Maxon Teams Accounts

Maxon Teams Accounts


In most user-based licensing solutions licenses are locked to a user¡¯s account. Only the user can

sign in and access the licenses they have purchased. This is not very convenient for anyone with

a small studio, or indeed Enterprise, setup, as the license account name and password must be

shared among all users. What is really needed is to be able to buy licenses on behalf of your staff

and then share them with the staff while remaining in control of those licenses. This is precisely

what Teams Accounts allow.

Teams licenses can be selectively shared with individuals or with groups who the account

administrator can invite and dismiss from the organization as and when they choose.

Furthermore, the licenses and users can be pooled into groups to add a finer granularity to your

licensing structure. Standard Teams licenses can be assigned to individuals only, but floating

teams licenses can be assigned to individuals and groups of users.

Teams Tab

Teams Accounts require no special software, nor updates to any of the Maxon products, nor any

change to your working environment ¨C indeed if you have purchased Teams subscriptions they

are already there and waiting for you. Just open a web browser and navigate to your MyMaxon


Once your account has been converted to a Teams account, you will see the Teams view:

License management should not be complicated, so we have striven for simplicity at all times.

The 3 columns cover the key components; Licenses, Groups and Users.

Licenses: The licenses column will list all the licenses the account owner has. Each license will

furthermore detail the number in use, available and, where relevant, the expiration date.

Groups: A Teams administrator may create groups. These groups can contain a collection of users

who can all access the licenses assigned to the group in an ad-hoc fashion. Note: Only floating

licenses can be assigned to a group.

Users: A list of all the users in the organization. Each user has detailed the groups they are in and

other relevant information.

Inviting Users

To invite users into a team, go to the top of the Users column on the righthand side, press the

add user button (see image below)

Hint: As a shortcut, you can select a group before you press the ¡®Add User¡¯ button. Then when the

user accepts to join your organization they will be automatically added to the group selected.

You will be prompted to enter the user¡¯s details:

If you wish to invite multiple users at once you may enter a comma separated list into the Email

box, each user will receive their own invitation email.

The User Name and Email Text are optional, they will be used only in the text of the email sent,

they are just so you can add some contextual information if you want. Don¡¯t worry if the user

does not yet have a MyMaxon account, they can create one during the acceptance process.

After pressing OK, the user will be sent an email like the following:

The user then needs to press ¡®View your invitations¡¯ or just copy the link into a browser. If the

user does not have an account they will be prompted to create one. They will then see further

details of their invitation, which they must accept.

In the Teams tab of the owner¡¯s account invited users will show as pending until they have

accepted ¨C this is so you know the invitation was sent successfully.

That¡¯s it. They are now a member of your Teams account and you can assign licenses to them. If

a user is unsure if they have successfully joined an organization they should look at the bottom

of their licenses tab, under their account identifier they will see the labels of any groups they are

currently part of.

Please Note: A user can be part of any number of Teams, membership is not exclusive.

Assigning Licenses to Users

Now that the user is part of your Teams account you will need to assign licenses to them, or if

you have floating licenses, assign the user to a group where you have also assigned some licenses.

This is all done via drag and drop on the Teams tab of the account owner or administrator.

Firstly, let¡¯s look at assigning licenses to individuals. This is done by a simple drag and drop, either

drag the license on to the user, or the user on to the license. The target icon will turn green to

signify a valid target.

Creating Groups

At the top of the Groups column press the ¡®+¡¯ symbol on the folder. You will be prompted to

give the new group a name.

Please Note: Only floating licenses can be assigned to a group.

If a group is selected at the same time as a user is added, the user will automatically be added to

that group when they accept the invitation to join the organization.

Assigning & Removing Users in Groups

To add a user to a group within your organization drag and drop the user to the group, or vice

versa. The target area will turn green to signify a valid drop point.

To remove a user from a group, select the group from the list of Groups. The All Users column

will change to show only the users within that group, or simply locate the user you wish to remove

from the group in the All Users column, they will have a list of the groups they are in beside them.

Select the cross on the item detailing the group and they will be removed from that group.

Assigning Licenses to Groups

Please note, standard, or non-floating, licenses - can be assigned to users only. Floating licenses

- can be assigned to users and groups. Again, simply drag and drop between the appropriate



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