1. Click on Chrome 2. Go to the Department of Revenue Website: dor 3. Click on File and Pay Taxes 4. Click on Sales and Use Tax (Instructions) 5. Using the Florida Sales and Use Tax Website, enter your User I.D. and Password 6. Click on Login 7. Scroll down Bulletin Board to Next 8. Click Next 9. File and Pay Access Menu ? Click Sales and Use Tax 10. Choose Activity ? File and Pay Menu will appear 11. Click Sales and Use Return Form ? According to the type of form assigned to your school you

will see either DR15-EZ Form or DR-15 Form

PLEASE NOTE: Look at the Collection Period date. The date should read 07/2016 ?12/2016. If

it does not, click on the pull-down menu in the right-hand corner of the date field and change the date before proceeding to next section.


Complete Signature Information. If you check the box that says Check here to use Filing contact info on file with DOR, be sure that the information that appears automatically in this section is correct before continuing to the next section.

If the information is not correct, uncheck the box and manually insert the correct information.

Continue filling out the following information on your Sales Tax Report Form:

1. Gross Sales

2. Exempt Sales

3. Taxable Sales/Purchases

4. Total Tax Collected

5. Less Lawful Deductions

6. Less DOR Credit Memo

7. Total Tax Due

8. a. Less ( - ) Collection Allowance

8. b. Plus ( + ) Penalty and Interest

9. Amount Due with Return


A. Taxable Sales and Purchases Not Subject to Discretionary Sales Surtax

B. Total Discretionary Sales Surtax Collected

10. Scroll down to Next

11. Click Next


This will take you to the next page of the report that requires special attention in order to complete the report correctly.

Debit Date?

A. To select a date for payment, click on the payment calendar. You may see one

or more gray dates indicating that those dates are not available to select. The dates that are

available will be shown in black. It is recommended that you

allow several days after your

report will be filed before payment is made. That will give your Financial Records Analyst

time to verify the correctness of the report before the funds are actually withdrawn from your

bank account.

B. Enter amount for Check: The amount for the check will automatically appear in this field.

C. Check here to use Bank info on file with DOR If you check this box the

information for the following items will appear automatically. You must carefully

review this information to verify it is correct. If you determine that the information


incorrect, uncheck the box and put the correct information in

manually for the following


Bank Routing Number

Bank Account Number

Retype Bank Account Number

Bank Account Type

Select: Checking


Select: Corporate

Name on Bank Account

The final part of the form deals with the Payment contact on file with DOR. If the signature information was correct on the first page, you can check here to use Payment contact info on file with the DOR. If the signature information was incorrect you have already been advised to request a blank Efile Form so the information can be corrected in Tallahassee and should show up on the next Sales Tax Report you file.

Note: If the Signature Information and/or the Bank Information is incorrect and you have to put the correct information in manually, you will need to fill out a new blank EFile Form.

Go to the DCPS Website and print a new blank Efile Form. Complete the entire form with correct information, both the bookkeeper and principal need to sign the second page, and then Fax the form to your Financial Records Analyst. The Fax Number is 858-6350. After the form has been received by the Financial Records Analyst, the school's profile will be updated so correct information will be available when you are filing taxes for the next report period.

Note: The Efile Form from the DCPS Website will be two pages.


The difference in this form is only the placement of the Discretionary Sales Surtax. The Total Amount of Discretionary Sales Surtax Collected is placed on line 15(d).

Updated 08.11.2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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