What was your most embarrassing high school moment

|What was your most embarrassing high school moment? | |Are you a Red Sox fan or Yankees fan? Why? | | |

|Do movie stars deserve to make so much money? | |Explain the meaning of the lyric "up the ra" in the | |How is life like a bowl of cherries? |

| | |song "Celtic Symphony" and why it angers many people. | | |

|How old were you when you found out | |I liked Brittney pre-Madonna kiss…or post? | |If you can have any animal for a pet, what would it be |

| | | | |and why? |

|If you can live in any time period in history, when | |If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you | |If you could meet any famous person, alive or dead, who|

|would it be? Why? | |go and who would you take with you? | |would it be? |

|If you find out that your immediate boss is taking | |If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life | |If you were an animal what would you be? |

|credit for all your work, would you confront him/her? | |what would it be? | | |

|If so, what would you say? | | | | |

|If you were stranded on an island and could only take 3| |If your boss told you, the hiring manager, that you | |If your professor were a cartoon character which one |

|things with you what would they be? | |weren't hiring enough good looking people (screw | |would he/she be? |

| | |qualifications), how wuold you respond? | | |

|I'm trying to transfer into SMG because I want to be a | |My favorite cartoon character is… | |My professor is by far the smartest professor in SMG |

|business student, but I don’t like to be painted with | | | |because… |

|that brush. In reality, my true passion is | | | | |

|interpretive dance. | | | | |

|My TA is the best TA ever because... | |SMG is great because… | |The Rolling Stones are much better than the Beatles |

| | | | |because… |

|What are your sentiments about underage drinking? | |What celebrity or character do your friends say you | |What did you want to be "when you grew up?" |

| | |most embody? Why? | | |

|What is the best night of TV? Why? | |What is the dumbest thing you have ever done? | |What is the most important character trait in business?|

|What was your most embarrassing high school moment? | |What is the worst vacation you have ever been on? | |What is your favorite movie? Why? |

|What is your favorite thing to do in the city of | |What is your hometown famous for? | |What is your most embarrassing moment? |

|Boston? | | | | |

|What is your stance on cable TV in the dorms? | |What was your worst grade school experience? | |What would you do for a Klondike bar? |

|What would you do with $1 million that had to be spent | |Which TV sitcom do you most relate to? | |Who is your favorite actor? Why? |

|within 24 hours? | | | | |

|Who is your favorite character from Grey’s Anatomy? | |Who is your favorite person in the history of mankind | |Who do you prefer: Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert? |

| | |and why? | | |

|Who is your role model? Why? | |Who will win the election: McCain or Obama? | |Who would win in a cat fight, Britney or Christina? |

|Why are animal crackers called crackers when you can't | | | |Why did the chicken cross the road? |

|put any spread on them? | | | | |

|Why doesn’t Donald Duck wear pants? | |Why is life like a box of chocolates? | |Why is Mona Lisa smiling? |

|Why is the grass always greener on the other side? | |Why was Eammon de Valera not executed by the British | |You are a salesperson trying to sell ____________. |

| | |for his role in the Easter Rising of 1916? | |Persuade your professor to purchase this product. |

|You see your professor at a bar and you are completely | | | | |

|trashed. Against your best judgement you approach | | | | |

|him/her. What would you say? | | | | |


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