MElivet | – om hvordan det er å leve med ME

Listened to the advice of therapists – ended up in a nursing home for 8 yearsby Nina E. Steinkopf - - International ME awareness week May 2020Whitney Dafoe, who has very severe ME, has contributed to more knowledge about the illness. Now, a Norwegian ME-patient also tells her heartbreaking story.When the Norwegian journal Dagens Medisin published my article: ME patients are suffering from research, I received a video greeting that made a big impact on me. In the video, Solveig Marie Larsen talks about her painful experience as an ME patient. She refers to a lecture she has seen online several times (red.mrk: Lightning Process-instructor Live Landmark: From Pressure to Performance / Fra press til prestasjon) and says:- Live gives a nice lecture, but the problem is that she totally undermines ME as a physical illness. Live even says that: - I thought I had a serious neurological disease - but I didn't. It was just that my mindset was wrong.Solveig Marie continues: - That's what had created stress in her body.In the video, Solveig Marie shares her own experience. She had had ME to a mild degree for several years, and worked part-time for the Norwegian Church. She did dog-sledding in her spare time and thrived. Then, in 2012, she got an infection and the ME got much worse.Photo of Solveig Marie Larsen with her dogs on a walk in Hemsedal in 2012. She had read a lot about the Lightning Process, and so then she actively tried to do what she had learned about the method. She became extremely much worse.- I thought about what Live Landmark said, and what I learned from cognitive therapists; that you must stop thinking about your symptoms. So I stopped thinking about my symptoms and did what I love the most. I was out with my dogs and I went to work, trying to totally ignore the symptoms. I fainted at the store, I fainted at work, and got lots of heart problems. I didn't listen to the body.When she saw a cognitive therapist, he said exactly the same as Live. He said that Solveig Marie had to work with her thoughts, and that when she thought about the symptoms, or made connections between activity and symptoms, she created "triggers" that caused symptoms to worsen - and that it became a vicious circle.At that time, she was so ill that she couldn't sit upright. She told the therapist that it was exactly what she had done - not listening to the symptoms, just like the LP method, and that it was exactly what was making her so much worse. The therapist opinion was that she had failed to switch her mind away from the symptoms.Solveig Marie eventually became so ill that she had to be admitted to a nursing home. She has been there for eight years. In total darkness she has been fed through a probe, and at times she was so debilitated that she could not pee, and had to be catheterized. She was so sick that she couldn't talk, or even move a finger.- But according to Live, it was just that I had the wrong mindset, Solveig Marie says in the video.- But I didn't. The problem was that I had been listening to her! I listened to what the cognitive therapist told me. And that's why I am lying here the way I am today.For the past year and a half, Solveig Marie has been listening to her body instead, and now major changes are taking place. Watch the video with Solveig Marie's greetings here: see the 12-minute US documentary from 2015, including Whitney Dafoe, who has very severe ME.Here is a 7-minute short film from the UK, by ME sufferers and experts, warning of the long-term consequences that viruses can have. They became ill with a virus - but did not recover. They were treated with cognitive therapy and graded exercise, and got much worse.Written byNina E. Steinkopf, HSE- and Quality director and ME-patientNB. The video with the lecture "Live Landmark: Fra press til prestasjon" was published on YouTube by the association Lederne Norge in November 2019. It was removed on May 6th this year, a few hours after this blog post linked to the lecture: Life with ME by Sissel: ME, Covid-19 and Live LIVE. The next day, the video was published on another YouTube account, but was deleted at Live Landmark's request. It is unknown if the lecture is available elsewhere. ................

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