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The Top 501 Inspiring Love and Relationship Quotes ?

The Top 501 Inspiring Love and Relationship Quotes ? by David Riklan

Published by Self Improvement Online, Inc. 20 Arie Drive, Marlboro, NJ 07746 ?Copyright by David Riklan Manufactured in the United States No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Limit of Liability / Disclaimer of Warranty: While the authors have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaim any implied warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. The author shall not be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

The Top 501 Inspiring Love and Relationship Quotes ?

The Top 501 Inspiring Love and Relationship Quotes -by David Riklan


Words can inspire and produce hope, fear, laughter, and sometimes tears. We can become obsessed with finding that quote, that one proverb of inspiration that will stick with us for the rest of our lives. I am no different. For years, through my business of bringing Self Improvement wisdom to our readers, I have searched myself, for words that are meaningful, inspiring, and I have come across hundreds. Our main website, contains hundreds of resources on Inspiration and Motivation.

I shared these quotes in a book I wrote a couple of years ago called, "The Top 501 Inspirational Quotes of All Time." I scoured many websites, and consulted my friends, my family and our readers for these pearls of wisdom. Now I want to do that again, except this time, I bring to you, "The Top 501 Inspiring Love and Relationship Quotes."

Why change my focus? Aren't there enough inspirational and love quotes out on the web? All you have to do is type love and quotes into any search engine and thousands of websites will surface. It can be overwhelming, to be bombarded by hundreds of quotes. Then you ask yourself, where do I start?

I can tell you where I began. I started with a simple survey, sent out to the over 120,000 subscribers of our Loving Today Newsletter. I asked them simply, "What is your favorite love quote?" The response was astounding. Emails began to pour in at an exuberant pace, filled with quotes from movies, books, poetry, etc.

What was to be the next step though? This would be to prioritize them. This was going to be a challenge. How does one do this? After some consideration, I thought I should use the internet; the resource that my business was based on. It also allowed me to start this project. I had gone there to ask people for their opinions and now I would go back to help me organize the quotes.

The Top 501 Inspiring Love and Relationship Quotes ?

I began the task of taking every quote and putting it into a search engine to see how many websites it appeared on. This told me how popular it was. By taking that same number I began to rank the quotes. The # 1 quote would be the quote listed on the most websites. Our # 1 most popular quote was, "All you need is love." We found this quote on over 2 Million Websites.

No matter what religion, race, or creed we are, what is the one thing that unites us all? As clich?d as this may sound, it is love. Whether love of our families, friends, or neighbors, we love. We dedicate a whole holiday to this emotion. We each love something.

In my life, my greatest loves are my family, my wife and children, my parents, my siblings, the list extends. They are my inspiration for getting up every morning, no matter how I am feeling, they move me to live my life. They are my driving force. They are the reason why I am writing this book.

This brings me to my last question, why quotes?

For years I have loved quotes, in particular love quotes. I would memorize them and repeat them to myself over and over again. Just like many other people I found them to be a great source of inspiration.

I use them in conversations. I use them for laughs. I use them to invoke happiness. I use them in my writing. I just use them.

Thinking back, I have always used quotes. They are a form of language and expression that has been around for thousands of years, from Confucius' insightful proverbs to the witty repartee of modern day movies and television. They can apply to almost every situation and help us to maintain connectivity with each other.

While these are all great reasons, the most important is that I have always felt quotes allow us to express what we are feeling. Because of that, I feel inspired to share what I consider one of the most, if not the most, important emotion we can have, love. I am lucky to have family and friends who I love, and to them I dedicate this book.

The Top 501 Inspiring Love and Relationship Quotes ?

These love quotes, are inspiring and timeless. This book is filled with words that have spanned generations and can still be used today. Love is something that is all around and even the biggest cynic can't deny that love has a quality that we are all attracted to.

Who am I to tell you to read this? I am just like everyone else. I am an ordinary person who is lucky enough to have family and friends who I love. As a result I felt inspired and motivated to share not only my favorite love quotes, but yours as well. These quotes were collected from people just like you. They inspired, helped them, or just entertained them. The idea motivated them enough to reply to my question.

Quotes are an amazing tool of communication. They have defined generations as well as linked them. They will be with us forever. Love will be with us forever. And bringing these two areas together only demonstrates the power of them.

So I ask you, if you want read this book, use it for your own purposes, but keep in mind that you don't have to be a poet to enjoy them. You are just like everyone else; you are a person who is searching for that driving force, our reason for being, to love.

I ask you to keep this in mind, "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love." ? Sophocles.

Enjoy your journey through the top 501 Love and Relationship Quotes.

1) All you need is love. - John Lennon

2) A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. - Mignon McLaughlin

3) I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. - William Butler Yeats

4) Our love is here to stay. - Ira Gershwin

5) To know me is to love me - Unknown

6) You complete me - Jerry Maguire

The Top 501 Inspiring Love and Relationship Quotes ?


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