Minneapolis, Minnesota

July 30, 31 & Aug 1, 2004

The meeting was called to order by Beth MacDonald at 12:40 p.m. on Friday, July 30, 2004

Present: Ellen Hall, Margie Cooper, Angela Ferrario, Jennifer Strange, Teresa Acevedo, Acevedo, Judy Kaminsky, Lori Geismar-Ryan, Beth MacDonald,

Karen Haigh, Anne Bardwell, Sausan Burshan

Absent: Sygrid Caudle, Pat Tarr, Bonnie Neugebauer, Mabel Higgins, Barb Acton , Susan Lyon, Simonetta Cittadini-Medina, Mary Hartzell, Sandy Miller,

Absent: Sygrid Caudle, Pat Tarr, Bonnie Neugebauer, Mabel Higgins, Susan Lyon, Simonetta Cittadini-Medina, Mary Hartzell, Sandy Miller, Anne Bardwell

Beth suggested that we talk about what we need or want to talk about prior to the arrival of Karen and Barb Anne (running late)


• Would like to read letter from Bonnie Neugebauer to the Board and new developments from the Interest Forum

• Letter from National Head Start Association and Teacher of the Year Award and the possibility of synergy between NAREA and Head Start

• Rebecca New and Marilyn Cochran are putting together an international encyclopedia of early education and have asked me to write an article about NAREA and I have asked Lori to help me.

• Would like to hear about Summer Conference Summary


• Web site: Where we are now and revisit ideas that we have put on the back burner

• Decide next steps

• St. Louis initiatives


• Financial Statement

• Revisit board participation and meetings

• NAEYC – Fall

• Committee Reports

• AngelaElections


• Identify membership & reach out

• Head Start

• Negativity around NAREA

• ACT Conference – this fall

• Outreach, Action Steps

• Professional Development Initiatives & what we are doing (Exciting experiences for members)

• Non Profit status, grant writing, raising money


• How do I give input and answer questions to help get their (teachers) research started – Can it be addressed on the Web?

• NAREA Column

• Plans for the fall

• List Serv

As Karen joined the meeting, she suggested that we follow the agenda as submitted. She briefly reviewed the aims of the agenda, which were to formulate a strategic direction for the organization. What are state what our goals are for the next three years??. What do we maintain and what do we want to accomplish??. Initiatives and logistics should support the goals. We will need to start with a Strategic Plan to define our strengths and weaknesses. The board generated a list of accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses, and threats:To begin, we will list our Accomplishments:


• still alive

• board is committed

• goals/mission/ vision

• logo/brochure

• web site

• relationship with/support from Reggio Children

• relationship with NAEYC

• Free Study Tour /10% discount at conferences

• Membership base of 450-500

• Alliances around the world

• Image connected to INNOVATIONS as journal

• Becoming a recognized, acknowledged organization-inquiries to office

• 11 Fundamentals of Reggio workshop around the USA and Canada

•  structure for board meetings

• working office and staff member

• non-profit status through Inspired Practices

• relationship with Council for Professional Recognition

• Influence - effect

•  3 receptions for members and those interested

• $5000 grant for reception

• stationary - mailings

• Polices and Procedures - governance structure

• Committees

• Membership benefits

• In-kind legal and financial support

• Written history

• Facilitated - Intentional commitment to development of working relationships - like minded intentions

• Board representation from US, Canada, Mexico


• Generation of new ideas

• Willingness to do the work


• Website

• Presence of the Exhibit hosted by NAREA board members

• Relationship with Reggio (support) including Amelia, Lella

• Variety of perspectives

• Passionate board - belief in it’s purpose

• Commitment to Reggio ideals

• Commitment to wanting to make things happen

• Honoring diversity and representation of Reggio

• Taps into an international/global passion for children

• Timeliness of this focus - in-step with something bigger

• Willingness to make “this” happen

• Determination, courage

• Blind belief

• Flexibility, adaptability

• Open, honest

• Potential access for information

• Zealous expectations

• Networking

• Sharing of knowledge

• Commitment to Professional Development

• Charitable in-kind investment for the betterment of others

• Shared values

• Focused on the quality of early childhood education




• Need to develop innovative professional development opportunities

• Accessibility

• Limited connection to members

• Not enough member benefits

• Communication among board members, board members and members

• What to communicate (Geographically, linguistically), culturally diverse

• When to communicate

• Geographically spread very far apart, thin, wide - not deep

• Limited shared experience

• Too few meetings for embryonic organization

• Too much stopping and starting - sustaining movement

• Perceived lack of respect for diversity among board

• Timing of membership year and renewal

• Perception of exclusivity

• Professional development accessibility, relevance to different communities

• Don’t know our membership profile

• Membership does not know identity of organization

• Define our identity

• Getting a groove on committee work

• Defining of each Board member’s role

• Don’t utilize policies and procedures

• Don’t know why members don’t renew

• No regional connections

• Lack of membership participation in organization

• Busyness of board members, demands on their time


• Time constraints

• Limits of paid staff and web design development

• Prioritizing a challenge - try to do too much

• Lack of male presence on board, and divergent professions and perspectives and range of ages

• Business Plan (don’t have one)

• Lack of Strategic Plan

• Blind belief

• Over zealous expectations in context of reality

• Awareness of Political reality

• Recognition that we are a fledgling organization

• No unique offering to our members - all benefits are already available at a lesser cost



• DiversityDiversitydiversity of the group - on the one hand not great enough and on another too diverse.

• Fiscal instability

• Minimum affordable opportunities for learning by potential new members

• Lack of recognition and significance of NAREA as a professional organization

• Sustaining membership

• Staying strong as a board

• Money

• Misunderstandings/misconceptions about Reggio and NAREA

• Convincing people who work with ideas that they need to belong

• Pressure toward standardization, uniformity

• In opposition to mainstream education

• Perception of Reggio - that it is a program for rich kids, children can do whatever they want, intended to be profitable,

• something “foreign”

• Complexity of Reggio is hard to explain

• Lack of examples, need references

• Professional development opportunities too expensive

• Isolation

• Political leadership

• Ability to sustain energy, focus, momentum

• American archetype -competition, crisis, motivated, profit-orientated

• Sustained intellectual curiosity no highly valued in our culture, viewed as suspect - particularly among women

• Reggio - counter culture - need to talk about resistance more

• Against what teachers have been taught to teach

• Not research based - data

• State of the Economy

• Values - influence choices

• Cutbacks

• Complexity of our “map”- geography

• Uncertainty

• Concern about slow registration

At this point in time, Ellen read Bonnie Neugabauer’s letter:

Ellen readLetter from Bonnie Neugebauer’s letter:

After our great efforts to tell our stories in Atlanta, I was surprised that the level of trust we were striving for still didn't seem to have been reached. I've had conversations with several of you as well as others about this issue and had prepared a whole schtick, complete with props, to share my thoughts in St. Paul. But, since I can't be there to deliver this in person, no schtick, just the thoughts.

Beth had an interesting perspective on this, which started my thinking. She described us as this group of 20 women who have come into their own power in order to make important things happen. All of us were not necessarily born with the skills we now possess--we've worked hard to become what we needed to be. In many cases, we have had to do difficult things because no one else was interested in making them happen, or saw their importance, or was willing to make the sacrifices. So, here we are having done our own hard work on ourselves as well as our programs and projects and now we are supposed to collaborate and share the same vision and put aside some of our power in order to work together. And that's not easy to do.

Roger is continually amazed at our struggles and his stories of boards have made me realize that we have been working very hard at something that many or most boards don't worry about. They just get to work.

So, I would like to suggest that we take a leap. Let's assume a level of trust that maybe we don't really believe is there; but let's fool ourselves. I think it is important for us to continue to learn about each other and enjoy each other and appreciate the work that each of us does and support that in any way that we can. But for our work on the board I think we need to focus on exactly that--the work. In the end, our relationships as members of the board should continue to build; but when all is not perfect, that should not impact NAREA.

We continue to create a vision of an organization that really makes a difference for children around the world. Let's work together to strengthen that vision and mobilize our ideas--along the way we'll learn more about each other, depend on each other, and become a powerful team. --Bonnie Neugebauer

The board continued with the agenda by generating a list of hopes and dreams for the organization, and opportunities:

--Bonnie Neugebauer



• Every teacher in every place that is interested in learning, growing, feels something to connect to support them.

• To be a voice in relationship with other organizations

• Participation - Board members, members @ any levels- people feel connected

• To be part of a Global Network of Alliances like North European Alliance

• Continent-wide network - NAREA in every state, in every region of each country

• Like to be known for our role in advocacy : national, state, international

• Have a much bigger role in decisions made about children

• To become a consolidated group that serves as a catalyst for change in the way people view children

• Children have greatest rights possible in all contexts

• To protect creative thinking

• To exemplify creativity and collaboration as of being

• To have something on the web site that will support professional development for people in all places- Head Start- Intro to Reggio

• Get teacher educators in all regions involved

• To reach parents, to engage parents (Web site a possible place for connection for parents)

• To honor first steps, next steps for all programs

• Relevance of principles to be widely understood

• Help, support, challenges educators to keep developing, act as a group and broker and coordinate support for teachers

• To get a grant for one million dollars to support administration and development of organization

• Have a primer for Study groups, Round tables

• To have Board be a “study group”, intellectual stimulation that supports vast learning

• To be a well-functioning oiled machine

• To have enough money to sponsor a study group to Reggio

• To take a leadership group to Reggio (Heinz, Obama)

• Collect data which could support advocacy

• Actions that NAREA takes will result in new actions that positively impact how children spend their days

• Intentionality - making choices and waiting to see if action had impact we desired


•  Develop and disseminate a directory by regions of TA providers

• develop and disseminate a directory of programs in which elements of the Reggio philosophy are demonstrated

• NAEYC Interest Forum

• Head Start connection nationally

• Relationship with Carol Day & Council

• Encyclopedia (Rebecca New)

• Increased visibility

• To create a system of relationships

• Politicians are distracted - backlash to current standards movement, take advantage, get momentum building

• Connect with mothers, women

• Strong interest among members to network

• Reframe List Serve to increase usefulness outreach

• Networking in Regions

• Networking with other organizations -esp. Museums

• Create an advisory board

• Be a vehicle for dialogue “crossing boundaries”

• Going across disciplines, organizations (Rotary, associations)

• Develop a universal message

• Boundless

• Be a source of information and support

• Presence @ NAEYC

• Presence @ World Forum

• Create recognition for work happening in North America

• Experience faces of NAREA board for membership

• Postings on the web site

• E-communication to NAREA member and lost members or past members

• Unique offerings on website for “Members only”

• Membership Drive

• Develop directory of training/consultants

• Develop directory of reference points

• Develop professional development opportunities to meet diverse needs

• Raise financial stability

• Raise an endowment

• Development of membership benefits

• Development of products for purchase

• Availability of Reggio Educators to collaborate

• To become more diverse- bi-lingual

• Publish brochure, Innovation in Spanish

• Publication for parents

• Membership for parents

• Share membership list with members

• List of Institutional memberships published

• Develop a cadre of consultants

• Links with web site

• Establish a decision-making process


• Part of consultancy fee - NAREA membership for Institutions

• Recognize someone, something in a special way

• Supports promotion, visibility

• Stay connected with Friends of Reggio

• Systems for replicating Round tables, study groups to build networks- regional connections

The Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

The meeting was brought to order by Karen Haigh at 9:20 a.m.

Everyone was asked to glance over notes from previous day and brainstorm our possible goals and

initiatives under two categories: Administrative and Programmatic.Programmable. The Board decided they would

like to have the financial statement first since Margie Cooper would not be able to attend the next day’s


Finance Report - Margie Cooper

See handouts: NAREA Financial Report, From Inception to June 30, 2004 and NAREA Membership

Recap, June 30, 2004

Continuation of Agenda: The board generated lists of Administrative and Programmatic goals:

We now have a history of information which makes it a little easier to simplify the complexity of the report.

The last column equals the 2004 budget agreed upon. It was the expectations for revenues and expenses

based on 502 current members for 2004 and 308 members who joined in 2003. We really need three years

of historical collection but I think we will beat our revenue projections. The bad news and reality is that

we projected an $11,000 deficit for 2004 and we will end the year with a deficit of about $5,000. Our bank

account shows a balance of $16,575.

Our goal was to have 700 members in order to have no deficit. To date, we have 502 members.

We would like to develop statistics on membership: How many did not renew? Geography of

membership; by state, by region, etc.


 Administrative Goals


• •   Create a strong framework for committee work that provides clarity and inspires forward and complete actions

•    Create an Advisory Board of other organizations to support

Support movement forward (ACT, Head StartHeadstart, Child Care Exchange, RITE, etc.)

•    Expansion of the Board (State, County Rep), diversitydiversityDiversity of boardboardBoard members - different disciplines

•    Secure a grant to develop the products (slides)

•    Creating systems for communication between board meetingsmeetingsBoard Meetings (and committee work)

•    Group of people from the boardboardBoard involved in editing things that go out to the public

•    Committee work done by geographical regions

•    System for decision-making, system for answering questions brought to the organization

•    Operate more closely with policies and procedures

•    Increase hours of paid services

•    Support for board travel



Programmatic Goals


• •       Write goals for the next three years

• •       To offer and develop innovative, unique professional development activities that are accessible

• and relevant

• •       Develop directory of training consultants

• •       Foster connections/relationships with local policy makers to influence policy

• •       Recognize good work - Special award

• •       Use web site for professional development / use of web site that are not done anywhere else

• •       Create links to other organizations on website/ unique offerings on website for members only

• •       Members receive a survey @ point of joining - receive letter of welcome and survey

• •       Mechanisms for inviting dialogue with other early childhood educators, professionals

• •       Be in dialogue with our counterparts of the world

• •       Asking NAREA members to take leadership roles in different regions ( Vicky Fu, Baji Rankin)

• •       Raise fee for Innovations - $50 for non NAREA members, $30 Included in NAREA membership

• •       Initiative that taps into people who have been on a Study Tour

• •       Reggio Study tours in-line with NAREA organization

• •       Connection with the Exhibit and NAREA members and continued support of Exhibit’s presence

• in North America

• •       To create NAREA publications (compilation of Innovations, History of the Exhibit)

• •       Increase membership

• •       Increase revenue

• •       Diversify revenue sources

• •       Develop new membership benefits

• •       Strong dialogue with Reggio Educators

• •       System for editing what goes out to members - Collaborative

• •       Increase outreach to parents

• •       Do a membership profile

• •       Attention to the “beginner”

• •       Increase membership participation

• •       Communicate often with members (more than we do now)

• •       Survey of members to know who they are and what they want or need

• •       Development of State NAREA coordinators, membership positions not Board members

• •       Increase visibility of members

• •       Conceptualize a useful product

• •       Develop system/concept of replicating study groups - locally and statewide

• •       Offer Bilingual options

• •       List serve - figure out what to do

• •       Consider web site as outreach to parents

• •       Membership for parents

• •       NAREA annual conference

• •       Become a stand alone non-profit

• •       Coding of areas of interest of members and prospective members

• •       How to help people begin study of Reggio

• •       Coding of professional development opportunities

• •       Friendly introduction to Reggio Emilia

• •       Development of beginning questions - 15 frequently asked questions

• •       Expression of different points of view for a variety of questions - Board answers different frequently asked questions for a diverse view point


While all the ideas generated were good ones, the board determined to select the top three or four ideas from both the administrative and programmatic lists in order to have a manageable focus to our work. Each board member “voted” for the top three ideas by placing check marks beside their favorites. Each board member had six check marks to distribute: three for administrative goals and three for programmatic goals. Following the voting, there was time given for discussion.





• •       E communication

• •       New member renewal survey

• •       Festival of Organizations

• •       Booklet of the Most Frequently Asked Questions

• •       Members Directory

• •       Free Study Tour - raffle at NAEYC

• •       Highlight 10% discount

• •       Conferences around the country offering one free registration in connection with Study Tour raffle

• State coordinators selected (members) for each state and Regional coordinators (members) to be contact people for people needing

• information or questions

• •      Analyzing Membership Directory by Country, Region, State, City

• •      Group email (pre-NAEYC) to the state/region membership

•      New State and Region coordinators for NAREA to meet Tuesday pm at NAEYC to develop/refine strategy, roles, co/host

• NAREA reception, participate in membership drives at individual sessions

• •       Networking/study groups by locale - posted on web site

• •       Promotional materials - creation and dissemination - brochures, buttons, T-shirts, balloons, NAREA posters

• •       Presence in other professional development conferences - ACT, NAEYC (state and regional), World Forum, ACEI, 0-3, Headstart

• •       CD development - slides of Environments around the country - membership benefit for this year 2005 - available at NAEYC in Anaheim




• •      Renew hosting fee ($250)

• •      Promotion and reporting on Fundamentals Conferences

• •      Frequently Asked Questions

• •     Job posting

• Children’s projects from around the country displayed on rotating basis - Minnesota Project in connection with the Exhibit

• will be displayed starting in September

• •     Book Reviews

• •     Resource List

• •     Archive Projects for Members only

• •     Interviews

• •     List Serve - or alternative opportunities to chat/network

• •     “Reflect and Respond” for members only, password protected

• •     Links to other web sites

• •     List of consultants available

• •     Map of schools and sites inspired by the Reggio Approach

• •     State & Region Coordinators listed and email addresses

• •     Home page - images change from membership with informed consent




• •       NAREA conference - annual meeting held at this

• •       Cross presenting with other conferences

• •       Fundamentals workshops offered in April in more sites

• •       NAEYC Pre-conference

• •       Reporting from Conferences and Exhibit

• •       Regional Study groups - modeled after Ohio

• •       Pre-conference at World Forum

• •       Annual meeting

• •       Miami Pre-conference



• Requests from external sources will be forwarded to appropriate committee chairs for consideration and action. Decision

• regarding this request will be communicated to all Board members in Committee reports.

• Co-chairs responsibility to facilitate Board meetings and Conference calls

• Responsibility of parliamentarian to ensure Board follows the policiespoliciesPolicies and procedures

• Annual review of policy and procedures with revisions as needed

• Committee chairs accept responsibility for communicating to Board Co-chairs in a timely manner issues, concerns, and ideas

• Information/Communication Committee will support the NAREA office in the timely communication of professional development

• opportunities and web developments to all NAREA members via e-communication

• Develop diverse responses to frequently asked questions and post on web site

• Make a commitment to produce communication pieces in both Spanish and English as resources permit (- brochure)),

• Innovations, web site

• Review and determine process to set agenda for Board meetings and conference calls





• •       Goals for each committee established in strategic plan

• •       Committee meeting work scheduled the Sunday of each of the Board meetings

• •       Committee chairs email committee minutes to Cheryl within one week of Board meeting

• •       Cheryl collates Board minutes and Committee minutes and forwards them to all Board members within 2 weeks.

• •       Committee progress reports forwarded to Cheryl 2 weeks before meeting and forwarded to Board members

• •       Approve meeting minutes at beginning of each meeting

• •       Discussion of Committee reports follow approval of minutes

• •       Action items and assignments and plan of action for follow through must be defined at Sunday am committee meetings

• •       An executive committee conference call will be conducted once a month on ____________@ 9:30am eastern time.

• •       Committee chairs communicate committee recommendations, and proposals as part of the Executive Committee conference calls.

• •       Continually evaluate effectiveness of communication procedures- make adjustments as recommended by Board.






• •       Strengthen relationships with National Head Start – Teacher of the Year

• •       NAEYC - follow up on Interest Forum input on Reggio track

• •       Council for Professional Recognition

• •       Child Care Information Exchange - World Forum Conference

• •       Reggio Children - Plan NAREA Annual Conference

• •       Submit proposal for NAREA presentation @ National Head Start meeting

• •       Submit proposal to NAEYC for panel including representative of NAREA members and other organization members to discuss topic

• •       INNOVATIONS meet our members feature different members - diversity of contexts etc.

•       Reach out to organizations: Identify contact person for each organization:

• •       RITE, WEST ED, Zero to 3. ACT - invitation to participate in NAEYC initiative

Diversification of the board as terms expire: recruit from other disciplines/professions (development, financial, legal, architects 



•       Recruit Board members from other disciplines or professionals, develop fundraisers, financial advisors, attorneys,

• Architects, higher education, museum, curators etc.




• •       Secure a grant to e.g. starter kit for regional study groups, slides, journals

• •       Develop a product(s) to sell - consistent with mission or that advances our mission

• •       Develop fundraising plan


Following the determination of the strategic goals of the organization, there was time for updating:

Update on List Serve – Judy Kaminsky

The List Serve needs funding or it will be dissolved. Merrill Palmer funded it for one year. The hope was that NAREA could take

over that function and if our web site becomes more interactive, it might provide people a place to dialogue and get questions

answered. There are 650 subscribers and it is used for discussion, information sharing and people post job opportunities,

conferences, study tours, etc. The service will expire in December. Possibility of NAREA paying it for one year and taking

advantage of it and use the list service to promote and encourage membership. Judy asked all members to look at the site and

to make a decision by the November meeting. Judy will send all members information of the list Serv.

Committee Assignments—Angela Members of the board requested an update on Committees:

There being some confusion about committee assignments, it was revisited as follows:

Membership: Ellen and, Beth, – co-chairs. with Karen, Terry, Barb, Beth

Professional Development – Angela & Simonetta, co-chairs.

Organization & Strategic Planning – Susan & Mary, co-chairs with Anne, Karen & Sandy

Research & Advocacy – Sausan Burshan & Pat Tarr, Jennifer Strange, Barb Acton & Sygrid Caudle

Web Development –& Communication: Lori, Judy & Bonnie

Parliamentarian: Angela

Finance: Margie



Policy & Procedures: 4b IV.

There is confusion about the wording for Elections. The policy says, “The Guiding Board is self perpetuating” and there is a need to

clarify when elections commence. It was moved that we change the word “conclusion” to “start of” and “this meeting” to the

“Board’s Summer meeting” The motion for the new wording was made by Judy Kaminsky and seconded by Bard Acton.

The policy says “with the election of new members determined in the month prior” it should say, “at the meeting prior to the summer board meeting.”

Summer Board Meeting” Motion made by Judy and seconded by Sausan.

ELECTIONS: The following slate was forwarded:

Board Co-Chairs – Beth MacDonald and Karen Haigh

Membership – Ellen Hall and Beth MacDonald

Professional Development – Simonetta Cittadini-Medina and Angela Ferrario, co-chairs

Organization & Strategic Planning – Susan Lyon and Mary Hartzell

Communications & Information – Lori Geismar-Ryan and Judy Kaminsky

Parliamentarian: Angela Ferrario

Finance Reporting – Margie Cooper

The motion was proposed by Barb Acton and seconded by Terry Acevedo

All were in favor. The motion was carried

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.



Sunday, August 2, 20042004NAREA Board meeting – Submitted by Judy Kaminisky


Comments re: Saturday meeting (setting strategic planning goals and tasks):

Jennifer re: fragility & complexity of this work, needs constant tending; feels renewed strength and hopeful despite times of discouragement; Amelia said we have to go forward-how can we move forward in a strong way despite our own agendas? Want to think about those who don't have support (for travel?)

Barb re: importance of involving parents, one of 3 protagonists in Reggio experience; realize at new level how Reggio colleagues intentional about involving parents for political reasons, as advocates for municipal support, they emphasize connecting with parents in order to connect with policymakers; parents are in our mission

Beth re: how parent involvement can happen regionally, NAREA members can connect with their parents; husband Chuck said, "groups form, then storm, then create norms, then perform"-necessity to discuss issues that may have been decided in order to revisit and move toward norms of operation; Bonnie wanted to have ceremony to thank Ellen and Susan for time as co-chairs-thank you to Ellen and Susan from board; all board members are powerful women who run own operations and like to process, coming together sets up another dynamic, not like staff meeting, okay to acknowledge

Ellen re: heartfelt thank you to Beth, we are who we are; more phone calls since Atlanta help to resolve misunderstandings; if we continue, we are fated to succeed

Beth re: goals and tasks identified Saturday will be sent to board, Karen and Beth will each to committees

Lori re: move forward on web after talk with Margie-$200/month for web development; fuller board participation must be visible on web-must respond to requests for images for home page (6 images with parental consent-only Mary has sent) and future requests so board member voice evident via images, words and other languages; next FAQs can be posted with responses from board members and NAREA members eventually, source-fundamentals workshops/Q&As from Cheryl and Judy

Karen re: system of committee co-chairs and board co-chairs talking in monthly on conference calls can continue web conversation

Angela re: committees can meet week before each conference call, establish pattern

Barb re: strategic planning invaluable to articulate goals, collaboration evolves over time and strengthens because of intentionality, focus, shared values, shared goals-progress is felt; strategic planning will feel like making progress because can see accomplishments, a working document

Angela re: strategic planning-framework in writing to work efficiently and productively

Beth re: had plans and goals from beginning, now have a system to put them into place

Karen re: funders not impressed if goals imbedded in meeting minutes, have to have strategic plan

Angela re: posting strategic plan on web site, make sure strategic plan refers to minutes of past meetings and close to policies and procedures

Teresa re: appreciation for strategic planning process yesterday; difficulty attracting Tucson groups to NAREA, process gave clearer idea of how to recruit members

Lori re: needed flexibility of first mission, guiding goals, chaotic period that followed to get us to strategic plan

Angela re: written strategic plan for members at NAEYC conference

Ellen re: like attention to programmatic and administrative goals-what and how we're going to be as organization, doing and being

Jennifer re: like idea of making public-gives credibility to organization, helps early childhood people see selves in different ways

Lori re: members see NAREA plan for future

Beth and Karen: will type up goals/tasks and assign to committees to develop

NAREA board terms

Ellen: board terms set in August 2003

(rotating terms set for board continuity-those present chose 1, 2, 3 or 4 year terms-those absent assigned term-two consecutive terms possible-option to renew for 4 years)

1 year terms/expiring August 2004: Sandy, Barb, Ann, Karen, Sausan

2 year terms/expiring August 2005: Mary, Pat, Jennifer, Sygrid, Mabel

3 year terms/ expiring August 2006: Simonetta, Teresa, Bonnie, Lori, Judy

4 year terms/expiring August 2007: Ellen, Angela, Beth, Susan, Margie

Beth and Karen: contact those whose terms expire 2004 re: renewal

Barb: opportunity for board diversification, what is process for nomination?

Angela: create ad hoc nominating committee, board members asked to submit nomination

Karen: 4 years too long to commit-consider changing policies and procedures

Ellen: outgoing co-chairs should stay on board for transition

Angela: Angela and Margie consider revising policies and procedures-for now, renew and can resign if 4 years too long; 3 of 5 members whose terms expiring from Ohio-they decide on Ohio representative?

Beth: should always be a one year option

Barb: not interested in renewing, opportunity to diversify board with different backgrounds, genders-will continue to support-possibly through regional representation-hope Ann or Sandy stay

Beth: Sandy not a NAREA member

Karen: policies and procedures should state board members must be NAREA members

Sausan: wants to renew term

Karen: will renew term-may resign after two years

Beth: contacting Sandy and Ann

World Forum pre-conference


• offer from Bonnie for visibility and collaboration with other international Reggio networks;

• met with Amelia and Paola in May 2004 re: thoughts and knowledge of other networks-Amelia supported and would participate;

• panel must be small and well thought-out;

• NAREA board must commit to hard work to prepare;

• beginning: NAREA and RE philosophy;

• participation of varying levels of understanding;

• one session-Tuesday, May 17, 2005;

• registration through World Forum;

• planned by NAREA in collaboration with Reggio Children, North Europe Network and Australian Network;

• fee percentage for CCIE to go to NAREA;

• no honorarium or expense reimbursement for presenters;

• questions re: what to charge, expenses, content;

• Bonnie suggests to pursue only if in line with strategic plan-only trying to create opportunity for NAREA

• Bonnie feels international participation essential

Beth: opportunity for image and identity for NAREA; presenters work on content

Angela: uncertain if N. Europe and Australia can participate

Karen: talk about all possible professional development initiatives in near future before decide

Ellen: other conference organizers could ask Gunilla Dahlberg to present and pay expenses

NAEYC Conference

Thursday evening, 11/12 meeting/reception (Karen)

• 5:30-7:30 pm, conference hotel

• proposed schedule:

30 minutes-meeting and mingling, board member intro. and exchange with members

30 minutes-present strategic plan, future initiatives, membership campaign

20 minutes-Amelia presentation

10 minutes-honoring Lella (70 yrs. birthday)-establish annual recognition for outstanding work

30 minutes-panel exchange/Q&A with Lella (proposed 3 member panel-Barbara Bowman, John Nimmo, Hispanic member? Canadian member? Cathy Topal (may not attend)?

• hope to avoid Reggio Discussion Group session

• Friday evening-many; NAEYC receptions

Angela: Festival of Organizations 4:30-6:30 pm, 11/12, ask volunteer to be there

Lori: membership participation important

Angela: survey of members re: issues, needs

Karen: detail member benefits and opportunities

Ellen: send e-communication re: event, members recruiting at regional tables (open to non-members)

Angela: identify members

Karen: regional tables in back; membership committee to develop reception/meeting further

Ellen: make award annual after thought out some more

Beth: make lifetime achievement

Barb: members can nominate after qualifications set

Jennifer: autographed copy of book from Lella for members?

Beth: 10 autographed copies of BAMBINI by Lella-drawing or door prize

Karen: funding for reception-Beth and Karen will develop letter template for board members to send, categories: $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000 (phone call required), primary donor-$5000; ask Susan, Mary, Alise, Bonnie for West Coast ideas; publishers-a possibility (Learning Materials Workshop), also Kaplan (refused once before), Lakeshore, Nesting Co.-Pat Moffitt-can distribute promotional freebies

NAREA Pre-conference

Ellen re: feedback from board in Chicago: Q&A, more voices; announce # of members; distribute agenda; written RE track guide-invite presenters to comment; use focus ?s for roundtables, board members as facilitators. Re: list of board members and hotels, focus board energy on NAEYC during board meeting in Anaheim

Beth: Ellen and Susan submitted proposal; 3 hour pre-conference, written materials to distribute including meeting/reception flyer; solid program with speakers & schedule distributed; what RE philosophy means in NA culture; challenges, provocations, obstacles

Lori: membership participation

Jennifer: participation of schools consult with

Ellen: title: Building Bridges, Making Connections

Jennifer: Lella presents fundamentals, provocations from American programs

Judy: quality of American presentations in Minnesota

Jennifer: board members pair with NAREA members in smaller schools

Sausan: Jennifer's consultancy, Teresa's work with Head Start

Karen: variations in regions, diversity, levels of exploration

Beth: different faces than last year

Karen: could make presentation on professional development models with Chicago Commons teacher/NAREA member

Jennifer: suggest infant-toddler presentation

Angela: professional development committee will work on

Lori: conference calls must be more topical and more efficient

Santa Monica study tour before NAEYC Conference

• Beth and Karen speak re: NAREA

• Beth and Ellen responsible for brochures

Annual NAREA conference/meeting

Jennifer: Amelia and Simonetta offered free Miami seminar for NAREA members-spring?

Karen: better to have NAREA conference separate from exhibit and associated conferences

Barb: first conference could feature Gunilla Dahlberg and Harold Gothson

Judy: important to include dialogue and exchange re: member experiences

Sausan: presence of Italian and NA educators

Judy: present plans at NAEYC in November

Barb & Jennifer: same time every year

Karen: spoke to Ann re: summer conference in Ohio, similar to invitationals, Ohio participation with Reggio presenters (share expenses with NAREA?)

Sausan: NAREA conference could be bi-annual

Lori: learn from ACT-annual conference, members present (200 total), call for proposals, low student rate

Karen: members only or very expensive for non-members, incentive to join

Lori: exchange of info and experiences

Angela: plus major keynote from Sweden

Karen: members only conference in association with World Forum?

Angela: Bonnie wants World Forum initiatives to be international, good rate to NAREA members; brainstorm list of possible collaborators to have conferences with, schedule annual or bi-annual, same location or different?, include members, collaborate with other organizations like West Ed, Lesley/Project Zero

Karen: that wouldn't be members only

Beth: Metro State in St. Paul supplies free conference space

Lori: free conference space in St. Louis

Angela: free conference space in Cambridge

Beth: summer conference can be money maker

Angela: can have some presence at World Forum in collaboration with Canada but not big pre-conference day

Jennifer: 2005 bi-annual conference?

Angela: members have one rate, non-members pay that rate plus $75 and become members

Jennifer: available and accessible location, good air fare, nice area

Karen: will look for free conference space in Chicago, possible collaboration with Ohio conference on travel expenses for Italians

Ellen: free conference space in Boulder/Denver

?: 1st conference/Reggio educators presentations-attract attendees; in future-keynotes thought-provoking but not necessarily connected to Reggio

Lori: Louise would be a draw, atelierista group-new book published by NAEYC conference

Karen: talk to Sandy re: Ohio conference and report at August conference call; NAREA conference offers presentations at various levels and perspectives; invitations to members to submit proposals so diversity of communities and contexts included; clear structure for proposals; professional development committee will develop further

Ellen: call to Simonetta-Miami conference scheduled for March 17-19, 2005 (3/20-Palm Sunday), Simonetta checking with Amelia re: NAREA board meeting before or after; exhibit opens in January and closes in September in 2nd location; October-professional development initiative in 2nd location

NAREA board meetings

• Wednesday, November 10-before or after NAEYC pre-conference-1/2 day; location-Judy to research restaurants with private room for lunch and meeting; focus on NAEYC activities

• March 2005-before or after Miami conference

• July 2005-before or after NAREA conference

• November 2005-NAEYC in Washington DC?

Fundamentals Workshops (Angela)

• easy to replicate initiative in 2005, can double number of locations

• will compile feedback and put on web

• April-good month

• create master calendar for board members with universal access

• way to get more members

• commitments from Chicago, St. Paul, Mexico, St. Louis

CD of environment images from board members' schools

• free if join or renew

• Beth and Ellen will request images from board members

• Lori will collaborate on request in order to get more images of children and some environment for web site


• Summer 2004: Sausan article about international conference plus box with info re: NAREA Presence at NAEYC Conference

• Fall 2004 proposal (originated from ideas from March meeting in Atlanta): Karen and Judy will develop questions for Carol Day and Margie Carter re: how NAREA can serve as a resource for a diversity of early childhood communities, how NAREA can offer accessible and relevant professional development opportunities for a diversity of early childhood communities

• Winter 2005 idea from Ellen: focus on members-why some members renewed for 3 years

Next Conference Call

• August 31, 10:30 EST

• last Tuesday of month from then on

• committee co-chairs decide on one representative for conference call






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