My Dream Room Project

Roommate Roulette Project

Name: ____________________ Roommate: ___________________

Congratulations! It is time to move out on your own! For this project you will act as if you are on your own, living in a dorm or renting a place to live, with a roommate. If you are living in dorm room your roommate will be drawn for you, as the Housing and Residential Life at the University would do. If you choose to pursue a career you will draw for your monthly rental allowance and you may choose your roommate based on the “roommates” available. You will also be drawing a conflict scenario that you must solve using the steps of conflict resolution.

Living away from home is the first step in the launching phase of the family life cycle, and one where lots of emotions come into play. You will experience stress, hope, and independence. But, remember, living away from home can be frustrating and difficult.

See the rubric below for the required elements of the project. Remember that you MUST turn this sheet in with your project to receive a grade.

|Project Elements |Perfect |Good ‘Nuff |Needs Work |YIKES! |

| |10-9 |8-7 |6-5 |5-Under |

|A. Dorm Room/ |Rental documents included with|Rental documents included but|Rental documents included but|Rental documents not |

|Rental Information |cost, description, floor plan,|missing one or two parts |missing three to four parts. |included. |

| |and a picture | | | |

|B. House Rules |Rules were well thought out |10 House rules included. |Missing multiple house rules.|Little to no house rules |

| |and went above and beyond the | | |included. |

| |bare minimum. | | | |

|C. Cleaning Schedule/ Chore Chart |Chore chart is created and |Chore chart is present but |Chore chart was attempted but|Chore chart has little to |

| |includes a variety of types of|lacking in variety or type. |chores are missing, not all |none completed. |

| |chores and a person assigned | |types are included, or no one| |

| |to each equitably. | |is assigned to do them. | |

|D. Conflict Resolution Process Worksheet |Team re-read the section on |Team used information on the |Team used some of the |Team did very little to |

| |conflict resolution and |process but did not use all |conflict resolution but |nothing for the conflict |

| |implemented the process well. |steps. |mostly make it up as they |resolution process. |

| | | |went. | |

|E. Budget |Budget is complete, including |Budget is mostly complete, |Budget is incomplete or |Budget has little to none |

| |item information, subtotal, |but missing necessary items |mostly incorrect. Most |completed and missing |

| |total, and necessary items are|or monetary formulas. |information is missing or |necessary items are |

| |purchased. | |incorrect. |purchased. |

|F. Room 2-D Rendering |Room is rendered with the |Room is mostly rendered with |Room is mostly rendered with |Room is not rendered with the|

| |appropriate amount of |the appropriate amount of |the appropriate amount of |appropriate amount of |

| |furniture and is illustrated |furniture and mostly |furniture and however the |furniture and the |

| |following the E&P of design |illustrates and follows the |illustration does not reflect|illustration does not reflect|

| |worksheet. |E&P of design worksheet. |the E&P of design worksheet. |the E&P of design worksheet. |

|G. Elements and Principals of Design |Team completed the worksheet |Team prepared the worksheet |Team’s worksheet is |Team did very little to |

|Worksheet |with considerable thought put |with and some E&P of design |incomplete or mostly |nothing to their worksheet |

| |forth and followed E&P of |correctly. The functional and|incorrect us of E&P of |and the E&P of design were |

| |design correctly. 2 functional|decorative accessories were |design. Most accessories were|not present or were |

| |and 2 decorative accessories |used but missing some. |missing or incorrectly used. |completely incorrect. |

| |were used. | | |Accessories were not present.|

|H. Design Board |Followed the Design Board |Followed the Design Board |Did not follow the Design |Design Board is incomplete or|

|(20 Points) |instructions and completed all|instructions and is mostly |Board instructions and is not|not done & no Design Concept.|

| |requirements including a |complete, however missing a |complete. Missing about half | |

| |Design Concept. |few details from the |to three-fourths of the | |

| | |requirements and Design |requirements and Design | |

| | |Concept is incomplete. |Concept is incomplete. | |

|I. Overall |Team worked well together well|Team worked together and was |Team had conflicts or spent a|Team was disruptive, off |

| |and was on task at all times. |on task mostly. |majority of the time off |task, and unable to |

| |Project is placed in a |Project is placed in a folder|task. |cooperate. |

| |Presentation Folder and all |and somewhat typed. |Project Packet is turned in |Project Packet is turned in |

| |typed. | |all handwritten. |all handwritten and messy. |

|Total out of |Comments: |

|100 | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

The Parts:

A. Dorm/Rental Info

Students will be given the choice to go to College or start a Career. Once students choose their option they will be placed into their Dorm Room or choose their Apartment Roommate.


You will be given a packet based on a school and freshman dorm information and layout. You will roll to see how much money they made at their summer job to spend on items you will need to outfit your room.

Amount Allotted: _______________________


Use a computer to search for housing options. The amount that you are allotted for monthly rent will be determined by your roll of the die. Don’t forget that you and your roommate are sharing the responsibilities, so you should discuss who is going to pay for what and for how much.

Amount Allotted: _______________________

For example: If John has $400.00 for rent each month, and Steven has $560.00, Steven could logically take the larger room if there is one and would therefore be expected to pay a larger portion of the rent.

When you find your apartment/house/townhouse, please print a description of the home, including costs, description, floor plan, and a picture if it’s available. You may also tear out pages from an apartment guide or real estate booklet. These can be found at the grocery store. Write down who will be paying what part of the rent and turn in with your names on it.

B. House Rules

Once you have decided on your home, come up with at least 10 house rules. The rules should not include chores, because there is a separate section for that. List the rules on the attached sheet Part B: House Rules.

C. Cleaning & Chores

Brainstorm a list of chores and then create a cleaning schedule for you and your roommate. Keep in mind that chores should be distributed equally, and there should be a variety of chores. Be sure to include chores that are done daily, weekly, and occasionally.

D. Conflict Resolution

Use the index in the book to find and review the conflict resolution process. Use the conflict that you drew out of the envelope and the attached sheet to solve the conflict together as roommates. Moving out is not an option! You have signed a lease, and you are stuck with each other! Work it out!

E. Budget

Using an Excel Spreadsheet already set up for you, you need to calculate how much you spend on your items for your dorm/apartment. Use the shopping list to make sure you have all the necessities for your dorm, before you buy “fun” items!

F. Room 2-D Rendering

Using the black and white room you were given, you are to create a 2-D sketch of your room layout. You must stick to your dorm/apartment layout. If you are living in a dorm you need to draw the furniture that will come in your dorm (see your university packet) If you are living in an apartment you need to look at the furniture you are purchasing. Once your sketch is complete, you need to color it and make final decisions based on Part G: Elements & Principals of Design.

G. Elements & Principals of Design

Fill out the Part G: Implementing the Elements & Principles of Design as you design your room. Create a focal point, identify your color scheme, emotional feeling associated by the room, and the accessories.

H. Design Board

Provide a pictorial view of your room. Complete a floor plan and showcase your design skills! See Part H: Design Board for all of the Project information.

I. Overall

As you work on this project I will be observing your teamwork and how well you stay on task. Teams who work well are focused and are able to complete the project parts in a timely manner.

Part A: Dorm/Rental Information

1. Dorm

School: ___________________________

Amount Allotted: _______________________

Dorm Rules:

Each dorm has a set of rules you must follow. Read your packet carefully and write down the key rules you need to be aware of below.


2. Rental

Amount Allotted: _______________________

When you find your apartment/house/loft/townhouse, please print the following: (check off once you have completed that section)

_______ Description of the apartment/house/loft/townhouse

_______ Costs

_______ Description (look for included Amenities)

_______ Floor plan

_______ Amenities costs not included (Cable, Power, Water, Heat)

_______ Picture

Write down who will be paying what part of the rent and turn in with your names on it. Justify why each of you are paying the amount you are paying.

Roommate _______________________: $________________

Roommate _______________________: $________________



Part B: House Rules











We agree to the terms and conditions of these rules, and our signatures bind us to obey them to the best of our abilities.

Roommate 1 Signature:___________________________ Date: _____________________

Roommate 2 Signature:___________________________ Date: _____________________

Part C: Cleaning & Chores (Dorm)

|Cleaning/Maintenance Tasks |Daily |Weekly |Monthly |Seasonally |Who is Responsible |

|Dorm |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Room | | | | | | |

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|Personal|  |  |  |  |  |  |

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|Other |  |  |  |  |  |  |

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Part C: Cleaning & Chores (Rental)

|Cleaning/Maintenance Tasks |Daily |Weekly |Monthly |Seasonally|Who is Responsible |

|Bathroom|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|s | | | | | | |

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|Kitchen |  |  |  |  |  |  |

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|Living |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Room | | | | | | |

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| |  |  |  |  |  |  |

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|Personal|  |  |  |  |  |  |

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|Other |  |  |  |  |  |  |

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Part D: Conflict Resolution

After reviewing the information in the book, write the steps to conflict resolution below in the correct spaces and solve the conflict.

The conflict we drew out said:


The first step of the conflict is to _______________________________________________

The next step is to _________________________________________________________

Here are ours:

|A |B |C |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

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Then we should review what we came up with and _______________________________. We think the best solution is ________(A,B, or C) because _______________________________


Finally, the last step is to go back and ___________________________________________.

This step is important because ________________________________________________


Part D-2: Conflict Resolution

After reviewing the information in the book, write the steps to conflict resolution below in the correct spaces and solve the conflict.

The conflict we drew out said:


The first step of the conflict is to _______________________________________________

The next step is to _________________________________________________________

Here are ours:

|A |B |C |

| | | |

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Then we should review what we came up with and _______________________________. We think the best solution is ________(A,B, or C) because _______________________________


Finally, the last step is to go back and ___________________________________________.

This step is important because ________________________________________________


Part E: Budget

Mrs. Derouin provided your list of supplies with your packet, look over them carefully.

Part F: Room 2-D Rendering

Look at your Floor Plan for your dorm or apartment. Draw to the best of your ability, (YES! You can use or a ruler or trace a picture!) Using the Room 2-D Rendering Illustration provided create your room.

Part G: Elements & Principals of Design

What is your focal point:

What is your color scheme?

Circle one: Analogous Complementary Monochromatic Triadic Accented Neutral

Other: ________________________

How is this going to make the room feel?

What si your functional Accessories?

1. ________________________________

What is the function?

2. ________________________________

What is the function?

What are your decorative Accessories?

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

Ohh no! You despise the color of your walls! Let’s figure out how much it would cost to paint your room!

Walls: Sq Footage: __________________________

Math: (show your Math Work!)

Paint Gallons Needed: ___________________ Color: ________________________

Cost: ___________________

Part H: Design Board

Supplies You Need:

Black Foam Board



What you can get from Walmart, Hancock Fabrics, or Joann’s Fabric(Free or very low cost):

Fabric Swatches for Accent pillows, Bedding, and Curtains

What you can get from Home Depot of Lowes (Free or very low cost):

Paint Swatches

Floor Examples: Carpet Swatches and/or Laminate Floor

Sample Board Title: _________________________________________________

1. Sample Board Title 10 points ____________

2. Balance/Proportion of Furniture 10 points ____________

3. Demonstration/ Presentation 40 points ____________

4. Color Scheme/ Theme Apparent 20 points ____________

5. Typed Design Concept 20 points ____________

(Tell me about your design. What inspired you?

What did you change about the traffic pattern or

your room? Why did you choose the colors you did?)

Total ________________

Mrs. Derouin’s Notes:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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