My Teaching Philosophy of Essentialism: My Philosophy on ...

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My Teaching Philosophy of Essentialism: My Philosophy on Education Anna Field Spring 2013

Introduction to Education: T/R

I discovered through service learning and Introduction to Education that I am an essentialists teacher. I became aware that the essentialism teaching philosophy possess the same values and beliefs that I have about teaching. As a future teacher, I will use essentialism philosophy through behaviorism's learning theory by utilizing rewards and punishments and drill and practice. I strongly believe the core essential elements should and will be taught in my classroom through structure and discipline. I was also reminded through essentialism teaching philosophy that my ultimate goal is to not only teach the essential key elements, but to teach students to work hard, respect others, and respond to authority.

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What is two plus two? Four. Good job, Sally, that is the correct answer. Okay, now Sally, if you have ten stars and I took three away, how many stars would you have? You would have eight stars. Sorry Sally, but that is not the correct answer. You would have seven stars left if I took three away. You need to practice, practice, and practice until you understand and get it correct. As a future early childhood teacher, I believe that basic academics should be taught through drill and practice. For example, drilling addition and subtraction flash cards until students understand and have their addition and subtraction memorized. If students are taught the basic academics they will succeed not only in a career, but in daily life. As a essentialist, I believe that the core academic courses should be taught through structure and discipline. Teaching students how to read, write, use proper grammar, and the key subjects of English, math, history, and science are material that is important to know and most importantly understood. As a future early childhood teacher, my goals are to teach my students how to work hard, be disciplined, and respect authority. To teach through lecture, visual presentations, and hands on activities will help my students learn the essential key elements.

Essential academic key elements such as math, English, history, and science are the most crucial knowledge that a students needs to learn in order to survive in society. Essentialists believe that every person has the ability to learn key elements. The main focus in schools are to teach students the key elements because they are essential to a person's life in society. I believe that the purpose of education is for students to learn specific knowledge provided by core academic disciplines. As a behaviorist I will do addition and subtraction flash card drills until every one of my students have them memorized without hesitation. I believe that the best way students will learn to memorize addition and subtraction is through flash card drills, and practice, practice, practice until perfect. I will teach my students the key elements through auditory lecture

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and I will provide visuals such as PowerPoint presentations for students to learn the essential elements. Students in my class room will also get the opportunity to work in groups to either do projects or worksheets together. As a essentialist teacher, I will convey the key elements of academic subjects through lecture, cooperative learning, and socratic questioning. I will teach through lecture by verbally presenting information through a structured format. The format of my lecture would start with a introduction, the main points, and closure. For example, "In math you will learn how to add single digits. If you had three lolly pops and I gave you three more lolly pops. How many lolly pops would you have?" To get the answer, students, you can count either out loud, in your head, or on your fingers of how many lolly pops you see in front of you. While I would be lecturing, I would also be using the white board to draw an example of the math problem so that the students would be able to visually see what I am teaching. This is how I would give a lecture on addition by giving my students a problem and solving it together. For example, I will use cooperative learning by applying team work in my classroom by having students present in front of the class in a group to present their poster or PowerPoint. I will also use this learning style to have students do group tests and grade their work as a team. Socratic questioning will be used throughout everyday learning. Students will use socratic questioning through questions that I will have created and questions that I will have them create in order to help them use critical thinking to find the answers to the questions given.

I believe that learning takes place through behaviorism. Behaviorism learning theory believes that learning occurs in response to reinforcements such as rewards and punishments. I will tell my students the clear objectives of what they will be able to do by the end of the lesson. For example, students you will be able to recite and know how to tell time by the end of this lesson. I will use rewards and punishments in moderation by not being too controlling over my

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students. I do not want students to think that you only do something good because you want a reward, but you do something good because it is the right thing to do. As a teacher I will not bride my students into doing what I want them to do. Rewards in my classroom will be based on student's individual or group behavior. For example, I will give table two a reward for sitting quietly at their desks by giving that table points that eventually lead up to a sticker to the group that wins the most points for good behavior. Students will strive to be good not because of reward, but the reward is given to motivate and promote individual competence.

As an essentialist teacher, I will give students the core academic courses in order to be successful in life. Throughout my academic career I lacked basic academic skills. My teachers did not emphasize and drill core academic courses. I personally know the negative effects of the absence of core essential elements, that is why as a future teacher I want my students to know and understand the core academic courses. Students need a teacher centered classroom environment to help guide and mold them into well educated adults. Structure, discipline, and the knowledge of the essential courses are the main components that students need in order to be properly equipped for societies' expectations.


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