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Project ChoicesCarefully read the three different project options and pick the one that you would like to complete the most. Make sure to discuss the different project options with your parents. Select the project and have a parent sign saying that s/he understands when it is due and which project you have picked. Return the bottom part to me and I will give you detailed instructions on how to complete that particular project.-23495034353500Project OptionsMy Family TreeUse the guide to identify members on your family tree. Then, construct a family tree using construction paper, poster board, or whatever you wish. Oral History ProjectChoose someone from your family who has moved at some point in his/her life. Interview that person about what it was like to move and write a short biography. Timeline of My LifeCreate a timeline of about 8-10 events from your life. Include the date (or a rough estimate), pictures (drawn or photographs), and a brief description of each event._____________________________________________________Name: _______________________________________________I choose to complete: ____________________________________I know that my project is due on: ___________________________Parent Signature: _______________________________________Project 1 My Family TreeUse the guide below to identify members on your family tree. Feel free to add others if you need to. Then construct a family tree using construction paper, poster board, or whatever you wish.395287510858500left634900157162560960About MeMy Full Name:___________________My Birthday is:_____________________00About MeMy Full Name:___________________My Birthday is:_____________________I have:______ older sister(s)______ older brother(s)______ younger sister(s)______ younger brother(s)-56197543116500My Mom’s Side of the Family29711655080My mom’s name:______________________0My mom’s name:______________________4095750113665My grandfather’s name:______________________My grandfather’s name:______________________center94615My grandmother’s name:____________________My grandmother’s name:____________________1400175148590One neat thing that I learned about my mom’s side of the family is: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________00One neat thing that I learned about my mom’s side of the family is: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 430530014224000-3333752036445666750714375My Dad’s Side of the Family 1866900135890 -466725117475 Project 2Oral History ProjectPick someone in your family who has moved at some point in his/her life to a new city, state, or country. Ask him/her questions like:How old were you when you moved?What kind of obstacles or struggles did you have to overcome in your new home?Where did you move to and from?What was it like to move?Create your own questions.*Hint: It may be a good idea to take notes on what s/he says.3143250569595Write a short biography or paragraph about the person that you interviewed. Make sure to include the facts that you learned while interviewing that person. Include a picture of you and that person, if you can.00Write a short biography or paragraph about the person that you interviewed. Make sure to include the facts that you learned while interviewing that person. Include a picture of you and that person, if you can.Project 3Timeline of My LifeCreate a timeline of about 8-10 events from your life using construction paper, poster board, or whatever you wish. Ideas for events can be the day you were born, favorite places that you’ve been to, exciting times in your life like winning a baseball championship, etc. Remember that the events in a timeline go in order (sequence). Include the date (or a rough estimate), pictures (drawn or photographs), and a brief description of each event. -447675191135002905125156211My Events(Brainstorm Sheet)1. __________________________2. __________________________3. __________________________4. __________________________5. __________________________6. __________________________7. __________________________8. __________________________9. __________________________10. __________________________00My Events(Brainstorm Sheet)1. __________________________2. __________________________3. __________________________4. __________________________5. __________________________6. __________________________7. __________________________8. __________________________9. __________________________10. __________________________My Mom’s Side of the Family399097533591569532561595-35242594615center85090-39052535687000-638175447675My Dad’s Side of the Family28670253365517716501514475004143375125095center164465 Project 3Timeline of My LifeCreate a timeline of about 8-10 events from your life. Ideas for events can be the day you were born, favorite places that you’ve been to, exciting times in your life like winning a baseball championship, etc. Remember that the events in a timeline go in order (sequence). Include the date (or a rough estimate), pictures (drawn or photographs), and a brief description of each event. 26193751333500-371475139700Project 3Timeline of My LifeCreate a timeline of about 8-10 events from your life. Ideas for events can be the day you were born, favorite places that you’ve been to, exciting times in your life like winning a baseball championship, etc. Remember that the events in a timeline go in order (sequence). Include the date (or a rough estimate), pictures (drawn or photographs), and a brief description of each event.23145751333570548535140000-54979733972400228600221869000 ................

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