My Philosophy of Education - University of New Mexico

My Philosophy of Education

The reason for student education,

Must be more than intellectual inflation,

For to live life satisfactorily,

And by this I mean happily,

Demands more than mere factual memorization.

By this I don't mean to submit,

That we teach the three R's not one bit,

As these must form the base,

From which learning takes place,

And without which we'd all be unfit.

Yet I feel that with due inclination,

A curricula could include integration,

Of values and interaction,

With peers and other factions,

Thus encouraging interpersonal consideration.

Our classrooms should thus guarantee,

Some freedom to explore and disagree,

Yet upon the other side,

Its basic structure must provide,

Directional guidance and behavior oversee.

If all this seems confusing to you,

I'd be glad to explain it anew,

Just send me a letter,

The sooner the better,

I'll explain it all in direct interview.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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