Loudoun County Public Schools

Create a Myth Movie Poster or Movie Trailer!Due Date:__________________________Assignment: Working with your partner or alone, you will be responsible for researching and creating a movie poster and movie synopsis about a myth of your assigned god or goddess. This movie poster and synopsis must incorporate the important parts of the myth, the responsibilities of your god/goddess, and any other important information that you find on a movie poster (title, setting, characters!)Roles: Art director (responsible for the layout of the poster), Researcher (responsible for finding the information about the god/goddess including the myth), Screenwriter (responsible for writing the synopsis of the myth), and the Director (responsible for keeping the group on track and an eye on the time)NOTE: All members help out with ALL parts of the assignment. The Art Director is not the only one to do the coloring, nor is the Researcher the only one to be looking things up. Movie Poster/TrailerIllustrates the myth you are bringing to life in the movieMust include elements of modern movie posters/trailers:TitleCharacters/ActorsDirectorSettingVISUALS—should be more pictures than words!Synopsis (Written Report – 2 paragraphs)Has 2 partsPart I: Give the background on your god/goddess. You should answer the following questions:Who is your god/goddess?What is he/she the god/goddess of?Who is he/she related to?Do he/she have any cities dedicated to them?Are there any examples of this god/goddess in our world today? (HINT: Look for their Roman names!)Part II: Myth SynopsisSummarize your myth/movie for the benefit of the classWhat aspect of life does the myth explain? (Life events, natural phenomena, or human qualities—and how?)Grading: See Rubric!Movie Poster and Synopsis RubricCategoryLevel 1(1 pt)Level 2(3pts)Level 3 (5 pts)Movie Poster/Trailer Myth Knowledge Has few of level 3 characteristicsHas most of level 3 characteristicsDemonstrates thorough understanding of the mythDemonstrates thorough understanding of the god/goddessAttractivenessHas few of level 3 characteristicsHas most of level 3 characteristicsNeatColorful—eye-catchingEasy to read textIncorporation of Movie Poster FeaturesHas few of level 3 characteristicsHas most of level 3 characteristicsTitleCharacters/ActorsAppropriate Visuals presentSynopsisQuality and Accuracy of InformationHas few of level 3 characteristicsHas most of level 3 characteristicsAnswers all questions listed above thoroughly and with attention to detailReadabilityHas few of level 3 characteristicsHas most of level 3 characteristicsSynopsis is neat and readable (no crazy fonts) with 0-1 grammar or spelling mistakes.GroupworkFulfillment of RoleHas few of level 3 characteristicsHas most of level 3 characteristicsIndividual works on task with little prompting from instructor. Helps out with ALL tasks, and not just his/her ownContributes ideas as well as effortTotal: /30Zeus - Possible Myths:War against the TitansHis many wivesZeus, Hera and IoHera – Possible Myths:The story of why we have echoesHera and HephaestusHer revenge on all of Zeus’s loversAphrodite – Possible MythsAphrodite and the Trojan War Aphrodite, Ares and HephaestusAphrodite and the PsycheApollo – Possible MythsApollo and CassandraApollo’s Oracle at DelphiHermes and ApolloAthena – Possible MythsAthena and the Trojan WarAthena and Arachne Athena vs. Poseidon for patronage of Greek City Ares- Possible MythsAres and AphroditeAres and the BoarAres and the Trojan WarPoseidon- Possible MythsPoseidon v. Athena for patronageWhy Greece has so many islandsDolphin in the starsHades - Possible Myths Persephone Why we have mintWhy he is the god of the underworld ................

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