PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide

PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide

Updates and Corrections

On page 25, in Script 1.9, on line 23, there should be a comma after

"$price", not a period. The same applies in Step 5.

Page: 44 Position: top of page, second column, first line.

Description: "if-else-elseif" should read "if-elseif-else"

On page 56, in Table 2.3, please change the Key value for Iowa to "IA".

On page 67, in Script 2.11 on line 37, please change the

"{$_POST['name']}" to just $name. The same needs to take place in Step


On page 90, in Step 2, could we add


on its own line before


On page 104, in the third line of the first paragraph, please change

"...the process is a simple as..." to "...the process is as simple


On page 117, In Step 5, please delete the line

$end = $year + 10;

Also change the next line to

while ($year ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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