KickStart International

managing outlook personal data files21 March 2009, Version 1.1contentsThis document covers the following topics:BackgroundAutomatically Associating Old Data Files with Current Outlook ProfileManually Associating Old Data Files with Current Outlook ProfileManually Closing Old Data FilesCopying Contacts to Your New MailboxCopying Calendar Items to Your New MailboxCopying Tasks to Your New MailboxCopying Mail Items to Your New MailboxbackgroundPrior to configuring Outlook to use Microsoft Exchange server, all items (email messages, calendar items, contacts, and tasks) were stored in a local file called the Outlook Personal Data File (also known as the PST file). These items are still available to you however the data file needs to be associated with your new configuration. After you have done that, you can move or copy items from the old file to your new Exchange Mailbox.KickStart recommends:Copy all of your Contact items.Copy all future Calendar items.Copy all future Task items. Copy only those email items you need access to from Outlook Web Access. All old messages will still be available on your local computer but be selective about what you move to Exchange Mailbox.For most users, your old Outlook items are stored in a single file on your computer (perhaps two files if you have an Archive). To connect those old data files your new profile, we have created script to automate the process. This script will connect all of your PST files to your profile. If the script has trouble for some reason, we also have instructions for manually connecting the PST files.automatically associating old data files with current outlook profileDownload the script:Go to the Scripts section, click and download it to your desktop.Right-click the file on your desktop and select Extract All ….Complete the wizard and find the PSTConnector.vbs on your desktop.If Outlook is not running, launch Outlook to access your Exchange Mailbox. Once open, minimize Outlook so you are able to see the script on your desktop.Double-click the PSTConnector.vbs script. Note: Outlook must be running when you launch the script. When you see “Outlook Migration Complete”, click OK. You should now see your old email in the Navigation Pane near the bottom of the folder tree. Your old file may be called Personal Folders or Outlook.pst or some other name (there are many factors that could affect the name of this file). Also, you should now be able to use the “autofill” email addresses from your old profile. These are the addresses that automatically into the To: line when addressing a message.However, if you do not see your old file or choose not to run the script, you can manually add your old Outlook data file using the instructions below.manually associating old data files with current outlook profileOpen Outlook and makes sure that your Mailbox and subfolders show along the left side of the window.Click File > Open > Outlook Data File…The Open Outlook Data File window opens to your default Outlook data file directory (C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook). In most cases, Outlook data files (*.pst files) will reside in this directory. If you do not see any here but believe you may have an old Outlook data file, may need to perform a search of your C: drive to locate the files or contact your IT help staff.Click your PST file once to select it and then click OK. Note: Outlook does not have a single name for this file. The most common are Outlook.pst, Archive.pst, Personal.pst or [yourname].pst. Also, you may have several PST files. In general, select the most recently used file. If you are unsure of which is most recent, click the view button and select Details. This will reveal the Date Modified of the files.Double click the file you want to use. That file will now appear along the left side, under your Mailbox. All of these items can now be accessed from your computer just as before. Remember: all new items will be created in the Mailbox (top) section. For example, new email will arrive in the Inbox of the Mailbox – Username section. Do NOT move new mail down into the old Outlook data file. Doing so will remove the mail from the server (where it is backed up) and place it on your personal computer which is not backed up automatically.manually closing old data files If you wish to close any old data files (PSTs) that are listed in your Outlook Navigation Pane, do the following:Highlight the Personal Data File that you wish to close in the Navigation Pane.Right-click the file and select the Close option:This will NOT delete the Personal Data File. It will only close the file from this view. To re-add the file, follow the instructions in the section directly above this one.Copying contacts to Your New MailboxClick on the Contacts in Personal Folders item under My Contacts. This should display all of your contacts to the right of the Navigation Pane. To copy all of the Contact items at once: Click on any contact in the list on the right. Click the Edit menu and click Select All. All of the items on the right should darken to show they are selected.Go to Edit > Copy. (Note: to move the items, use Cut instead of Copy.)Click on the Contacts item under My Contacts.Go to Edit > Paste. All the items should appear along the right side. Note: if you just drag the item(s) from the old contact list to the new one, it will also move the item(s).Copying calendar items to Your New MailboxClick on the Calendar item. Under My Calendars, uncheck Calendar and check Calendar in Personal Folders.To copy your old calendar items, Go to View > Current View > By Category.Go to Edit > Select All. Go to Edit > Copy. (Note: to move the items, use Cut instead of Copy.) To paste your old calendar items into your new calendar, Click on Calendar.Go to Edit > Paste.To return to the normal calendar view, go to View > Current View > Day/Week/Month or any other view you prefer.Copying tasks to Your New MailboxTo copy your old task items into your new tasks, Click on Tasks in Personal Folders..Go to Edit > Select All.Go to Edit > Copy. (Note: to move the items, use Cut instead of Copy.)To paste all of your old task items into your new tasks: Click on Tasks..Go to Edit > Paste.Copying mail items to Your New MailboxNote: you may move any mail item from any folder on your Personal Folder to your Exchange Mailbox including Inbox, subfolders, and Sent Items. IT recommends that you only move those items you feel you will need universal access to. Moving all or most email items risks using up your Mailbox quota which can lead to an inability to send and\or receive email.To copy email items, find the message you want to move under your Personal Folders. Click on it to select it.Go to Edit > Copy. (Note: to move the items, use Cut instead of Copy.)Click on the folder in your Exchange Mailbox where you want to place the file and go to Edit > Paste. You may want to create special subfolders for old messages. Attachments will be moved as well and will be available through Outlook Web Access. ................

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