
Dear Parents, Staff and Governors,Today we have 13 children in school which is just under 10% of our usual population. We have been teaching in two small groups and may increase this to three groups next week to simplify planning. Almost all of our pupil premium children are on-site, along with some children of key workers and a couple who are vulnerable.?You will be glad to hear that our staff are healthy and none are currently ill. A minority are having to remain at home to protect vulnerable family members. They are supporting school remotely in lots of different ways. Other staff are attending on a rota, with a maximum of two half days a week contact with pupils.I have attached a document which summarises our provision during this strange time. You will see on it a summary of what has been provided and what to expect next week.To assist with the current planning, the YR teachers have prepared some guidance and information on phonics. This will be posted to our school website in the next day or so.?Many thanks for all the questionnaires received. They are still welcome today, so please do answer the questions from Tuesday's email if you haven't yet done so. The teachers and I have already begun to respond to some of the issues raised. Lucy Birch, our staff governor will be compiling them for governors to read next week and a summary of responses will also be shared with parents.?Next week, there will be an addition to the current teaching provision. Teachers will be providing a small group activity; either an interactive session on zoom or a recorded message on youtube. This will be a trial for next week only. If the sessions are successful, they may be repeated. In school each day, the children are used to 'Guided Reading' which generally takes place just before or after lunch. In Guided Reading, their teacher sits with a group of four, five or six children; a TA sits with another group and the rest of the class work independently. Each day of the week, the groups rotate around five activities, allowing for the teacher to work in this focused way with every child in the class. Obviously, this can't be completely rectified at home, but the aim is that next week, each child has the experience of being in a small group with their teacher. For security and ease of organisation, parents will be informed separately of the dates and times of these sessions.?As some of these sessions will be interactive, parents at home will be privy to information they would not usually receive. Although this is not a situation of our choosing, by sitting with your child as they spend time talking to their teacher, it may be that you see other children and their responses in the session. There will not be any academic content, as the aim is around re-building connections and relationships. However, you will still see other children in an learning context and potentially gain information on their focus, vocabulary and general approach to school. Essentially, parents will be like the team of volunteers we have in school who help each week with reading and other lessons. As such, I am asking all parents to abide by our code of conduct for volunteers which is attached. Although this role of volunteer is temporary and unrequested, I am sure all parents will realise the importance of maintaining confidentiality and not discussing any sessions with other parents afterwards. ? ??Zoom stories will continue each day next week with the following pattern. ??Monday 1pm: AppleTuesday 1pm: LimeWednesday 1pm: OakThursday 1pm: BeechFriday 1pm: Sycamore ?The meeting ID each day will be my school account which is 657 963 1374. I will continue to set up recurring passwords based on the pattern of asdf5_ with just the last digit changing each time. Assemblies will also continue on youtube each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There will be a second message to parents on youtube this weekend.?The new book exchange has worked well. Please refer back to Tuesday's email for details. This provision will continue into next week and beyond.?As I mentioned in last week's email, I hope all our school families are just dealing with the low level frustrations of the current situation rather than any severe illness, significant change in lifestyle or loss. If your family have been badly affected by COVID-19, particularly with a bereavement, please contact the school office? in confidence on info@farncombe.surrey.sch.uk . Our HSLW Karen Sutton will be able to assist you. Alternatively, you may wish to contact this charity: .uk . Staff can access Surrey County Council's Employee Assistance Programme for general support during this difficult time.??I hope you all enjoy the wonderful weather again this weekend. I will email again on Tuesday and Friday next week.Best Regards,Andrea? ................

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