Emotional Sobriety And Food – "… to be able to Twelfth ...

Third Step Vision Exercise3rd step prayer: (1) God, I offer myself to Thee—(2) to build with me and (3) to do with me as Thou wilt. (4) Relieve me of the bondage of self, (5). (6) Take away my difficulties, (7) that victory over them may bear witness (8) to those I would help of (9) Thy Power, (10) Thy Love, and (11) Thy Way of life. (12)May I do Thy will always!" The Step 3 prayer is divided into 7 parts:1. Offering yourself to God.2. Asking God for change.3. Asking God for direction.4. Asking God to help you be of service and free from bondage.5. Asking God to take away your problems so you can help others.6. Realizing that God's Power, Love and way of life are already yours.7. Asking to do God's will always.Write a vision for your life for what each of these 12 areas personally mean to you. The Second Step exercise should have clarified your vision of God for you, so we will start with the second half of 1.1. God, I offer myself to Thee: Who is your God? Describe His attributes. What exactly are you offering (your sobriety, your health, your actions, your body, etc) and what does it look like to offer yourself to God?2. To build with me and: How do you expect God to ‘build’ with you? What does it look like – better actions, better thoughts, etc.? What parts of yourself and your life? Be specific.3. To do with me as Thou wilt: How do you think God will ‘do with you’? What does God want with you? Why were you spared from alcoholism when so many others are not? Does God have a plan for you? What does His plan look like?4. Relieve me of the bondage of self: What is you bondage? What exactly does it look like, when you are actively in ‘bondage of self’?5. That I may better do Thy will:Describe what it looks like for you to ‘better do God’s will’?6. Take away my difficulties: What are your current difficulties?7. That victory over them may bear witness: Are you gaining ‘victory’ over your difficulties? If no. why not? Are you still running the show? Who would be able to observe you, in order for you to ‘bear witness’ to your victory?8. To those I would help of: Who would you ‘help’ if you could? To what lengths would you go to ‘help’? What does it look like for you to be of real ‘help’ to others? Are you living example of God’s Power?9. Thy Power: Why would you need power? How much power is available to you? What does it look like when you have received His Power?10. Thy Love, and: Do you need God’s Love in your life? What does God’s Love in your life look like?11. Thy Way of life: What is God’s Way of Life? What does God’s Way of Life specifically look like for you?12. May I do Thy will always!" Are you attempting to ‘do’ God’s will ‘always’? What would it look like for you to attempt to do God’s will ‘always’ in your life? (see also q. 5 above)Third Step Promises – When you stop playing God and let God direct your life, amazing things will happen:1. God will direct your life and give you what you need.2. You will become less selfish and genuinely care for others.3. You will be interested in making a positive contribution to life.4. You will feel power flow in.5. You will enjoy peace of mind.6. You will face life successfully.7. You will begin to Spiritually Awaken.8. You will begin to lose your fear.9. You will become a different person.Written vision of relationship with God: Characteristic of GodHow God relates to meHow I relate to GodGod is my only Employer? Gives me direction.? Develops, teaches, supports, funds, protects, values and guides me.? Gives me work that is appropriate for my level of development and capability.? Supplies whatever resources I need to get the assigned work done well.? I seek and follow directions well? I am faithful, devoted, focused, energetic and hard working.? I am a good reflection on my employer? I am an efficient user of time and resources that are given to me.? I constantly develop capability and knowledge that will allow me to do greater service work in the future.? I am dedicated to growing along spiritual lines and being of maximum service to God and my fellow man.God is Power? Makes power available to me.? Gives me all the power I need for whatever I am asked to do.? Allows more power to flow through me, as I become a more clean and efficient conduit.? I constantly seek to become a more clean and efficient conduit for God’s power to flow through.? I allow God’s power to flow through me, to whatever purpose, service or need he chooses, without any form of resistance or dissipation by myself.? I live my life on God’s power, not self-power.? I use the power I am given to be of maximum service to God and my fellow man.God is Love? Enables the characteristics of the Love Thought System to be present and manifest in every area and aspect of my life.? Loves me unconditionally.? Fills me to overflowing with love.? Allows and expects me to be a channel of his love.? Teaches me how to receive experience and give love.? I love, honor and respect all living things.? I look for and find love in all people and situations that I encounter in my life.? I live my life centered in the Love Thought System.? I love myself and others as God loves me.? I seek to become an increasingly cleaner and more efficient conduit for God’s love.? I am constantly learning how to receive, experience and give love. ................

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