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Fluid Mechanics, 4th Edition, by Frank M. White

NOTES ABOUT ERRATA IN THE FIRST PRINTING (not necessarily in order, as new corrections are added to the end of the document):

Page 51, Problem 1.62, line 2:

“If the hydrogen-water interface...” (not ‘hydrogen-air)

Page 88, Eq. (2.52): When changing to blue, the first denominator vanished:

(Presently, the denominator tan( is missing – it was there in Final Proofs.)

Page 186, Problem 3.18, last line: add data for b and h:

Add data: “...estimate umax in m/s for b = h = 10 cm.”

Page 187, Problem 3.25, next-to-last line:

Change Δu to ΔU: “...Find ΔU as a function of stream speed...”

Page 189, Problem 3.36, line 2: add ‘-in-’ (for inch)

“...through a 3-in-pipe and entrains...” (not ‘ 3-pipe’ )

Page 205, Problem 3.150, the equation “hf ( ...” needs a subscript “1” on V:

Page 409, Prob. 6.58, the very bottom of the right column:

“... and (z = 100 m....” (not (x = 100 m)

Page 458, Table 7.2, bottom, elliptical cylinder. Numbers on the left side of the

figures should have a colon, not a decimal point:

1:1 , 2:1 , 4:1 , and 8:1 (not 1.1, 2.1, 4.1, 8.1)

Page 500, Eq. (8.17): Second integral should have d(, not d(:

Page 551, Eqs. (8.199abc): Compositor failed to restore all denominators:

Page 613, line 12: the second “1” should be a plus sign (+):

fLD1 = fLD2 + DeltafLD , not “= fLD2 1 DeltafLD”

Page 627: Add an EES Icon to the Solution to Example 9.17.

Page 641, Problem 9.9, line 3, change ‘at an exit pressure equal to’:

to: “at Vexit = 1600 m/s to an ambient pressure of 54 kPa.”

Page 647, Problem 9.80, Forgot to specify the tire volume:

“...thousandths of an inch. The tire volume is 2.5 ft2.

Page 762, Problem 11.70, last line, add data:

“...what is the flow rate if d = 8 inches.”

Pages 806-812: Answers to Selected Problems – corrections in red:

2.8 (b) DALR = 9.77 (C/km

2.28 4400 ( 400 ft

2.38 (a) p1gage = ( (m-(a)gh – ((t-(a)gH

2.48 F = 39700 N

2.68 18,040 N

2.102 124 kN

2.116 19100 N/m3

2.126 h/H=Z-(Z2-1+()1/2, (=d/H, Z=(2+(-()/2, (=pa/((gH)

2.130 Slightly unstable, MG = -0.007 m

2.136 MG = L2/(3(R) – 4R/(3()

2.157 77 r/min, minimum pressure halfway between B and C (not 2.156)

3.18 (b) Q = 16bhumax/9

3.62 3100 N

3.70 91 lbf

3.74 Fx = 0 , Fy = - 17 N , Fz = - 126 N

3.88 V = ( + [(2 + 2(Vj]1/2 , ( = (Q/2k

3.138 μ ’ πρgd4(H+L)/(128LQ) – (2(Q/(16(L)

3.162 Q = 166 ft3/min, (p = 0.0204 lbf/in2

3.164 (a) 5.25 kg/s ; (b) 91 cm

3.178 h2 = 2.03 ft (subcritical) or 0.74 ft (supercritical)

4.70 (= (cos(/(r2), ( = 2am

4.76 (a) 0.106 m from A; (b) 0.333 m above the wall

4.78 (a) Vwall,max = m/L; (b) pmin at x = L

5.14 (/x = fcn((Ux/()

5.36 (a) QlossR/(A(T) = constant

5.50 (a) F/((UL) = constant

5.68 (a) F/((U) = constant; (b) No, not plausible

6.56 (a) 188 km; (b) 27 MW

6.104 (p = 0.0305 lbf/in2

7.18 ( = 0.16(; Fdrag = 0.024 N

7.34 725 N

7.52 CD(ReL)1/2 = 2.67 (by numerical integration)

7.64 (t1000-2000m = 202 s

7.118 (a) 21 m/s; (b) 360 m

8.82 (a) 4.5 m/s; (b) 1.13; (c) 1.26 hp

9.2 (a) V2 = 450 m/s, (s = 515 J/kg-K; (b) V2 = 453 m/s, (s = 512 J/kg-K

9.48 (a) 313 m/s; (b) 0.124 m/s; (c) 0.00331 kg/s

9.72 Mass flow = 0.5 kg/s, pe = 208 kPa, Mae = 0.407

9.78 Case A: 0.0071 kg/s; B: 0.0068 kg/s

11.14 1870 W

11.66 1240 ft3/min

Fluid Mechanics, 4th Ed., by Frank M. White NEW 4/8/99

FURTHER ERRATA IN THE 1st PRINTING, discovered by Christoffer Norberg

p. 67, line 1 below Fig. 2.6: ... and p2 = pa at z2 = 0: (subscript a , not z)

p. 138, line 10: “...double-integral flux terms required...” (not triple-integral)

p. 169, Fig. E3.18, near top arrow: should be (s = 700 hp, (not (s).

p. 180, Eqs. (2) and (3) need negative signs:

p. 181, equation below Eq. (1) and the sentence “We relate...”:

A1V1 = A2V2

V1 = (2V2 (not (2V2 )

p. 232, Eq. (4.47); Minus sign before the square bracket: (v = - [......

p. 233, 4 lines below Eq. (4.50); ...using the linear-momentum equation (4.32)

p. 240, line 8: ...as follows. From Eq. (1.41) the definition ...

p. 256, Fig. 4.15, left side: just plain U ( not U( ).

p. 293, 3 lines above Eq. (5.24a): ...variables from Eqs. (5.23) into Eqs. (5.21) and (5.22)

p. 294, last term of Eq. (5.25) should have a minus sign:

p. 330, line 19: ... no analyses which can simulate the fine scale random ...

p. 339, Eq. (6.26): reverse the subscripts on V: ... = ((V2 – V1) = 0

p. 353, center of “Iterative Solution”, two places, change 6.54 to 6.64:

“... compute fnew ( 0.0201 [Eq. (6.64)]. (two places)

p. 373, Eq. (6.104), power of 4: “... = 1 – d14/d24 – Cp (6.104) ”

p. 385, Fig. 6.28a, and p. 386, Fig. 6.28b, if possible without excessive expense,

change Mt = 0.2 to Mat = 0.2 . (Mach number should be Ma)

p. 393, Eq. (6.120): drop the letter L: “ f = (const)(U) (6.120) ”

p. 415, Problem P6.118: add the flow rate as data:

“... compute the overall pressure drop p1-p2 in lbf/ft2 if Q = 20 ft3/s. ”

p. 480, Problem P7.43, last line: change to 5 mm instead of cm:

“... in m/s, at 5 mm above the element. ”

p. 486, Prob. P7.96, line 5: the W should be ( (cap omega):

“... for the rotation rate ( as a function of U, D, ...”

p. 504, if not too expensive to change a label in Figure 8.7: The line from

the ith vortex to the point (x,y) should be labeled ri , not rt.

p. 531, Fig. 8.22b: If inexpensive, change the signs on y:

y = 1/2 b in upper right of the wing, y = - ½ b in the lower left.

p. 533, Eq. (8.81), “L = ...”: Add a denominator (1+2/AR), shilling style:

p. 563, Prob. P8.94: change 8.84 to 8.86 and change 8.85 to 8.87:

“... streamlines from Eq. (8.86) are everywhere ... lines from Eq. (8.87) ...”

p. 582, Ans. (c): add subscript 1 : “ (o1 = ... ” (not just (o = )

p. 645, Prob. P9.62: Add a data sentence at the end: The exit area is 10 cm2.

p. 649, Prob. P9.115: Add data at the end: Assume To1 = 305 K.

p. 651, Prob. P9.137: “... all combinations of ( and h in ...” (not ()

p. 697, Prob. P10.25: Delete the last a: “ ... range 0 < y/a < 0.866.” (not 0.866a)

p. 698, Prob. P10.27: “... wall shear stress is 0.15 lbf/ft2, and compare...” (not 0.18)

p. 700, Prob. P10.68: “... the maximum Froude number is 1.47. ” (not 1.715)

p. 703, Prob. P10.103: Modify the last two sentences: “Is this a mild or steep slope,

of type 1, 2, or 3? Take R = 50 cm. ”

p. 704, Prob. P10.108: Add data at the end: “ Let So = 0.005. ”

p. 765, Prob. 11.94: Add data at end: “ ... power specific speed if n = 200 rev/min.”

p. 767, Design Project: Should be labeled D11.1 (not P11.1)

p. 811, Answer to 9.72: Mass flow = 0.5 kg/s, pe = 185 kPa, Mae = 0.407

NOTE: If further errors are detected, please notify Frank M. White, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 92 Upper College Road, Kingston RI 02881. Phone 401-789-1733, Fax 401-874-2355, E-mail WhiteF@egr.uri.edu. Thanks.














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