Male Names

ACTEON: In mythology, this is the name of a hunter who was torn to pieces by his own dogs. He was then transformed into a deer, thus himself becoming the hunted. 

ÆMILIUS: Ancient Roman Latin name, meaning "rival."

AENEAS: meaning "praiseworthy." In mythology, this is the name of a Trojan warrior who founded the Roman state. 

ANTONIUS: meaning "invaluable."

AUGUSTUS: Ancient Roman Latin name meaning "venerable."

BRUTUS: Roman Latin name meaning "heavy" or "the dullard."

CATO: Roman Latin name meaning "all-knowing, wise."

CELER: Roman name meaning "swift." This is the name of the horse of the Roman Emperor Verus. It was fed on almonds and raisins, covered with royal purple, and stalled in the imperial palace.

CICERO: Roman Latin name derived from the word cicer, meaning "chickpea."

CLAUDIUS: Roman family name derived from Latin claudus, meaning "lame."

CORNELIUS: Latin name derived from the word cornu ("horn"), hence "of a horn."

CRISPINUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Crispus, meaning "curly(-headed)."

DECIMUS: Roman name meaning "tenth."

DIODORUS: Latin form of Greek Diodoros, meaning "gift of Zeus." 

DRUSUS: Roman family name, possibly from Old Celtic *dru-, meaning "oak; strong." 

ENNIUS: Roman Latin name, possibly meaning "predestined"

HELIODORUS: Latin form of Greek Heliodoros, meaning "gift of the sun."

HERCULES: Latin form of Greek Herakles, meaning "glory of Hera." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Zeus by the mortal woman Alcmene. He is noted for his exceptional physical strength and the twelve labors he completed after which he was made a god. 

JUVENAL: Short form of Roman Latin Juvenalis, meaning "youthful."

LUCANUS: Latin name meaning "from Lucania," a region of southern Italy. Lucania probably comes from the word lux, meaning "light." 

LUPUS: Latin name derived from the word lupus, meaning "wolf."

MARCUS: Latin name derived from the name of the Roman god of war, Mars, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."

MAXIMUS: Latin name meaning "the greatest."

NERVA: Roman name derived from Latin nervus, meaning "strength."

OCTAVIAN: Short form of Roman Latin Octavianus, meaning "eighth."

PONTUS: Latin form of Greek Pontos, meaning "sea." In mythology, this is the name of a god of the sea, the father of Nereus, Phorkys, and other sea-gods.

PROMETHEUS: Latin form of Greek Promêtheus, meaning "forethought." In mythology, this is the name of the Titan who was punished by Zeus for stealing fire to give to mankind.

PYRRHUS: Latin form of Greek Pyrrhos, meaning "flame-like." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Achilles.

QUINTUS: Roman Latin name meaning "fifth." Sometimes given to the fifth born child.

REGULUS: Roman Latin name meaning "ruler."

ROMULUS: Roman Latin name meaning "from Rome." In mythology, this is the name of the brother of Remus. According to legend, Romulus and Remus were the founders of Rome.

REMUS: According to legend, Romulus and Remus were the founders of Rome.

RUFUS: Latin name meaning "red-haired."

SECUNDUS: Roman Latin name meaning "second."

VALERIUS: Roman name, derived from Latin valere, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 

VARIUS: Roman Latin name meaning "versatile." 

Female Names

ACCA: In Roman mythology, this is part of the name of the wife of Faustulus, Acca Larentia, who saved the infants Romulus and Remus from drowning in the Tiber river.

ANATOLA: Feminine form of Latin Anatolius, meaning "east" and "sunrise."

ARIADNE: Latin form of Greek Ariadnê, meaning "utterly pure." In mythology, this is the name of the daughter of King Minos.

ATALANTA: Latin form of Greek Atalante, meaning "equal in weight." In mythology, this is the name of the fleet-footed maiden who refused to marry any man who could not beat her in a foot-race.

AURELIA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Aurelius, meaning "golden."

BELLATRIX: From the Latin name of a star in the constellation Orion, meaning "female warrior."

CAMILLA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Camillus, possibly meaning "attendant (for a temple)." In mythology, this is the name of a warrior maiden and queen of the Volsci. 

CLARA: Feminine form of Latin Clarus, meaning "clear, bright."

CLAUDIA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Claudius and French Claude, both meaning "lame."

CORNELIA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Cornelius, meaning "of a horn." 

DARIA: Feminine form of Latin Darius, meaning "possesses a lot, wealthy."

DIANA: Latin name meaning "divine, heavenly." In Roman mythology, this is the name of a goddess of the moon and hunting.

DULCIA: Latin name meaning "sweet."

FAUSTINA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Faustinus, meaning "lucky."

FLAVIA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Flavius, meaning "yellow hair."

HORATIA: Feminine form of Latin Horatius, meaning "has good eyesight."

LAVERNA: Latin name, possibly meaning "spring-like; to be verdant." In Roman mythology, this is the name of a goddess of illegally-obtained money. She is the patroness of charlatans, con men and thieves. 

LAVINIA: Latin name possibly meaning "purity." In Roman mythology, this is the name of the wife of Aeneas.

LEONA: Feminine form of Latin Leo, meaning "lion." 

LIVIA: This was the name of the wife of the Roman emperor Augustus.

LUCILLA: Diminutive form of Roman Latin Lucia, meaning "light." 

MINERVA: Roman name, possibly derived from Latin mens, meaning "intellect." In mythology, this is the name of a goddess of wisdom and war. Equated with Greek Athene.

SEPTIMA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Septimus, meaning "seventh."

URSULA: Latin name composed of the word ursa "she-bear" and a diminutive suffix, hence "little she-bear."

VESTA: Latin form of Greek Hestia, meaning "altar, hearth, fireside." In Roman mythology, this is the name of a goddess of the hearth.

VIOLA: Latin name meaning "violet color" or "violet flower."


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