A Meeting of The Medical Group Patient Participation Group held in

On Thursday 21st July 2016 at Langley Park Surgery

|Present |PR, BJ, FP, BL, JL, MC, EH, DT, JMc, Lesley Hunter, Deborah Wilkinson & Karen Elgey |

|Apologies |JM, JE, KMc, HD, JK |

|Minutes: |Deborah Wilkinson |

|Newsletter |We have started the first addition of the new patient newsletter; this has been allocated to two members of staff to |

| |come up with something that will grab patients’ attention. PR emailed a list of items that the PRG suggested could be |

| |part of the newsletter content and it was agreed that PR will put something together about the PRG in the first |

| |edition; a regular column will also be dedicated to the PRG as suggested by BJ to promote and circulate information. |

| |The two members of staff are also looking for ideas from other surgery websites outside the local area. There will be |

| |paper copies of the newsletter available in surgeries as well as an electronic version on the practice website. |

|Dates for Bowel Screening Promotion |Bowel cancer screening promotion sessions will be held during the month of September, please forward dates that you are|

| |available to Karen Elgey/Deborah Wilkinson. |

| |PR mentioned that breast screening was raised at the NDPRG meeting and they were informed that most breast cancers |

| |occur after the screening age however patients 70+can contact the Queen Elizabeth and book screening themselves, |

| |patients over this age will not automatically be contacted. |

|Physiotherapy Services |Lesley informed the meeting that the physiotherapy services are being withdrawn from practices after many years of |

| |service. The first the Practice knew of this was when she received an email from the CCG stating that they had reviewed|

| |the service and in an attempt to provide a better service physiotherapy would be provided from Hubs but that the |

| |location of these had not been confirmed. The physiotherapist at Meadowfield has now spoken with Lesley and these Hubs |

| |will be placed at UHND, Sacriston Surgery and Belmont & Sherburn surgery. It is unclear whether Tow Law physiotherapy |

| |service will be affected as this is provided by the south of the county. The practices last physiotherapy sessions will|

| |be held in the first week of September 2016. PR will ask for this to be put on the NDPRG agenda as there appears to |

| |have been no consultation with patients regarding this. The PRG raised concerns over transport links for patients of |

| |The Medical Group. |

|111 Appointments |Lesley explained that the practice has to offer 111 appointments as part of the value based commissioning scheme. |

| |Lesley informed the meeting that the only way the practice could offer this was from one site to avoid 111 sending |

| |patients to the wrong surgery. Negotiations have taken place between the practice, 111 and the CCG; Meadowfield will |

| |offer 5 appointments each day, late morning and mid-afternoon. These appointments are complicated to set up and staff |

| |will require some in-house training. This service will only be offered to Meadowfield patients. |

|Feedback from NDPRG |Value based commissioning scheme |

| |Issues surrounding ticket codes for individual funding were raised again and PR confirmed that NDPRG will be organising|

| |a speaker to clarify these concerns. |

| |The Kings Fund |

| |There is a 100+ page report available detailing The Kings Fund however PR informed the meeting that a synopsis is |

| |available and has given a copy of this to Lesley. Karen will circulate a copy of the synopsis with the minutes. PR will|

| |ask the CCG for their response to the report. |

| |Services for Learning Disabilities |

| |A lady who attended the NDPRG meeting whose son has learning difficulties informed the meeting that there are different|

| |services available including hydrotherapy pools; apparently there are three pools in the area. Lesley informed the |

| |meeting that there is a pool at Newton Aycliffe. |

| |Accessing Medical Records |

| |JMc expressed that she felt the practice deals with these requests very professionally as some local practices are not |

| |as cautious and just ask for a form to be completed. Lesley explained that these requests take a very lengthy process |

| |including checking for third party information. |

| |Strategic Resilience Group |

| |BJ explained that one of the topics discussed was warning the elderly how to keep cool in warm conditions which used to|

| |come under the VANGUARD scheme, this is being renamed however the name of the scheme is not known at present. |

| |NEWS – National Early Warning Score is a points system and the higher the points the more urgent and need of extra |

| |care, Lesley explained that this is part of the emergency health care plan which is put in place for patients in care |

| |homes etc. and that patients wishes are adhered to however there has been an incident recently where the paramedics |

| |insisted that the patient was taken to hospital because the care home staff had contacted them instead of looking at |

| |the patients emergency care plan. |

| |999 Calls |

| |BJ informed the meeting that two advanced paramedics have been monitoring 999 calls and in the two sections they have |

| |been working in this has resulted in 80% of calls being downgraded. This has also reduced the number of patients being |

| |seen via 999 in UHND. It is hoped that advanced paramedics will be rolled out across the area. |

|Any Other Business |Development Session for Carers |

| |PR and BJ attended a development session for carers yesterday where New Digital Road Map was discussed which is |

| |focusing on using online facilities. Practices have a target of 25% of patients to use online facilities. PR |

| |encouraged members of the PRG to register for online access and informed the group that a statement was made yesterday |

| |that this service is reducing DNAs. Lesley explained that this was not our experience and PR will ask for figures for |

| |Lesley to look at. Lesley explained that online facilities are good for reducing phone calls into the practice and is a|

| |good service for patients who work however passwords are an issue as they need to be reset often due to patients |

| |forgetting them. |

| |National PRG |

| |PR informed the meeting that there is a national PRG and she has a copy of a document which details ways to reflect and|

| |improve PRGs. Lesley will have a look at this and discuss at the next meeting. |

There being no other business The Meeting closed at 3:15

The next meeting is on Monday 22nd August, 6pm at Ushaw Moor Surgery


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