
Week 1:Conception. I was supposed to get my period on Nov 5th. I had all the normal symptoms leading up to it. But then they went away and no period came. Then the following day, Nov 6th, I felt like I ovulated instead of getting my period. I know exactly what my ovulation pains feel like and I can tell exactly when it happens. So weird! …because I’ve never ovulated twice in a row without a period ever in my life. Apparently that is the date that I conceived. So bizarro like why did that happen???Week 2:We went zip lining with MC for his birthday (and I drank wine and beer). This week I felt so overwhelmed, stressed and unhappy. I was upset that I missed my period because of stress…and was sure it was due to how stressful my job is. I took several home preg tests and they were all negative. I had a talk with frank about changing my job. We looked into training and physical therapy. I went on a big rant about how I felt dead inside and was miserable and just wanted to be happy. Week 3:Frank sent me an edible arrangement with a note that said “let’s do this next adventure”. He was talking about my new career as a physical therapist. I was really excited about it. We went to his intersquad meet and Omar and the other guys came up to visit. We went out to bars and bowling, and I drank whiskey and beer. I felt really tired.Week 4:Dentist appointment. They were going to do xrays and asked if I was pregnant. I said “maybe”, just because I had missed my period, but the preg tests were negative. They decided to forego the xray, just in case…good thing. Then we had thanksgiving (where I drank whiskey and beer and ate brie – no soft cheese allowed!) and celebrated my birthday with foot golf and a day at my house with the family. I came down with a cold and was taking Sudafed (a big no-no) and Nyquil and other cold medicine. I was feeling so tired and thought it was probably the cold.Week 5:Sick with a cold, still taking no-no cold medicine. So tired, stayed home on Monday and went in on Tuesday on so much medicine. Wednesday: Skipped period for the second time. I was supposed to start it on December 2nd, but when Wednesday morning came, I had absolutely no period symptoms, so I took three home pregnancy tests first thing that day. All were positive. I freaked out of course. I cried. I thought at that moment that nothing would ever be the same or simple again. Then I thought about telling Frank. I thought I didn’t want him to feel the way I was feeling at that moment, so I’d give him the rest of the day to be happy/care free before I changed his world too. When he got home that night, he had just got off the phone with his family. He was really stressed and said that he needed to find a way to simplify his life. He had a tournament, school, tests, and family drama, in addition to training. So I decided not to tell him right then. Then I thought more about it that night and I didn’t want it to affect his training or focus on the Olympics to I decided to wait until after his tournament. It was only two weeks away and he wouldn’t be able to tell. I emailed Dr. Thompson. He told me to go to the OBGYN. I emailed Dr. V. His nurse called me and gave me some info and scheduled an office visit for Monday, Dec 7th. I went to the store and bought a little giraffe and made a little note for frank to give to him when I tell him.Nausea, lots of grapefruit juice and gingerale. Had a day where I pigged out on McDonalds…so bad. Went to the tree lighting ceremony and the pub with mom and dad. Didn’t get a beer and everyone asked why and I said because I’m still getting over my cold. Felt super hungry, but every time I ate I felt horrible afterwards. Still freaking out and making pros and cons lists about having the kid. Week 6: 1st Doctor Appointment. They brought me in because my last period was Oct 9th, so that would mean I was 8 weeks preg. But when they did the measurements of the baby, the computer said I was six weeks. Doc said that you go with the computer. When I looked back at my period tracker, the date they gave me of conception was that weird second ovulation day which I had noted in my calendar. So I guess that made sense. Because the 8 week conception date I previously had didn’t make sense with my tracker schedule.I was totally fine with going to the doc by myself until I was there and could see the baby on the monitor and hear its heartbeat. I all the sudden felt really bad for not including frank. I felt like I robbed him of that cool experience. I videotaped a little clip of it so I could show him, but it’s just not the same. I still feel bad about it. I got a picture printout of the ultrasound and am going to give it to frank too. Symptoms: nausea all the time. Worst at night. Best in the morning. I realized that I have to eat when my tummy feels good because when its sick, I can’t eat. Also noticed that smells make me sick and even thinking about it. I had a day where I pigged out on Taco Bell…gross! I’m totally gaining weight way too fast…need to start watching what I eat…Week 7:Spent the weekend with my family. Sooooo tired! So hard to pretend that I’m feeling fine when I’m nauseas and tired. Nausea all the time! We got raw tuna at Costco and I had to say that “my tummy wasn’t feeling well”. I’m not supposed to have that fish when preg. Everyone gave me a weird look. So I ate one little piece. Should be fine I think, just one tiny piece won’t hurt. I wanted to eat all of it!!! Shawn Haritani was here and everyone was offering me beer. I had to say no, but no one seemed to care that I didn’t drink! Last night, 13th, I woke up in the middle of the night and felt like I was going to 100% puke, but I was sure frank would notice so I clenched it down and went back to sleep. SUUUUUCKS! We go to Vegas on Friday and I’m worried that people are going to want me to drink with them before franks tourney is over and I get to tell him. Gooooood GOD! This SUUUUUCKS! Last night was so uncomfortable, had to pee a million times and couldn’t sleep. So tired, hurts everywhere, headache, neck ache, and nauseous….booooooo! I wish Frank could help me but he can’t. Wah, wah, wahhhhh~Week 8: I totally had to pull off some lies to get through to Saturday. I was freaking out thinking that frank would hear me opting out of the xray machine at the airport, but he thought it was because of my baton incident so it was ok. I was SOOO TIRED that day but ran around all over Vegas dropping off, picking up, shopping, cooking, worrying about frank being sick, etc. Had a rough night, didn’t sleep much because of nausea. Next day frank was done with his tourney and I left the giraffe on the bathroom counter for him because I knew they’d be drinking. He jumped out of the bathroom “WOOOOHOOO”ing and it scared the shit out of me. Then we talked and he was very cool about it…too cool. We went out to White castle and the burgers were so nauseating I wanted to die! The next morning there was a picture of a milk shake with “green” on it that made me want to gag whenever I saw it. I had to turn all the placemats over. I was nauseas the whole rest of the week. Told my parents and Dan on Monday. They got a card and the sonogram. Mom thought it was a picture of mars! When she realized what it was her voice invented a new pitch…sooo high! They were all happy and took it well. I felt really uncomfortable and weird about all of it. I still don’t really feel happy. On Christmas I told MC by giving him a recipe card. He liked it. Then he gave the card to Monica the next day. For Christmas dinner we had Frogmore stew. I wish I could have eaten so much of it, but I was really nauseas and could only eat the shrimp. I wish I had some of that now! I showed everyone the cool sonogram video with the heartbeat but no one really cared at all. I think they didn’t really understand what it was…maybe?Week 9: This week started off very tired and got even more tired. Maybe it was from playing basketball, but I had to take Monday off work because I literally couldn’t get out of bed. Each limb felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. I was planning to go to Reno with Frank but I have to go to Pierre’s mom’s funeral instead. Mom is going with me. Frank is having fun in Reno and I really wish I could go and play pai gow and drink Jamison and Gingers too. I feel like I’m missing out on so much fun stuff just to feel sick and tired and bummed out all by myself. Woke up Tuesday after lying in bed for an entire day and I feel amazing! Best I’ve felt since this whole thing started. My bloating was gone and I was a few pounds lighter and not full of gas. Stomach feels better and head ache, body aches are gone mostly…well, still have a tiny headache…Week 10:New Years Eve was interesting since I slept all afternoon, woke up feeling worse than when I went to bed and had to drink Martinelli’s while everyone else had champaign…but, I did make it till midnight, saw the ball drop, spent the evening with my family, and kissed my boo at midnight! So all in all it wasn’t too bad. The weekend was the sickest I’ve felt…just sick all over really…my joints and bones hurt, I’m going through caffeine withdrawals STILL after two weeks, and I’m just gagging all the time. The only thing I can eat that sits well is fresh fruit and bread. So my diet is consisting of sugar and carbs, but I’m still kicking so who cares. I haven’t worked out much because it makes me so exhausted, but sleeping a lot over the weekend was nice and I feel rested today. Still, it’s so hard to get up in the morning. Frank seems to not be doing so well with all the changes and I think it’ll be good for him to get back into his routine. We couldn’t figure out the maternity leave info so we are looking into that this week. Next week is the second doctor’s appointment. I ordered some more maternity clothes that are used from . I’m also starting to get really bumbed out about all the things I CAN”T do or eat. No cycling, no sushi, NO ALCHOHOL, no massages, no NOTHING….ahhhhhh! SUUUUCKS!!! I went to the gym to do Zumba with Mom and Frank went too. It was fun and felt good to exercise. My lower back feels a little tweaky and I realized that I’m pretty fat right now. I found out the info about maternity leave. I get up to a year of job protection and I get 6 weeks of pay and 12 more weeks of beni’s after that. I’m planning to leave in June and come back in December 2016, but haven’t decided for sure. Week 11:Still sick this week, but half way through I woke up one day and all the sudden didn’t feel terrible. Like someone flipped the switch on my nausea. So I had a couple days this week nausea free! Still feeling very tired. Had my second appointment with the doctor to talk about our appointment schedule and testing and to check on how everything is going. Frank came and we asked all our questions. The baby measured 12 weeks 4 days, instead of 11wk 5 days like we are…so I guess it’s a little big. But we still go with the original due date. It was also upside down, but the heartbeat was good and frank got to see it which was neat. Afterwards, he had a wrestling match and he told his team. Everyone cheered and I was wondering why! Then I found out when someone said congrats.Week 12:So this week I felt good. Not nauseous anymore and I’m getting my eating and diet on track. I got a special pillow to help me get comfortable when I sleep. It’s been really difficult. They say I shouldn’t sleep on my back or stomach, so I have to sleep on my side. It’s killing my shoulders!!! I went to a class for early pregnancy and it was good, but I was one of the only people there alone and it made me feel really sad. I told frank and he said he wouldn’t let me go to anything alone again. Sleeping is a little better with the pillow and I’m not feeling as tired. But I’m starting to be able to tell when I need to stop at night and be done for the day…it’s way too early but oh well…usually around 8 or 8:30…then I just have to lay down and read or something. Week 13:This week is going well. I had a good restful weekend. Everything has been relaxed and I’ve been feeling fine. My stomach is getting bigger and I’m having some body image issues. I went to the gym yesterday and had to go to the locker room to pee. When I saw myself in the mirror I felt sad and went home. It’s ok though, I’ll eventually get used to it. Plus, it’s only going to get bigger. I have a doc appointment on Thursday for the neucho? ultrasound where they do a screening for genetic issues. Dad is going with me. Mom and dad have been telling everyone about the pregnancy but asking people to keep it off facebook. We’ll see how long that lasts… ................

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