Ingliz tili fanidan test savollari | Dars ...

Инглиз тилиФан бобиФан б?лими?ийинлик даражасиТест топшири?иТ??ри жавобМу?обил жавобМу?обил жавобМу?обил жавоб1… English language is...language of … English speaking countries.*-/the /thean/the/the-/the/-the/the/the1… belong to the cat family .*TigerFishElephantsMonkeys 2A: … I phone you tonight? B: Yes, you … .*must/mightmust/mightcould/can’t shouldn’t/shouldn’t2It’s the happiest evening I ever … * have hadhadhashas had1She comes from the family of Boschen, … ?*doesn’t she hasn’t hedidn’t shedo you1POETESS was not in the HALL*she/ithe/it it/itthey /it 1The word <tea> covers … social traditions*many narrowlittlemuch2Tea came from …*The East End Тhe Middle West colonies of Spain The West End 2 Jack London, … great American novelist , was born in … city of San -Fransisco and Spent … first year of his life there.* a/the/the an/a /thethe/an/a the/the/the1It took us … hour and … half to do shopping and we got … home at 4.*an/ a/-a/a/athe/the/-an/the/-1… longest river in … world is … Mississippi.*the/the/thethe/a/thethe/an/the an/the /the 1Synonym. At the age of 17 he LEFT school and went to work at the factory.*finishedwent out enteredstopped2This is …film I’ve ever seen.*the most interestingmore interestingmost interestingnot interesting2He ENTERED the shop and wanted to buy a shirt, but it was too expensive.*came intowanted arrived got1Mr Brown was very happy as he HAD RETURNED home*had come backhad seenhad seenhad asked 1Antonym . Let’s open the window . It’s very HOT here*cold dark stuffy foggy1The weather was nice and children didn’t want to stay INSIDE*outside at homein the countryout1It was not EASY for him to find a job in such a large city*difficultpleasantneccessary heavy 2Choose the appropiate answer A: Who is fond of swimming ? B: …. .*I am I was she was He was 2… you … to England ? *have/been were/being are/being are/being 3Here are the books. … is yours?*which what whose How many 2Those seats are not … , they are… .*their/ours her/mine your/our their /my 3–His uncle is a very clever man. –And … .*so is his father his father too his father also so does his father 2… workers in …. Capitalist countries fight for … better life .*the/the/a -/-/a the/the/the -/the/the 1If you … in a hurry , leave that to me .* are will be shall be were 3Jane said , “I shall help you “. Jane said … *she would help us she helped us she will help him she help us 2Please, tell me something … than this old joke . *more interesting interestingless interesting the most interesting 3 One day the boys found a man in the forest . He … .*was dying will die is dying dies 3What rever is Washington DC situated on ? *the Potomac.the Mississippi the Colorado the Columbia 3There is …hair in my soup and ..plate is durty.*a/the -/- -/the the/at 2The girl wanted to cook the meal herself but Zair insisted … helping her.*on to from in 1It was nice … you to come to see me .*of about - to2… is … watch and … is … .*this/my/that/yours that/her/this/you this/he/ that/her this/you/that/your 3I…and … for the last two days .* have been coughing/sneezing coughing/sneezing had been coughed/sneezing having cough/sneezing 2We used … in London . *living live to live have lived 1… poor in many countries live in … slums.*the/- a/thethe/the -/- 1I … so upset, if I … you.*wouldn’t be/ were am/am wasn’t /wereshan’t be/would be1At … first … task seemed to be very easy. *-/the a/the the/the -/a 1Mother was anxious … her family. *to see seeingseento be seen2“Does Jack shave?” “No, he’s got a beard so he … shave “ . * hasn’t to hasn’t got to don’t have to can’t 3. Piccadilly Circus is … .* a square in the center of London an architectural monument of an Ancient time a fashionable hotel famous for its clowns and trained animals 1The teacher always makes the children … in their seats*stay to staystayingstayed1She had…feeling that he was …honest man.*a/an -/aa/athe/the1What are curtains usually made … ?*of in with from 3–I wasn’t at school when I heard the news. -… .*Neither were they So did I Yes, I was. Did you? 3These people… last month to do the work.*were paid paidhave been paidwere being paid3I … so upset, if I … you. * wouldn’t be/were am/am wasn’t/wereshan’t be /were 1Last year my friends and I… to take part in a TV program.*were invitedinvitedinviteare invited3How many cars… in the accidents on this road so far? *have been damagedhad been damagedhave damaged damage3My bike is not there! It…,I`m sure.*has been stolen was stolen was being stolenIs being stolen2At last I’ve got rid … him and now I am … your disposal.*of/at Of\within/fo was wearing rWith /at2Did … police find … person who had stolen your car ?Henry ... apologize for his bad behavior yesterday.*a/the the/thea/athe/a3He evidently … his shoes for a long time. They were worn out . *had been wearing were wearing are wearingWas wearing 3Mike failed … the exam , but his sister got … … . *in/through on/onthrough/out -/over 2John had better … tonight. *study to studystudying studied 2Who … blame ? *is tohad beenbeingwere to2Please, speak … the topic*onabout atOf2Their goods are … great demand and sold very well … that price. *of/at at/at in/atfor/on2We would rather … home tonight . *stayto stay stayingstayed2–I had to help my mother about the house. *So did I Neither had I. So had IEither hadn’t I. 3. He looked as though he … ten miles. *had runrunningto runrun 2The old lady dresses as if it … winter even in the summer .*is waswereBe3The program director used … his own letters. *to write writehave writtenwrites3 The man is used … his newspaper in the morning*to readreading have read reads 2The students arrived late … the traffic jam . *because of. ofinbecause 1Here are the keys … your room . *of toonIn2You had better … quiet. * keepto keep keepingkept3 If I … you , I… their offer. *were/ would accept had been/would have acceptedam/shall accept were/will accept1They were leading … happy life*a- thesome3 Olimov called … the men’s department of a big department store. *aton toInto2 The … in him overweighs the … . *best/worst better/bad good/worseBest/bad 1 He should take care … his health. *ofonatTo1 We are very busy … weekdays. * onout of inat3Tom … pass his exam in Literature and now he is working hard as he … take it again.*couldn’t/has to can’t/was able must/had tomay/could 2We asked … to join … if … liked*you/her/you you/their/we me/them/theirsthey/you/their 1Have … seen … ? Is this book … ? *you/her/hers they/hers/my/ she/her/his him/me/mine 2Mary insisted on … the bus instead of the plane. *takingtaken to be taken Took 1She would like … to go in for sports. *us weour Ours2I … send him a letter yesterday*had to can have may 3 I can’t help … you about it .*telling to tell having told being told2Must I do it? – No you … . It isn’t necessaryneedn’tcouldn’tmayn’tcan’t3I … you this book after I … it . *shall give /have read shall give/ had readgive /read have given /shall read 1I … here since 1986 *have lived had lived livesam living 1… you … to England ? *have beenwere/being are/being had /being1Here are the books . … is yours? *which whatwhoseHow many2Those seats are not … , they are … . *theirs/ours her/mine your/ourtheir /my 2–His uncle is a very clever man . –And … .*so is his father his father toohis father also so does his father1… workers in … capitalist countries fight for … better life .*the/the /a -/-/a the/the/the -/the/the 1Do you speak … English … your English lessons?*-/ at -/ in at/at in / in 3What rever is Washington DC situated on ? *the Potomac.the Mississippithe Colorado the Columbia 3There is …hair in my soup and ..plate is durty. *a/the -/- -/the the/at 2 We used … in London *living liveto live have lived 3 He evidently … his shoes for a long time. They were worn out . *had been wearing were wearing was wearing are wearing2 John had better … tonight. *study to studystudying studied2 Who … blame .? *is tohad beenbeingwere to2Please, speak … the topic . *onaboutatOf1The program director used … his own letters. *to write writehave writtenwrites1I … send him a letter yesterday. *had to have can May3Did you ask them…?*when was the house built when the house was builtwhen did the house built when the house is built3When … to our head office?*will the letters be sent will be the letters sent will the letters sent the letters will be sent3The door …yellow a few days ago.*was paintedpaintedhad been paintedhad painted3How … in a usual Chinese family?*is tea made is made tea tea is madetea made is3I`m sure the work …by the time your return*will have been completed Will completecompletescompleted3As the goods …by the customs officers, the latters allowed us to take them away.*were examinedwas examinedwill be examined have been examined3They sat up all night …*talking talk talkedto be talked3Besides .. I like … swimming competetions.*swimming / to watch to swim / to watchswimming / watchedto swim / watching3I do not mind ….*walkingto walk be walkinghaving been walked3I saw him … anewspaper.*to readto hawe readreadingto be reading3We stopped at the motorway services … something to eat.*to getto have got was gettingget2We knew nothing of his … a student.*beingbebeento be2We often hear her … at concert.*singingsingssangto sing1This holiday is worth …*celebratingcelebratescelebratedhave celebrated2… in Tashkent for many years he knew the city very will.*livinglivedBeing livedhave lived3He said to her: “the letter was written yesterday”. He told her that the letter… .*had been written the day before was written yesterday had been written yesterday written yesterday3He said to her, “ don`t enter the room”. He ordered her …the room.*not to enter to enterdidn`t enter doesn`t enter3Mr. Smith said, “glad to see you! I haven`t seen you for ages”. Mr. Smith said… *he was glad to see his friend, he hadn`t seen him for ageshe is glad to see his friend, he hasn`t seen him for ageshe was glad to see his friend, he didn`t see him for longI`m glad to see his friend, I haven`t seen him for ages3“Don`t go to the skating-rink”.My mother told me… to the skating-rink.*not to gothat I had goneI went not to have gone3He said: “ I shall meet her at the station tomorrow.”*that he would meet her at the station the next daythat he met her at the station he will meet her at the station tomorrow He meets her at the station 3She said, “Don`t come tomorrow, please, as I won`t be her”. She told me…*not to come the next day as she wouldn`t be thereto co me tomorrow as she will be therenot to co me the day after tomorrowwill you co me tomorrow to see her2“Stay in bed for a few days”, the doctor said to me.The doctor told…*me to stay in bed for a few daysme to take should stay in bed.him to go to the hospital2Synonim.I`ll go to the disco-club in the evening.*tonightin the morningin the afternoon in a day2Synonim.We study German.*learnteachknowknew2Synonim.At the age of 17 he left school and went to work at the factory.*finishedgraduatedwent outentered1Synonim.He entered the shop and wanted to buy a shirt, but it was too expensive.*came intowantedarrivedgot1Synonim.I`ll lend you my book if you return.*givetakeshowsend1Synonim.I beg your pardon for receiving you like this. Please, sit down.*am sorryam angry am happyam delighted1Synonym.His work was not interesting.*dullbrighttroublesomefull1Antonym.Nobody knew he was leaving the country;only Anne knew the truth* lierespecthonor belief 2Antonym.He was rather rude to me last night.*politekind honestright2 Antonym.Don`y speak so fast!*slowlyloudlywellquickly 3Antonym.My watch is right.*wrongleftheavyslow1Don’t make noise: the children …to sleep.*are tryingtryis tryingwill try2A new museum …in the city.What a beautiful building it will be!*is being builtwas being builtis builtbuilds1According to this song …we need is love.*alleacheverysome1At the end of the course, you have to… *take an examyou driving testa course some lessons2Our plane takes …at 6.25 and lands at 7.50*offofonplace2“Please,… me a story”, the little boy….*tell/saidsay/telltold/saytold/said1Can you … a motorbike?*driveridetakego1You never forget how to … a bicycle. *ride rode drive run3Henry ... apologize for his bad behavior yesterday.*had tohave to maywas to2Synonym.Uzbekistan is larger than Great Britain.*widerolderbetterbigger2She said that she … her present flat.She tried to find another one. *didn’t likelikesdoesn’t likewon’t like2…girl from …farm came once week to help to clean…house.*the/the/a/thea/a/the/thethe/a/the/thea/an/the/the2After …accident five people had to go to…hospital. *the/athe/thea/thea/a1I remember … time when I went to …school.*the/-the/thea/the-/-2…story I have read is…most interesting in this book.*the/the-/thea/thethe/-3I didn’n know where. . . *the children had gonethe children wenthad the children gonedid the children go3When we . . . the beach the rain. . . already. . .*left /had. . . startedleave/has. . . startedwill leave/have. . . startedleft/have. . . started3Yesterday when Tom . . . the lesson. . . already. . . .*came/had beguncomes/beginswill come/beginscame/began2She. . . since last week*has been illis illwas illhad been ill ................

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