Free Spirit Area of Narcotics AnonymousArea Service Committee Meeting MinutesThe Committee met at Praise Tabernacle Church, 330 Park Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910 on March 19, 2017 at 4 PM. The meeting opened with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer. The following were read: The Twelve Traditions, The Twelve Concepts, and The Service Prayer.Voting Members: There were 8 GSRs and 6 Main Body members.Group Service Representatives (GSRs)Message of Hope – Mike F. (also Area Alt. Secretary) – mtflagg@Message of Hope Alternate – Shana C (also Outreach chair as of 3/19/17) – shaycbella@ (401) 865-0016Steps to Freedom – Marissa J – mlj.uconn@Recovery at the Beach – Sandy S. (also Activities Chair) – sandyshed@858-353-2443Late Nite NA – Brian C – brianc.rcm@Cookies and Recovery – Karen B – taygirl4eva@Serenity Seekers – Stephen C. (also PR Chair) – smarkcoutu@107 Club – Carrie B (also Literature Chair)– recoveryrocks@ (401) 741-2349Alone No More – Jake S – jsweeney678@Steering CommitteeArea Chair – Linda S. – lindas0288@ (401) 714-5858Vice Chair (as of 3/19/17) William H – WilliamH110287@ (401) 248-3337Treasurer – Mike C. – mcatone00@ (401) 588-9869Alt. Treasurer – Judy B – jabsan7@ (401) 316-9116Secretary – Victoria M. fsanasecretary@ (401) 744-1809SubcommitteesH&I – Kevin C. – kevinchoquette@ (401) 499-0375Policy – Joe C. – castellucci.jdc.1981.01@ (401) 545-1740 Golf ad Hoc Chair– Don B – donb56@ (401) 741-2224**REPORTS TYPED AS RECEIVED**SecretaryIn last month’s minutes (2/19/17), it said that Motion 1-1-2017 would be brought back to groups before we voted. It is actually an administrative decision and therefore does not need to be brought back to groups.RCM No report (as there is no RCM)Policy No reportLiteratureFebruary 2017 Literature Report:Total sales: $534.70Subcommittees:$212.70To treasurer: $322.00Restock request: $585.00 (accounting for $50 for PR)PR??? Continuing from last month regarding the Literature racks for facilities, 6 racks have been purchased for the cost of $40.86, this was the cheapest rate that was found online. Today, at Literature, the IP’s and meeting lists to fill one rack, as a sample, were purchased, they are as follows:-10 RMD’s-10 FS & GPA Meeting Lists-10 IP No. 7 (Am I an Addict?)-10 IP No. 16 (For the Newcomer) -10 IP No. 29 (An Introduction to NA Meetings)This totaled $9.50, it will cost $47.50 to fill the other five Literature racks, which I will purchase next time we meet. Due to the main body allowing me access to my funds last month in order to purchase the racks, this $9.50 reimbursement would put me over budget by $0.36, which I will gladly consider a donation on my part for this project so I can be reimbursed the difference of $9.14. At this time I don’t yet have the Literature racks, I ordered them later than I expected due to the NERC and my involvement at the PR Workshop. I will hopefully have them within a week or two. In the meantime, I will be working on a brief, and straightforward, introduction we will use when approaching facilities. In this introduction, we will also bring up that the literature is for sale, and if the facility has a budget we can facilitate the continuing sales of the literature to such places. If they do not have a literary budget for this type of material, then this is where we would implement the group's sponsorship within the Area to help maintain stocked racks. The weekend of March 4th and 5th was the New England Regional Convention. At the convention the Regional PR Subcommittee held a PR Workshop. There seemed to be a great mix of elements that worked in our favor, between the convention scheduling, and everyone involved, inviting people to sit in and watch, we had over 100 people in attendance. This lead to the largest attended PR Workshop the Regional Subcommittee has ever had, and I would like to thank everyone from this Area that showed up, and the support that the Area showed me before, during and after the workshop. I have received lots of feedback to sift through before reporting back to the Regional Subcommittee. Recently, after talking to some people, it occurred to me that most of my time as the PR Chair has been spent with a focus on providing the Area with resources of public relations and information, and not on building a subcommittee. With the need for more support in our Area and Subcommittees, it is clear that we each need to do our part to recruit people to aid us. To meet this need I am going to try and get myself to more meetings within the Area and announce that need. More specifically I will be announcing the need for help in the PR subcommittee, the advantages this can give someone, and to be a part of the subcommittee you only need one day clean. Also, when I approach people, I will directly let them know that I think they could be an asset to the Subcommittee and ask for help initiating other projects, such as the Literature racks. Hopefully this will gain some interest from addicts willing to help. ILS,StephenH&IThe h&I subcommittee met today with 4 main body, 7 panel leaders and 9 group reps in attendance. We opened in the usual manor with a moment of silence, the service prayer, and the 12 concepts. The minutes were read and approved.Panel leader reports were taken and all commitments were filled minus 1 that was canceled due to a group unable to attend last minute. We received a complaint from one facility regarding content of a speaker’s message being too graphic. We discussed the panel leaders responsibility to ensure the speakers are aware of the do’s and don’t’s. also it was mentioned that the h&I group reps can assist the panel leader by informing them of any speakers with little or no experience in sharing at an h&I commitment in order to insure they are properly informed of our guidelines.Doug F. the chair of learning day adhoc gave a report including his ability to make announcements for the adhoc committee and set up a time and place for them to meet. The committee will be meeting at his home, Wednesdays at 5:30 pm. Please contact Doug F. for more info. 401-256-2844Steph D was elected into panel leader position for phoenix house detox and step down Saturday mornings.A motion passed to withdraw from the commitment at women’s road to recovery after it was brought to the subcommittees attention the residents have access to 6 regularly scheduled NA meetings . this is a violation of our guidelines. We ended in the usual manor with the serenity prayer.ActivitiesNothing to report.In service,Sandy S.Golf CommitteeOnce again we begin the journey into our 17th annual golftournament. We will be playing Richmond Country Club on July 22nd, all are invited.It is a 1:00 o’clock shot gun start with golf, cart, and Texas BBQ and taco bar.Desert and prizes are also included, all for the cost of $120.00deadline for registration is May 12th with a non refundable deposit of $60.00The balance of $60.00 is due no later than June 22nFlyers are posted on the regional as well as the greater providence area websitesLooking forward to some new players this year as well as another successful tourney.Yours in service, Don B.Golf committee chairOutreachNo reportTreasurerFSA NARCOTICS ANONYMOUSTreasurers Report 3/2017Opening Balance $922.30?????Group Contributions ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Literature Sales $322.00107 Club ???????????????????????????$24.22?????2. ??Alone No More ????????????????$38.57Steps To Freedom ???????????$1.20???????????Total income from contributions and literature sales = $385.99??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????TOTAL INCOMING FUNDS $385.99 + opening balance $922.30 =$1308.29 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-??????$0000 ????????????New England In Touch??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????$0000 ??????????????N E R Phone line??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????$0000 ?????????????Copy World / meeting list??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????$545.77 ????????????NAWS / Literature??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????$50.00 ??????????????Praise rent??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????$70.99 ??????????????Verizon????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????$642.53 ??????????Closing BalanceMike C. Area TreasurerGROUP REPORTSSerenity SeekersSerenity Seekers, or the Saturday Morning meeting as it is usually referred to, meets ??every Saturday morning at 10 AM, in the Christ the King Church Parish Building, in West Warwick. Recently, our group has struggled with active group members. We typically have between 10-12 people at every meeting, but with very few active group members the group is struggling and looking for addicts who are interested in helping out. ILS, Stephen C. GSRMessage of HopeThe Message of Hope meets Sundays from 7-8:15 at Woodridge Congregational 30 Jackson RD Cranston, RI. We are happy to report solid group attendance and group member participation. The group reports no issues at this time.Recovery at the Beach7:30 pm TuesdaysAttendance has been very good.Group has no issues requiring attention.In loving service, Sandy S.Steps to FreedomSteps to Freedom meets Monday nights at pilgrim Lutheran church on Warwick ave at 7pm. All positions for the group are filled again. At the business meeting the group held a vote to hold a group anniversary, typically this is held in April but we forgot so next business meeting there will be a sign up and we will vote on a date. The group also voted to hold a group inventory meeting on 3/18/17. The group has also passed a basket to collect money to pay for hall for the inventory meeting.The inventory meeting was held Saturday at 9am-12pm. The group decided to use the guiding principles book “for the groups” section in order to structure our inventory meetings. The group had 6 home group members show up and discuss how our group is following tradition one. The ideas and discussion topics were recorded and will be discussed at the next business meeting.The group continues to carry the message weekly through the it works how and why.In loving service,Marissa J AREA CONCERNSNew Hall (Motion 1-1-17) Update: Marissa spoke with the facilitator of Health Equity Zone and they offered some suggested storage spaces. There is also a form to be filled out and signed, which will be emailed to committee members. The literature committee, Linda, and Marissa planned to coordinate to take a look. Also questions were raised as to whether the move would need to be brought back to groups. It was decided that it falls under 3rd Concept; it does not need to be brought back to groups as this is an administrative decision (i.e. directly affects area’s ability to perform its duties/tasks).OLD BUSINESSOpen Positions:Vice Chair – William H nominated, elected.RCM – No nominationsAlternate RCM – No nominationsOutreach – Shana C. nominated, electedNEW BUSINESSOutreach position is now an open position and the ASC will begin accepting nominations in March.Motion 02-01-17Motion: To send 2 persons to SEMA Area meeting for 2 Months (believe that area meeting is different every other month) to research potential ideas that could be implemented into FSA service structure.Intent: To help area better service groups and run more smoothly.Maker: Carrie B.Seconded: Marissa JMotion passedMotion 02-02-17Motion: In the event there is no vice chairperson or alternate to fulfill a newly open position at elections, a person elected into any position in the area service committee will serve under the current trusted servant for 2 months before taking over the full responsibilities. This also means that the current trusted servant will continue to serve and mentor/train the incoming trusted servant.Intent: To foster a mentoring relationship and better set up new service members for success in their new roles.Maker: Marissa JSeconded: Carrie B.Amendment: Elections will continue to be held in June, and the new positions will officially begin in August. Overlaps in positions are acceptable whenever possible.Motion passedMeeting closed with the Serenity Prayer.In Loving Service,Victoria M.ANNOUNCEMENTSPlease announce the following at NA meetings and NA Group Business MeetingsGolf Tournament July 22nd Richmond Country Club. Deadline for registration May -12th. Call Don B – 401-741-2224Late Night NA which meets at St Robert Bellarmine Church 1804 Atwood Ave, Johnston on Fridays at 10PM is in dire need of support. We ask that addicts help us by announcing this message at meetings that they attend.H&I is currently seeking panel leaders for open commitments. We currently have an open position for a facility located in North Kingstown on Fridays at 7:00 pm.Cookies and Recovery 2nd Annual Speaker Jam coming up in May, so keep ears open.Free Spirit Area of Narcotics Anonymous Area Service Committee’s April meeting will not be held at its regularly scheduled 3rd Sunday of the month. ASC meeting, subcommittee meetings (including joint area h&i), and literature sales will be April 30th, 330 park ave. ................

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