Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Name __________________

Date __________________


• MyPlate is part of a larger communications initiative based on 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans to help consumers make better food choices.

• MyPlate is designed to remind Americans to eat healthfully; it is not intended to change consumer behavior alone.

• MyPlate illustrates the five food groups using a familiar mealtime visual, a place setting.


Go to the United States Department of Agriculture’s web site on the new food guide pyramid: . Follow the directions for the specific activities and answer the questions that follow.

1. Under the MyPlate tab, how many food groups are there? What are they? 6 points ___________________________________________________________________________

2. Under the Weight Management and Calories tab, choose two topics under Weight Management to explore. For each topic discuss what you learned and how you can apply the topic to your daily life. 9 points

* Topic #1: __________________________________________________________________



* Topic #2: __________________________________________________________________



3. Under the Weight Management and Calories tab, choose two topics under Calories to explore. For each topic discuss what you learned and how you can apply the topic to your daily life. 9 points

* Topic #1: __________________________________________________________________



* Topic #2: __________________________________________________________________



4. Under the Physical Activity tab, how much physical activity do you need? 6 points


5. Under the Physical Activity tab, choose two moderate and two vigoruous activities that you would be willing to perform under How Many Calories Does Physical Activity Use? How many calories will you burn in one hour and in 30 minutes? Complete the table below. 9 points

|Activity |One Hour |30 Minutes |

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6. Under the SuperTracker and Other Tools tab, use the Empty Calories Chart to identify ten items you usually consume and how many empty calories each item contains. Complete the table below. 10 points

|Item |Empty Calories |

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7. Under the SuperTracker and Other Tools tab, click on the BMI Calculator to identify your BMI. 6 points _______________

8. Under the Printing Materials and Ordering tab, according to the Dietary Guidelines Consumer Brochure, list at least four tips you are encouraged to use to eat healthier. 9 points

Tip #1: _____________________________________________________________________

Tip #2: _____________________________________________________________________

Tip #3: _____________________________________________________________________

Tip #4: _____________________________________________________________________

9. Under the Health Eating Tips tab, choose two tips from the 10 Tips Nutrition Education Series that you would be willing to apply to your life. 9 points

Tip #1: _____________________________________________________________________

Tip #2: _____________________________________________________________________

10. Under the Health Eating Tips tab, choose two items from the Tips for Vegeterians that sound appetizing. 9 points

Item #1: ____________________________________________________________________

Item #2: ____________________________________________________________________

11. Under the Health Eating Tips tab, choose two tips from the Tips for Eating Healthy When Eating Out that you would be willing to apply to your life. 9 points

Tip #1: _____________________________________________________________________

Tip #2: _____________________________________________________________________

12. Under the Health Eating Tips tab, what are the four items under Food Safety Advice that we are encouraged to practice? 9 points







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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