How to Annoy a Teacher - English Composition 108

Process Essay : Chronological (time) Order

Fill in each blank with an appropriate chronological order signal from the list provided. Use each signal only once. Change small letters to capital letters and add commas where necessary.

1.when he or she asks you .to speak up


3. before you sit down

5.when you return

6. first


8.a third time soon as the lesson begins

10. in conclusion

11. in the next few minutes

12. then

How to Annoy a Teacher

It is quite easy to annoy a teacher-even the most patient, kind-hearted

teacher in the world-if you follow these simple steps. (1)----------- always come to class just a little late.(2)---------- make as much noise as possible as you enter the room. (3) -----------greet all your friends with a cheerful waveor even better, with a shouted greeting. (4)---------- slam your heavy backpack down on the floor next to your desk and do a few stretching exercises. (After all, you will be sitting still for the next 40 minutes or so!) (5)--------- make a big, gapingly yawn and take your seat.(6) raise your hand and ask to be excused to go to the restroom. (7) ----be sure to slam the door, and again, make as much noise as possible while taking your seat.(8)----------- turn the pages of your book noisily, search in your backpack for a pencil, ask your neighbor if you can borrow an eraser, and announce in a loud voice that you cannot find your homework. (9) -----_raise your hand and ask to be excused to look for it in your locker.

If the teacher should happen to calion you during the class, mumble2 an answer. (10)----------- mumble again-maybe a little louder this time, but still not loudly enough to be heard. If the teacher dares to ask you (11)------------ give a loud and clear answer to the previous question-the one your classmate answered a minute ago-and smile smugly as you do so.

(12) ------------- if these techniques do not achieve the desired results, you can always fold your arms across your desk, put your head down, and take a nap. Just do not forget to snore!

I gaping: wide open

2 mumble: speak unclearly

3 smugly: with a self-satisfied look


These are the important points covered in this chapter.1. Using chronological order to organize an essay means putting the ideas in order or sequence by occurrence in time.2. Use chronological order for nonnative essays (stories, history, biography, and autobiography) and for process essays (how to do or make something). 3. Following are the three keys to success in writing a chronological order essay:• Group the steps or events into paragraphs where natural breaks occur.•

Examples of indirect quotations, Noun Clauses

Write a thesis statement that indicates chronological order. • Use chronological order signal words and phrases to show the sequence of steps (in a process) or events (in a narration). There are three exceptions:

1.• When the reporting verb is simple present, present perfect, or future, the

verb tense in the quotation does not change.

He says, "I can finish it today."

He says that he can finish it today.

2.• When the reporting phrase is according to, the verb tense does not change.

The lawyer said, "My client is innocent."

According to the lawyer, his client is innocent.

3.• When the quoted information is a fact or a general truth, the verb tense in

the quotation does not change.

He said, "Water boils at a lower temperature in the mountains."

He said that water boils at a lower temperature in the mountains.

Exercise :Changing Direct Quotations to Indirect Quotations

1.Television channel KSA General Manager Jim Bums said, "Not everyone

can attend college in the traditional way; therefore, taking courses via

television will offer many more students the chance to earn a college


2. Other students said, "Last year, we spent several hours a day commuting

to and from school. Now we don't have to do that."

3. Computer engineering student Amir Mehdizadeh stated, "I can choose

when to study and how to study without pressure." He also said, "I will

take two more telecourses in the falL"

4. Pre-med student Alma Rodriguez said, "I miss being on campus, but I have

to work and take care of my family."


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