JULY 9-10, 2005


Present: Beth MacDonald, Karen Haigh, Margie Cooper, Lori Geismar-Ryan, Sygrid Caudle, Judith Allen Kaminsky, Sausan Burshan, Amelia Gambetti, Sandra Piccinini, Jennifer Strange and Mary Hartzell

Absent: Angela Ferrario, Teresa Acevedo, Ellen Hall, Susan Lyon, Ann Bardwell, Simonetta Cittadini-Medina, Mabel Higgins and Pat Tarr



• Sausan Burshan/evolution of the Reggio-inspired networks, Solare Mexico and Solare Latin America

• Jennifer Strange/departure from The College School and continuing consultancy with schools in California, Oregon and Kentucky

• Lori Geismar-Ryan/participation as coach for International Jewish Early Childhood Initiative

• Beth MacDonald/collaboration with Minneapolis Public Schools

• Karen Haigh/new position at Governor's State University, Chicago area collaboration with GSU, Chicago Commons, Chicago Public Schools and Winnetka Public Schools

• Sygrid Caudle/collaboration with Richmond VA educators and School-Within-A-School at Peabody in DC

• Amelia Gambetti/2006 exhibit in Canada; fall study groups from Denmark, Sweden, Japan and Italy; winter study group from Asia; international center opening-week of February 23-possibility of international winter institute for 400 participants

• Sandra Piccinini/new municipal administration in 2005-international support for program needed; interest of students at new university in experience of municipal program

• Judith Kaminsky/May 2006 seminar in Detroit-Amelia presenting


Positive comments/what went well

*Ran well


*Good set up at Metro State

*Nice mix of presentations

*Enjoyed the size of the group, getting to know people and making connections

*The whole was better than any one part

*Hotel and conference site close to each other

*A way to come together, support each other and cover expenses

*Will Lead to more memberships

*Importance of having NAREA event to give structure, credibility, etc. to the entity

What we learned/suggestions for future initiatives

*Too much sitting

*Topic not useful?

*Need more people to register

*Look at time of year

*Too many other conferences going on

*Regional initiatives more intimate?

*More comprehensive guidelines choosing presenters

*Take advantage of strengths of board members

*Support many schools in seeing the value of their work

*More sensitive re: how are we being perceived by members or non-members

*Tracks inside the conference for teachers, directors, administrators, etc.

*Introductory and advanced sessions

*Overwhelmed but not discouraged

*Politics of education-future topic

*Objectives of conference to offer professional development opportunity and present more diverse and inclusive image

*Follow up information for participants

*Scholarships for people

*National conference every other year?

*Event every year to give visibility and creditability to NAREA

*Analyze our capacity to meet tasks

*Don't rush decisions to publicize at NAEYC

*Regional summits, poster presentations to smaller groups

*Next year, connection with the fundamentals, video conference with Reggio at the International Center

*2007-could be combined with the opening of the exhibit if doesn't interfere with exhibit hosts' initiatives

*NAREA column in Innovations about conference, evaluations, etc.

*Participation of family


*Members have participated more in NAREA column in Innovations

*Improvement in members only section of the web site and website in general

*Increased membership

*40 (almost) state coordinators/more membership participation

*Membership benefits (DVD)

*first NAREA conference

*NAEYC pre-conference and reception

*Improvement in interaction of the board

*Development of committees work and decision-making

*All work done last July with the strategic plan


*Need at least one non-board member on each committee

*Developing participation of membership coordinators

*More ownership of organiztion by members

*Lower conference rates

*Conference calls too long, too many people, not productive, need to be more disciplined, bring

decisions to be made-more could be done via e-mail

*Finding time for NAREA work by volunteer board

*400 members that did NOT renew

*Keeping track of decisions that have been made, directions set, follow through steps to completion of task

*Being more aware of commitments made, what do our decisions mean realistically

*Wasting energy

*Ensuring that minutes of last meeting accurately reflect decisions made

*Confirming that a decision has been made

*Coordination of board meetings, committee meetings and conference calls

*How to better use technology, finding money for technology


• letter from Angela Ferrario to Sandra Piccinini, proposing possible initiatives, was basis for following discussion (see attached file)

Student/Faculty study groups

• February 2005:

-55 participated from 7 contexts, 3 1/2 days

-evaluations positive-interest in similar study tour in 2006

-lodging-10 students with families, also hostels, low-cost hotels

-study tour fee-less expensive

• 2006:

-include other countries?

-way for NAREA to make connection with RITE, can coordinate together

-six month notice needed; notice by August for February study tour

Study groups specific to particular interests

• funders/leadership study tours

-participation in winter institute more appropriate

-NAREA could be filter for promotion of winter institute

-many legislatures in session in February, could send aides

-shorter duration necesary

-mayors, school board possibilities

-very advanced knowledge of date necessary

-include Denmark, Netherlands in future study tour to lend more credibility

• architects

-last year, first study tour for Italian architects-2 days in Reggio and 2 days in Milan

-Reggio Children questions for future study tour for architects: how to structure? how many interested? (25-30 preferable for first time) what languages?

-possible contacts: Jim Greenman (mailing list), Heidi Hoppe/Chicago, Cyert Center architect via Judy Abrams, membership coordinators

-NAREA (C&I committee) to do survey via e-mail, bring results to November board meeting

Masters courses

• current courses for educators from region around Reggio last 2 1/2 mos.

• 5 week intensive for 25 international participants, translation to English

• fall 2006 possibility

• tie to university; independent study?

• first non-regional course could be for North American pedagogisti/education coordinators, consultants


• currently necessary to speak and understand Italian

• Reggio Children questions: how many months? language? involvement of centers?

• how many request does Reggio Children currently have?

• will discuss more at November board meeting

International exchange with other Reggio Children networks

• NAREA should elaborate on specific strategies

• at winter institute, can begin to plan with other international network representatives

(teachers can participate, visits to schools iincluded)


• 1986-87: first time in U.S.

• 2006:exhibit in Canada-Toronto for six months and, possibly, Vancouver or Calgary for six months

• beyond 2006, Reggio Children must build updated version of exhibit-will take one year

• renovation must be done in Italy, more complicated to do in U.S.

• 6 year project with 5 or partners needed by end of 2005 if to open in 2007; $45,000 Euro each

• Reggio Children has received requests from Santa Monica, Boulder/Washington DC (1 year collaboration?), Reno and Cincinnati

[PLEASE NOTE: Since this meeting, Amelia has communicated to Judy Kaminsky that a request was not received from Cincinnati but requests have also been received from Indianapolis, Jersey City, Kansas and Boston.]

• possible for educators from two locations to collaborate on hosting exhibit in one year if prior collaborative relationship exists

• if U.S./North American 5 or 6 year partnership not achieved, exhibit will then tour countries around world

• possibility of finding a funder to underwrite renovation

• Karen Haigh will pursue possible collaboration between Governor's State and Greenville, SC (Margie Cooper)

• Karen will also contact Reno and Tucson for possibility of collaboration for one year

• Judy to contact Cincinnati, Ft. Wayne and Pittsburgh re: possibility of one year collaboration

[PLEASE NOTE: This is now on hold as Cincinnati did not make a request to host exhibit. Reggio Children will contact Indianapolis, Jersey City, Kansas and Boston in September.]

FINANCE REPORT (see attached file)

• at this time, finance report does not accurately reflect NAREA's financial standing as conference expenses have not been paid and NAREA owes payment to Innovations

• to date, 720 memberships processed (32 @ $40 1/2 yr. rate), 65 to be processed (total of 52 @ $40 1/2 yr. rate)

• Learning Materials Workshop donated shipping of Reggio Children books for NAREA conference-possibility of mutually beneficial relationship in future?

July 10


Board member terms/new board member consideration

• board rotation template presented outlining terms of current board members and process/timeline for future rotations (see attached file)

• Sandy Miller, Barbara Acton and Bonnie Neugebauer have left the board previously

• Mary Hartzell leaving board this year; Pat Tarr, Jennifer Strange, Sygrid Caudle and Mable Higgins have committed to another 4 year term

• four possible vacancies; board minimum number/15, maximum/20

• slate of board member nominees (have been contacted and are willing to be considered as board members): Judy Abrams (Cyert Center, Pittsburgh), Caty Franco (The Workshop, Mexico), Sammie Holloway (Atlanta Technical College, Atlanta), Shareen Abramson (California State, Fresno)

• discussion concerning whether board positions should be filled at this time or whether these nominees should become active committee members, add more board members once current board stabilized, more effective and functional

• concern about inclusive message sent if NAREA board does not expand and add those interested in serving

• necessity of having two representatives from Mexico but from different regions, Solare Mexico could be source of another candidate

• consideration of strengths of candidates: Judy Abrams (membership), Shareen Abramson (professional development), Sammie Holloway (professional development)

• board voted to add Judy Abrams, Shareen Abramson and Sammie Holloway to NAREA board with amendment to pursue another candidate from Mexico (Mary moved, Jennifer seconded)

• Karen Haigh to contact three new board members

• list of NAREA members to be considered as future board members being maintained by organizational development committee-submit names to be added to Susan Lyon

Roles of current and future board members

• question about whether Angela wants to continue as parliamentarian; if so, Sausan would be willing to take on this role

• Beth stepping down as membership co-chair

• organizational development co-chair needed now that Mary Hartzell off board; possibility of Sausan or Jennifer taking on that role

Policies and procedures

• Mary, Susan and Karen's proposed revisions to policies and procedures reviewed; board voted to accept

• revisions to communication and information co-chairs responsibilities to be sent to Susan Lyon

Strategic plan

• two groups met to revise program and administrative sections of strategic plan

• administrative revisions to be summarized by Judy Kaminsky and sent to Karen Haigh

• month by month time line needed


(see attached file)



• Pre-conference visits to DC area schools

-World Bank Children's Center planning to offer visits on Tuesday, December 6 (independent of NAEYC conference)

-Sygrid Caudle to contact World Bank, St. John's Episcopal and School-Within-A-School at Peabody to pursue possibility of collaborative program of visits on December 6, in collaboration with NAREA

-presence of Lella and Amelia

-Sygrid to communicate results to Angela and Karen

• NAREA Pre-conference/Wednesday, December 7

-Jennifer and Sausan responsible for planning

-Lella and Amelia to present values of Reggio philosophy

-consideration of NAREA conference poster session educators/schools as presenters

-Judy to provide hand-out of Reggio track sessions

• Festival of Organizations

-Jennifer and Sausan responsible

-display of NAREA initiatives, presented like poster session

• NAREA annual meeting/reception/early educator recognition

-qualities of person to be honored to include connection with values of Reggio philosophy, ethical, well-known

-suggestions: Ron Lally, Howard Gardner, Lilian Katz, Carolyn Edwards, Bonnie Neugebauer, Marion Wright Edelman, Carol Brunson Day

-board voted to honor Lilian Katz (Judy moved, Mary seconded)

-panel dialogue could focus on relationship between project approach and Reggio philosophy, include Lilian Katz, Sylvia Chard or Judy Helm, Amelia Gambetti, Lella Gandini

-Karen to contact Lilian Katz; if agree, annual meeting not schedule on project approach seminar night

NAREA conference follow-up/plans for 2006 initiative

• Cheryl to summarize NAREA conference evaluations and send to board, which can inform decision about 2006 initiative

• discussion about possibility of major NAREA conference every two years with regional forums in alternate years

-regional forums could include video-conferencing with Reggio but very expensive

-membership coordinators could have major role in regional forums

-more schools could present experiences to smaller groups for dialogue

-regional forums could be elaboration of fundamental principles workshops currently in April

• discussion about necessity for annual NAREA conference

-members can rely on unique professional development opportunity every year

-may be less work to organize than regional forums

-positive response from participants to this year's conference

-2006-could be located in Canada in connection with presence of exhibit

• professional development committee to consider options for 2006:

-North American vs. regional

-location if North American

-date (develop calendar of events already scheduled first)

-subject (evaluations can inform/possibility of polling members)

-decision by September 15 if want to promote at NAEYC conference in December


• almost 800 members, 40 state and regional coordinators

• goals for membership committee:

-develop manual of networking ideas for state and regional coordinators.

-define the roles and responsibilities of state and regional coordinators.

-unveil map of all programs, centers and schools where NAREA members work at NAEYC conference

-membership benefit and buttons at NAEYC conference, NAREA canvas bags (with NAREA logo, designed by MMCC parent Craig Favorito) for sale.

• discussion of membership benefit possibilities; decision to develop CD/DVD focused on exploration of materials (no faces of children); membership tables with laptop and CD/DVD running

• recruit membership coordinators to help at Festival of Organization and membership campaign at NAEYC


• March 2006: Tucson

• summer 2006: Detroit (or at NAREA conference location if held in summer)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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