MySQL :: MySQL Utilities 1.5 - MySQL :: MySQL …

[Pages:216]MySQL Utilities


This is the MySQLTM Utilities Reference Manual. It documents both the GPL and commercial editions of the MySQL Utilities 1.5 release series through 1.5.6.

If you have not yet installed MySQL Utilities please download your free copy from the download site. MySQL Utilities is available for Windows, OS X, and Linux variants.

For notes detailing the changes in each release, see the MySQL Utilities Release Notes.

For legal information, see the Legal Notices.

For help with using MySQL, please visit either the MySQL Forums or MySQL Mailing Lists, where you can discuss your issues with other MySQL users.

Licensing information. This product may include third-party software, used under license. If you are using a Commercial release of MySQL Utilities, see the MySQL Utilities Commercial License Information User Manual for licensing information, including licensing information relating to third-party software that may be included in this Commercial release. If you are using a Community release of MySQL Utilities, see the MySQL Utilities Community License Information User Manual for licensing information, including licensing information relating to third-party software that may be included in this Community release.

Document generated on: 2018-06-28 (revision: 57918)

Table of Contents

Preface ......................................................................................................................................... v 1 How to Install MySQL Utilities .................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Source Code .................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux 6 ................................................................................... 2 1.4 Debian Linux .................................................................................................................. 2 1.5 Microsoft Windows .......................................................................................................... 2 1.6 OS X .............................................................................................................................. 3 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Introduction to MySQL Utilities ........................................................................................ 5 2.2 Connecting to MySQL Servers ........................................................................................ 6

2.2.1 Connection Parameters ........................................................................................ 6 2.2.2 Specifying Connections in Python Library .............................................................. 9 3 MySQL Utilities Administrative Tasks ........................................................................................ 13 3.1 Database Operations .................................................................................................... 13 3.1.1 How do you provision a slave? ........................................................................... 14 3.1.2 How do you make a copy of a database on the same server? ............................... 15 3.1.3 How can you make a copy of a database and change the storage engine? ............ 16 3.1.4 How do you tell if a table on server A has the same structure as the same table on server B? ............................................................................................................... 18 3.1.5 How do you synchronize a table on two servers where neither is up-to-date? ......... 19 3.2 General Operations ....................................................................................................... 20 3.2.1 How do you know how much space your data uses? ........................................... 20 3.2.2 How do you recover the CREATE statement from a damaged or offline server? ...... 21 3.2.3 How do you create a new user with the same privileges as another user? .............. 23 3.2.4 Is there an easy way to know what options are used with each utility? ................... 24 3.2.5 How do you find redundant or duplicate indexes and know which ones to drop? ...... 27 3.2.6 How do you find all objects that start with a given name prefix? ............................ 29 3.2.7 How do you run a process every night to kill certain connections? ......................... 30 3.3 High Availability Operations ........................................................................................... 31 3.3.1 How do you setup and use replication? ............................................................... 31 3.3.2 How do you add new servers to an existing topology and change the master role? ........................................................................................................................... 33 3.3.3 How do you setup and use automatic failover? .................................................... 35 3.3.4 How do you restore the previous master to service after failover? ......................... 38 3.3.5 How do you find all of the slaves attached to a master server? ............................. 41 3.3.6 How Can you determine if data was replicated correctly? ..................................... 42 3.3.7 How do you fix errant transactions on the replication topology? ............................. 44 3.4 Server Operations ......................................................................................................... 45 3.4.1 How can you create a temporary copy (running instance) of a server for testing? .... 45 3.4.2 How do you find what MySQL servers are running on a local machine? ................. 47 3.4.3 How do you setup and use a secure (encrypted) connection between Utilities and a MySQL server? ........................................................................................................ 48 3.5 Specialized Operations .................................................................................................. 52 3.5.1 How do you record only login events in the audit log? .......................................... 52 3.5.2 How do you copy or move the audit log? ............................................................ 54 3.5.3 How can you find the INSERT and UPDATE queries that failed in the audit log? ..... 55 3.5.4 How do you find connections by the user 'root' in the audit log and show the results in CSV format? ................................................................................................ 56 4 Overview of MySQL Utilities ..................................................................................................... 59 4.1 Database Operations .................................................................................................... 59 4.2 General Operations ....................................................................................................... 59 4.3 High Availability Operations ........................................................................................... 60 4.4 Server Operations ......................................................................................................... 61 4.5 Specialized Operations .................................................................................................. 61


MySQL Utilities

5 Manual Pages ......................................................................................................................... 63 5.1 mysqlauditadmin -- Allows users to perform maintenance actions on the audit log ....... 63 5.2 mysqlauditgrep -- Allows users to search the current or an archived audit log ............. 68 5.3 mysqldbcompare -- Compare Two Databases and Identify Differences ......................... 75 5.4 mysqldbcopy -- Copy Database Objects Between Servers ........................................... 84 5.5 mysqldbexport -- Export Object Definitions or Data from a Database .......................... 91 5.6 mysqldbimport -- Import Object Definitions or Data into a Database ............................ 99 5.7 mysqldiff -- Identify Differences Among Database Objects ....................................... 104 5.8 mysqldiskusage -- Show Database Disk Usage ....................................................... 109 5.9 mysqlfailover -- Automatic replication health monitoring and failover ....................... 113 5.10 mysqlfrm -- File reader for .frm files. ....................................................................... 123 5.11 mysqlindexcheck -- Identify Potentially Redundant Table Indexes ........................... 127 5.12 mysqlmetagrep -- Search Database Object Definitions ............................................ 131 5.13 mysqlprocgrep -- Search Server Process Lists ....................................................... 135 5.14 mysqlreplicate -- Set Up and Start Replication Between Two Servers .................... 139 5.15 mysqlrplms -- Set Up and Start Replication from a Slave to Multiple Masters ............. 143 5.16 mysqlrpladmin -- Administration utility for MySQL replication .................................. 148 5.17 mysqlrplcheck -- Check Replication Prerequisites .................................................. 158 5.18 mysqlrplshow -- Show Slaves for Master Server ..................................................... 163 5.19 mysqlrplsync -- Replication synchronization checker .............................................. 167 5.20 mysqlserverclone -- Clone Existing Server to Create New Server .......................... 174 5.21 mysqlserverinfo -- Display Common Diagnostic Information from a Server ............. 176 5.22 mysqluc -- Command line client for running MySQL Utilities ...................................... 180 5.23 mysqluserclone -- Clone Existing User to Create New User ................................... 183

6 Extending MySQL Utilities ...................................................................................................... 187 6.1 Introduction to extending the MySQL Utilities ................................................................ 187 6.2 MySQL Utilities sample ........................................................................ 193 6.3 Specialized Operations ................................................................................................ 195 6.3.1 mysql.mand.grep -- Search Databases for Objects .............. 195 6.3.2 mysql.mand.proc -- Search Processes on Servers .............. 197 6.4 Parsers ....................................................................................................................... 198 6.4.1 mysql.utilities.parser -- Parse MySQL Log Files ................................................ 198

7 MySQL Utilities Testing (MUT) ............................................................................................... 203 7.1 mut -- MySQL Utilities Testing .................................................................................... 203

8 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 207 8.1 MySQL Utilities Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................ 207

Index ........................................................................................................................................ 209



This is the User Manual for the MySQL Utilities.

MySQL Utilities is both a set of command-line utilities as well as a Python library for making common DevOps tasks easy to accomplish. The library is written entirely in Python, meaning that it is not necessary to have any other tools or libraries installed to make it work. It is currently designed to work with Python v2.6 or later and there is no support (yet) for Python v3.1.


This manual is arranged in an order designed to provide a quick reference for how to use MySQL Utilities. It begins with a brief introduction of MySQL Utilities then presents a list of common administration tasks with examples of how utilities can be used to perform the tasks. From there, the manual begins a deeper dive into the utilities starting with overviews of each utility leading to a detailed description of each via a manual page format. Thus, the manual provides a documentation solution for several needs.

How to Use This Manual

You can use this manual to get a quick solution to an administrative task complete with explanation of how to run the utilities involved and the options and parameters needed. See the tasks chapter for this information.

You can use the manual to learn what utilities exist and how each fits into your own administrative needs. See the utility overview chapter for this information.

You can also use the manual to get more information about each utility and what each option and parameter does via the manuals section.

The manual concludes with a look at extending the MySQL Utilities library, a look at the developer testing environment, and a list of frequently asked questions.

Legal Notices

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Chapter 1 How to Install MySQL Utilities

Table of Contents

1.1 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Source Code .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux 6 .......................................................................................... 2 1.4 Debian Linux .......................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 Microsoft Windows .................................................................................................................. 2 1.6 OS X ...................................................................................................................................... 3

MySQL Utilities is available in a number of repository formats. Although you may not see your specific operating system or platform listed, we provide general repository formats for most platforms. If none of the available repositories are applicable to your platform, you can use the source code repository and install MySQL Utilities from the command line.

The latest MySQL Utilities downloads are available at . The following sections discuss each repository.

1.1 Prerequisites

MySQL Utilities requires Python 2.6. All of the Python code is written to conform to this version of Python.

For connecting to MySQL, MySQL Utilities requires a MySQL Connector/Python General Availability (GA) release (version 2.0.4/2.1.2 or later). If you do not have Connector/Python installed, see the download section for Connector/Python to download the appropriate repository.

MySQL Utilities also requires the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013 (available at the Microsoft Download Center) to work.

1.2 Source Code

The source code repository for MySQL Utilities includes all of the utility code as well as the MySQL Utilities library and manual pages. It is available as an architecture independent distribution, in either Zip archive format (.zip file) or compressed tar archive format (.tar.gz file), or as a RPM package (.rpm file).

You can use this repository to install on any platform that has Python 2.6 installed. For example, you can use the .tar.gz version of the repository to install MySQL Utilities on OS X or Ubuntu. Choose "Linux - Generic" from the download page, and then the file name similar to mysqlutilities-1.5.6.tar.gz.

After you download and unpack the repository distribution, open a terminal window and navigate to the directory containing the file. Then unpack the file and install MySQL Utilities using the script as shown below.

shell> unzip shell> cd mysql-utilities-1.5.6 shell> python ./ build shell> sudo python ./ install


Using this repository requires that you have Connector/Python installed or install it separately. For additional information, see Section 1.1, "Prerequisites".

The source code is also available as a .rpm package, which can be downloaded and uncompressed as follows. More specifically, we first unpack the .rpm package then unzip the resulting .zip file.


Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux 6

On Mac and some Unix systems, you can use these commands.

shell> tar -tzvf mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el7.src.rpm shell> tar -xzvf mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el7.src.rpm shell> unzip

On Linux systems without native .rpm support, you can use these commands. For example, you can install rpm2cpio then run that utility to extract the .zip file then unzip it.

shell> sudo apt-get install rpm2cpio shell> rpm2cpio mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el7.src.rpm | cpio -i --make-directories shell> unzip

If these commands do not work for your platform, check your platform documentation for ways to open and inspect .rpm files.

1.3 Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux 6

This repository is available as an architecture-independent RPM package (.rpm file). After you download the package, install it using the following command or similar depending on your platform configuration:

shell> sudo rpm -i mysql-utilities-1.5.6-el6.noarch.rpm

You can also use the RPM package manager that is part of your base operating system. See your operating system documentation for more details.

Note MySQL Utilities requires Connector/Python to be installed. For additional information, see Section 1.1, "Prerequisites".

1.4 Debian Linux

The .deb repository is built for Debian 6 and is architecture independent. Although built expressly for Debian 6, it can be installed on various ports such as amd64, i386, etc.

Note The repository does not work for Debian 7 because MySQL Utilities requires Python 2.6 and Debian 7 currently ships with Python 2.7. For Debian 7, use the source code repository to install MySQL Utilities. After you download the file, install it using the following command or similar depending on your specific release or version of Debian:

shell> sudo dpkg -i mysql-utilities-1.5.6-debian6.0_all.deb

Note MySQL Utilities requires Connector/Python to be installed. For additional information, see Section 1.1, "Prerequisites".

1.5 Microsoft Windows

Either install MySQL Utilities using the MySQL Installer for Windows (a system that manages installations and updates for all MySQL products on Windows), or download and execute the standalone file.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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