Who ARE You????

Globalization and Technology

I am responsible for:

Group Planning Guide p. 10

RESEARCH GUIDE p. 13 or 14 for a person


PBLQ: What important developments or advancements have taken place after the Cold War?

(Thesis) The three most important developments or advancements are ___________, ______________ and ________________.

Design your own cover:








Name _____________________________________ Block ____________


|CATEGORY 4 |The student completes all important components of the task and communicates ideas clearly. |

| |The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts and/or process. |

| |Where appropriate, the student offers insightful interpretations or extensions (generalizations, |

| |applications, analogies). |

|CATEGORY 3 |The student completes most important components of the task and communicates clearly. |

| |The student demonstrates understanding of major concepts even though he/she overlooks or |

| |misunderstands some less important ideas or details. |

|CATEGORY 2 |The student completes some important components of the task and communicates those clearly. |

| |The student demonstrates that there are gaps in his/her understanding. |

|CATEGORY 1 |The student shows minimal or basic understanding. |

| |The student addresses only a small portion of the required task(s). |

|CATEGORY 0 |Responses and work completed are incorrect. |

|BLANK |No response. |

Globalization and Technology Who Packet SCORING RUBRIC

Self-Check Score ________________


Group check Score_____________

Teacher Check Score ____________

Unit V.1 – A Changing Society 1945 - Present

Standard: Students will be able to describe how globalization has changed American life (USII.8e)

Learning Target: I can describe how globalization has changed American Life

| |Learning Progression |

| Advanced |I can evaluate the pros and cons of “globalization” |

|Proficient | |

| Proficient |I can explain how “globalization” has changed American Life |

| Intermediate |I can explain how changes in transportation and the speed of information delivery |

| |have created a more “global” world |

| Beginning |I can list some products (stuff) I have that are made in other countries |

Unit V.5 – A Changing Society 1945 - Present

Standard: Students will be able to identify representative citizens who have influenced American Society (USII.9c)

| |Learning Progression |

| Advanced |I can make conclusions about what types of experiences in life that create citizens \ |

|Proficient |who make an impact on their community or in the world |

| Proficient |I can create a common profile of citizens who have influenced American Society |

| Intermediate |I can list the common qualities shared by the people I feel made a difference in my life, |

| |my community or the world |

| Beginning |I can list the people I think make a difference in my life, my community or the world |

Unit V.6 – A Changing Society 1945 - Present

Standard: Students will be able to examine foreign policy, immigration, global environment, and other emerging issues (USII.9d)

Learning Target: I can compare and contrast immigration at the turn of the 20th century with immigration at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century

| |Learning Progression |

| Advanced |I can evaluate the value of living in a country with a very “diverse” population |

|Proficient | |

| Proficient |I can compare and contrast immigration at the turn of the 20th century with |

| |immigration at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century |

| Intermediate |I can make overall inferences about why people immigrate |

| Beginning |I can categorize the groups of people that immigrated to the United States at the turn |

| |of the 20th century and the groups of people that immigrated at the end of the 20th |

| |century and beginning of the 21st century. |



1. Each Block is randomly assigned a Topic.

2. Each group in a block selects one bullet point to cover for the topic.

3. Individually research your bullet point and fill out the research guide.

Bring your own device Research: My web page, Library Data Bases, internet, you tube, .

Fill out DEVOPEMENTS and or CITIZEN OF THE WORLD research guide.

4. Make a list of what you will add to the group diorama to represent your research.

What items or supplies do you need?

5. Build a Diorama that all classes will use to complete DILI chart and Questions

Possible Supplies

Shoe box or slightly larger box or CAKE or T-shirt and fabric markers

Construction paper

Figures to create/show knowledge or pictures

Markers and/or crayons, Scissors, Tape, Thread, Paste or icing


YOU MAY DO YOUR DIAORAMA in a box , ON a CAKE or a T-shirt.

Diorama: “a life-size, three-dimensional scene from nature or history”


BOX or Tri-fold

1. Find a box at least as big as a shoe box or bigger - Cover outside with construction paper.

2. Decide on a scale. This is key, so it looks "real" or as if telling a story.

3. Collect your materials and pictures to show your knowledge. Remember your scale.

4. Decorate the sides, EVERY person can have a side, including the floor and ceiling.

5. Attach a title to the box where it can easily be seen.


1. Bake a Giant cake and put icing on it bring in the day we are going to put dioramas together.

The entire group should contribute to pay for the cake, icing and extra icing.

2. Decide on a scale. This is key, so it looks "real" or as if telling a story.

3. Collect your materials and pictures to show your knowledge. Remember your scale.

Think they need to go on a cake. How will they stand up?

4. Decorate the cake in sections, EVERY person can have a section.

5. Title-using icing write a title.


1. Buy a T-shirt and Fabric markers

2. Decide on scale how to share the shirt with your group members.

3. Decide what will be written with fabric markers on the shirt and collect any items

you will glue to it. Remember your scale.

4. Decorate your t-shirt. EVERY person can have a section.

5. Title- write a title with fabric markers.


Diorama Class Topics and groups

What is globalization and international trade?

Think: Positives, Negatives, and give examples

• Globalization links and connects nations causing interdependence because they trade and communicate with each other.

They trade goods, tech and information.

• Globalization leads to people who are different integrating with each other and learning about another culture’s food, music, language, religion and other characteristics.

• Globalization causes countries to depend on each other for trade, services and or protection from others. Example: US Homeland Security.

• Globalization has led to conflicts that require U.S. Military intervention in several parts of the world.

• Globalization has led to environmental damage and climate change such as pollution, melting ice caps, depleted ozone, deforestation and much more…….

• Globalization has led to both decreasing and increasing the spread of disease or creating pandemics such as the Zika virus, swine flu, ebola and more……

• Globalization, war or a bad situation has caused immigration both legal and illegal to increase into all countries including the US.

• China rising as a global economic and military power (see article)

• Global problems facing the world today that all need to be concerned about and or fix such as terrorism, global warming and more……

Show how American life has changed because of globalization and international trade.

Think: Before and After

• Improved communications because of travel, Media (radio, TV, movies, commercials) and the Internet, including social media.

• Consumers can buy foreign-made goods and order/purchase services.

• Companies are Outsourcing jobs to other countries whose labor is cheaper. Example: Detroit losing car factories.

What American companies do this? What does this do to American workers? American Business?

• Companies are now international/global or online such as Amazon, Samsung and more…….

Citizen: Ray Kroc

• No longer manufacturing in factories, but now high-tech (robots) such as Tesla and more…..

Citizens: Sam Walton

• Companies that provide a service, including companies that have developed because of problems created by technology or were created because of technology such as Experian, Credit Karma, Anti-Virus (Norton, Mcafee), Geek Squad, Apple, PC, DELL, HP and more….

Industries/Business benefiting from new technologies: How has technology changed overtime?

How does Technology help industry/business grow?

Think: Old vs. New High Tech vs. Low Tech

• Transportation to include-Airline industry (jet engine), Automobile industry and interstate highway system

• Mining industry-Facking, oil, coal, natural gas and more……

• Entertainment and telecommunications to include internet, social media and news media industries

• Satellite systems and the Exploration of space

• Personal Devices to include-Computer and cell phones

Citizens: Shockley, Barden, Brattain and Bill Gates

• Banking industry and the stock market

Impact of new technologies on American life: How have these types of technologies changed our life?

Think: Before/After

• More business/fun travel at home/ domestic and international

• Greater access to news and other information on various devices such as TV, Satellite radio, cell phones, computers, apps and more…

• Cheaper and more convenient means of communication such as cell phones, computer phone, apps-Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and more……

• Greater access to heating and air-conditioning improved the quality of life and encouraged population growth in certain areas of the country like the Southern states (Sunbelt).

• Americans are all more similar/decreased regional variations to each other across the country because we are connected by media, internet and on line gaming.

• The creation of computer programs such as word, power point, excel and many other applications, programs and or games.

Scientific advancements: How these advancements have improved or changed American life?

Think: Old vs. New Examples. Pictures.

• Medical Advancements and Medical Technology such as X-rays, MIR, and more......

• Medicine such as Penicillin, Anti-botics, Attention/Focus and more…..

Citizen: Charles Drew

• Modern War Weapons such as in Call of Duty Blacks Ops II, or urban warfare weapons and more…..

Citizen: J. Robert Oppenheimer

• Scientific Discoveries and Technology Developed to help Science such as the electron microscope and more….

• Environmental Science such as erosion, (pollution: land, ocean, atmosphere), endangered species, oceans, water and or resource conservation, climate change and more

• Space Science such as rockets, Mars or Jupiter Probes, International space station and more……

Cultural advancements: How have cultural advancements changed American life over time?

Think: Begin: How did it began? Middle When did it grow and change? NOW (2018) Give examples. Pictures

• Music such as Jazz, Pop, Hip Hop, Rock, Rap, Country, Alternative, Metal bands and more……

• Dance such as line dancing, Macarena, sprinkler and more……

Citizen: Martha Graham

• Entertainment/Media (TV, Movies)

• Literature and Poetry Who is popular today? Who do you read at home and at school?

Citizen: Maya Angelou

• Art, Architecture and Building What was popular in the past? What is popular now?

Citizens: Frank Lloyd Wright, Ansel Adams

• Academic/Education advancement: What do we learn, then and now? How has how we learn it changed?

Citizen: William Durant, Henry Louis Gates

BRAINSTORM and Planning SHEET for Technology and Globalization Diorama Project

Our CLASS Topic is _________________________________________________________________

The bullet point sub-topic we are responsible for is _____________________________________________________________________________

Diorama Team Evaluation

On this page, please explain what each member of the group contributed to the project. Think about all aspects, including but not limited to: brainstorming, organizing, researching, bringing in supplies, creating the diorama, and more.

Your name: _____________________________

Peer name: _______________________________

Peer name: _______________________________

Peer name: _______________________________

Peer name: _______________________________

Peer name: _______________________________

GROUP DIORAMA RUBRIC Diorama ____50 pts WHO Activities ___/50 pts

|GROUP Names __________________________________ Block ______ Group number ______ |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Topic |Topic is excellently |Topic coverage is good. |Topic coverage is |Can not tell what your |

| |covered. | |poor. |project was. |

|Creativity & |Project is excellently |Good creative effort. Project is neat and |Some attempt made to |Little attempt to add |

|Appearance |presented reflecting |shows evidence of time spent on it. |add color and |color or originality. |

| |creativity and a lot of | |originality. Project |Project has sloppy |

| |thought. | |is neat. |appearance. |

|Knowledge |The diorama demonstrates|The diorama demonstrates good knowledge of|The diorama |The diorama |

| |a thorough knowledge of |the subject investigated |demonstrates some |demonstrates very |

| |the subject investigated| |knowledge of the |little knowledge of the|

| | | |subject investigated. |subject investigated. |

|Content |The project content is |The project content is good and suggests |The project content is|The project content |

|Facts |excellent and suggests |the student has discovered most of the |fair/poor and suggests|poor and suggests the |

| |the student has |important facts of his/her topic. |the student has not |student has not done |

| |discovered the important| |discovered most of the|sufficient research. |

| |ideas of his/her topic. | |important facts. | |

|Title/Names |Diorama has name clearly|Diorama has title clearly displayed, name |Diorama has name, no |No name visible, no |

| |displayed, and title. |is attached somewhere. |title. |title. 0 Points. |

|Bonus: Any extra items | | | | |

|added | | | | |

Who Activity #1


Source: Check out Ms. Z’s Globalization and Technology power point on my web page and all the resources I loaded.

My classes Topic:__________________________

My group’s sub topic/bullet:__ _______________________

I am responsible for researching and sharing information on ____________________ for our group’s Diorama subtopic?

(10 Things)

Who Activity #1 CITIZEN OF THE WORLD RESEARCH __/20 pts

Source: Check out Ms. Z’s Technological and Globalization Power Point on my web page to find information and videos about key people.

My Citizen’s Name: ________________________

1. Date of Birth: ________________________________________________________

2. Date of Death: _______________________________________________________

3. Place of Birth: _______________________________________________________

4. Personal Strengths (What are they good at):





5. Greatest Accomplishments (Why is this person famous) and pictures of it:







6. Famous Quotes (Something they actually said):




7. Important Influences (Who or what helped them make their accomplishment):





8. Any other Important Information:




Who Activity #2 Citizens of the World: Technological Advancements DILI ___/12 pts

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Who Activity # 3 Globalization: Did I Learn It? ______18 pts

Globalization (USII.8e)

1. _____ The linking of nations through trade, information, technologies, and communication is called…

a. Industrialization b. globalization c. mechanization d. unification

2. _____ Nations, countries, and societies depending on one another for goods, services, action, or influence is called…

a. Mercantilism b. consumerism c. the black market d. interdependence

3. _____ As the economy expanded at a rapid pace, sometimes corporations hired employees from other countries, called…

a. Outsourcing b. marketing c. advertising d. supplying

4. _____ Globalization caused the economy to turn from manufacturing to high-tech and ___________________ economies.

a. Service b. industrial c. feudal d. bartering

Impact of New Technologies (USII.9d)See Word Bank

5. _______________________________ improved the quality of life and encouraged population growth in certain areas of the country, such as the Sun Belt.

6. There was increased domestic and international _______________________________ for business and pleasure.

7. _______________________________ decreased resulting from nationwide access to the same entertainment and information provided by national television and radio programming, Internet services, and computer games.

8. New technologies allowed greater access to _______________________________ and other information.

9. Communication became cheaper and more _______________________________.

10. The jet engine greatly enhanced the _______________________________ industry.

11. The creation of the interstate highway system allowed for the _______________________________ industry to grow.

12. Bill Gates’ Microsoft helped the _______________________________ industry to thrive.

|news |convenient |

|heating and air conditioning |travel |

|computer |automobile |

|airline |regional variation |

Changes in Policy (USII.9d)

13. _____ Which of the following would NOT likely cause a change in foreign policy?

a. Changes in terrorist activities

b. Varied global conflicts

c. Changing relationships with other nations

d. Domestic civil rights legislation

14. _____ Which of the following is an example of an American immigration policy?

a. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 c. Brown v. Board of Education

b. 19th Amendment d. Voting Rights Act of 1965

15. _____ As part of the global community, we try to determine the best way to protect the environment. Which environmental topic is often debated among scientists?

a. Metamorphosis c. Photosynthesis

b. Climate change d. Osmosis

16. _____ With people and goods traveling the world at a much higher rate, diseases can also spread quickly. What word describes the global spread of disease?

a. Industrialization c. pandemics

b. Assimilation d. segregation

Advancements in Society (USII.9c)

17. Explain an advancement in science: EITHER-medicine, technology, environment, or space.

18. Explain an advancement in culture: EITHER- music, art, media, communication, technology, architecture or academic/education.


What kind of information should we be looking for when we research?

What should I personally research for?

“Think about?”

Using your Teacher’s website sources.

Fill in your Developments/Advancements Research Guide

Supplies: What will I bring to help my group create our diorama next class?

What did you contribute? RATING: 1-10 __________

What did he / she contribute? RATING: 1-10 __________

What did he / she contribute? RATING: 1-10 __________

What did he / she contribute? RATING: 1-10 __________

What did he / she contribute? RATING: 1-10 __________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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