Teachers have a tremendous responsibility in raising the futures of the world. It is essential for students to develop a sense of confidence and poise as they develop through the elementary years. The elementary school years are such a critical time in the life of a child. The building of a child’s self worth is essential for their achievement in school and in life. The classroom that I establish will be a place where students can enter without fear, and become whoever they dream to become. Students will gain a love for education and their attitudes of success will increase each day. My love of learning and making connections among subject matter and real life will rub off onto the students I interact with each day. As a teacher, I am not going to limit my teaching to particular subjects, but I am going to strive to teach my students the skills they need to be able to learn in all aspects of their life.

I believe that I need to be a role model for my students and develop a relationship of trust where they will feel safe and know that they have someone who cares to whom they can come for help and understanding. When children are around me they will see my love for life, learning and teaching. In my classroom, students will have a voice and will know that their opinion is honored and valued. Together we will create a classroom of democracy where children will participate in the process of creating our classroom rules and signing a contract to ensure we establish a courteous community where learning can thrive. I want to offer my students choice in their learning and give them opportunities to generate lesson ideas and projects based on interests they may express. When students have ownership in the curriculum they become more intrinsically motivated to pursue their education and reach the goals they set for themselves.

Authenticity in education is critical in order to plant a seed of excitement for knowledge in each one of my student’s hearts. Each day a student enters my classroom we will embark on safaris of learning and developing skills needed to become independent, life-long learners. On these adventures, children will recognize that what they learn in school is meaningful and can be transferred into real world situations. This is my ultimate goal because it is only when students connect information to the real world that true learning occurs. I want my students to develop a strong foundation of the basics. Each child is then prepared to properly build upon it throughout their educational career and thus become happy, contributing members of their families and communities.

Children all learn differently and each student brings a unique yet significant piece to any classroom puzzle. To make each piece of a puzzle shine and become unified, I will create a close relationship with each child and develop my lessons to fit the needs of all students in my class. Students all work at varying paces so differentiation is required to push accelerated students and extra time and visuals are needed for students who may be struggling. As a teacher I will present variety in my lessons and constantly reflect on what went well and also ways I can improve to ensure success from each student.

It is my deepest desire to become a teacher so that I can make a difference in the lives of these amazing young children and change their lives for the better. I strive to make the best out of every situation and look for the good in everyone. Being positive and constantly showing and telling students they can accomplish great work is the path teachers need to follow to ensure confidence in every student’s heart.

Another aspect I think is critical in a classroom is developing a strong relationship with the families of my students. Deeper learning takes place when families know what is going on in their child’s education. I also will have ways in place for the family to become involved. Parents have a more profound influence in the lives of their children than teachers so it is essential to work together for the good of the student. Also, since I am human, I recognize that I do not know everything and will always be open for suggestions or critiques in order to improve my teaching skills. Teachers should always be striving to learn and grow with their students, and they should constantly be thinking of different approaches to use in hopes of becoming the best teacher they can be.

I aspire to be the teacher in children’s lives that they remember and want to visit every year because of the impact I may have made. I hope to accomplish this through my enthusiasm and positive attitude, unforgettable lessons, and my absolute and unconditional love and devotion for each child. My ultimate objective is to have students look forward to waking up each morning and coming to school to learn and participate in the lessons I have prepared for them, and using all the time we have together wisely so maximum learning will occur. My goal in teaching will be to reach the heart of each child I teach and make the time we spend together meaningful and unforgettable.


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