MySQL Installer Release Notes - Oracle

MySQL Installer Release Notes


This document contains release notes for the changes in each release of MySQL Installer.

For additional MySQL Installer documentation, see MySQL Installer for Windows.

Updates to these notes occur as new product features are added, so that everybody can follow the development process. If a recent version is listed here that you cannot find on the download page ( downloads/), the version has not yet been released.

The documentation included in source and binary distributions may not be fully up to date with respect to release note entries because integration of the documentation occurs at release build time. For the most up-to-date release notes, please refer to the online documentation instead.

For legal information, see the Legal Notices.

For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with other MySQL users.

Document generated on: 2024-01-19 (revision: 27839)

Table of Contents

Preface and Legal Notices ................................................................................................................. 2 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.9 (2023-11-21) .................................................................................. 4 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.8 (2023-08-24) .................................................................................. 4 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.7 (2023-05-30) .................................................................................. 4 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.6 (2023-02-23) .................................................................................. 5 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.5 (2022-11-22) .................................................................................. 6 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.4 (2022-08-25) .................................................................................. 7 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.3 (2022-05-26) .................................................................................. 9 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.2 (2022-03-03) ................................................................................. 10 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.1 (2021-11-17) ................................................................................. 11 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.0 (2021-11-05) ................................................................................. 12 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.39 (2021-08-25) ............................................................................... 12 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.38 (2021-06-02) ............................................................................... 13 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.37 (2021-02-28) ............................................................................... 13 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.36 (2020-11-26) ............................................................................... 13 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.35 (2020-08-20) ............................................................................... 14 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.34 (2020-05-18) ............................................................................... 15 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.33 (2020-03-04) ............................................................................... 17 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.32 (2019-11-18) ............................................................................... 18 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.31 (2019-08-19) ............................................................................... 19 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.30 (2019-05-17) ............................................................................... 21 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.29 (2019-03-06) ............................................................................... 23 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.28 (2018-11-22) ............................................................................... 24 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.27 (2018-08-22) ............................................................................... 25 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.26 (2018-05-24) ............................................................................... 26 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.25 (2018-03-21) ............................................................................... 27 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.24 (2018-03-14) ............................................................................... 27 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.23 (2017-12-26) ............................................................................... 28 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.22 (2017-12-15) ............................................................................... 29


MySQL Installer Release Notes

Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.21 (2017-12-12) ............................................................................... 29 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.20 (2017-08-18) ............................................................................... 31 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.19 (2017-04-10) ............................................................................... 31 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.18 (2016-11-04) ............................................................................... 32 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.17 (2016-08-09) ............................................................................... 32 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.16 (2016-05-02) ............................................................................... 33 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.15 (2016-03-01) ............................................................................... 33 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.14 (2016-02-05) ............................................................................... 33 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.13 (2015-12-02) ............................................................................... 34 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.12 (2015-11-10) ............................................................................... 34 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.11 (2015-08-24) ............................................................................... 35 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.10 (2015-08-19) ............................................................................... 35 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.9 (2015-08-05) ................................................................................. 35 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.8 (2015-05-28) ................................................................................. 36 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.7 (2015-05-08) ................................................................................. 36 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.6 (2015-04-07) ................................................................................. 36 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.5 (2015-04-06) ................................................................................. 37 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.4 (2015-02-26) ................................................................................. 37 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.3 (2014-11-12) ................................................................................. 38 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.2 (2014-09-26) ................................................................................. 38 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.1 (Not released) .............................................................................. 38 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.0 (Not released) .............................................................................. 38 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.3.7 (2014-05-30) ................................................................................. 39 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.3.6 (2014-03-27) ................................................................................. 39 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.3.5 (2014-01-31) ................................................................................. 39 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.3.4 (2013-12-03) ................................................................................. 39 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.3.3 (2013-09-20) ................................................................................. 40 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.3.2 (2013-07-12) ................................................................................. 40 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.3.1 (2013-07-01) ................................................................................. 41 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.3.0 (2013-06-03) ................................................................................. 41 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.2.0 (2013-04-18) ................................................................................. 41 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.1.7 (2013-02-15) ................................................................................. 42 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.1.6 (2013-02-05) ................................................................................. 43 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.1.5 (2012-09-30) ................................................................................. 43 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.1.4 (2012-08-08) ................................................................................. 44 Changes in MySQL Installer 1.1.0 (2012-07-25) ................................................................................. 44

Preface and Legal Notices

This document contains release notes for the changes in each release of MySQL Installer.

Legal Notices

Copyright ? 1997, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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MySQL Installer Release Notes

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MySQL Installer Release Notes

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Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.9 (2023-11-21)

Bugs Fixed

? Updated the authentication method that MySQL Installer uses for accessing the My Oracle Support (MOS) website to permit downloading commercial MySQL products. (Bug #36014510)

? The installation context defined by some MySQL product MSI files could be altered by MySQL Installer during an installation or upgrade operation. (Bug #35827788)

Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.8 (2023-08-24)

Bugs Fixed

? MySQL Installer now checks for the existence of symbolic links during the installation of MSI files and during the configuration of the server's data directory. Symbolic links found in the default MySQL Installer program data folder or the default MySQL Server program data folder are removed. If symbolic links are found in a user-specified, non-default data directory folder, MySQL Installer now issues a warning and prompts the user to proceed with the server configuration. (Bug #35707953)

? Removed miscellaneous warnings from the MySQL Server 8.0 error log that were generated during the server configuration. The one exception applies to MY-010068, which is an expected warning entry. (Bug #28506144)

Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.7 (2023-05-30)

? Functionality Added or Changed

? Bugs Fixed

Functionality Added or Changed

? In previous versions of MySQL Installer, the full MySQL Server bundle included MySQL connectors. New bundles no longer contain the connectors to install using MySQL Installer. MySQL connectors now are installed using MSIEXEC directly.

Other aspects affected by this change are:

? The Developer Default setup type (and the MySQLInstallerConsole.exe equivalent) is removed.


MySQL Installer Release Notes

? The Client only setup type excludes MySQL connectors.

? The Full setup type excludes MySQL connectors.

Archived versions of MySQL connections (up to version 8.0.33) are still installed, modified, and removed with MySQL Installer using the Custom setup type. To install new MySQL connectors, visit https:// dev.downloads/. (Bug #35397684)

? MySQL Installer now prohibits deselecting all subordinate parts of a main feature if the MySQL product being installed or modified requires the feature. At least one subordinate part must remain selected. (Bug #28268469)

Bugs Fixed

? MySQL Workbench was unable to modify the my.ini file as expected. By default, MySQL Installer restricts write-access of the file it creates to all but the Administrators group. To access the file, adjust the user permissions as required or run MySQL Workbench as administrator. (Bug #25476557)

Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.6 (2023-02-23)

? Functionality Added or Changed

? Bugs Fixed

Functionality Added or Changed

? Previously, it was not possible to install both the 32-bit and 64-bit variants of Connector/ODBC. It is now possible to install both, if required, and to upgrade older versions of Connector/ODBC 8.0 to version 8.0.33 (and later). (Bug #35078964)

? When MySQL Installer runs on a host with no internet connection, it can appear to be unresponsive for several minutes while it searches for a connection. With this fix, the wait time is reduced. In addition, if MySQL Installer detects no connection at startup, it provides a new prompt to run in offline mode, which resumes user interaction immediately without internet capabilities. Offline mode can be enabled or disabled independently with an option located in the General tab of the MySQL Installer Options dialog or from the command line using the --set --offline-mode command.


An internet connection is required to download a manifest containing metadata for the latest MySQL products.

(Bug #34366653)

? MySQL Installer now checks for the SHA256 digests of ZIP and MSI files to ensure that the downloaded packages are valid. (Bug #16656800)

? Semicolons are now supported as part of a root password. All characters that MySQL Server supports by default are also supported by MySQL Installer. (Bug #77840, Bug #21507764)

Bugs Fixed

? In some cases, the server configuration operation was unable to switch between strong and legacy authentication methods, causing the configuration to stop without recourse. (Bug #34947724)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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