I can (Module 1.1)

← briefly explain what the term motherboard refers to.

← describe the main function of a motherboard.

← describe the function of a CPU.

← list the names of few manufacturers of processors.

← name the unit in which the speed of modern processors is measured.

← describe how memory is added to the motherboard.

← name a few components which can be found on the inside of a computer case.

← name a few components which are built in to the motherboard on most entry level computers.

← give a few reasons why one would want to upgrade a computer.

← list four types of common upgrades.

← describe what the benefit is of adding RAM.

← describe what the benefit is of adding an extra hard drive.

← describe why one would want to replace or add an optical drive.

← describe why one would want to replace or upgrade a video card.

← explain what ROM is.

← identify the following components that can be found on the inside of the computer casing: motherboard, RAM, CPU, hard drive, power supply.

I am

← sensitive to disposing of obsolete or non-functioning hardware in an eco-friendly fashion.

I can (Module 1.2 )

← indicate approximately how much memory an entry-level PC has.

← indicate the typical size of a hard drive on an entry-level PC.

← given some specifications, indicate whether a PC is a typical entry-level, mid-range or top-range PC.

← list a few tasks for which one would need a typical entry-level computer.

← list a few tasks for which one would need something more than a typical entry-level computer.

← give some hints to bear in mind in terms of the warranty and after-sales service of a company when purchasing a computer.

← compare a laptop and desktop computer by listing the advantages and disadvantages of a laptop versus a desktop.

← make recommendations in terms of the purchase of a mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer, scanner and extra storage media.

← indicate which hardware specifications are more important to consider for a particular profile of a user in terms of the tasks that they typically perform on his or her computer.


← ensure that I have legal copies of all software I receive or install on a new computer.

← endeavour to make sure as far as possible, that my work space is ergonomically arranged out.

I can (Module 1.3 )

← describe the basic difference between an analogue and a digital signal.

← explain why a modem is sometimes needed to connect to the Internet.

← describe what the term bandwidth refers to.

← name the unit typically used to specify and measure the rate of data transfer.

← explain what is meant by the term broadband.

← motivate why a broadband connection is more appropriate to use for some types of files than others.

← describe the difference between a dial-up line and a dedicated line.

← name different ways in which a computer can be connected to the Internet.

← explain the basic characteristics of different types of connections to the Internet.

← explain the difference between download speed and upload speed.

← name examples of wireless options that work via radio technology and cellular technology respectively.

← discuss aspects which need to be considered when choosing a connection option.

← can list and briefly describe typical situations where and how people are able to connect to the Internet.

← analyse a given situation and make an informed decision as to the optimum solution in terms of connecting to the Internet.

← When I have the opportunity to choose an Internet connection, I will make a responsible choice by listing my needs and doing research on the possible options available, therefore making an informed decision.

I can (Module 1.4)

← suggest how to check if the power supply of a PC is faulty.

← explain what a boot drive is.

← describe what is meant by a ‘frozen’ computer or program.

← outline the procedure to follow to terminate a program that is not responding.

← list the benefits and function of a UPS.

← suggest some of the reasons why a PC might be functioning slower than normal.

← explain why it is necessary to periodically re-boot a PC.

← explain why upgrading RAM improves the overall speed of a PC.

← explain in my own words what disk fragmentation is and how defragmentation improves the speed with which data can be accessed from disk.

← make an informed diagnosis by using appropriate trouble-shooting techniques if presented with a situation where a PC does not power up.

← make an informed diagnosis by using appropriate trouble-shooting techniques if presented with a situation where a monitor does not display at all or does not give the ‘correct’ image.

← use the Windows Task Manager to delete non-responding programs.

← run the defragmentation tool on my computer to check if the hard drive needs to be defragmented and defragment the drive if needed.

← I always make sure that my system is capable of running new software before installing the software.

I can (Module 1.5)

← describe a trouble-shooting procedure to determine why a mouse may not be functioning correctly and how to fix this problem.

← describe a trouble-shooting procedure to determine why a keyboard may not be functioning correctly and how to fix this problem.

← give possible reasons why a screen is blank.

← explain what is meant by the term the blue screen of death.

← describe a trouble-shooting procedure to determine why no sound can be heard from the computer and how to fix this problem.

← describe a trouble-shooting procedure to determine why a printer many not be printing and how to fix this problem.

← describe a trouble-shooting procedure to determine why a printer many not be printing correctly and how to fix this problem..

← explain what a spooling system is and describe the most important options that are provided by spooling systems.

← describe some solutions when experiencing a problem writing CDs or DVDs.

← explain how to cancel a print job.

← list ways of making more space available on the hard drive.

← give possible reasons why a file cannot be opened.

I can

← solve basic problems experienced with non-functioning keyboards, mice, monitors and printers

← adjust and check sound and audio features in the Control Panel.

← change the default printer.

← print a test page or perform a self-test.

← change the print resolution to a lower resolution.

← adjust the page size for a printout e.g. from Letter to A4.

← print in draft or 'econo' mode.

← monitor a print queue and delete print jobs where necessary.

← change the Read-only property of a file.


← strive to be analytical and work methodically when diagnosing and rectifying typical computer problems.

← print carefully and do not waste paper.

I can (Module 2.1)

← briefly describe a business scenario that uses different forms of communication.

← define a WAN.

← briefly describe what a mainframe and file server are.

← describe what a Virtual Private Network is.

← briefly explain the following communication connections – cable, satellite, microwave and cellular.

← briefly describe what a GPS is and how it works.

← discuss the following uses of communication – webcams, VoIP, video conferencing, webcasting, podcasting, mailing lists, blogs, online auctions, fax to e-mail.

I can (Module 2.2 )

← explain what is meant by the term computer crime.

← name and briefly describe a few types of computer crime.

← list some of the factors that make the prevention of computer crimes difficult.

← explain what the term security risk means (in the ICT world).

← list a few things that can be considered to be security risks.

← explain what is meant by the following terms: malware, unauthorised access, unauthorised use, hardware theft, software theft, data theft, system failure, identity theft.

← describe some preventive measures that can be taken against security risks.

← suggest why people do not always backup.

← give a few hints in terms of the use of anti-virus software.

← explain why it is necessary to install anti-spyware software by describing what the aim of spyware is.

← explain why it is necessary to install firewall software.

← name a few companies that create malware prevention software.

← describe why a surge protector and a UPS can help to prevent system failure in a computer.

← name a few restrictions regarding the use of computers in the workplace that can be implemented by employers.

← describe the rights of a computer user with regards to the software that they have purchased.

I can

← identify possible problem areas in terms of security risks and computer crime in my school or home environment.

← implement a suitable backup strategy for a given scenario.


← am careful not to disadvantage anyone with my computer usage.

← ensure that I do not transgress the law with my computer usage.

← respect the rights of people who create programs and other intellectual material by not electronically copying the programs or other items.

← think carefully in terms of the implications of my use of computer technology.

I can (Module 2.3 )

← identify areas of modern life that would not function without the use of ICT

← list some of the biggest impacts that computers have had on our society.

← explain why information is now regarded as an asset.

← explain what is meant by the term ‘global village’.

← explain how technology allows small businesses in particular to be more competitive in a global context.

← describe, by using appropriate examples, how technology can be embraced in the advertising and marketing fields.

← explain why the Internet makes geographical and time boundaries largely irrelevant in terms of conducting business.

← explain what telecommuting is and the benefits for both employer and employee in this approach.

← give some examples how the increased use of technology can lead to expanded work opportunities.

← illustrate, using suitable examples, how new technological skills are required in variety of vocations and professions.

← give an example of what is meant by the term knowledge worker.

← give examples of new types of jobs that have emerged as a result of the use of IT.

← give some examples of popular e-commerce sites.

← list some of the advantages, as well as disadvantages, in terms of doing business on the Internet for businesses and clients.

← describe how the rapid changes in technology have changed the way we view our education and training.

← list some of the negative impacts technology has had on our environment.

← outline some of the ways one can contribute to ‘green computing’.

← describe some of the negative impacts that technology can have on our health including examples such as RSI and CTS and how we can avoid some of these negative aspects.

← explain what we mean with the term privacy of information.

← explain what is meant by the principle ‘GIGO or Garbage-In-Garbage-Out by using a suitable example.

← give some examples where the accuracy of information or the lack thereof can impact on our lives.

← name and describe some of the ‘hidden’ costs of technology such as the need to constantly upgrade hardware and software.

← examine what is meant by the term the digital divide.

← outline some ways in which the digital divide be reduced.


← think critically in terms of looking at the impact of ICT technologies in any given situation in both a positive and negative light.

← strive to always practise green computing whenever I can.

← am aware that education is no longer an event, but a life-long process and that I will continually need to upgrade my knowledge and skills.

← make attempts to help bridge the digital divide wherever I can.


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