Date 8/17/15? PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's HeadlinesHEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH?TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY can do Iran nuclear deal even if Congress disapprovesObama's Iran deal: A fight to a very bitter endDonald Trump warns that Iran deal will lead to "Nuclear Holocaust" Trump: Israel was sold out by Kerry and Obama Carson stands firm on suggestion that Obama has anti-Semitic viewsIsraeli Think Tank Says Iranian Desire to Destroy Jewish State is Part of Regime's 'Founding Vision'IDF troops prepare for possible incursion into SyriaJordan says Syria jihadists trying to sneak inAt least 80 killed in government airstrikes on Syria market, activists sayISIS 'Mein Kampf' Blames Israel for Global TerrorismBin Laden's son urges lone wolf attacks against US, IsraelPA accuses Israel of carrying out 'field executions' on Palestinian youth Red Cross offering training to Hamas on International Law 'Hamas opposed to ending ceasefire with Israel even if hunger-striker Allan dies' Delegation heads to Egypt to discuss long-term truce between Hamas and Israel Egyptian president imposes strict new anti-terror lawsUS, Germany to Pull Patriot Missiles From Turkey Provincial Minister in Pakistan Is Killed in Suicide BombingWhy Western Muslims leave a pleasurable life for jihad 'Let the hag burn': Rise in attacks on refugees fuels German debate on racismProtesters in Brazil call for President Dilma Rousseff's impeachmentSouth Korea, US begin military drill despite North Korea threatsObama Administration Warns Beijing About Covert Agents Operating in U.S.China's new DF-5B liquid-fuel ICBM 'can hit any target on Earth'Doomsday clock for global market crash strikes one minute to midnight as central banks lose controlRon Paul: Fed may not hike because 'everything is vulnerable'Ecuador's new virtual currency is a source of pride, worry Software upgrade may have caused 400 US flight cancellations 5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Panguna, Papua New Guinea5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Chichi-shima, JapanTwin Typhoons Churn Toward Taiwan, Japan, Korean PeninsulaEastern Atlantic Low to Attempt to End Tropical DroughtTemperatures rise as Israel experiences 3rd heat wave of the yearOPEC May Boost Oil Output to Record With Iran Back Amid Glut Why gas prices are rising as oil falls to 6-year lowsLow Oil Prices Pose Threat to Texas Fracking Bonanza'Medical cannabis could be worth more to Israel than natural gas'Bird flu to human transmission a 'concern', not yet high risk: CDCUtah Becomes 5th State to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After it Sells Aborted BabiesMedia Blackout: ABC, NBC, CBS Ignore Undercover Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood's Sell of Aborted Babies' Body PartsAustralian Government Lawmaker Introduces Gay Marriage BillSexual orientation in the UK: Half of young people say they are not 100% heterosexualTransgender people face alarmingly high risk of suicideMorgan Freeman's step-granddaughter stabbed to death in 'exorcism'PROPHECY UPDATE NEWSLETTERSTAY INFORMED, GET EQUIPPED, BE ENCOURAGEDPre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All Newsletters are archived at:?? are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members.Click below to download!"AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING"IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...?Featured Article: Worthy is the Lamb??Mysterious Trumpet-Like Sounds Around World Leaves Many in Hope of Messiah's Arrival?Head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards - Israel intelligence desk is executed as Israeli spy??Nearing midnight: Apocalyptic Axis in the News??The Mystery Of September 23: Why Does 9/23 Keep Popping Up All Over the Place?Daily Jot: Results of negotiating with terrorists?Daily Devotion: After the Victory?FEATURED ARTICLE?Worthy is the Lamb - Pete Garcia - notice how much the world hates the Jesus Christ of the Bible?? Mention His name outside the confines of a Bible preaching church, and you will definitely get a reaction.? (You might even get sued or arrested!)? Truly, He is the most polarizing person to have ever lived here on planet Earth.?? There simply is no neutral ground in regards to your position of Him.? One either accepts that He is God come in the flesh, or He is not.?Now, people don't mind so much the Jesus they conjure up for themselves, but the One of the Bible they say...is too much.? So much of the post-modern, emergent, seeker-friendly, and ecumenical movements within Christendom have been trying their best to repackage the Jesus of the Bible, as to become palatable to a society who is increasing in the decline. ?The reason that Christ is so absolutely polarizing, is because He doesn't leave you the option of not forming an opinion about Him.? You are forced to come to some conclusion about Him, and to paraphrase from C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity; Jesus was either a liar, lunatic, or Lord.?The Godhead?In regards to the true biblical Christian understanding of God, the number three should ring significant...primarily, because the Godhead is triune in nature.? The Godhead is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; who are, three separate divine Person's, in one divine Being.? Although they are one in essence, divinity and purpose, they are separate in personages and roles.? ?The Father is supreme in authority among the Persons of the Godhead, and he is responsible for devising the grand purposes and plans that take place through all of creation and redemption (see, for example, Eph. 1:3, 9-11). The Son is under the Father's authority and seeks always to do the Father's will. Although the Son is fully God, he nonetheless takes his lead from the Father and seeks to glorify the Father in all that he does (see, for example, John 8:28-29, 42). The Spirit is under both the Father and the Son. As the Son sought to glorify the Father in all he did, the Spirit seeks to glorify the Son, to the ultimate praise of the Father (see, for example, John 16:14; 1 Cor 12:3; Phil 2:11).?? (Quote from Bruce A. Ware)?Interestingly enough, the divinity of each of the members of the Godhead, is what 99% of apostate teachings get confused on.? They can't seem to wrap their minds around the concept of three in one.? Since it is the Holy Spirit who opens our understanding, it is no wonder why they go askew in this aspect.? Generally, there are two views on this;*The Biblical view of subordination in a manner of speaking, is economic in nature that they each willingly are subordinate to the other, but one is not any less than the other.*The heretical view, is one which is what we would call, ontological, which would require a hierarchical rule of say the Father had over the Son, because the Father was greater in power.?But within the Godhead, they do take on different roles and responsibilities in regards to the governing of the universe.?? God the Father is the ultimate cause and reason the universe and all therein exists.? He purposed and created in eternity past (time not existing) for the universe to exist.? That is why in Gen. 1:1, we read "In the beginning (present tense), God created (past tense) the heavens and the earth. ?At creation, we see that God the Son carried out the direct act of creation.? He did so by speaking it 'ex-nihilo' or simply put, out of nothing.? In John 1:1-4, 14 we see that Christ is the 'Word' and was God at creation.? Colossians 1:16 states that it was through Christ, that creation came into being.? Revelation 3:14 echoes the same sentiment.?The Holy Spirit was also present at creation, and moved upon the 'face of the waters' and is the giver of life in Genesis 1:2.? It was the Holy Spirit who 'overshadowed' Mary which was how God the Son could be born of a virgin.? It is the eternal Holy Spirit that was given at Pentecost to usher in the age of the Church.? It is the Holy Spirit that regenerates and resurrects the spiritually dead, back into spiritually living beings.? He seals and indwells us, and guides us into the truth of God.?But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.? Gal. 4:4-5?And so it is through obedience unto death, the Son glorified the Father.? It will be at the end of all things, that the Father honors the Son by bestowing all power and authority unto Him.? So even in our brief understanding of how the Godhead works, we know that Christ Himself fulfills three roles as Prophet, Priest, and King, in order to accomplish the will of the Father.?Christ the Prophet?In the Old Testament, Jews had to come from the tribe of Judah in order to be eligible to be King.? We also know that in order for one to be a priest, one would have to come through the tribe of Levi.? But a prophet could be a king or a priest, (David) but a king could never be a priest, nor a priest, a king simply due to the separation in the tribes.? And that is what makes Christ unique, in that He could fulfill all three roles, without violating His own Law. ?When Christ came to earth, He initially came preaching 'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand'.? (Matt. 4:17).? He came as a prophet, not only with signs and wonders, but He came declaring the truth of God, and doing so in perfect submission to the Father, so that Israel might turn back to God and be a people, whose hearts were fit for the Kingdom.? Christ initially came only for the people of Israel (Matt. 10:5-6; 15:24), but since they as a nation didn't repent, the offer, would be postponed. ?Of course, He already knew they wouldn't, but the offer still had to be presented to them, in order that scripture might be fulfilled.? Nonetheless, in Deut. 18:15-18, Moses was pointing toward the time when the Christ (Messiah) would one day come to Israel to do so.? King David pointed to His coming (Psalm 2, 22), as did Isaiah (Isaiah 11, 53), and Daniel pointed to Him (Dan. 9) amongst other passages found all throughout the Old Testament.? Aside from the brief glimpse at the Mt. of Transfiguration, it is in the final book of the Bible, Revelation, we see the first unveiling of the glorified Christ in the New Testament. ?Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters;? Revelation 1:12-15?Christ the High Priest?We know that Christ is also a Priest after the Order of Melchizedek, which preceded the Aaronic and Levitical Priesthood by several hundred years. (Hebrews 7:20-25)? We know that upon walking toward John the Baptist to be baptized, John called His cousin 'the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world'. (John 1:29-30)? The typology represented both then, and later, is the spotless, unblemished, innocent lamb that would be sacrificed to God on our behalf. ?A Christophany is what biblical scholars have come to term, an OT appearing of the Pre-Incarnate Christ.? Christ appears in the OT on numerous occasions as the Angel of the LORD (to Abraham, to Jacob, to Moses, to Joshua, etc.) and these appearances foreshadow the events that would be played out in the life of Christ (Appearing to Abraham before Sodom's destruction; the sacrifice of Isaac, etc.)? But it was not until He came through the Virgin birth, that He would take the form He would presumably take on, forever.? And it is in Revelation chapter 5, we see Him revealed again...?And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth.? Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.? Revelation 5:6-7?The symbolism of the horns and eyes means He has all authority is all-knowing and all seeing.? He is the Almighty (Pantokrator) and is the only means by which fallen man, can be redeemed to a holy and righteous God. (John 14:6)? Not only mankind, but all of creation. (Romans 8:19-21)? Only Jesus is worthy, because only He is both man and God, and is the only one who can serve as man's 'Kinsman Redeemer'.?? Instead of the priest offering up an innocent lamb to temporarily set aside the sins of the people, Christ as Priest, offered Himself once, to take away our sins forever.? (Hebrews 10:10-14) ?It is Christ who daily goes before the Father on our behalf, and not only defends us from the accusations of Satan (Rev. 12:10), but as a Priest, is our Mediator when we fall and stumble.? It is Christ's righteousness that is applied to our lives when we become born again (2 Cor. 5:17-21).? It is He who not only makes our salvation possible, but also our sanctification by which we grow in Him till we come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:11-16).?For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time?? 1 Tim. 2:5-6?Christ the King?It was no mistake that Jesus came from the Tribe of Judah and from the lineage of King David.? Since Christ came thru the tribe of Judah, and because Judah was according to God's plan, to be the head of all Israel, and Israel was destined to be head of all nations, this would mean that Christ then, will be head of all nations.? As much as many would like to spiritualize this Kingly reign, the fact is, that Christ's reign on David's throne will be a literal reign, on a literal throne, and in a literal Jerusalem as the Bible repeatedly declares.? (Psalm 2, Isaiah 2, 11, Daniel 2:44-45, Luke 1:31-33) Since history has yet bear this out, Christ then did not take on His Kingly role during His First Advent. ?Looking back, we should be able to see the prophetic correlation in what has happened in the past, and what will happen in the not too distant future.? Just as King Saul preceded David, and was initially selected by the people to rule over them against God's plan's, (1 Samuel 10:17-19), so too will one come in his own name, in whom the Jewish people will accept to rule over them. (John 5:43)? And since David was a 'type' of Christ in the OT, then Saul represents 'another' Christ (or antichrist), who will come and try and rule over the Jewish people before Christ returns at His Second Advent.? (Daniel 9:26-27, Matt. 24:15, Rev. 19:11-21)?Conclusion?One day soon, the Father is going to tell the Son that it is time, and then Christ will return to redeem His bride (the Church) to Himself.? Then He will begin to reclaim the world unto Himself by opening a series of judgments which will break, shake, and devastate the planet through the Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl judgments.? The Sealed judgments that the Father holds in His hand, is a like a will, or title deed to the earth.? The culmination of God's wrath will come at Christ's Second Coming, upon which all of Creation will witness His return in power and glory as He strikes down all the armies of the earth, and cast the beast, the false prophet alive into the Lake of Fire. ?Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.? "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."? Rev. 1:7-8?Christ is worthy, in fact He is the only One who is worthy, and...?Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.? Philippians 2:9-11?Mysterious Trumpet-Like Sounds Around World Leaves Many in Hope of Messiah's Arrival -By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - ?"If a Shofar shall be blown in a city, can it be that the inhabitants will not be shaken?" (Amos 3:6)?Mysterious trumpet-like noises from the sky have been "continuing to baffle people all over the world," the Daily Mail reported. People in Germany, Ukraine and even Canada and the United States have reported hearing the sounds, leaving many to speculate whether a heavenly signal is being blown from above.?The Bible provides various signs as to the beginning of the Messianic era and the End of Days. However, one such sign, or rather sound, will herald in his final arrival and signal to the nations God's ultimate kingship - the shofar, or ram's horn.?Today, a tourist who goes to the Yochanan Ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem will notice something very unusual. High up, on an inaccessible glass shelf, is a flask of oil and a shofar. The two items look incongruous - too high to be viewed by the public and unreachable for practical use. Yet, they serve an important purpose.?The special oil and shofar are waiting for the arrival of the Messiah, where they will play a role in greeting and anointing him, just as every Jewish king in history has been greeted - with the sound of the shofar and doused in oil sanctified for that purpose (1 Kings 1).?The shofar is traditionally blown in the days leading up to the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashana and on the days of the holiday itself. The Hebrew month of Elul, which began on the eve of August 14, begins a month-long process of repentance leading into Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.?The shofar serves as a piercing reminder to the soul of His kingship and acts as a wake-up call for repentance. Jews around the world sound the shofar every morning for 30 days of Elul and then 10 additional days during the Days of Awe. The origin of blowing the shofar as a form of repentance goes back to Moses ascending Mt.Sinai for 40 days before bringing the Torah down to Israel.?The Biblical significance of and the ancestral connection to the shofar serves as a reminder of personal service to God. The piercing sound of the ram's horn is a wakeup call to the nations to seek out God and inwardly repent, an essential element to the ultimate arrival of the Messiah.?The shofar's origin is attributed to the binding of Isaac, when Abraham's love of God was tested against the love of his son. At the last moment, an angel stayed his hand, and in place, a ram was substituted instead (Genesis 22:13). The site of the altar is, according to Jewish tradition, the site of the Holy Temple, where the ram appeared again as a sacrifice and its horns were used as shofarot in the Temple service.?The primal horn, limited to one note, played a significant role in the Temple service, and the sounds of many shofarot blown simultaneously was heard on every holy day. It is interesting to note that in the Temple, which used gold, silver, and precious gems extensively, adorning a shofar made it unsuitable for use. The sound, as well as the Shofar itself, had to be a simple crying out to God.?The importance of the shofar and its connection to the Holy Temple was exemplified during the 1967 Six Day War. Chief Rabbi of the IDF Shlomo Goren carried a Torah scroll and shofar to the Western Wall following the liberation of Jerusalem from Jordanian rule. The moment, captured in an iconic photo, was the first time a shofar had been blown and heard in the heart of Jerusalem in hundreds of years.?Blowing the shofar in celebration of liberating Jerusalem served two purposes: a shofar always goes before the Nation of Israel in battle (Numbers 10:9) and, as Rabbi Goren explained later, unifying Jerusalem was part of the Messianic process, therefore requiring the blowing of a shofar.???Head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards' Israel intelligence desk is executed as Israeli spy -'s-Revolutionary-Guards'-Israel-intelligence-desk-is-executed-as-Israeli-spy?Highly credible Iranian exile sources in Europe have revealed to debkafile that the Director of the Israel Desk of the Revolutionary Guards clandestine service was executed by a firing squad in late June or early July after he was accused of spying for Israel.??Aged 46, Seyyed Ahmed Dabiri was his codename. His real name is not known. The sources report that he was tried by a Guards martial court and found guilty of tipping Israel off on classified information, including the movements of Iranian military commanders in Syria, Iranian arms shipments to Syria and arms convoys bound for Hezbollah in Lebanon.?Suspicion first fell on Dabiri after the Israeli air force struck the convoy of Iranian and Hezbollah commanders that was on a top-secret visit to the village of Mazraat Amal near the Golan town of Quneitra on Jan. 18. They were there to survey the terrain preparatory to planting a Hezbollah rocket position just across from IDF's Golan outposts, a mission which ended in disaster.?Killed in the attack were the Iranian general in charge of the Syrian front, Gen. Mohammad Ali Allah-Dadi, the high-ranking Hezbollah intelligence officer Ali al-Tabtababni, who was in charge of liaison with the Iranian Guards, and Jihad Mughniyeh, son of the iconic Hezbollah commander in chief, the late Imad Mughniye. He had been assigned command of the Hezbollah Golan base whence to launch a new offensive against Israel.?After the air strike, the plan was abandoned, a setback with devastating effect on the Iranian and Hezbollah high commands. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah announced at the time that the gloves was now off against Israel and that "rules of engagement" with the Jewish state were no longer in force.??No more than a handful of big shots were privy to the Golan tour in the highest Revolutionary Guards highest echelon and the inner circle of Nasrallah.?The IRGC's chief Gen. Ali Jafari and Iran's Middle East commander in chief Gen. Qassem Suleimani ordered an all-encompassing investigation to find out who was responsible for leaking to Israeli intelligence the secret of the Golan tour.?According to the Iranian exiles, the high Hezbollah command and the Guards headquarters in Tehran were exhaustively investigated.?debkafile's sources point to the fact that on Jan. 5, two weeks before Israel's deadly air strike, Nasrallah's deputy, Sheikh Naim Qassem, complained that "Hezbollah is battling espionage within its ranks and has uncovered some major infiltrations."?A short time earlier, in December 2014, Mohammad Shawraba, 42, the deputy chief of Unit 910, which is responsible for external terrorist operations, was arrested on suspicion of spying for Israel.?So in the weeks leading up to the Israeli Golan attack, Hezbollah was buzzing with Israeli spy fever.??Yet the Guards probe failed to discover the source of the leak either in Beirut or Tehran.??When no Israeli mole was identified, the Guards intelligence chief Gen. Hassan Taeb set a trap and baited it with a false piece of intelligence.?On April 25, Israel air planes struck what they believed to be Syrian and Hezbollah bases and arms dumps in the Qalamoun Mountains on the Syrian-Lebanese border. Middle East media carried confused reports on this attack - some claiming it targeted an arms convoy heading into Lebanon from Syria; others cited missile stores or even the Syrian army's 155th and 65th Brigades. Israeli sources declined to confirm or deny any of those versions.? ??The cause of the mix-up was that the target was a red herring. But the attack enabled Iranian spy catchers to narrow down the source and discover that Ahmad Dabiri was the mole who had tipped Israel off..???NOW SHIPPING!!!?The Rapture and the Thief in the Night - Trailer??We must all face the facts and realize that all of us have friends and family members that are going to miss the rapture. In our new video, "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night," we give a step by step explanation of what has happened, why it happened, what to expect next, and what they must do and what they must not do!?Prayerfully our friends and family members will watch this DVD before the Rapture and not miss it, but some will certainly be Left Behind! Every believer needs to watch this video and share it with their unsaved friends, and family members. This video explains why the Rapture is the Blessed Hope of every believer and how this event is different from the Second Coming. It also explains what a person is to do if they miss the Rapture, and the events of the Tribulation, the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast. It is an excellent witnessing tool that will prayerfully keep many from missing the Rapture, at the same time it's also, a valuable guide for those Left Behind. ??To Order your copy of "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night" - please visit our store using the following link:?VISIT STORE???If you chose to mail in your gift of support or your order, please mail it to:?Prophecy UpdatePO Box 40516Bakersfield, CA 93384?CONVERGENCE - of the End Time Signs - DVDIs Now Shipping!!!?Now, also available on USB?Flash-drive?or as a Digital Download???CONVERGENCE Reviews:?Randy,? I just watched "Convergence" this morning and it was excellent!!? So well done, my friend.? The graphics and the news footage used are wonderful!? I love that you put in print what the narrator is saying!? The people's comments are good and the prayer is wonderful, too!?? I am so pleased and grateful to be putting this DVD in my packets!? God bless you.? Please pray with me that God will use these packets and DVDs for His glory and that people will watch the DVDs!!!!? I see how the USA is pushing Israel to give up their God-given land so things could rapidly decline for this nation.? I am so happy to be warning people and to put this excellent DVD in their hands!? Thank you again! - L. Rhone (Iowa)?"I loved this DVD, from beginning to end the message was clear that all the End Time Signs are converging upon the world, just as the Bible predicted. I cried during the part about the Jewish Aliyah when they landed in Israel and kissed the ground. Great Job!" ?- D. Koerner - (California)?Randy,? "Convergence "is so good I am watching if for the 3rd time! - L. Rhone (Iowa)?Outstanding video! Come quickly Lord Jesus! - ?monstermovieman? Just shared on my facebook, hoping to get some people to wake up and ask the Lord into their hearts! - L. TownHi. This is Cheryl, from New Hampshire. Thank you? so much for Convergence. I just received it today. I just finished watching it.??It was FANTASTIC!!? I Praise God for your Ministry. I've been praying that God would prepare the hearts of my family members when I show them the video. I'm praying that God would give them the understanding and?keep them interested to watch it to the end and also keep them awake. ???-------------------------------------------------?Our Best DVD Ever?I believe CONVERGENCE, is the best DVD that we have ever produced! It's jammed packed full of stunningly vivid images and Hi-Def clips, that thoroughly show that we are in the end of the End Times, right before the Rapture and the?Tribulation.??100 % Worded?This DVD is 100% worded for the hearing impaired. Every word the narrator speaks, is clearly on the screen.?A Must See DVD?Every believer needs to watch this DVD and then share it with their friends, family members, and co-workers. Every church, and small bible study group, should watch this DVD and use it to evangelize. There is an?invitation?at the end of the DVD, that gives everyone the opportunity to ask Jesus into their lives!?Evangelistic?tool?It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, well, then a DVD, with thousands of images, must be priceless. Today's generation does not read books as much as us old school people. But, hand them a DVD, and they are more than?likely?to watch it.??Timely?The CONVERGENCE DVD could not be more?timely! It coincides exactly with today's headlines and current events, leaving no doubt, that all the end times signs are happening, just as Jesus predicted.?ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY!??CONVERGENCE of the End Time Signs"CONVERGENCE of the End Time Signs" -?Bible Prophecy fulfillment is in a period of acceleration, a time of Quickening, the world is racing towards Armageddon, now more than ever we must be ready! We are about to enter a time like no other time, a time that no man has ever seen, a time like no other time in the history of this world, as a matter of fact we are about to enter the end times. Since the dawn of mankind, there have always been wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, disease, strange-weather and false Christ's just as Jesus predicted. Fast forward nearly 2,000 years since Jesus made this prediction, and you have today's headlines lining up exactly with the Word of God. The big thing?isn't?that these events?are happening today, is that they are all happening at the very same time! Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes.? Fulfilled prophecy is increasing in frequency and intensity just like birth pains, and Jesus said when you see these know that I am near, even at the door.All the signs of the last days are converging at the same time. Bible Prophecy is happening right before our eyes and like birth pains, ?the predicted events are happening more frequently and more intently. Never, in the history throughout the world have so many forces, including economic, scientific, techno-logic, ecologic, cultural, geopolitical, moral, spiritual and religion, converged together to bring this world that's already teetering over the edge into the abyss, to a point of no return. "CONVERGENCE" brings it all together and will clearly show where all this heading and what people need to do!CONVERGENCE -This DVD is Now Shipping!!!CLICK HERE TO ORDERCHECK OUT ALL OUR AMAZING DVD'SThe End of Times - Israel God's Timepiece - The Rapture - After the Rapture - As in the Days of Noah - Gog and Magog - Perilous Times - The Antichrist - Living on Borrowed Time - Angels, ?Aliens & Armageddon - There will be Tribulation - Jerusalem A Cup of Trembling -?The Revelation Series -?The Daniel SeriesWelcome to Prophecy UpdateVISIT OUR STORE BY CLICKING HERE??READ SOME OF OUR REVIEWS:?"Awesome - Great Work - Congratulations!"? - D. Koerner?"I found it really moving" - D. Bower?"The scene inside the church was awesome. I need to go home and lay on my face. Great work man!"- R. Miller?"Awesome video! I watched it last night with my family, and we loved it, and plan to share the word about it" -?? C. Young?"My wife and I watched the video and it is outstanding. Biblically?solid...... we especially like the clear bible referencing and quoting. The video is a moving tapestry tightly weaved with spectacular photography, bible references, and the signs of the times put together like a jigsaw puzzle. The gospel is presented clearly with tender love. We pray that this DVD gets distributed far and wide. I hope youth ministers have the courage to show this DVD rather than the garbage materials of the emergent church movement." - John Wicklund Board President for Olive Tree Ministries ?"I received The End of Times DVD today. It is Superb! For those that don't know much, or anything about Bible Prophecy, this DVD should really open their eyes, a great teaching tool. For those that have grown cold or indifferent in the Lord, this should awaken them." T. Nelson??"The DVD provides an effective mix of biblical teaching and history, interspersed with the happenings in Israel today.? Particularly effective is the emotional ending showing the return of Jewish people worldwide back to Israel and traveling with a sense of destiny.? Many commentators have said Israel is God's hour hand, Jerusalem is the minute hand, and the Temple Mount is the second hand on God's timepiece.? The video is a great introduction and myth-buster for those who do not know of the importance of Israel in God's eyes or who believe Israel has as much significance in today's world as Madagascar or the Canary Islands." - John Wicklund, Chairman Olive Tree Ministries Board of Directors?Got the DVD today and just finished watching it...outstanding!!! Loved it!!! - G. Madison - Oklahoma??I watched "Israel God's Timepiece" last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have loved Israel ever since I read the book "Exodus", when I was in the Army in 1958. I do everything I can to support Israel and get people involved in what they are going through, and more than that, to pray for Peace in Jerusalem, according to Psalm 122. Your DVD was a fitting tribute to this wonderful, spectacular country and God's very own "baby". Thanks for taking the time to put it together. Very well done. - J. Masters - Mississippi?It is really a professional production and I see why it is so well received. In fact we felt it is actually the best film we have seen on end time events. - Bill & Brenda Hicks??At first I thought it was going to be another routine message but as it progressed it became more and more impressive. It was a great message. Congratulations on a very well presented and produced DVD. - R. Webb - Williamsburg?Another effective witness from Randy and Prophecy Update. The "There will be Tribulation" video describes the purpose and the sequence of events during the final seven years prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The linkage to many Old Testament prophecies clearly show the importance of the nation of Israel to this seven-year period. The pictures in the video document a world already full of tribulation- how terrible will be those seven years. Great teaching tool for small groups and youth ministers to present the gospel message through the topic of bible prophecy. - John Wicklund Chair- Olive Tree Ministries Board of Directors??"Moving and Inspirational" - D. Koerner, Bakersfield, CA??"Your Presentation will literally scare the h-ll out some people. There is enough scripture and warnings of what is coming to cause, anyone, who has put off accepting the Lord's salvation through Jesus to repent now!" - Don Mills - Director of Programming - CSN Radio - Twin Falls, ID??Brother Randy, to say it was a great movie documentary is an understatement. Thank you for doing the Lord's work. This movie gave me the chills. - Terrance Alan - Kaukauna, WI??Thanks so much for the DVD There will be Tribulation...I watched it the other day, finally.?? It is well done and really holds your attention. In fact, it's unrelenting...which of course is what it needs to be. - Rich and JoAnne - Temecula, CA??VISIT OUR STORE BY CLICKING HERE???? Nearing midnight: Apocalyptic Axis in the News - Terry James - 's unveiling of the end-times coalition that will constitute a catastrophe second only to the destruction at Armageddon seems a page of history that is in process of being turned at this very moment. ?The protagonist nations making up the apocalyptic horde of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 rumble ominous forewarning across the face of the modern Middle East. Their threats flicker in lightning-like shards against the increasingly darkening clouds of long-ago prophesied evil. While the end-of-the-age storm front gathers exactly as Jesus and the Old and New Testament prophets foretold, only a few see the danger coming. ?You who are reading this commentary are among that very limited number of prophetic weather observers. Few, even within the evangelical church, want to think on things that every indicator screams in siren-like fashion is coming upon this generation that is ripe for God's judgment. ?Pastors have life lessons to prepare, marriages and funerals to preach, and building and church administration budgets to oversee. People in pews have children to raise, college tuitions to worry about funding, and the many cares of daily life in Americana in which to engage. The young--and not-so-young in many cases--have their cyber entertainments and other forms of amusements and business activities to conduct. Romances are to be nurtured and engaged in, while preparation for long lives of living on earth takes up every waking moment. ?There observably is no time among God's people to think on what God wants His children to know about things to come. And, those things are on the very cusp of happening. ?This is all in consideration of life in the most blessed nation ever to grace the earth's surface. Things across most of the rest of the world are much, much different for the most part. Many in those regions are longing for their Lord to intervene on their behalf. Areas of the world other than North America and some parts of Europe especially are constituted of populations that face daily struggles even the poorest of Americans cannot fathom. As the just-released book by Robert L. Maginnis, Never Submit, points out in vivid description the genocide against Christians and others that is taking place like in ancient times. The raging tide of militant, satanically inspired Islamists threatens anyone in their path. ?Jesus admonition was, I'm convinced, issued particularly for this generation--a generation of people who are doing anything but what the Lord exhorts in His words of forewarning: "And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch " (Mark 13: 37). ?If you are watching, you cannot miss the apocalyptic axis that is forming at this very moment. The horrendous force, with Islam at its center, will, when the Lord himself allows, bring truly cataclysmic destruction. Preachers and teachers of the Bible who believe it to be the inerrant Word of the Living God should be watching and understanding what is happening while prophecy is preparing for fulfillment. But they aren't. They are as willfully ignorant of what the headlines portend as are this presidential administration and the world of diplomats who are supposed to be the smartest people on the planet. ?U.S. presidential administration operatives and the world's diplomats have excuse for their not having a clue. They don't know the Lord, who knows the end from the beginning, and has told of this great invasion of the Middle East, which is building by the moment. ?The people who have been commissioned by the Lord of Heaven to shepherd the flocks--the children of God on earth--have no such excuse. ?Briefly, to bring these woefully and willfully ignorant "shepherds" up to date, it is the Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophecy that should not be missed by any Bible student who believes God's Word as being literally true at every level. ?The Russian, Iranian (Persian), Turkish (Togarmah) coalition is forming at an amazing rate. The following brief excerpts bring this stunning end-times prophecy starkly into view. I don't go into the Turkish part of the axis in this commentary, but, suffice it to say that Turkey is in the news for its growing, hegemonic influence in the Mideast region as strongly as are Russia and Iran. ?Two Russian warships have docked in northern Iran for a series of naval training exercises with the Islamic Republic, according to Persian-language reports translated by the CIA's Open Source Center. ?The two Russian ships docked in Iran's Anzali port on Sunday and will hold "joint naval exercises during the three-day stay of the warships in Iran," according to a Persian-language report in Iran's state-controlled Fars News Agency... ?Russian and Iran have grown close in recent years, with delegations from each country regularly visiting one another to ink arms deals and other agreements aimed at strengthening Iran's nuclear program... ?Last week, a senior Iranian naval commander warned the United States against ever taking military action on Iranian interests, claiming that the response would be "unpredictably strong."... ?The military leader went on to claim that "Iranian Armed Forces are now at the highest level of preparedness" and that "only the dead body of the American troops realizes the power of the Islamic Revolution. ("Russian Warships Dock In Iran for War Training," Washington Free Beacon, by Adam Kredo, August 11, 2015) ?The prophecy is clear, and for the Christian--all who have been given the commission by the Lord Himself to "watch" for prophetic developments--the message should be clear. The Gog-Magog attack is shaping in these troubled times. Israel is the target, as that nation is the target for a growing world of God-haters. ?For a number of reasons, my own opinion is that this attack will take place following the Rapture of the Church. This means that His call to all believers must be very near indeed. All the more reason to "watch." ?"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13). ?[3] - Ibid. ??The Mystery Of September 23: Why Does 9/23 Keep Popping Up All Over the Place - ?By Michael Snyder - is going to happen on September 23rd, 2015?? For months, there has been an incredible amount of buzz on the Internet about the month of September, and in particular there has been a tremendous amount of speculation about the date of September 23rd.? For a long time I didn't pay much attention to all of this chatter, because I like to stick to things that I can prove.? In law school, I was trained to be very analytical and to greatly value hard evidence.? If you follow my articles regularly, you have probably noticed those traits reflected in my writing.? Well, today I am going to discuss some things that I cannot prove.? I am going to share with you some things that other people are reporting, and I humbly submit them for your consideration.? Personally, I do not know what is going to happen on September 23rd, but I have come to the conclusion that there are just way too many "coincidences" to ignore.?? Ultimately, you need to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.?There are a couple of things about September 23 that we can say that we know for sure.? First of all, Yom Kippur falls on that day.? It is the most solemn of all of the holy days in the Bible, and it is commonly connected with the judgment of God.?Secondly, we know that Pope Francis will be arriving at the White House to meet with Barack Obama on September 23.?But both of those events are not that unusual.? Yom Kippur happens every year, and U.S. presidents have met with popes quite often in the past.?So why is everyone getting so excited??Well, when you couple the amazing confluence of events that we are going to witness in September 2015 with the unprecedented warnings and cryptic messages about the three day period of September 22nd to September 24th that seem to be popping up all over the place, it is enough to cause any rational person to stop and reflect on what might happen.?If you are not familiar with what I am talking about, I encourage you to watch the three YouTube videos that I have posted below.?I want to make it clear that I do not agree with everything in these videos.?Again, I do not agree with everything in these videos.?But all three of them do contain some incredible "coincidences" that I cannot explain away.?In this first video, we see that the numbers 9/23 just keep occurring over and over again during recent global catastrophes...?Watch: ?In this next video, we see that the date of 9/23 has been repeatedly embedded in popular movies and television shows...?Watch: ?Lastly, I want to share with you an extraordinary message by Jim Staley entitled "September 23rd, 2015 - The Convergence" in which he discusses all of the things that are going to happen on and around this date...?Watch: ?Did watching those three videos change your perspective on this??I have to admit that they shook me up.? And when you combine all of this information with dreams and visions that people have been having about September, it starts to become difficult to ignore this phenomenon.?Just yesterday, I was alerted to the following message that Dr. Patricia Green just recently released...?This is a message from the LORD given to Patricia Green on July 29, 2015.?"September 23rd is the day Obama makes a pact with the devil. It was not by chance that the Pope and Obama are meeting on the Day of Atonement. (September 23, 2015) They will make a pact that will seal the fate of the United States of America. My vengeance will be poured out from this point forward. (September 23rd) There is no turning back.?Tell My people to draw close to Me in these last days. Tell them to purify their hearts by the washing of the water of My Word. Tell them to ask My Spirit to expose any wickedness within themselves, so they can repent and be clean.?I am returning for My Bride without spot or wrinkle. I am coming for a pure Bride. Only those who are purified by My Spirit and My Word are My Bride. There will be no pretending when I return. Many will say, "LORD, LORD, did I not prophesy in Your Name, heal the sick, cast out demons, and bring people into Your kingdom?" And I will say to those who had impure hearts, "Get from Me, I never knew you."?This is the time for self-reflection. If you judge yourself in this season and repent of your hidden sin, your sin will not be exposed to your shame.?Now is the time to purify your own hearts. Now is the time before My vengeance is poured out."?Once again, I do not personally know what will happen on September 23rd.?If I did, I would tell you.?I am just reporting what others are saying.? Use discernment and decide for yourself if there is anything to all of this.?But without a doubt, the month of September does appear to be extremely significant.? In a recent article, I detailed some of the things that will be happening next month...?September 14th - Rosh Hashanah?September 15th - The Jade Helm military exercises are scheduled to end.?September 15th - The 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins on this date.? It has been widely reported that France plans to introduce a resolution which will give formal UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state shortly after the new session begins.? Up until now, the U.S. has always been the one blocking such a resolution, but Barack Obama has already indicated that things may be different this time around.? If alarm bells are going off in your head as you read this, then you probably already understand how significant this event could potentially be.?September 20th to September 26th - The "World Week For Peace in Palestine Israel" sponsored by the World Council of Churches.?September 21st - The UN International Day Of Peace.? Could this be the day when the UN Security Council resolution establishing a Palestinian state is actually adopted??September 23rd - Yom Kippur?September 23rd - Pope Francis arrives at the White House to meet with Barack Obama.? Some have suggested that the timing of this event is highly unusual...?Francis is the 266th pope who will be meeting with President Obama on the 266th day of the year, leading one Internet preacher to wonder if "something is being birthed" on that day, since 266 days is the typical human gestation period from conception to birth.?September 24th - The Pope addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress.?September 25th to September 27th - The United Nations is going to launch a brand new sustainable development agenda called "The 2030 Agenda".? The following is an excerpt from an article that I just wrote about this insidious new plan...?If you didn't like Agenda 21, then you really are not going to like "The 2030 Agenda".? Next month, the United Nations is going to launch "The 2030 Agenda" at a major conference that will be held from September 25th to September 27th in New York City.? The Pope is actually traveling to New York to deliver an address which will kick off this conference.? Unlike Agenda 21, which primarily focused on the environment, the 2030 Agenda is truly a template for governing the entire planet.? In addition to addressing climate change, it also sets ambitious goals for areas such as economics, health, energy, education, agriculture, gender equality and a whole host of other issues.? As you will see below, this global initiative is being billed as a "new universal Agenda" for humanity.? If you are anything like me, alarm bells are going off in your head right about now.?September 28th - This is the date when the Feast of Tabernacles begins.? It is also the date for the last of the four blood moons that fall on Biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015.? This blood moon falls on the very first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, it will be a "supermoon", and it will be clearly visible from the city of Jerusalem.? There are many that dismiss the blood moon phenomenon, but we have seen similar patterns before.? For example, a similar pattern of eclipses happened just before and just after the destruction of the Jewish temple by the Romans in 70 AD.?I want to make it clear that I am not claiming that anything specific will happen on any particular date.?But I am not claiming that nothing will happen on any of these days either.?I do believe that September will be an extremely significant month, and without a doubt I do believe that we are currently living in the last days of normal life in America.Daily Jot: Results of negotiating with terrorists - Bill Wilson - ?For decades the United States followed the policy and law of not negotiating with terrorists. Before Ronald Reagan was elected President, the Ayatollahs in Iran were empowered by President Jimmy Carter's assistance in deposing US ally and leader of Iran, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Carter's actions actually accelerated modern terrorism as Iran became the foremost sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East and around the world. Carter was rewarded by the Ayatollah taking over the US Embassy and holding Americans hostage. Reagan's non-negotiating posture resulted in the hostages being released hours after he took office. Fast forward to today, where negotiating with terrorists is akin to a Carter rerun.?The US has negotiated with Iran, a terrorist sponsoring state. Whenever negotiations take place, there is the promise of compromise. Tyrants are really good at gaining what they want. They follow a humanist, communist doctrine of negotiating called the Hegelian Dialectic--thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis. The thesis is the current situation. The anti-thesis is what the tyrant wants. The synthesis is how much the tyrant gets. In Iran's case, it is estimated that over $150 BILLION will flow into the country when sanctions are lifted. Some of it will be from yours and my tax payments. The "president" says it will prevent Iran from having a nuclear bomb. The Iranian Ayatollah is chanting "death to America; death to Israel"--literally.?The "president" has also broken policy and law by negotiating a diplomatic exchange with Cuba's communist and terrorist-sponsoring government and his heroes Fidel and Raul Castro. Those Cubans who fled for their lives when Castro came to power and was killing all the capitalists in the small island feel they have been thrown under the bus. The US received no assurances of improvements from the Castro's. But Fidel is saying that the US owes him money. He said, hours before Secretary of State John Kerry reopened the US Embassy there, "Cuba is owed compensation equivalent to damages, which total many millions of dollars." Same principle as Iran--negotiate, compromise, pay up.?Where are we ever supposed to compromise with evil? Psalm 119:1-3 says, "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways." Some translations say, "They also do not compromise with evil..." We are to overcome evil with good and to stand fast against the powers of darkness. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we should compromise with evil, hence the longstanding policy of not negotiating with terrorists. Unfortunately, this Administration feels comfortable enough with the forces of darkness to compromise with them, even while they continue to spew evil from their lips.?Daily Devotion: After the Victory - Greg Laurie - ?Joshua sent some of his men from Jericho to spy out the town of Ai, east of Bethel, near Beth-aven. When they returned, they told Joshua, "There's no need for all of us to go up there; it won't take more than two or three thousand men to attack Ai. Since there are so few of them, don't make all our people struggle to go up there." -Joshua 7:2-3?The story of the Israelites' victory over Jericho is of the greatest stories ever told. But after Jericho came Ai. It was a small city compared to Jericho, which was lying in smoldering ruins. The Israelites apparently thought they could have essentially done this one in their sleep. They didn't even need the whole Israeli army, they reasoned-just a few thousand. This argument was based on the supposition that Israel had captured Jericho.?But if anything is clear from the story of Jericho's fall, Israel had very little to do with its defeat. God did it. As the Israelites were willing to humble themselves and do it God's way, He brought them a great victory. Yet when it came to Ai, they were acting as though they could knock down another city without any effort or apparent dependence on God.?It was God's plan for the Israelites to go from victory to victory, overtaking their enemies in Canaan. But they had to do God's will in God's way. Instead, they faced a crushing defeat at Ai, which was much smaller than Jericho.?Sometimes we are more vulnerable after a time of victory in our lives. We are more vulnerable after God has blessed us. So don't be surprised the next time you leave church and get attacked spiritually. Don't be surprised when the Lord has done a great work in your life and then there is a spiritual attack.?After Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit came upon Him in the form a dove. And then He went immediately into the wilderness, where He was tested by the Devil. After the dove came the Devil.?As the Scottish preacher Andrew Bonar once said, "Let us be as watchful after the victory as before the battle."FROM THE HEART??IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY,?TRULY,?THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT??Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks!??If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now!What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake?"Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!""Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack.2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others.3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update.I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks!Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13Prophecy Update is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt -?non-profit?organization, and all your donations are tax deductible.??If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to:DONATE NOW?Or Visit our website: write us at:?Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516????If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven?Find out, visit:Prophecy Update - GoodSearch Toolbar Prophecy Update Toolbar is free to download and allows you to raise money for our cause every time you search or shop onlineDID YOU KNOW?You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email:prophecyupdate@bak.Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly)??"On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand."??"Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!"??YBIC-RandyStay Connected?? ?? ?? Prophecy Update - PO Box 40516 - Bakersfield, CA 93384 ................

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