5 Paragraph Essay, Biography Report Format

5 Paragraph Essay +1, HERO ESSAY Format

As you write your essay—keep the essential questions in mind—you should answer them in your essay (without telling us you are doing so—show us through examples, research and insight!):

What is a hero? (You may refer to the notes from our class discussion or return to websites like or for assistance).

• Why is my selected figure a hero?

• How was my hero impacted by the zeitgeist or the context of the times in which he or she was living? In other words, what historical events and how did what was going on in society affect the person’s struggles/achievements?

• What lasting impact did your hero leave on society?

Paragraph Format:

• 5 Sentences minimum (7-9 minimum words in each sentence)

• First sentence: Main Idea

• 3 or more Supporting Detail Sentences (at least)

• Add your own thinking-insight if relevant

• Last Sentence: Re-states Main Idea,


INTRODUCTION: Please define what a hero means to you. Include a quote about a hero that relates to the person you will be writing about.

Paragraph 1 “Who”-Include transition word

• Who is your World Changer?-

• Give background information about the person you chose.

Paragraph 2 “What”-Include transition

• What did your World Changer accomplish?

• Choose 1 accomplishment and use supporting details to explain what he/she did. Show insight—This makes me think that…

Paragraph 3 “Why”-Include transition

• Why did your World Changer need to accomplish what they did?

• Give details about what was happening around your person chosen to prompt their idea. Show insight.

Paragraph “How”-Include transition

• How did your World Changer complete their accomplishment?

• Give details about the process they accomplished to achieve their goal .

• You may wish to wrap it up with an awesome quote from your hero that captures the heart and soul of who he or she was and why he or she is a hero.


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