

Special Collections and University Archives

Political History Publications about Vietnam and Communism

Manuscript Group 92

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Last Modified April 22, 2015

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Political History Publications about Vietnam and Communism; Manuscript Group 92

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Special Collections and University Archives

3 boxes; 3 linear ft

Scope and Content

The publications in this collection were donated by Mike Stout, who was the Grievance Committee Chairman for United Steelworkers of America (USWA) Local 1397 during the early and mid-1980s. The publications contained in this collection were originally part of Manuscript Group 62, the papers of the United Steelworkers of America Local Union 1397 of Homestead, Pennsylvania.

The collection represents the accumulated archive of anti-war publications focusing on Communism and the Vietnam War. This collection was formed in the 1960s-1970s by Walter Teague during the formation of two anti-war committees created by concerned citizens, the U.S. Committee to Aid the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, which later became the IndoChina Solidarity Committee.

The publications focus on two general topics: the Vietnam War and Communism, and range in publication dates from the 1940s to the 1970s, with the majority centering on the decade from 1965 to 1975. The materials were arranged alphabetically by topic within each series, except for Series A that was arranged by publication number. The publications come in the form of hard and soft-cover books, as well as pamphlets, numbering 208 publications.

Series Description

Series A: Vietnamese Studies Files

Series A contains publications from the Vietnamese Studies Series. They were published between 1965 and 1974 by the North Vietnamese government out of Hanoi. There are 32 volumes, focusing on the history of Vietnam and the Vietnam War.

Series B: American, Canadian, Cuban, Korean, and Southeast-Asian Publications

Series B includes various publications concerning the Vietnam War, Korea, as well socialist and communist issues. The books and pamphlets are listed in alphabetical order by the nation of origin, or by the country the publication discusses. The publications range in date from the late 1960s to the early 1970s.

Series C: Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), Karl Marx (1818-1883), Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), Joseph Stalin (1878-1953), the Soviet Union and additional publications concerning communism

Series C contains books and pamphlets about the history of communism, the Soviet Union, and its leaders and founders. There are also publications from and about countries other than the Soviet Union, such as Albania and China. The series contains forty books and pamphlets, with publication dates ranging from the 1940s to the late 1970s.


This collection was initially donated by Mike Stout, but was originally collected by Walter Teague as part of the Vietnam Anti-War Movement of the 1960s-1970s.


None, this collection is open for research. Property rights reside with Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), and the IUP Special Collections and University Archives. Literary rights are retained by the creators of the records and their heirs. For permissions to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Librarian and University Archivist.


The collection was organized and the finding aid was updated by Harrison Wick on April 22, 2015.

Container List

Box 1 (33 Publications)

Series A: Vietnamese Studies Files

1. Vietnamese Studies: Facts and Events Series, December 1965

2. Vietnamese Studies: Nguyên Du and Kiêu, Vol. 4, 1965

3. Vietnamese Studies: “Problems”- Education in the D.R.V., Vol. 5, 1965

4. Vietnamese Studies: “Problems”-Health Organization in the D.R.V., Vol. 6, 1965

5. Vietnamese Studies: “Problems”- Pages d’histoire, Vol. 7, 1965

6. Vietnamese Studies: dossier sud vietnamien, 1954-1965, Vol. 8, 1966

7. Vietnamese Studies: With the Fighters of Quangbinh-Vinhlinh, Vol. 9, 1966

8. Vietnamese Studies: Vietnamese Women, Vol. 10, 1967

9. Vietnamese Studies: Agricultural Problems (Vol. 2)-Rice, Vol. 13, 1967

10. Vietnamese Studies: Literature and national liberation in South Vietnam, Vol. 14, 1967

11. Vietnamese Studies: Mountain Regions and National Minorities in the D.R. of Vietnam, Vol. 15, 1968

12. Vietnamese Studies: In Face of American Aggression, 1965-1967, Vol. 16, 1968

13. Vietnamese Studies: South Vietnam 1968/The Democratic Republic of Vietnam at war, Vol. 17, 1968

14. Vietnamese Studies: South Vietnam: Realities and Prospects, Vol. 18-19, 1968

15. Vietnamese Studies: American Failure, Vol. 20, 1968

16. Vietnamese Studies: South Vietnam: From the N.F.L. to the Provisional Revolutionary Government, Vol. 23, 1970

17. Vietnamese Studies: A Century of National Struggles, Vol. 24, 1970

18. Vietnamese Studies: 25 Years of Health Work, Vol. 25, 1970

19. Vietnamese Studies: Glimpses of U.S. Neo-Colonialism (Vol. 1), Vol. 26, 1970 (2 copies)

20. Vietnamese Studies: Agricultural Problems (Vol. 3): Some Technical Aspects, Vol. 27, 1971

21. Vietnamese Studies: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, 1969-1970, Vol. 28, 1970

22. Vietnamese Studies: Chemical Warfare, Vol. 29, 1971

23. Vietnamese Studies: General Education in the D.R.V.N., Vol. 30, 1971

24. Vietnamese Studies: Glimpses of U.S. Neo-Colonialism (Vol. II): U.S. Neo-Colonialism in South Vietnam, Vol. 31, 1972

25. Vietnamese Studies: Ethnographical Data (Vol. 1), Vol. 32, 1972

26. Vietnamese Studies: Indochina, 1971-1972, Vol. 33, 1972

27. Vietnamese Studies: Rural Health Work and Disease Prevention, Vol. 34, 1972

28. Vietnamese Studies: Glimpses of U.S. Neo-Colonialism (Vol. III): U.S. Neo-Colonialism in Southeast Asia, Vol. 35, 1972

29. Vietnamese Studies: Donn’ees ethnographiques (Vol. II), Vol. 36, 1973

30. Vietnamese Studies: Huê Past and Present, Vol. 37, 1973

31. Vietnamese Studies: Agricultural Problems (Vol. 4): Agronomical Data, Vol. 38, 1974

32. Vietnamese Studies: Indochina: The 1972-73 Turning-Point, Vol. 39, 1974

Box 2 (131 Publications, 4 sets of photographs/postcards)

Series B: American, Canadian, Cuban, Korean, and Southeast-Asian Publications

1. The Kingdom of Cambodia: The P.N.L.A.F. in Pictures, 1971

2. The Kingdom of Cambodia: Photographs of the Struggle of Students in Phnom-Penh Against the Lon Nol-Son Ngoc Thanh Anti-National, Anti-People and Arch-Criminal “Republic”, 1972

3. The Kingdom of Cambodia: The Leaders of the Khmer Resistance and Members of the Royal Government of National Union in the Interior of Cambodia, 1972

4. The Kingdom of Cambodia: The armed Struggle and Life of the Khmer People in the Liberated Areas in Pictures, 1972

5. The Kingdom of Cambodia National United Front of Kampuchea: Cambodia 1972 by Mr. Leng Sary

6. Documents: publiés à l’occasion de la Journée Nationale de 23 Mars, 1971

7. Cambodia: CIA Role in Sihanouk’s Ouster by Richard A. Fineberg, April 6, 1972

8. Le Cambodge (Prince Sihanouk) et le Non-Alignement, June 27, 1972

9. Portrait de Son Ngoc Thanh: “Premier Ministre” du “Gouvernement de Phnompenh”, 1972

10. Kingdom of Cambodia National United Front of Kampuchea: The Heroic Struggle of the Cambodian People against U.S. Aggression and the Traitors, 1974

11. Royaume Du Cambodge Front Uni National Du Kampuchea: “Chenla 2” Ou La Faillite De La “Khmerisation” De La Guerre D’Agression de L’Imperialisme Americain Au Cambodge, 1972

12. Prince Norodom of Cambodia Talks to Americans (September-October 1970), 1970

13. Royaume Du Cambodge Front Uni National Du Kampuchea: Declaration Des Intellectuels Patriotes,1972

14. Great Victory of the Cambodia People: Warmly Congratulating the Patriotic Cambodian Armed Forces and People on the Liberation of Phnom Penh and All Cambodia, 1975

15. The Kingdom of Cambodia National United Front of Kampuchea: Statement of the Royal Government of National Union of Cambodia at the end of the National Congress, July 19-21, 1973

16. Portrait de Son Ngoc Thanh: “PrimierMinistre” du “Government” de Phnompenh, 1972

17. Royaume Du Cambodge Front Uni National Du Kampuchea: Les Femmes Cambodgiennes dans La Guerre Revolutionaire de Liberation Nationale et Populaire, 1973

18. Peoples of Indochinese Countries in League against U.S. Aggression, 1970

19. The Inventor of Twig-Tiggered Mines: A Narrative, 1970

20. U.S. Imperialists’ Policy in South Vietnam, 1967 (2 copies)

21. Hon Dat: Prize Nguyen Dinh Chieu of Literature and Art of South Viet Nam, 1960-1965

22. They Work and Fight: Viet Nam Federation of Trade-Unions

23. Against U.S. Aggression: Main Documents of the National Assembly of the D.R.V. 3rd Legislature – 2nd Session,1966

24. Glimpses of Vietnamese Classical Literature, 1972

25. The NFL of South Vietnam: The Only Genuine and Legal Representative of the South Vietnam People, 1965 (2 copies)

26. 25 Years of National Struggle and Construction by Pham Van Dong, 1970

27. Ten Prodigious Years, 1971

28. On the 17th Parallel, 1965 (2 copies)

29. 20 Years’ Development of Education in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam by Nguyên Khành Toán, 1965

30. The Vietnamese Problem by Luu Quy Ky, 1967

31. Let Us Hold Aloft the Banner of Independence and Peace, 1965

32. Vietnamese Intellectuals Against U.S. Aggression, 1966

33. History of the August Revolution, 1972

34. President Ho-Chi-Minh: Beloved Leader of the Vietnamese People by Tru’ò’ng-Chinh, 1966

35. Crimes Perpetrated by the US Imperialists and Henchmen Against South Viet Nam Women and Children, 1968 (2 copies)

36. The Vietnamese Revolution: Fundamental Problems Essential Tasks by Le Duan, 1970 & 1973 editions (2 copies)

37. The Mountain Trail Stories, 1970 (2 copies)

38. American Use of War Gases and World Public Opinion, 1966

39. Women of Vietnam, 1972

40. Forward Along the Path Charted by Karl Marx by Truòng-Chinh, 1969 & 1973 editions (2 copies)

41. Vietnam: A Sketch, 1971

42. Forward! Final Victory Will Be Ours!: D.R.V.N. Government Report at the National Assembly (Third Legislature, Fourth Session – May 24, 1968), 1968

43. The Vietnamese People on the Road to Victory by Lieutenant-General Nguyen Van Vinh, 1966

44. Face aux bombes, 1969

45. Sud Viet Nam 64: etudes vietnamiennes, 1964

46. Vietnamese Women’s Progress through Figures: From the 3rd National Women’s Congress, March 1961, to the 4th National Women’s Congress, March 1974

47. Joint Declaration of Summit Conference of Indochinese Peoples, 1970

48. The Ivory Comb, 1968 (2 copies)

49. To Arm the Revolutionary Masses, To Built the People’s Army by General Vo Nguyen Giap, 1975

50. President Ho Chi Minh Answers President L.B. Johnson, 1967

51. Support the People of Viet Nam, Defeat U.S. Aggressors I, 1965

52. Support the People of Viet Nam, Defeat U.S. Aggressors II, 1965

53. Support the People of Viet Nam, Defeat U.S. Aggressors III, 1965

54. Support the People of Viet Nam, Defeat U.S. Aggressors IV, 1965

55. Escalation War and Songs About Peace, 1965

56. La Fleur Sauvage, 1969

57. The Thiêu Regime Put to the Test 1973-1975, 1975

58. Depuis Poèmes by Tô Hûu, 1968

59. Coup After Coup in Saigon, 1964

60. Offensive Against Poverty and Backwardness,1963

61. North Vietnamese Medicine Facing the Trial of War, 1967

62. Vietnamese and Teaching in Vietnamese in D.R.V.N. Universities, 1968

63. The American Crime of Genocide in South Viet Nam, 1968

64. On the Socialist Revolution of Viet Nam by Le Duan, Vol. II, 1965

65. On the Socialist Revolution of Viet Nam by Le Duan, Vol. III, 1967

66. Bases for a Settlement of the Viet Nam Problem, 1971

67. XVth Anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam 1945-1960

68. The Indochinese Peoples Will Win, 1970

69. In Thieu’s Prisons (Testimony), 1973

70. The Narrow Strip of Land by Tran Mai Nam, 1969

71. Political Programme of the South Vietnam National Front for Liberation, 1967

72. On the Co-Existence of Two Powers in South Viet Nam by Huynh Van Ly, 1973

73. Forward Under the Glorious Banner of the October Revolution by Le Duan, 1969 (2 copies)

74. Profile of an Administration, 1971

75. Some Present Tasks by Le Duan, 1974

76. Glorious Daughters of Viet Nam

77. The Watchmaker of Dien Bien Phu, 1074

78. On Some Present International Problems by Le Duan, 1964

79. Role of the Vietnamese Working class and Tasks of the Trade-Unions at the Present Stage by Le Duan, 1969

80. The Vietnamese People’s Great Victory: Arm Congratulations to the South Vietnamese People on the Liberation of Saigon and All South Viet Nam, 1975

81. The Way He Lived: The Story of Nguyen Van Troi (Told by his widow Phan Thi Quyen) by Tran Dinh Van, 1965 (2 copies)

82. American Crimes in Vietnam, 1966

83. American Aircraft Systematically Attack Dams and Dikes in the D.R.V.N., 1968

84. Return to Dien Bien Phu and Other Stories, 1961

85. Héros et Héroïnes des Forces Armées de Libération de Sud Viet Nam, 1965

86. Miên Nam Viêt-Nam, Pencil Drawings from Vietnamese culture

87. Môt Sô Hình Ành Vê Hô Chû Tich, Picture Photographs from Vietnam

88. Some Aspects of Vietnam, Color Postcards (2 copies)

89. How to Buy a Country by Project Anti-War in Montreal Quebec, 1973

90. Great Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Cause of Asian , African and Latin American Peoples is Invincible by Kim Il Sung, 1952

91. On the Situation of Our Country and Tasks of the League of Korean Youth in Japan by Kim Il Sung, 1974

92. On Creating Revolutionary Literature and Art by Kim Il Sung, 1972

93. Education, Literature and Art Should Contribute to Equipping People with a Revolutionary World Outlook by Kim Il Sung, 1973

94. On Organizing and Waging Armed Struggle Against Japanese Imperialism by Kim Il Sung, 1973

95. Answers to the Questions Raised by the Delegation of the Democratic Youth League of Finland for the “Kansan Uutiset” Central Organ of the Communist Party of Finland by Kim Il Sung, 1969

96. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the Bannerof Freedom and Independence for Our People and the Powerful Weapon of Building Socialism and Communism by Kim Il Sung, 1968

97. The Peoples of the Third World Who Advance Under the Uplifted Banner of Independence Will Certainly Win their Revolutionary Cause by Kim Il Sung, 1974

98. Answers to the Questions Raised by the Delegation of the National Association of Senegalese Journalists by Kim Il Sung, 1974

99. Theses on the Socialist Rural Question in Our Country by Kim Il Sung, 1968

100. Progressive Journalists of the Five Continents, Wield Your Powerful Revolutionary Pen and Sternly Condemn U.S. Imperialism by Kim Il Sung, 1969

101. Answers to the Questions Raised by Secretary-General of Peru-Korea Institute of Culture and Friendship by Kim Il Sung, 1974

102. Let Us Further Consolidate and Develop the Great Successes Achieved in the Building of a Socialist Countryside by Kim Il Sung, 1974

103. Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Fifth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea by Kim Il Sung, 1970

104. The Korean Revolutionaries Must Know Korea Well by Kim Il Sung, 1973

105. To Bring About a Great Revolutionary Upswing in Socialist Construction by Kim Il Sung, 1974

106. On Summing Up of the Implementation of the “Theses on the Socialist Rural Question in Our Country” Set Forth by the Respected and Beloved Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the Future Tasks by Kim Il Sung, 1974

107. Duties of Literature and Arts in Our Revolution by Kim Il Sung, 1972

108. The Historical Experience of the Agrarian Reform in Our Country, 1974

109. Korea: Road to Peaceful Reunification

110. Venceremos: Principles of Unity, 1971

111. Socialism in Cuba by Leo Huberman and Paul M. Sweezy, 1969

112. Laos: A Quarter Century of Grim and Victorious Struggle, No. 1

113. The Escalation of the U.S. War of Aggression in Laos and the Settlement of the Lao Problem, 1970

114. Political Program of the Neo Lao Haksat (Lao Patriotic Front), 1968

115. Nixon’s “Intensified Special War”: A Criminal War Doomed to Fail, 1972 (2 copies)

116. Programme of Action of the Neo Lao Haksat, 1964 (2 copies)

117. Laos and the Victorious Struggle of the Lao People Against U.S. Neo-Colonialism by Phoumi Vongvichit, 1969 (2 copies)

118. In the Liberated Zone of Laos, 1968

119. Memorandum of the Neo Lao Haksat on the Occasion of the 3rd Anniversary of the Signing of the 1962 Geneva Agreements on Laos, 1965

120. Serious Bankruptcy of Nixon Doctrine in Laos by Prince Soupanouvong, 1971

121. The Wood Grouse, 1968

122. The Communist: Theoretical Journal of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1976

Box 3 (45 Publications)

Series C: Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), Karl Marx (1818-1883), Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), Joseph Stalin (1878-1953), the Soviet Union and additional publications concerning communism

1. The International Situation and the Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union by D.T. Shepilov, 1957

2. The Soviet Union and the Berlin Question (Documents), 2nd Series, 1949

3. Falsifiers of History (Historical Survey), 1948

4. Report on Directives of the 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U. for the Sixth Five-Year Plan for the Development of the U.S.S.R. 1956-1960 by N.A. Bulganin, 1956

5. A Curtain of Ignorance: How the American Public Has Been Misinformed about China by Felix Greene, 1964

6. Speech Delivered at a Meeting of Voters of the Stalin Electoral Area Moscow by Joseph Stalin, 1945

7. Stalingrad Diary by Erich Weinert, 1944

8. J.V. Stalin Answers “Pravda” Correspondent’s Questions

9. J.V. Stalin replies to ‘Pravda’ Correspondent on the Atomic Weapon

10. Coal for the People, the Mines for the Miners by John Hatch

11. Is the Red Flag Flying: The Political Economy of the Soviet Union Today by Albert Szymanski, 1979

12. We Will Always Remember Premier Chou En-Lai, 1977

13. The True Story of Ah Q by Lu Hsun, 1973

14. Chinese Warmongering Policy and Hua Kuo-Feng’s Visit to the Balkans, 1978

15. “Pravda” Articles On the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin December 21, 1949 by G.M. Malenkov, V.M. Molotov, L.P. Beria, K.E. Voroshilov, A.I. Mikoyan, 1950

16. Joseph Stalin: A Short Biography by G.F. Alexandrov, M.R. Galaktionov, V.S. Kruzhkov, M.B. Mitin, V.D. Mochalov, P.N. Pospelov, 1951

17. The War of National Liberation, Vol. II by Joseph Stalin, 1943

18. Speech Delivered at an Election Meeting in the Stalin Election District, Moscow by J.V. Stalin, February 9, 1946

19. On the Opposition (1921-27) by J.V. Stalin, 1974

20. Stalin’s Speeches on the American Communist Party Delivered in the American Commission of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communists International, May 6, 1929, and in The Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International on the American Question, May 14, 1929

21. On Organization by J.V. Stalin, 1971

22. The Foundations of Leninism: Lectures Delivered at the Sverdlov University by J.V. Stalin, 1970

23. Marxism and Problems of Linguistics by J.V. Stalin, 1972

24. Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R. by J.V. Stalin, 1972

25. Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, 1848

26. Wages, Price and Profit by Karl Marx, 1970

27. On Marx’s Capital by Frederick Engels, 1940

28. The Wages System: Articles from the Labour Standard by Frederick Engels, 1955

29. A Worker’s Inquiry by Karl Marx, 1973

30. The Civil War in the U.S. by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, 1971

31. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Selected Works: Their Essential Thinking in Philosophy, Political Economy, History, Social Change and Communism by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, 1974

32. Critique of the Gotha Programme by Karl Marx, 1972

33. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Selected Works, Vol. 1, 1969

34. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Selected Works, Vol. 2, 1969

35. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Selected Works, Vol. 3, 1969

36. Comrade Stalin: The Continuer of Lenin’s Great Work by N. Shvernik, 1950

37. Lenin and Stalin: The Great Organizers of the Soviet State by A.Y. Vyshinsky, 1949

38. Imperialism and the Split in Socialism by V. I. Lenin, 1972

39. Against Imperialist War by V. I. Lenin, 1966

40. What the “Friends of the People” are and How they fight the Social-Democrats by V. I. Lenin, 1970

41. The Emancipation of Women: From the Writings of V.I. Lenin with an Appendix, “Lenin on the Woman Question” by Clara Zetkin, 1972

42. Marx Engels Marxism by V. I. Lenin, 1946

43. Lenin Selected Works, Vol. 1, 1970

44. Lenin Selected Works, Vol. 2, 1970

45. Lenin Selected Works, Vol. 3, 1970


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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