Portfolio Update: Verizon, SBC and AOL Time Warner

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Portfolio Update: Verizon, SBC and AOL Time Warner

Special Issue: Friday, July 19, 2002

Portfolio Update: Verizon, SBC and AOL Time Warner

The service providers' selloff has transpired just about as expected, with Verizon (VZ:NYSE), SBC (SBC:NYSE), ITXC (ITXC:Nasdaq) and especially AOL Time Warner (AOL:NYSE) all getting slaughtered in the past few weeks.

While the market punishes the very companies that will ultimately thrive as we complete the winnowing process, I want to step in and build up these positions further. I've been keeping cash on the sidelines for exactly that reason, and now, as the selloff continues to push prices lower, I'm going to put some of this cash to work.

As such, I'm going to pick up $20,000 of AOL and another $10,000 each of SBC and Verizon, all at today's closing prices.

ITXC is already my largest position, and I don't want to add more just yet. While its most recent quarter was likely strong (we'll find out July 24), I don't think we'll see any catalysts to move this stock much higher from here just yet. If it sells off much more, though, I'll be looking to buy.



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Special Issue: Friday, July 19, 2002

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