over/under report, but may have insurance cancelled.

• Jan Russo: Determine if a QRC and/or PowerPoint presentation will be available for the Hiring Manager Interface training.

• Cindy Meeker and Jan Russo: Determine how to communicate training and implementation of the Hiring Manager Interface.

• Suzetta Furlong: Send communication regarding the toolbar in People First.

• Suzetta Furlong: Send communication to agency IT staff regarding People First compatibility with IE 7.

• Cindy Meeker: Meet with Carlos Clark regarding the IVR POSE Survey being offered during a transfer from one department to another.

• Sharon Larson: Add agenda item for next HRM PO meeting to develop a process to share legislative information.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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