MYPLATES Food Guide Assignment

MYPLATE Food Guide Assignment

Directions: Using a paper plate, create ONE plate—for breakfast, lunch OR dinner that align with the USDA food guide standards. Cut out pictures of each food category and glue the pictures to the appropriate section, in proportion to the other sections of the plate. Finished plate should be neat, legible, and creatively presented.

Reflection Paragraph: Write one paragraph answering the following questions. Place your paragraph on the BACK of this worksheet.

❖ Do you currently eat according to the USDA food guide recommendations?

❖ What recommendations would you make to your diet to better fit the guidelines?

❖ What action steps can you reasonably implement to eat healthier?


| |Excellent |Good |Unsatisfactory |

|Application |Correct foods in proper |One food in each section. Foods|Missing foods or not in correct|

|Bringing together the |proportion to the other foods on |in correct place on plate. |place on plate. |

|information learned to see the |the plate. Foods in correct | | |

|completed product |place on plate. | | |

|Creativity & Neatness |Presented Food Guide in an |Presented Food Guide in a |Basic plate design. Some |

|Personalized MyPlate shows |original way. Used many different|presentable way. Information is |information is accurate however|

|effort, originality and |food items, colors and |mostly accurate and |plates lack thought and |

|creativity. |illustrative techniques. Food |understandable. Lacks some |creativity. |

| |Guide is concise accurate and |originality and creativity. | |

| |easy to understand. | | |

|Reflection |Assessment of personal nutrition |Assessment of personal nutrition|Some assessment of personal |

|Personal reflection on current |is honest, and specific |is made but lacking either |nutrition is made but is vague |

|eating habits with |recommendations are made along |specific recommendations or |or recommendations and action |

|recommendations to fit food |with reasonable action plan. |reasonable action plan. |plan missing or unacceptable. |

|guide and reasonable steps to | | | |

|take to get on track. | | | |

Grading Rubric

Name: ___________________________________Period:________

Total Score: __________/15

Paragraph: ______________________________________________



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