Follow the links to the websites on this form and then ...

Follow the links to the websites on this form and then fill in the form based on your experiences and results.

1. Myers-Briggs Personality Analysis (10 minutes)

a. What was your 4-letter personality type and the corresponding percentages for each letter?





b. On your results page, scroll down to the section “Self Awareness and Personal Growth” and click the link. Who are some famous people who share your personality type?


c. Visit the website and find your 4-letter combination. According to this analysis you are a (check ONE of the black categories and then check YOUR specific sub-category):

Guardian, and a (check one below)

Inspector Protector Provider Supervisor

Idealist, and a (check one below)

Champion Counselor Healer Teacher

Artisan, and a (check one below)

Composer Crafter Performer Promoter

Rational, and a (check one below)

Architect Fieldmarshal Inventor Mastermind

d. Do you agree with this analysis? Why/why not?


2. Keirsey Temperament Sorter

a. After taking the test, click on the button that says “The Temperament Mini-Report” on your results page. What is your identified temperament? Does it match the result you got on the test above?


b. If your results are the same, do you agree with the assessment? If they are different, which test results do you agree more with?


3. SLOAN Global 5 Test

a. After taking the test and you get to your results page, scroll down past the five areas descriptions to the link for your Global 5: sloan five-letter combination. What is your five letter combination?


b. Click on the five letter combination and read the description of your personality type. What are some words used to describe your type? Is it accurate? Why/why not?


When you are finished with this form, PRINT it, STAPLE it, and TURN IT IN!


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