RAJAN MENON - City College of New York


Anne and Bernard Spitzer Chair in Political Science

City College of New York/City University of New York

Department of Political Science

North Academic Center, Room 4/136

160 Convent Avenue

New York, NY 10031

Telephone: 212-650-5233

Fax: 212-650-5190

Email Address: rmenon@ccny.cuny.edu


Date of Birth: September 22nd 1953; US Citizen


Ph.D. Political Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 1979 M.A. International Relations Lehigh University 1975

B.A. Honors History, St. Stephen's College, Delhi University 1974


Anne and Bernard Spitzer Chair of Political Science, City College of New York/City University of New York, 2010—2011, 2012—present

Monroe J. Rathbone Distinguished Professor of International Relations, Lehigh University 1995-2012

Professor Lehigh University 1991-1995

Associate Professor Lehigh University 1987-91 Assistant Professor Lehigh University 1985-87

Vanderbilt University 1978-85 Graduate Teaching Assistant University of Illinois 1976-77


Senior Research Scholar, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace, Columbia University, 2014—present

Global Ethics Fellow, Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs, 2014—present

Non Resident Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council, 2012—2015

Chairman, Department of International Relations, Lehigh University, 1987-88, 1990-93, 1997-2000; Interim Chairman, Spring 2007; Chairman, 2009—2010, 2011—2012

Associate, National Intelligence Council, 2011—present

Fellow, New America Foundation, 2005—2009

Board of Advisors, National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR)

Academic Advisor, Freedom House, 2000—2016

Academic Fellow, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2006-2007

Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, 2002—2003

Director of Eurasia Policy Studies, National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR), Seattle, 1999—2002

Academic Fellow and Senior Advisor, International Peace and Security Program, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1999 and 2000

Adjunct Professor, Department of Political Science, Columbia University, 1997—1998

Special Assistant for Arms Control and National Security, Office of Congressman Stephen J. Solarz, 1989-90

Consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton

Consultant, A.B. Floyd Enterprises

Consultant, Science Applications International Corporation

Consultant, Centra Technology

Consultant, Burdeshaw Associates, Ltd.

Academic Advisory Board, Freedom House, 2001—present


Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2014-16 (co PI: Jack Snyder, Columbia University)

German Marshall Fund of the United States, Grant, 2009

Smith Richardson Foundation, Research Grant, 2006-7

Fellowship, New America Foundation, 2005-06

Carnegie Scholar, 2002-2003

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (for NBR project)

Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Center Conference Award, 2001-2002

Academic Fellow, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1999-2000, 2007

United States Institute of Peace Grant, 1998 (Co-Principal Investigator)

Visiting Scholar, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 1993--95; 1997--1998

National Council for Soviet and East European Research, Research Contract, 1993-94

Research Fellow, George Washington University, Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, 1990—1

Council on Foreign Relations, International Affairs Fellowship, 1989-90

Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Research Scholar, 1988-89

Institute for the Study of World Politics, Fellowship, 1988-89

Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Summer Fellowship (awarded 1988; declined)

International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), Grant for Short-Term Research, 1988

Research Grant, Vanderbilt University Research Council, 1983


Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, Lehigh University, 2004

Eleanor and Joseph F. Libsch Research Award, Lehigh University, 2003

Ellen Gregg Ingalls Award for Excellence in Classroom Teaching, Vanderbilt University, 1985


President’s Award for Outstanding Service, City College of New York, 2014


Council on Foreign Relations

Oxfam International


International Relations Theory

International Security

American Foreign Policy

Ethical Dimensions of International Relations

Humanitarian Intervention


Political Economy of International Relations

Comparative Politics

Soviet and Russian History


Politics and Foreign Relations of Russia

International Relations of Northeast Asia

International Relations of Central Asia and the South Caucasus

Politics and Foreign Relations of South Asia (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan)

Soviet Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics

LANGUAGES: Russian, Hindi, and Malayalam; French (basic)


International Relations

International Security (Graduate)


Humanitarian Intervention

Ethical Dimensions of International Relations

The Rise and Decline of Empires

Global Citizenship (Faculty Seminar)

The Political Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr

Russian Foreign Policy

Comparative Politics

Comparative Foreign Policy

International Political Economy

The International Relations of Central Asia and the South Caucasus

The Political Economy of North-South Relations

Soviet-Third World Relations

Perestroika, Glasnost, and Soviet Foreign Policy

Alternative World Futures

Soviet Politics

Soviet Foreign Policy

The US and the USSR: From Cold War to Detente and Beyond



The Conceit of Humanitarian Intervention (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016)

Ukraine in Conflict: The Unwinding of the Post-Cold War Order (co-author: Eugene B. Rumer, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2015)

The End of Alliances (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007; paperback edition, 2008)

[Selected by the American Library Association’s Choice magazine as an “Outstanding Academic Title of 2007”; Reviewed in the New York Times and The Economist]

Energy and Conflict in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000; contributor and co-editor with Robert Ebel)

Russia, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia: The 21st Century Security Environment (Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, 1999; contributor and principal coeditor with Yuri Fyodorov and Ghia Nodia)

Limits to Soviet Power (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1989; co-edited with Daniel N. Nelson)

Soviet Power and the Third World (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986)


New Players in the Mediterranean (Washington, DC: German Marshall Fund, 2010, co-authored with S. Enders Wimbush).

The China-Russia Relationship: What It Involves, Where It Is Headed, How It Matters for the United States (New York: Century Foundation, 2009)

Is the United States “Losing” Turkey? (Washington, DC: Hudson Institute, 2007; co-authored with S. Enders Wimbush).

Afghanistan after the Geneva Accords (Washington, D.C.: International Center for Development Policy, 1988)

Central Asia's Foreign Policy and Security Challenges: Implications for the United States (Seattle, WA: National Bureau of Asian Research, 1995)

Treacherous Terrain: The Political and Security Dimensions of Energy Development in the Caspian Sea Zone (Seattle: National Bureau of Asian Research, 1998)

Op-Eds: Major Newspapers, Magazines, and Websites:

More than 100 pieces (700 words-3,800 words) in:

New York Times

The Los Angeles Times

Huffington Post


The Financial Times

The International Herald Tribune

US News and World Report

Asahi Evening News,

Christian Science Monitor

Boston Globe


Chicago Tribune

Boston Review

World Politics Review

City Journal

Lobe Log


Journal Articles, Essays, and Book Chapters:

“Ukraine Between Russia and the West: Buffer Zone or Flashpoint?” World Policy Journal, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1 (Spring 2017), 107-118.

“Why Humanitarian Intervention Still Isn’t a Global Norm,” Current History, Vol. 116, No. 786 (January 2017), 35-37.

“Asia’s New Balance of Power,” National Interest No. 146 (November/December 2016), 68-78

“The Specter of Relativism,” Politics, Religion, and Ideology Vol. 17, No. 2-3 (2016), 279-280.

“The Anatomy and Evolution of the India-Russia Relationship,” in David Malone, C. Raja Mohan, and Srinath Raghavan, eds., Oxford Handbook of Indian Foreign Policy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015).

“The India Myth,” National Interest No. 134 (November/December 2014), pp. 46-57.

“Neomercantilism and the Competition for Energy in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea,” Strategic Studies Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Summer, 2014), pp. 17-41.

“Asia’s Looming Power Shift” National Interest, No. 127 (September-October, 2013), pp. 20-32.

“The Responsibility to Protect: It’s Fatally Flawed,” American Interest, Vol. 8, No. 6 (July/August 2013), pp. 6-16.

“Why Moscow and Beijing Balk at ‘Interference,” Current History, Vol. 111, No. 748, (November 2012), pp. 310-316.

“When America Leaves: Asia After the Afghan War” The American Interest, Vol. VII. No. 5 (May/June, 2012), pp. 46-56.

“Culture Wars,” Survival, Vol. 53, No. 6 (December 2011-January 2012), pp. 185-196.

“Counterrevolution in Kiev,” (co-authored with Alexander J. Motyl), Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 6 (October/November 2011), pp. 137-148. Revised, condensed version: “Kriza nazuvaet’sia,” Kritika (Kiev), Vol. XV, Nos. 9-10 (September-October 2011), pp. 2-3

“The Two Ukraines,” German Marshall Fund of the United States, Policy Brief (July 2011).

“Breaking the State,” The National Interest, No. 113 (May/June 2011), pp. 29-36.

“Prisoner of the Caucasus: Russia’s Invisible Civil War,” (co-authored with Charles King), Foreign Affairs Vol. 89, No. 4 (July/August 2010), pp. 20-34.

“Pax Americana and the Rising Powers,” Current History, Vol. 108, No. 721 (November 2009), pp. 353-360.

“Pious Words, Puny Deeds: The ‘International Community’ and Mass Atrocities,” Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Fall 2009), pp. 235-245; a longer version is listed below.

“Limits of Chinese-Russian Partnership,” Survival (June-July, 2009), pp. 99-130.

“Pious Words and Puny Deeds: The ‘International Community’ and Mass Atrocities,” in Uzi Rabi, ed., International Intervention in Local Conflicts: Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution since the Cold War,” (London: I.B. Tauris, 2010).

“Restrategize Policies on Nuclear Proliferation, Failing States, and Terrorism,” Asia Policy, (Special Roundtable on Advising the New President), Vol. 7 (January 2009), pp. 26-29.

“NATO, RIP,” The American Interest, Vol. IV, No. 2 (November/December 2008), pp. 52-59.

“Reorienting Japan,” Survival, Vol. 50, No. 3 (June/July 2008), pp. 177-90.

“Changing of the Guard,” The National Interest, No. 93 (January/February 2008), pp. 78-85.

“The US and Turkey: End of an Alliance?” (co-authored with S. Enders Wimbush) Survival, Vol. 49, No. 2 (Summer 2007), pp. 129-144.

“The Myth of Russian Resurgence,” (co-authored with Alexander J. Motyl) The American Interest, Vol. II, No. 4 (March/April 2007), pp. 96-101.

“Central Asia in the 21st Century,” in Boris Rumer, ed., Central Asia: The View from Washington, Moscow, and Beijing (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2007), pp. 3-17.

“Chaos in the North Caucasus and Russia’s Future,” (co-authored with John B. Dunlop), Survival (Summer 2006), pp. 97-114

“Chaos in the Caucasus,” Hoover Digest, No. 3 (Summer 2006), pp. 122-131 [abridged revised version of above]

“An Axis of Democracy? The Uncertain Future of Israeli-Indian Relations,” (co-authored with Swati Pandey) The National Interest (Summer, 2005), pp. 29-36.

“What Went Wrong,” The Boston Review, Volume 29, No. 6 (December/January 2005), pp. 39-41.

“Greater Central Asia, Russia, and the West,” in Alexander J. Motyl, Blair A. Ruble, and Lilia Shevtsova. eds., Russia’s Reengagement with the West: Transformation and Integration in the Twenty-First Century (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2004), pp. 209-222

“An Old Solution for a New Problem?” Survival, Vol. 46 (Winter 2004), pp. 187-191.

“Russia’s Quagmire: On Ending the Standoff in Chechnya,” Boston Review, Vol. 29, Nos. 3-4 (Summer 2004, Double Issue), pp. 26-32.

“Leaders, Structural Conditions, and Russia’s Foreign Policy,” in Yitzhak Brudny, Jonathan Frankel, and Stefani Hoffman, eds. Restructuring Post-Communist Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 250-270.

“The Sick Man of Asia: Russia’s Endangered Far East,” The National Interest, Vol. 73, (Fall 2003), pp. 93-105

“The End of Alliances,” World Policy Journal, Vol. XX, No. 2 (Summer 2003), pp. 1-20.

“The New Great Game in Central Asia,” Survival, Vol. 45, No. 2 (Summer 2003), pp. 187-204.

“The Balance of Power and US Interests in the Russian Far East,” (co-authored with Charles E. Ziegler) in Judith Thornton and Charles E. Ziegler, eds., The Russian Far East: A Region at Risk (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2002), pp. 35-58

“The Restless Region: The Brittle States of Central and South Asia,” in James Hoge, Jr. and Gideon Rose, eds., How Did this Happen? Terrorism and the New War (New York: PublicAffairs, 2001), pp. 97-107

“Another Year of Living Dangerously?” [original title: “Why Indonesia Could Collapse and Why That Matters”] The National Interest, No. 65 (Fall 2001), pp. 100-115

“Structural Constraints on Russian Diplomacy,” ORBIS, Vol. 45, No. 4 (Fall 2001), pp. 579-596.

“Russia,” in Richard J. Ellings and Aaron L. Friedberg, eds., Strategic Asia: Power and Purpose, 2001-2002 (Seattle Washington: National Bureau of Asian Research, 2001), pp. 174-221.

“Energy, Development and Conflict in the Caspian Sea Region,” in Robert Ebel and Rajan Menon, eds., Energy and Conflict in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000), pp. 1-19.

“Russia’s Ruinous Chechen War,” (co-authored with Graham E. Fuller) Foreign Affairs, Vol. 79, No. 2 (March/April 2000), pp. 32-44

“The Balance of Power and US Foreign Policy Interests in the Russian Far East,” National Bureau of Asian Research, NBR Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 5 (December 2000).

“Asia in the Twenty-First Century,” (co-authored with S. Enders Wimbush) The National Interest, No. 59 (Spring 2000), pp. 78-86

"The Limits of Neorealism: Understanding Security in Central Asia," Review of International Studies, Vol. 25 (1999), pp. 87-105. (co-authored with Hendrik Spruyt).

"State Formation, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution in Central Asia," in Barnett R. Rubin and Jack Snyder, eds., Post-Soviet Order: Conflict and State Building (New York: Routledge, 1998); co-authored with Hendrik Spruyt.

"After Empire: Russia and the Southern ‘Near Abroad,'" in Michael Mandelbaum, ed., The New Russian Foreign Policy (New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1998)

"The Strategic Convergence between Russia and China," Survival, Vol. 39, No. 2 (Summer 1997), pp. 101-125.

"Russo-Japanese Relations, Northeast Asian Security, and US Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era," in Stephen Blank and Alvin Z. Rubinstein, eds., Imperial Decline: Russia's Changing Position in Asia (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997).

"The Perils of Perestroika: The Life and Legacy of Mikhail Gorbachev," The Harriman Review, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Spring 1997), pp. 1-14.

"Why Japan Will Re-Think Its Defense Strategy," (Retitled by editor as "Japan: The Once and Future Superpower"), The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Special Issue), Vol. 53, No. 1 (January-February, 1997), pp. 29-34.

"Japan-Russia Relations and North-east Asian Security," Survival, Vol. 36, No. 2 (Summer 1996), pp. 59-78

"In the Shadow of the Bear: Security in Post-Soviet Central Asia," International Security, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Summer 1995), pp. 149-181.

""Revitalizing the United States-Japanese Alliance," Pacific Review, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1994), pp. 183-194. Post-Mortem: The Causes and Consequences of the Soviet Collapse," The Harriman Review, Vol. 7, Nos. 10-12 (November 1994), pp. 1-10.

"Russia, America, and Northeast Asia after the Cold War," in George Ginsburgs, Alvin Z. Rubinstein, and Oles M. Smolansky, eds., Russia and America: From Rivalry to Reconciliation (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1993).

"The Transformation of Central Asia: Implications for Regional and International Security," Survival, Vol. 34, No. 4 (Winter 1992-93), pp. 68-89. (co-authored with Henri J. Barkey).

"The Future of Radical Third World States in the Post-Cold War Era," PAWSS Perspectives, Vol. 11, No. 2 (November 1991), pp. 11-15.

"Gorbachev's Japan Policy: Problems and Prospects," Survival, Vol. XXIII, No. 2 (March/April 1991), pp. 158-172.

"Soviet-Japanese Relations: More of the Same?" Current History, Vol. 90, No. 555 (April, 1991), pp. 160-163, 182-183.

"Soviet Policy in East Asia: Rethinking the Concept of Security," in La Politique Étrangère Soviétique à L'Aube des Années 90 (Quebec: Centre Quebecois de Relation Internationales, 1990), pp. 155-191.

"New Thinking and Northeast Asian Security," Problems of Communism, Vol. XXXVIII, Nos. 2-3 (March-June, 1989), pp. 1-29.

"Security Dimensions of Soviet Territorial Disputes with China and Japan," Journal of Northeast Asian Studies, Vol. VIII, No. 1 (Spring 1989), pp. 3-19. (co-authored with Daniel Abele)

"On Assessing Soviet Power," in Rajan Menon and Daniel N. Nelson, eds., Limits to Soviet Power (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1989.)

"The Soviet Union in Northeast Asia," in Carol R. Saivetz, ed., The Soviet Union in the Third World (Boulder: Westview Press, 1989).

"Soviet Arms Transfers to the Third World: Characteristics and Consequences, Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 40, No. 1 (Summer 1986), pp. 59-77.

"Theories of Imperialism: The State of the Art as Reflected in Three Models," Polity, Vol. XIX, No. 2 (Winter, 1986), pp. 169-193. (co-authored with John R. Oneal)

"The Soviet Union in East Asia," Current History, Vol. 82, No. 486 (October 1983), pp. 313-317, 339-343.

"The Soviet Union, the Arms Trade and the Third World," Soviet Studies, Vol. XXXIV, No. 3 (July, 1982), pp. 377-96.

"Military Power, Intervention and Soviet Policy towards the Third World," in Roger E. Kanet, ed., Soviet Foreign Policy in the 1980s (Praeger Publishers, 1982).

"The Military and Security Dimension of Indo-Soviet Relations," in Robert H Donaldson, ed., The Soviet Union in the Third World: Success and Failure (Westview Press, 1981).

"China and the Soviet Union in Asia," Current History, Vol. 80, No. 468 (October 1981), pp. 329-33, 340-342.

"Soviet Policy Toward the Third World," in Donald Kelley, ed., Soviet Politics in the Brezhnev Era (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980). (co-authored with Roger E. Kanet)

"Soviet Policy in the Indian Ocean Region," Current History, Vol. 76, No. 446 (April, 1979), pp. 176-179, 186, 192.

"The Soviet Union and India: A New Stage in Relations?" Asian Survey, Vol. XVIII, No. 7 (July 1978), pp. 731-750.

"Die Sowjet Union and die Dritte Welt," (co-authored with Roger E. Kanet) Osteuropa, Vol. XXVII (1977), pp. 60-74.


“Pious Words and Puny Deeds” The ‘International Community’ and Mass Atrocities,” Pelican Web Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, No. 11 (November 2009), online.

“Koniec Sojuszy,” Wprost (Poland), April 8, 2007, pp. 102-107; abridged translation of “The End of Alliances,” originally published in World Policy Journal Vol. XX, No. 2 (Summer 2003), pp. 1-20.

“Terror, Inc.”; originally published in the Los Angeles Times, August 22, 2004, in June Johnson, ed., Global Issues: Local Arguments (New York: Longman Publishers, 2005)

“US Can Find a Model for Iraq in Today’s India”; in Christian Soe, ed., Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 05/06 (New York: McGraw Hill/Dushkin Publishers, 2005); originally published in the Los Angeles Times, August 1, 2004.

“Asia in the 21st Century,” in Owen Harries, ed., China in the National Interest (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2003); originally published in The National Interest, No. 59 (Spring 2000), pp. 78-86

“Asia in the 21st Century,” in Glenn P. Hastedt, ed., American Foreign Policy 01/02, Seventh Edition (New York: McGraw Hill-Dushkin, 2001); originally published in The National Interest, No. 59 (Spring 2000), pp. 78-86

Soviet Policy in East Asia: Rethinking the Concept of Security, Peace Papers/Common Security Series, No. 24 (Cambridge: Institute for Peace and International Security, 1990).

The Military and Security Aspects of Soviet-Indian Relations, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania (June, 1980).

"China and the Soviet Union in Asia: The Dynamics of Unequal Competition," in Roger E. Kanet, ed., Soviet Foreign Policy in the 1980s (Praeger Publishers, 1982); originally published in Current History, Vol. 80, No. 468 (October 1981), pp. 329-33, 340-342.

"The Soviet Union in East Asia," in Suzanne P. Ogden, ed., World Politics 84/85 (Guilford, Ct.: Dushlein, 1984), pp. 61-69; originally published in Current History, Vol. 82, No. 486 (October 1983), pp. 313-317, 339-343.


“Prospects for Stability and Peace on the Korean Peninsula,” Korea-US Peace Forum, Columbia University, November 17, 2016.

“The Ukraine War and US-Russia Relations,” conference on “Future Scenarios for Russia and the West,” Harriman Institute, Columbia University, November 11, 2016.

“Putinism and the Crimean Referendum: Some Comparative Reflections,” Center for European and Mediterranean Studies and the Remarque Institute, New York University, November 3-4, 2016.

“Assessing the War in Afghanistan at Year 15,” conference on “Afghanistan, Russia, and the US: Then and Now,” Harriman Institute, Columbia University, October 28, 2016.

“Security and Cooperation in Europe: Challenges and Prospects of Multilateral Dialog,” conference on “25 Years Later: Challenges in the Post-Soviet Space in 2016: Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Outlook for the Future,” Kennan Institute Alumni Conference, organized by the Kennan Institute and the Johan Skytte Institute for Political Studies, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, October 24-25, 2016.

“Defining Features of the Strategic Environment in the South Caucasus Region,” Conference on “The Changing Geopolitics of the Caucasus Region,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Rondeli Foundation, and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Tbilisi, Georgia, June 28-29, 2016.

“The United States, Europe, and Russia: The Security Challenged Posed by ISIS and the Prospects for a Cooperative Policy,” Dialogue with Member of Congress, the Russian Duma, and the German Bundestag, Aspen Institute, Berlin, April 30-May 4, 2016.

“Economic Development in Eurasia,” US-Japan-Russia Trilateral Conference, American Committee on Foreign Policy, New York, NY, March 11, 2016.

“A New Cold War?” Saltzman Forum, “Putinism Abroad: Challenges in Russian Foreign and Security Policy, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, September 28, 2015.

“Humanitarian Intervention: A Critical Perspective,” conference on “The Responsibility to Protect at 10,” International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life, Brandeis University, March 8-9, 2015

“The Anatomy and Evolution of the India-Russia Relationship,” Oxford Handbook on India conference, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, January 9-11, 2014

“Russia and India: Prospective for Turning Power Into Influence, 2013-2020,” conference on “Translating Power into Influence,” National Intelligence Council, and Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, Army/Navy Club, Washington, DC, September 27, 2013.

“Geopolitical Implications of the Future China-Russia-Energy Relationship,” conference on “Impact of Global Unconventionals on the Russia-China Relationship,” Eurasia Group, Washington, DC, July 18, 2013

“The Ramifications for South and Central Asia,” conference on “The Consequences of an Unfavorable Outcome in Afghanistan,” sponsored by the National Intelligence Council, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, April 24-25, 2013.

“Russia 2018: Variations on the Status Quo,” conference on “Russia 2018: Scenarios,” Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State and the National Intelligence Council, Meridian International Center, Washington, DC, November 19, 2012.

“Russia’s Role in Asia—Present Realities and Future Trends,” Symposium on “Russia’s Role in Asia,” Rand Corporation, Arlington, VA, June 27, 2012.

“Russia’s ‘Soft Power’: A Net Assessment,” Conference on “Russian Soft Power,” sponsored by the National Intelligence Council, Centra Technology, Arlington, Virginia, January 13 2011.

“Does Russia Have a Policy for the North Caucasus?” Conference on “Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The North Caucasus between Present and Future,” Jamestown Foundation and Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, November 19-21, 2010.

“Intervention and Its Aftermath: Moral, Legal, and Political Problems,” Conference on “Peace Operations and State Building: Local Perceptions and Responses,” Sciences Po and the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research, Tel Aviv University, October 31-November 2, 2010

Chair and discussant, panel on “Great Power Politics Redux—Security Challenges in East Central Europe and Beyond,” American Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, September 5, 2010.

“Central Asia’s Emerging Strategic Landscape, “ National Intelligence Council and State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research Conference on “Central Asia: Dynamics and Strategic Drivers to 2015,” Arlington, VA, June 30, 2010.

“Have the Colored Revolutions Come to an End?” Harriman Institute Conference on “The Orange Revolution: Five Years Since,” Columbia University, New York, NY, November 20, 2009.

“China’s Place in Russian Foreign Policy and Russia’s Place in Chinese Foreign Policy,” “Russia China Conference,” US Department of State, Intelligence and Research Bureau, and National Intelligence Council, System Planning Corporation, Rosslyn, Virginia, May 26, 2009.

“The Changing Geopolitical Landscape,” Ansary Foreign Policy Conference on “Global Trends 2025, sponsored by the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs and the National Intelligence Council, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, November 17-19 2008.

“Neorealism, Neomercantilism, and Great Power Competition in Central Asia,” paper presented at the World Conference on International Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 23-26, 2008. (co-authored with Charles E. Ziegler)

“The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): An Idea Worth Considering for Managing Local Conflicts?” conference on “The Global and the Local: International Efforts to Resolve Local Conflicts,” organized by the Institute for National Security Studies, Moshe Dayan Center, Tami Steinmetz Center, and the S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Institute for National Security Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel, May 25-27, 2008

“Crisis Scenarios in Greater Central Asia: Implication for Global Energy Markets,” Regional Security Risks/2008 Critical Issues Forum, Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA), annual CERAweek conference, Westin Galleria Hotel, Houston, Texas, February 13, 2008.

“The United States, Pakistan, and India: Challenges and Opportunities,” Twelfth Annual Term Member Conference, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY, November 2, 2007.

“The Myth of ‘Iraq’,” Roundtable on “The Challenges in Iraq,” organized by The Boston Review, Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York City, October 2, 2007.

“US-Russian Relations: A New Cold War,” conference on “Russia on the Eve of the Elections: Continuity or Change?” American Enterprise for Public Policy Research, Washington, DC, September 18, 2007.

“Russia: In Transition or Intransigent?,” Testimony before the US House of Representatives, Helsinki Commissions Hearing, May 24, 2007.

“The American Confrontation with Iran and its Likely Effect on Russian-American Relations,” conference on “Key Strategic Issues in US-Russian Bilateral Relations,” Georgetown University, January 31, 2007.

“South and Southwest Asia: Convergence and Conflict in US-Russian Interests,” conference on US-Russian Relations, Volynskoe Congress-Park, Moscow, July 26-28, 2006.

“Theories of Nationalism: Where We Stand,” conference on “Ethnicity and Nationalism in Divided Societies: Conflict or Accommodation?” Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 4-6, 2006.

“Low Intensity Conflict in the Emerging Eurasian Strategic Environment,” Eisenhower National Security Conference on the Development of Common Strategic Framework for Stability Operations, Science Applications Corporation International, McLean, Virginia, March 2, 2006.

“Putin’s Russia: Trends in Politics and Foreign Policy,” Boeing Global Leadership Program conference, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC, September 23, 2004.

“America and the World: Time for a New Roadmap,” conference on “US in the World: Where Do We Go From Here” New America Foundation and The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC, July 15, 2004.

“Globalization’s National Security Challenges,” conference on emerging technologies and US national security, Office of Transnational Issues, Directorate of Intelligence, Booz Allen and Hamilton, Crystal City, VA, July 13, 2004.

“Is There an American Empire?” conference on “The American Imperium,” Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy and Current History Magazine, Swarthmore College, April 19, 2004.

“Chechnya and Terror: Facts and Myths,” conference on “Catastrophe in Chechnya: Escaping the Quagmire,” New Atlantic Initiative, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC, December 10, 2003.

“Russia and the West after 9/11,” Conference on “La Rusie, L’Europe, Les États-Unis dans L’Apres 11 Septembre et L’Irak,” Maison de Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France, October 16, 2003.

“The End of Alliances,” paper presented at the Foreign Policy Roundtable, Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs, New York, NY, September 17, 2003.

“Opportunities in Greater Central Asia for Integrating Russia into the West,” conference on Integrating Russian into the West, German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin, Germany, January 16-17, 2003.

“Russia’s Role in Central Asia after September 11th,” Panel on Central Asia, US Department of State, September 24, 2002.

“American Power and Greater Central Asia: Will Engagement Lead to Entrapment?,” conference on “The Silk Road in the 21st Century: Security and Insecurity in Central Asia and the Caucasus,” Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, September 19-21, 2002

“Integrating Russia into the West: Opportunities in Central Asia,” conference on “Integrating Russia into the Europe: Problems, Prospects, Policies,” Carnegie Corporation of New York, Brussels, Belgium, July 8-9, 2002.

“A Strategic Scenario for the Russian Far East,” conference on “Russian Far East Futures,” conference on Russian Far East Futures,” Strategic Assessments Group, Central Intelligence Agency, McLean, Va., June 19, 2002.

“Unexpected Security Contingencies in the Russian Far East,” conference on “Russian Far East Futures,” Strategic Assessments Group, Central Intelligence Agency,” McLean, Va., May 21, 2002.

“Security Challenges in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan after September 11,” National Intelligence Council conference on “Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan after 9/11,” Science Applications International Corporation, McLean, Va., April 18-19, 2002.

“The Strategic Trajectory of the Russian Far East,” conference on “Russian Far East Futures,” Strategic Assessments Group, Central Intelligence Agency, McLean, Va., April 12, 2002.

“Leaders, Structural Conditions, and Russia’s Foreign Policy,” conference on “The Fall of Communism in Europe: Ten Years On,” Marjorie Mayrock Center of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies and Department of Russian and Slavic Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, May 14-17, 2001.

“The Strategic Environment in the South Caucasus,” conference on the South Caucasus, National Intelligence Council, Langley, Virginia, April 20, 2001.

“The Foreign Policy of Russia: Leaders, Structural Conditions, and Strategic Trends,” Institute for National Strategic Studies Seminars on Russia, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, DC, September 29, 2000.

“Central Asia’s Old and New Challenges: Living with Russia, Contending with Globalization,” National Intelligence Council seminar on “The Geopolitics of Central Asia over the Next Decade,” McLean, Virginia, September 8, 2000.

“India’s Changing Geopolitical Environment,” Workshop on “India’s Strategic Culture,” Strategic Assessments Group and Office of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency, Rosslyn, Virginia, June 28, 2000.

“Emerging Strategic Trends in the Russian Far East and Northeast Asia: Implications for American Foreign Policy,” (co-authored with Charles E. Ziegler), National Bureau of Asian Research conference on “Security Implications and of Economic and Political Developments in the Russian Far East,” Washington, DC, May 7-8, 2000.

“Nationalism, Globalization, Post-Communist Transformations, and the Future of Eurasia,” Russell 20/20 Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, April 28, 2000.

“Globalization, Economics, and Communication in Central Asia and the South Caucasus,” National Intelligence Council conference on “Central Asia and the South Caucasus: Re-Orientations, Internal Transitions, and Strategic Dynamics,” Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, April 5-7, 2000.

“Turkey’s Strategic Environment in Eurasia,” Strategic Influences on Turkey’s Future, Strategic Assessments Group, Central Intelligence Agency, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, March 24, 2000.

“Russian Democracy and Politics after Yeltsin: Vladimir Putin and Beyond,” American Enterprise for Public Policy Research, Washington, DC, March 17, 2000.

“The Emerging Security Order in Northeast Asia”, Workshop on Northeast Asia, National Intelligence Council, Langley, Virginia, July 7, 1999.

“American Interests in Central Asia,” Aspen Institute Congressional Conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 16-22, 1998.

Chair, "Energy and Ethnic Conflicts," Third Annual Convention, Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, New York, NY, April 18, 1998.

"The Domestic Determinants of the Russia-Japan Relations: Implications for Settling the Territorial Dispute," Council on National Security Problems, "International Symposium `97: The Current Situation in Russia and Ways to Develop Japan-Russia Relations," Fukui and Tokyo Japan, November 19-22, 1997.

"Russian Strategic Interests and the Rise of the ‘New’ Middle East," Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Twelfth Annual Conference, "The Middle East in America's Global Agenda: Defining Priorities in Relations with Russia, China, and Europe," Wye Plantation, Queenstown, Maryland, September 19-21, 1997

"The Strategic Partnership between Russia and China," Department of State/National Intelligence Council conference on "Moscow and Beijing: Assessing an Evolving Relationship," Washington, DC, May 29, 1997.

"After Empire: Russia and the Southern `Near Abroad'," Peter A. Fisher Symposium on "The New Russian Foreign Policy," Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC, May 12-13, 1997.

"Resolved: Russia's Relationship with the Near Abroad is Heading toward Hegemony or Empire," debate with Ambassador Heyward Isham (Institute for East-West Studies, New York), Fourth Annual Harriman Institute/Associated Press conference, Columbia University, New York, NY, May 5, 1997.

"Central Europe, Russia, and Eurasia: What Next," The Harriman Institute at 50: A Celebration of Past, Present, and Future," Harriman Institute, Columbia University, April 12, 1997.

"Alternative Futures for Russia and Central Asia," National Intelligence Council/National Defense University conference on "Future Visions 2010/Russia-Eurasia," Washington, DC, September 17, 1996.

"The Transformation of Russian-Chinese Security Relations," Second Trilateral Project Conference, Beijing, China, June 17-18, 1996.

"Russo-Japanese Relations, Northeast Asian Security, and US Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era," Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies," Washington, DC, October 25-29, 1995.

"Foreign Policy and Security in Post-Soviet Central Asia," Conference on "The New Russia/CIS in Asia," International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) and The National Bureau of Asian Research, Washington, DC, October 5-6, 1995.

"Russia and the `Near Abroad': Imperialism or Coexistence?" Conference on "Russia and the Former Soviet Republics," National Intelligence Council, Washington, DC, March 23, 1995.

"Consequences of the Soviet Collapse," comment on Rogers Brubaker, "Aftermaths of Empire and Unmixing of Peoples: Historical and Comparative Perspectives," Columbia University, November 21, 1994.

"Arms Control and Confidence Building in Northeast Asia after the Cold War," Japan Institute of International Affairs-Columbia University conference on "Multilateralism in the Post-Cold War Era", Hakone, Japan, October 7-10, 1994.

"Russia and the Former Soviet Republics: Imperial Relations or Cooperative Interactions?" Harriman Institute/Associated Press conference on "The Future of Russia," Harriman Institute, Columbia University, March 23, 1994.

Discussant, Panel on "State Formation in the 1990s," (Paper by Alexander J. Motyl), Conference on "State Formation in 20th Century Ukraine in Comparative Perspective," Harriman Institute, Columbia University and the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., Columbia University, December 10, 1993.

Discussant, Round Table on Cooperative Frameworks, "Between Russia and Germany: East Central Europe after the Collapse of the USSR," Conference organized by The Austrian Cultural Institute of New York, Harriman Institute, and Institute on East Central Europe, Columbia University, New York, September 29-October 1, 1993.

"Russia, America, and Northeast Asia after the Cold War," Conference on Russia and America: From Rivalry to Reconciliation," University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., February 18-19, 1993.

"Russian Policy towards Northeast Asia," Round Table presentation, Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Phoenix, Arizona, November 19-21, 1992

"Models for Explaining the International Arms Trade," Conference on the Global Arms Trade, Center for International Cooperation and Security Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 6-8, 1991.

"Perestroika, New Thinking and Soviet Policy in East Asia," Conference on "Changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: Implications for the Asia-Pacific," Singapore Institute for International Affairs, National University of Singapore, November 13-16, 1990.

"Gorbachev's Japan Policy: Problems and Prospects", Conference on "The USSR:A Pacific Neighbor," University of Hawaii, Honolulu, July 7-12, 1990.

"Soviet Security Policy in Northeast Asia under Gorbachev", Paper presented to the "International Conference on The Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, and North Korea", sponsored by the Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies, George Washington University and the Korean Association of Communist Studies, Washington, D.C., June 18-19, 1990.

Commentator, Paper on Soviet Policy on East Asia by Herbert Ellison (University of Washington), US Institute for Peace, Washington, D.C., January 31, 1990.

"New Thinking and Soviet Security Policy in East Asia," Conference on "Perestroika and the Foreign Policy of the Soviet Security Policy in Northeast Asia: Implications for US Strategy in the Pacific", Department of Defense, Washington, D.C., January 17, 1990.

"New Soviet Approaches to Security in East Asia and the Implications for Western Policy", International East-West Workshop on Common Security, Institute for Peace and International Security (Cambridge, Mass.) and Institut fuer Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik), Bonn, Dresden, East and West Berlin, and Hamburg, December 4-15, 1989.

"New Thinking and Soviet Security Policy in East Asia", Conference on "Perestroika and the Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union", Centre d' Informacio i Documentacio Internacionals a Barcelona and L' Institut d'Humanitas et la Fundacion Friedrich Ebert, Madrid, Spain, November 22-25, 1989.

"Re-Thinking the Concept of Security: The USSR and East Asia", Conference on "Soviet Foreign Policy at the Beginning of the Nineties", Centre Quebecois de Relations Internationales," Quebec, Canada, September 28-29, 1989.

"Gorbachev, New Thinking, and Northeast Asian Security", Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, November, 1988.

Discussant, "The Soviet Union and Third World Conflicts", Annual Convention, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, November 5-8, 1987.

"Soviet Objectives in East Asia," Annual Convention of the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies Meeting, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, October 31, 1987.

"The Soviet Union and Northeast Asia," Russian Research Center, Harvard University, Olin Critical Issues Seminars, January 12, 1987.

Chair, panel on "Limits to Soviet Power," Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, New Orleans, November 20-23, 1986.

Discussant, Conference on "The USSR and Marxist Revolutions," Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., September 25-26, 1986.

"Soviet Arms Transfers to the Third World," Annual Convention of the Midwest Slavic Conference, South Bend, Indiana, April 19-21, 1985.

"Soviet Power Projection Capabilities," Conference on Soviet-Third World Relations, Central Intelligence Agency, Airlie House, Virginia, November 13-14, 1984.

"Methodological Problems in the Analysis of Soviet Policy Toward the Third World," Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, New York, November 1-4, 1984.

Panelist, "US-Soviet Competition in the Third World," Twenty-Fifth Annual Stanley Foundation US Foreign Policy Conference, "Strategy for Peace," Airlie House, Virginia, October 11-13, 1984.

"The USSR and the India-Pakistan Conflict," Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Kansas City, October 22-25, 1983.

Panelist, "The Third World in Soviet Security Calculations" Conference on "The Future of Conflict and Strategic Responses to the Year 2000," International Studies Association and The Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, October 20-22, 1982.

"The Third World in Soviet Military Perspective," Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 14-17, October 1982, Washington, D.C.

"Superpowers, Emerging Powers, and the Balance in Asia," 1982 International Studies Association Meeting, March 24-27, 1982, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Discussant, Panel on "Contemporary International Relations" Political Science Association, Memphis, Tennessee, November 5-7, 1981.

Organizer/Instructor, Mellon Foundation faculty workshop, "The Russians--Literature, Society, and Government," Slavic Language and Area Center, Vanderbilt University, June 15-July 3, 1981.

Discussant, Panel on "Political Participation in Communist Systems," 1981 Midwest Slavic Conference, Urbana, Illinois, April 10-12, 1981.

Chair and discussant, "The Conceptual Problems of Technology in Comparative Analysis," 1981 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association, New York, September 5, 1981.

Participant, 1980-1981 Regional Academic Study Series, Southern Center for International Studies, Atlanta, Georgia.

"The USSR, the Arms Trade, and the Third World," Air Force Intelligence Conference on "The Soviet Union: What Lies Ahead? Military-Political Affairs in the 1980s", Reston Virginia, September 23-25, 1980.

"Non-Marxist Theories of Imperialism: Suggestions for a Synthesis" (co-authored with John Oneal) at the 1980 Annual Meeting of the Peace Science Society (International), Old Dominion University, April 24, 1980.

"Soviet Power and Interventionism in the Third World: Capabilities, Context and Constraints", Midwest Slavic Conference, May 4, 1980, Cincinnati, Ohio.

"The Study of Inter-Nation Influence and the Analysis of Soviet Influence in the Third World," International Studies Association, DeKalb, Illinois, May 5-6, 1978.


“The European Union, Quo Vadis: A Transatlantic Perspective,” Consulate General of Austria, New York, NY, October 13, 2016.

“The Kashmir Crisis: India and Pakistan after the Line of Control Crisis,” (panel with Professor Vipin Narang, MIT), Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University, October 11, 2016.

“The Conceit of Humanitarian Intervention,” Louisville Committee on Foreign Relations, Louisville, Kentucky, March 7, 2016.

“A New Cold War?” Center for American and Global Security, Indiana University, Bloomington, February 29, 2016.

“Back to the Future: Has Ukraine Become a Buffer State?” Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, December 3, 2015.

“Soviet and Russian Policy Toward the Middle East: What Has Changed and What Are the Continuities? National Intelligence Council, Office for Russia and Eurasia, October 23, 2015.

“Ukraine Unrest: Unraveling Post-Cold War Order?” Carnegie Europe, Brussels, June 1, 2015.

“Arming Ukraine: Promise or Peril?” World Affairs Council, Chicago, April 13, 2015.

“Conflict in Ukraine,” World Affairs Council, Houston, TX, April 8, 2015.

“Asia: Strategic Trends in the 21st Century,” Woodlands Series, World Affairs Council, Houston, TX, April 7, 2015.

“Russia and the West After the Ukraine War,” Congressional Staff Conference, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC, March 20, 2015.

“Understanding the War in Ukraine,” Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, Yale University, March 5, 2015.

“Conflict in Ukraine: The Unwinding of the Post Cold War Order,” (book talk) Harriman Institute, Columbia University, March 2, 2015.

“Conflict in Ukraine,” (book talk), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC, February 20, 2015.

“Asia is Back,” Tedx Talk, Macaulay Honors College, City University of New York, November 16, 2014.

“India and China in the Emerging Order in Asia,” Vision 20/20, New York, New York, October 8, 2014

“Political Trends in Central Asia,” Briefing for Celeste Wallander, Senior Director for Russia and Eurasia, National Security Council, Washington, DC, November 19, 2013.

“Energy and Security in the Greater Caspian Region,” Foreign Area Officers Energy Seminar, Naval Postgraduate School, July 16, 2013.

“The Outlook for Ukraine after the Elections,” Freedom House, New York, October 16, 2012

“An Assessment of Corruption and the Judicial System in Ukraine, “ Freedom House, New York, February 24, 2012.

“The Interdisciplinary Orientation and the Future of the American University: Promises and Pitfalls,” “Conversations Across the Disciplines” series hosted by the Provost, City College of New York/City University of New York, March 1, 2011.

“The End of Alliances,” Center for Worker Education, City College of New York/City University of New York, December 13, 2010.

“Pious Words and Puny Deeds: The ‘International Community’ and Mass Atrocities,” Center for Democracy, Development and Rule of Law, Program on Global Justice, and Human Rights Workshop, Freeman Spogli Center for International Studies, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, November 13, 2009.

“Pious Words and Puny Deeds: The ‘International Community’ and Mass Atrocities,” City College of New York/City University of New York, May 20, 2009.

“Russia and America: How to Turn the Page,” Institute for Democracy and Cooperation, New York, New York, November 24, 2008.

“Kazakhstan between China and Russia: The Strategic Challenges,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan, January 7, 2008.

“The End of Alliances”, Security Studies Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, October 24, 2007.

“The End of Alliances,” Louisville Committee on Foreign Relations, Louisville, KY, September 17, 2007.

“The End of Alliances,” Cato Institute, Washington, DC, May 1, 2007.

“Iraq: More Concept than Reality?” World Policy Institute, New School University, New York, March 9, 2006

“Challenges and Opportunities for the United States in the Middle East,” lecture on the occasion of the inauguration of Wittenberg University’s 13th president, Wittenberg University, Springfield Ohio, September 22, 2005

“The American War in Iraq: An Assessment and a Prognosis,” Department of Political Science, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, September, 23, 2005.

“The United States and the United Nations after Iraq,” World Policy Institute, New School University, New York, NY, September 30, 2004.

“Does Russia Still Matter?” New America Foundation, Annual Retreat, Wye Plantation, MD, June 5, 2004.

“Russia’s Economic Prospects,” Briefing, The White House, Washington, DC, June 9, 2003.

“Russia’s Strategy toward the Other Post-Soviet States,” Briefing for the National Security Council, White House Jackson Conference Center, Washington, DC, December 5, 2003.

“Paradigms and their Paradoxes: The Intellectual Traps to Avoid in Strategic Analysis,” Booz Allen Hamilton, McLean, Virginia, November 21, 2003.

“India’s Security Dilemmas,” Council on Foreign Relations Congress and US Foreign Policy Program, Congressional Staff Roundtable on Asia Politics and Security,” US Senate, Washington, DC, May 3, 2002.

“America and the War on Terrorism,” Nashville Committee on Foreign Relations, Nashville, Tennessee, January 10, 2002.

“Security after 9/11: Survey of a Disrupted World,” Morgan Stanley-Dean Witter, New York, NY, October 29, 2001.

“Strategic Asia, 2001-2002,” briefing for senior staff, Subcommittee on Asia-Pacific Affairs, US House of Representatives and US Senate, Washington, DC, October 11, 2001.

“Strategic Asia, 2001-2002,” briefing at the National Security Council, Washington, DC, October 10, 2001.

“September 11th 2001: Implications for the United States and Eurasia,” World Affairs in the Millennium Symposium, The News-Journal, Daytona Beach, Florida, October 5, 2001.

“The Strategic Environment of the Post-Soviet States,” Stetson University, Deland, Florida,

October 4, 2001

“Russia and Its Southern Environs,” Department of Political Affairs, United Nations, New York, New York, February 7, 2000.

“What is the Chechen War Doing to Russian Democracy?” Henry M. Jackson Foundation, Seattle, Washington, January 14, 2000.

“Asia in the Twenty-First Century,” Center for International Studies, Princeton University, October 22, 1999.

“The Emerging Balance of Power in Eurasia,” Cosmos Club, Washington, DC, October 8, 1999.

“Turmoil in Dagestan: Implications for Russia and the Caucasus Region,” Aspen Institute Congressional Conference, Berlin, Germany, August 15-21, 1999.

“Subregional Security Cooperation and Peacekeeping: Theoretical Issues and Practical Pitfalls” conference on “Boundaries without Barriers: The Role of Subregional Relations in the Eurasian Space,” Yerevan, Armenia, March 6-7, 1999.

“Energy, Security, and Development in Eurasia,” conference on “Strategic Images: Perceptions of Russia in the USA and of America in Russia,” East-West Institute, Union League Club, New York, NY, November 2, 1998.

“Conceptualizing the Political Economy of Post-Soviet Transition in Central Asia and the South Caucasus,” conference on “ East-West Challenges: Energy and Security in the South Caucasus and Central Asia,” Swedish Institute of International Affairs/Institute for East-West Studies, Stockholm, Sweden, September 3-4, 1998.

"Energy Development in the Caspian Sea Region: The Strategic Context and US Interests," conference on "Financing Eurasian Energy in the 21st Century," Institute for East-West Studies," Equitable Center, New York, NY, June 10, 1998.

"The Energy-Security-Environment Nexus in Eurasia," Department of Defense workshop on the link between environmental crises and national security, Science Applications International Corporation, MacLean, Virginia, June 2-3, 1998.

"The Revenge of History?: On Conceptualizing the Post-Cold War Relationship Between Russia and Turkey," Department of State/National Intelligence Council conference on "Turkey and Russia: An Evolving Relationship?" Washington, DC, May 19, 1998.

"Understanding Russia's Policy in the Middle East," Washington Institute for Near East Policy," Washington, DC, April 29, 1998.

"The Transformation of Russian-Japanese Relations and the Emerging Security Order in Northeast Asia," Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, March 17, 1998.

"The Strategic Partnership between Russia and China," Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, Washington, DC, May 29, 1997

"Competition and Conflict in Central Asia: Understanding U.S. Interests," The Atlantic Council, Washington, DC, September 20, 1995.

"Russia and Asia in the Post-Soviet Era: An Analysis of Geopolitical and Strategic Trends," U.S. Foreign Service Institute, Arlington, Virginia, March 23, 1995.

"Russia and Central Asia: Neo-Imperialism or a New Era?" Nashville Committee on Foreign Relations and Louisville Committee on Foreign relations, January 10 and 11, 1995, sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations, New York.

"Global Security in the Coming Century," Kazakhstan State University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, December 21, 1994.

"The Development of Central Asian Studies in the United States," Slavonic University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, December 15, 1994.

"The Development of Central Asian Studies in the United States," International University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, December 12, 1994.

"Regional Security in Northeast Asia after the Cold War," Summer Faculty Institute on World Security Affairs, Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies (PAWSS), Hampshire College, June 6-10, 1994.

"The Security Dimensions of Central Asia's Post-Soviet Economic Transition," Center for the Study of Central Asia, Columbia University, June 2, 1994.

"The Synergism of Systemic Disequilibria and Domestic Dynamics: A Paradigm for Understanding Security in Post-Soviet Central Asia," Harriman Institute, Columbia University, March 11, 1994.

"Security Dilemmas of the Post-Soviet Central Asian States," Harriman Institute, Columbia University, November 16, 1993.

"Russia's Continuing Revolution;" "Dilemmas of Security in Post-Cold War Northeast Asia," "Russian-Japanese Relations under Gorbachev and Yeltsin;" "The Evolution of Russian Policy toward the Korean Peninsula," a series of lectures before scholars, government officials, and journalists, Tokyo, Kyoto, Fukui, Sapporo, and Sendai (Japan), May 30-June 11, 1993.

"Revolutionary Change, Domestic Politics, and Foreign Policy in the Soviet Union and Russia since 1985, US Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, May 13, 1993.

"Challenges for US Policy in Northeast Asia in the Post Cold War Era," Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, April 22, 1993.

"From Yeltsin to Gorbachev and Beyond"; "The Soviet Collapse and the Third World"; "The Transformation of Central Asia," a series of lectures before scholars, government officials, and military officers, Istanbul, Izmir, and Ankara (Turkey), October 9-17, 1992

"The Soviet Collapse and the Future of the Commonwealth of Independent States," Institute of World Affairs, Salisbury, Connecticut, August 24, 1992.

"From Gorbachev to Yeltsin and Beyond," Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA, April 8, 1992.

"The Territorial Factor in Soviet-Japanese Relations," Center for Soviet and East European Studies," University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 6, 1991.

"The Future of Third World Radicalism in the Post Cold War Order," Seventh Annual Faculty Institute on US-Soviet Relations, Hampshire College/Harriman Institute, Columbia University, Amherst, Massachusetts, June 12, 1991.

"Soviet-Japanese Relations," Center for the Study of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Service Institute, Rosslyn, Virginia, March 6, 1991.

"Themes and Trends in Soviet Foreign Policy," U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, February 1, 1990.

"US Policy in the Persian Gulf Crisis: A Drift Towards War?", Conference on "Conditions for a Stable and Lasting Peace in the Middle East," Center for International Cooperation and Security Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 7-8, 1990.

"Changing Soviet Strategic Interests in the Third World," Summer Institute on "Regional Conflict and Global Security in the 1990s," Center for International Cooperation and Security Studies, University of Wisconsin (Madison), July 13-18, 1990.

A series of lectures on US-Soviet relations, the prospects for and problems in superpower arms control, Soviet security policy in Northeast Asia, Soviet arms control proposals for the Pacific, and Soviet reforms under Gorbachev to various research institutes, government agencies, journalists, scholars, and military officers in Japan, China, and Singapore, May 20-June 8, 1990.

"Soviet Policy towards Japan: Problems and Prospects in the Gorbachev Era," American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., May 4, 1990.

"Soviet Security Policy in Northeast Asia," Foreign Service Institute, Rosslyn, Virginia, March 14, 1990.

"Gorbachev's Japan Policy: Problems and Prospects," Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, February 16, 1990.

"The Soviet Union and East Asia," US Foreign Service Institute, Rosslyn, Virginia, March 14, 1990.

"The Soviet Union and East Asia," US Foreign Service Institute, Rosslyn, Virginia, February 9, 1990.

"Soviet Security Policy in Northeast Asia," National War College, Washington, DC, February 1, 1990.

"Soviet Military and Arms Control Policy in the Northern Pacific," National War College, Washington, DC, January 25, 1990.

"Soviet Policy in Northeast Asia in the Gorbachev Years," Central Intelligence Agency, October 31, 1989.

"Alternative Futures for China," Science Applications Systems International, McLean, Virginia, September 26, 1989.

"Military and Security Dimensions of Soviet Policy in the North Pacific," US Foreign Service Institute, Rosslyn, Virginia, August 17, 1989.

"Soviet Security Policy in Northeast Asia," Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, April 3, 1989.

"Soviet Policy towards Japan: Old Obstacles and New Needs," conference on "Soviet Domestic Change and Geopolitical Strategy under Gorbachev," School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, February 17, 1989.

"Soviet Security Policy towards Northeast Asia," Sino-Soviet Institute, George Washington University, February 14, 1989.

"Soviet Security Policy in Northeast Asia", National Defense University, Washington, DC, February, 1989.

"Soviet Policy in the Pacific and American Options", Kaman Corporation, Arlington, Virginia, February 10, 1989.

"Soviet Interests and Activities in the Third World," Central Intelligence Agency, McLean, Virginia, November 14, 1988.

"US-Soviet Competition in the Third World," Conference on "Soviet Strategy towards the West," the National Intelligence Council, Central Intelligence Agency, McLean, Virginia, November 3, 1988.

"Linking Gorbachev's Foreign and Domestic Policies: The Case of Soviet Conduct in the Third World," Fourth Annual Peace and World Security Seminar, Hampshire College/Harriman Institute, Columbia University, Amherst, Massachusetts, June 9, 1988.

"Soviet Foreign Policy in the Pacific Region," Conference on Maritime Security and Arms Control in the Pacific Region, Institute of International Relations, University of British Columbia, May 19, 1988.

"The Military Dimension of Soviet Policy in the Third World," University of Maryland, November 19, 1987.

"Soviet Interests and Activities in the Third World," Central Intelligence Agency, March 7, 1987.

"Soviet Policy in Northeast Asia," Russian and East European Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, February 23, 1987.

"Soviet Policy in the Third World," University of Washington, Seattle, February 23, 1987.

"Soviet Perspectives on Change and Revolution in the Third World," Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, April 23, 1986.

Soviet Policy Toward Japan, China, and Korea," Smithsonian's Resident Associates Program, Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, November 19, 1985.

"Military Aspects of Soviet Policy in the Third World," Summer Workshop on the Soviet Union, US-Soviet Relations, and the Prospects for Arms Control, Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA, June 3-7, 1985.

"Soviet Policy toward the Third World," National Educational and Training Seminar on the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and East-West Relations, American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia, May 24-26, 1985.

"Soviet Arms Transfers to the Third World," Oxford College, Atlanta, October 4, 1984.

"Soviet Arms Transfers to the Third World," Emory University (Center for International Studies and Soviet and East Europe Program), October 4, 1984.

"The Foreign Relations of South Asia," Tennessee Consortium for Asian Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 9, 1983.

"Soviet Policy in Asia," Symposium on "Soviet Foreign Policy in the 1980s" at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, February 28, 1983.


NDTV (India), September 9, 2016, (Reflections on the 9/11 attack)

Times Now Network (India), September 22, 2016 (India-Pakistan Crisis over Kashmir)

WNYC (PBS), Brian Lehrer Show, interview on my book, Conflict in Ukraine, April 16, 2015.

Sirius Radio, Politics of the United States (POTUS), interview with host Tim Farley on my book, Conflict in Ukraine, March 2, 2014

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Television), March 4, 2014 (Crisis in Ukraine)

RT Television (Moscow), “Debate on Nelson Mandela’s Legacy,” December 11, 2013

World Focus (PBS Television), February 25, 2010 (US Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan).

WUSB Radio (SUNY—Stonybrook), September 22 2009 (Obama’s Options in Afghanistan).

National Public Radio, “Talk of the Nation,” February 19, 2009 (An Exit Strategy for Afghanistan); April 18, 2011 (The Future of Libya).

National Public Radio, “All Things Considered,” February 5, 2015, (War in Eastern Ukraine) “All Things Considered," March 7, 2014 (Ukraine’s Economic Crisis); April 15, 2003, (Iraq’s Political Opposition and Prospects for Iraq After Saddam Hussein); December 21, 1990 (The Prospects for Dictatorship in the USSR); January 12, 1991 (The Soviet Crackdown in Lithuania), January 12, 1991; March 22, 1992 (Russian-Ukrainian Relations); August 20, 1991 (The Coup Attempt against Gorbachev)

National Public Radio, "Morning Edition," August 20, 1991 (The Coup Attempt against Gorbachev); (The Political Crisis in Russia), October 4, 1993.

BBC World Television News, December 8, 2003 (Russia’s parliamentary elections); January 7, 2003 (Crisis over North Korea’s Nuclear Program); October 29, 2002 (Hostage crisis in Moscow); February 6 (Moscow subway bombing and Chechnya war)

BBC Television, “Asia Today” program, May 29, 2003 (US-North Korean relations); May 25, 2004 (North Korea-South Korea relations).

BBC Radio News, October 8, 2001 and October 10, 2001 (Significance of the terrorist attacks on the United States); October 27, 2001 (Prospects for the American war against the Taliban); November 14, 2001 and December 2, 2001 (Constructing a Post-Taliban government in Afghanistan); January 30, 2002 (Assessing Afghan president Hamid Karzai’s visit to the US); June 10, 2002 (India-Pakistan tensions); October 13, 2002 (terrorist bombing in Bali, Indonesia).

CNN and CNN International, April 17, 2003 (Iraq’s religious and ethnic groups and the formation of a post-Saddam government); November 1, 2002 (Russia’s War in Chechnya). CNN Evening News and CNN Headlines News, February 24, 1998 (Russia's position on the UN inspection regime for Iraq); April 21, 2011 (web interview on Libyan war for “In the Arena” program.)

American Public Radio, “Marketplace,” April 23, 2007 (Boris Yeltsin’s Legacy)

Bloomberg Radio News,” August 8, 2005 (India-Pakistan Trade)

CBS Radio Network, April 24, 1998 (Politics, energy, and security in Turkmenistan); December 11, 2004 (Ukrainian presidential election; Department of Homeland Security)

MS-NBC, February 16, 1998 (Russia and Iraq’s biological weapons program); September 29, 2002, (Russian-American differences on Iraq’s disarmament).

CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Television, Morning Show, November 24, 2003 (Georgia’s Political Crisis); June 24, 2003 (US Plans to Build a New Iraqi Army); May 16, 2003 (Russian-American Differences on Post-War Iraq); April 16, 2003 (Russia’s Attitude to the End of Saddam Hussein’s Government in Iraq); March 5, 2003 (Russian-American differences over the war against Iraq)

CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio, June 6, 2002 (The threat of nuclear war in South Asia), December 7, 2001 (Forming a post-Taliban Afghan government); November 14, 2001 (Afghanistan’s politics after the Taliban; April 7 2006 (Human Rights in China’s Xinjiang province).

Minnesota Public Radio, “Midmorning” program, August 23, 2006 (Pakistan and terrorism); “Midmorning” program, October 5, 2007 (Pakistan’s presidential election); August 18, 2008 (Russia-Georgia war over South Ossetia); June 15, 2012 (Egypt’s political crisis); “Daily Circuit,” program (war in Russia’s North Caucasus and the 2014 Sochi Olympics), January 2, 2014.

Wisconsin Public Radio, “All Things Political” Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of the Iraq War, March 21, 2013.

CBS Radio Network, “The Osgood File,” December 11, 2004 (Ukrainian Election Controversy); May 4, 2004 (Terrorist threat against NATO summit in Istanbul)

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Radio), June 12, 2003 (India-US Relations); July 18, 2005 (US policy on supplying nuclear fuel and technology to India); June 28, 2006 (Upsurge in Taliban Violence in Afghanistan); July 11, 2006 (terrorist attack in Mumbai, India); August 13, 2006 (terrorist plot against airplanes foiled by British intelligence); September 25, 2006 (Pakistan and the US war on terror); October 16, 2006 (prospects for peace talks in Sri Lanka in the wake of a terrorist attack); October 22, 2006 (outlook for Sri Lanka peace talks): December 3, 2006 (violence in Sri Lanka and effect on peace negotiations); January 2, 2007 (violence in Sri Lanka and effects on peace process): January 11, 2007 (election crisis in Bangladesh); February 4, 2007 (Taliban captures town of Musa Qala); March 27, 2007 (Pakistani government’s deal with Bajaur region’s leaders to prevent Taliban/Al-Qaeda activity there); July 30 2007 (Pakistani president Musharraf’s future); October 17, 2007 (Benazir Bhutto’s return to Pakistan); October 28, 2007 (clashes between Pakistani security services and Islamic militant in Swat district); February 5, 2008 (thaw between India and Pakistan); April 23, 2008 (Pakistan government’s peace treaty with Islamic militants); June 11, 2008 (US air strike in Pakistan); July 7, 2008 (bomb attack on Indian embassy in Kabul); January 28, 2009 (Islamic militants in Pakistan’s Swat region); June 13, 2010 (Pakistani intelligence agency’s ties with the Taliban); July 15, 2011 (Crisis in US-Pakistani Relations); December 23, 2011 (rumors of coup in Pakistan); July 2013 (Pakistani investigation into the ISI and Bin Laden); June 15, 2014 (Pakistani airstrike on Waziristan); June 17 (Pakistani Taliban terrorism threat).

France24, French International News Channel, October 22, 2007 (one-hour debate on the crisis between Turkey and Northern Iraq)

WGNU Radio (St. Louis), “Sloan Ranger Show,” June 21, 2007 (interview on my book, The End of Alliances)

Rosblat.ru (in Russian), page-long interview on the state of US-Russian relations, May 14, 2007, at .

Russian Television Network (RTR), December 23, 2008, (interview for documentary on Barack Obama; air date January 20 2009): September 18, 2009 (US decision to cancel missile defense systems planned for deployment in the Czech Republic and Poland).

The Todd Fineburg Show, February 26, 2005 (Putin’s Russia); October 5, 2008 (Russia and Georgia)

KCPW Radio (Salt Lake City NPR Affiliate), Public Affairs Hour, December 21, 2004 (“Afghanistan’s Minor Miracle,” discussion on my Los Angeles Times op-ed of December 14, 2004); July 22, 2004 (“Fitting the Military to Reality,” discussion of my Los Angeles Times op-ed of July 16, 2004); March 11, 2005 (“The Real Crisis in Putin’s Russia,” discussion of my March 14, 2005 Newsweek essay)

NTV (Russian Television Network), April 9, 2003 (Defining victory in the war on Iraq).

Regional News Network, February 7, 2003 (Iraq, North Korea, and the war on terrorism); January 20, 2003 (The impending war against Iraq and the nuclear crisis in North Korea).

RAI News 24 (Italian television), “Next” program, January 10, 2003 (Crisis in North Korea)

Radio Singapore International, September 7, 2004 (Pakistan’s president and the military); May 16, 2003 (Sri Lanka’s civil war); April 24, 2003 (The New World Order); April 14, 2003 (Aftermath of the US war against Iraq); January 3, 2003 (US-German differences on Iraq); September 5, 2003 (US Efforts to garner UN assistance in Iraq)

Voice of America, December 31, 2002 (assassination attempts against Pakistani president Musharraf); (December 21, 2002 (the Hindu nationalist BJP’s election victory in the Indian state of Gujarat); November 12, 2002 (military situation on the India-Pakistan border); March 27, 2004 (Georgia’s internal and external challenges); June 17, 2005 (Prospects for Kashmir Settlement); December 30, 2005 (major political issues in 2006)

Florida Public Television, October 5, 2001 (Ramifications of the war on terrorism)

WABC News, New York City, May 11, 1997 "Eye Witness News Conference,” (Political Situation in Russia).

WBEZ (National Public Radio affiliate, Chicago), "Worldview," "Japan: The Once and Future Superpower," January 9, 1996.

WHYY, (National Public Radio affiliate, Philadelphia), "Radio Times," (The Political Situation in Russia Following the Coup Attempt against Gorbachev), August 29, 1991; (Options in Afghanistan), November 2, 2009; April 8, 2010 (US-Russia START Nuclear Treaty).

Radio Dialogue (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars), "The Conflict in Afghanistan," Washington, DC, February 14, 1990

Kentucky and Indiana Public Television, "The United States and the Soviet Union--Dilemmas of Power and Peace," Sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association, University of Louisville, February 7, 1981


International Jury for Grawmeyer Book Prize, 2015

Five-Year External Review Committee, Montclair State University, 2013

Editorial Board, Asia Policy, 2005--

Evaluator of finalists’ proposals, Carnegie Scholars program, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2005, 2007

Advisory Board, Center for Global Change and Governance, Rutgers University, 2002--

Selection Committee, Unsolicited Grants, US Institute of Peace, 2000.

Selection Committee, Short-Term Travel Grants, International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), 1999.

Executive Committee, Columbia University Caspian Project, 1997--

Professional Advisory Board, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 1996--

Selection Committee, Grawmeyer Award in World Order, University of Louisville, 1995

Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Studies, International Security, Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies, International Politics, Problems of Post-Communism, Political Science Quarterly, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Westview Press, Princeton University Press, Columbia University Press, St. Martin’s Press, Greenwood Press, The Rand Corporation, McGraw-Hill, Oxford University Press

Contributing Editor, Current History, 1983-1999, 2002--

Associate, East-South Project, University of Maryland (College Park), 1987-88

Evaluator, Fellowship Applications, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, 1989-present

Selection Committee, Graduate Fellowships, Social Science Research Council, 1988-1989

External Evaluator for Tenure and Promotion Cases: Indiana University, George Mason University, University of Virginia, Hampshire College, University of Louisville, University of Nebraska, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Virginia, Rutgers University, University of Melbourne, Tel Aviv University, University of Massachusetts (Amherst), Princeton University, Georgetown University, Monmouth University, Yeshiva University, Texas A&M University, University of Karachi (Pakistan)


City College of New York

College Planning and Budget Committee, 2014--

Chair, College Faculty Committee on Personnel Matters, 2014--

Middle States Accreditation Committee and Co-Chair Missions and Goals Subcommittee,


Chair, “Academic Prosperity Committee,” CCNY Strategic Plan, 2012-14

Events Committee, Powell School of Civic and Global Leadership, 2013—15

Steering Committee, Human Rights Program Initiative, 2012--

President’s Academic Planning Group, 2010—2011

Research Integrity Officer, 2012—14

Executive Committee, Department of Political Science, 2012--

IR Search Committee, 2012-13

IR/Comparative Search Committee, 2016-17.

Chair, Academic Prosperity Committee, College Strategic Plan, 2013-14

Steering Committee and Executive Committee, College Strategic Plan, 2013-14

Member, Faculty Senate, 2013—

Member, Faculty Senate College-Wide Resources Committee, 2013—

Lehigh University:

Chairman, Department of International Relations, 1987-88, 1990-93, 1997-2000, 2009—2010. Department Chairs Executive Committee, 2009--2010

Center for Global Islamic Studies, Core Faculty Committee, 2009—2010, 2011--

Chair, Global Lehigh Task Force, 2007 (organized by the President and Provost to write a comprehensive report for a multifaceted program internationalization of Lehigh’s education and ambience)

Search Committee for President of Lehigh University, 20005-2006

Chairman, Dean’s Committee for Internationalizing the College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum, 2005

College of Arts and Sciences Tenure Committee, 2005-2006.

Provost’s Committee on Internationalization of Lehigh, 2005-2006.

Provost’s Advisory Board, 2005--2009

Mellon Committee on Global Citizenship, 2003—2005

Search Committee for Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, September 2003-March 2004

Faculty Personnel Review Committee (charged by Lehigh’s President to recast University procedures for tenure and promotion), 2002--2003

Chairman, University Committee to Create the Iacocca Scholars Program, 1999

College of Arts and Sciences Tenure Committee, 1999--2002

Director-on-Campus, Lehigh University Alumni Association, 1997-1999

Global Leadership Council, 1998-present

Russian Studies Committee, 1985-present

Director, Russian Studies Program, 1995-97

Center for International Studies, Executive Committee, 1987-92

East Asian Studies Program, Executive Committee, 1987-92

International Careers Program Committee, 1990-92

Co-Director, "Lehigh in London" program, 1985-88

Vanderbilt University:

Departmental Undergraduate Committee, 1979-80

Department Library Liaison, 1978-85

Service on Ph.D. Dissertation Committees

Search Committee, Comparative Politics, Fall 1980

Ph.D. Dissertation Committees in Economics, Political Science, and Sociology

Selection Committee, 1981-82 Truman Scholarship Program, 1982-83; 1983-84

International House Advisory Committee, 1981-82; 1982-83; 1983-84

Committee on European Studies, 1982-83; 1983-84

Departmental Lectures Committee, 1982-83

Committee on Educational Programs, 1982-83

Departmental Lectures Committee, 1982-83

Committee on Educational Programs, 1982-83

International Studies Advisory Executive Committee, 1982-83; 1983-84

Chair, Lectures and Guests Subcommittee, International House Advisory Committee, 1982-83

Committee on Academic Standards and Procedures, 1983-84


Professor Michael Mandelbaum, School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Vartan Gregorian, President, Carnegie Corporation of New York

Professor Melvyn P. Leffler, History Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville

Professor Roger E. Kanet, School of International Studies, University of Miami

Professor Jack Snyder, Department of Political Science, Columbia University


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